《Bleeding Hearts》seven
for erica, who is an intelligent little lady that i greatly admire ❤️
"Who are you and what have you done with Leah?"
I turn around from my locker with a smile on my face, laughing lightly at Brady's shocked expression. He has every right to be honestly because I haven't looked this nice in months, always choosing to wear something comfortable over something fashionable. But after the other day, I have to admit that I've been about 100 times happier.
Kendra dragged me out of bed and took me to a local beauty salon, simply telling the hair stylist to make me look like the opposite of what I was. So she got to work, cutting my hair about four inches and giving me blonde highlights that I've been ogling at for the past two days. To say I was happy was an understatement, and the fact that Kendra payed for all of that only made the moment a million times sweeter. Afterwards we went to Pacsun where I bought a few things, including the Jada dress, sandals and crystal necklace—also thanks to Kendra. All in all, I came to school feeling and looking a lot better than I have in a while and the student body seemed to appreciate it as well as most of them smiled at me or glanced my way when I walked by.
And now, I'm feeling rewarded by the way Brady seems to be admiring me. His eyes trail up and down my body, from my freshly manicured toes to my thin legs to the flowing white dress and then my wavy hair, splayed across my shoulders in a somewhat-lazy fashion. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I tease him, turning around and continuing to empty my locker of my necessary books and binders.
"Maybe I will." Brady exhales, taking out his phone.
"Don't actually do that!" I squeal, giggling as I shove his phone back into his jean pocket. "I'm flattered, Brady but that's a bit weird."
"I'm sorry but you look ..." He sighs, before smiling, "Really pretty."
"Cheese ball," I giggle, playfully punching his lean bicep after I've shut my locker.
"I'm serious though." Brady presses, his eyes boring into mine. "The dress, the hair—it all suits you. And you seem so much happier than before, it's like a new you."
"Thank you," I beam. It's such a relief to here Brady be so proud and supportive of me, especially after how horribly Friday night went for the four of us. I really thought that he wouldn't be speaking to me for a little while, but it's refreshing to know that he doesn't hold grudges like Kendra or Landon. "And yeah, I actually have been! I even picked up songwriting the other night."
Brady raises his eyebrows at that one as I nod gingerly. Singing and songwriting was my undeniable passion before the incident. It was my safe haven, my home when my physical one wasn't too okay. While most girls let their heart outs into diaries I let mine out into lyrics and chords that felt like should belong in place of my bodily organs. After Ford I kind of lost the passion to write and sing until it just went on hiatus for a long time. So now that it's somewhat back I can completely relate to Brady's surprise and only match it with my own excitement.
"Really?" Brady queries in disbelief. "What have you been writing?"
I shrug, feeling the unfamiliar tickle of my hair against my back where my armpits are. "Mostly Ford, to be honest. I feel like it's time for me to let out some of my feelings about him in order for me to fully get over him."
"'Get over him?'" Brady gasps. "Did I actually hear those words slip from Leah Michelle Oberlin's mouth?"
I roll my eyes, still smiling like an idiot. "Yes, you did, but don't tell anyone." I teasingly order him, just as Landon and Kendra join us at my locker.
"Don't tell who what?" Landon queries, looking me up and down and smiling. "Nice, fuzz." Landon compliments, calling me by the nickname he came up for me back when we were kids.
"That Leah wants to get over Ford." Brady easily informs him. "Sorry, Leah." He chuckles when I smack his chest.
"Pacsun and the highlights did all of that?" Kendra scoffs. "We should've done that a year ago."
Landon nods in agreement. "You're telling me, she smelled like shark shit every time I was around her."
"And her hair was always such a mess." Brady pipes up, laughing along with Kendra and Landon when I roll my eyes.
"You guys are seriously so sweet, really." I remark. "Like the compliments have got to stop."
"Ah there's the sarcasm." Landon entraps me in a head lock before giving me a light nuggie—successfully messing up my hair. "I've missed Leah, you know."
"I bet," I giggle, shoving him off of me as we begin our commute towards first period. "You probably just missed not roasting me every chance you got."
"Oh he can still roast you." Brady pipes up from beside Kendra, of whom are both walking behind Landon and I. "As can I."
"You couldn't roast me if you tried." I snickered. "Not with that breath."
"Woah," Landon gasps before laughing, along with Kendra, then myself, and then Brady. "It's official—I've definitely missed Leah."
After ten minutes of quenching thirst, I raise my hand to excuse myself for a drink of water. On my way out I begin to tie my hair into a bun, because no matter how pretty it is nothing can conquer the annoying itchiness it causes on my back. I'm not yet used to wearing it down since I spent a considerate amount of time throwing it up into a ponytail or a bun or a braid—anything to keep it out of my face.
I exit my classroom and head into the hallway, relishing in the calming silence of the halls as my sandals slap against the squeaky clean floors. Today has probably been one of the best days of my life. Throughout the day, people that I haven't spoken to in years have complimented me and attempted to start actual conversations with me, which is a big deal since I made it clear earlier in the year that I wasn't interested in making any new friends. Nonetheless, I interacted and conversed with others like a true socialite, which only increased my mood.
Surprisingly the man in question has yet to cross my mind. Since the incident at my house I've been trying to keep him out of mind, except for songwriting purposes. I know now that he's out of my life for good, he made that extremely clear, so I think it's safe to say that I can focus on other things—on other people. A few guys have complimented me today, and some even asked for my number. Maybe one of them is interested in a Panera date or something, I don't really know anymore since I haven't dated since or before Ford.
Along with feeling pretty and happy, I can't help but feel the breathtaking liberation of my heart that I hadn't expected to feel in quite a while.
Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I find a water fountain down the hall from my class and take full advantage of the vacant area. Leaning down, I drink for as long as I want—or at least until I'm full and my thirst has been quenched. Happy with myself, I turn around to head back to class.
Until I bump into someone very hard.
"Hey sor—"
I almost gasp, covering my mouth on instinct to halt my stupid outburst. "Ford." I breath, swallowing that gasp and clenching my fists down at my sides.
"Leah?" He looks me as if I'm a stranger, and I could do the same. He doesn't look like the Ford I know—the bags under his eyes are much deeper, his hair is uncombed and messy, and his skin looks slightly paler as if lacking in the familiar confident glow that I always admired. Ford looks tired, sad, and hurt all wrapped up into a boy covered in a plain shirt and jeans—not even the Letterman Jacket. "I didn't even really recognize you."
"Ditto." I mutter.
"What," Ford scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "What, um, are you wearing exactly?"
Ford shakes his head, as if he's somehow disappointed in me. "It doesn't look like you. This whole ... attire just isn't your style."
I'm offended but mostly shocked that he has the audacity to say something like that to me. "Excuse me?" I almost hiss because I'm so shocked and angry. "And who are you to know my style? Last time I checked, you were a little too busy taking off my clothes rather than being concerned with me having them on."
"So, what, now I'm a man whore?" Ford chuckles bitterly. "You always did have a way of twisting things up inside of that head of yours, and now you can't even decide who's style to steal, Kendra."
"What gives you the right to talk to me like that, Ford?" I wonder, my voice shaking from how angry and hurt I am. "Oh wait, I know, nothing gives you the right."
Ford raises his hands in mock surrender. "Excuse me for being worried about someone that I care about."
"You fucking hypocrite." I step forward, loosing all traces of a filter and self control as my finger forcefully jabs his chest. "Are you actually going to pretend that Friday night didn't happen? That me worrying about someone that I care about didn't basically ruin me for a night?"
"I left for you." Ford spits, eyes burning like a scorched earth. "Maybe you're too selfish to notice Leah, but I kind of loved you for a good while back and now that I see you dressing like a hooker I can't help but think that maybe that girl turned into a little slut as well."
My hand collides with his cheek just like his words seemed to have done to my heart. Ford stumbled for a moment, clutching his cheek in pain before glancing at me. Tears are spilling down my cheeks now but I ignore them, angrily wiping them away. "Stay the fuck away from me." I murmur, pushing past Ford and heading back to class where I now know that I'll be focusing more on keeping my sobs at bay rather than taking notes.
And to think, this day was going so well
"You're so beautiful."
I smile, slowly opening my eyes to Ford lazily looking down at me, his arms wrapped around my body as his fingers run through my probably greasy brown hair. I push my body closer to his, sinking into his mattress and wrapping us tighter in his white comforter that smells like him—a mixture of mint and fresh laundry. The moment is complete with Ford plants a soft kiss on my forehead, sending a chill down my spine.
"I really mean it Leah," He continues to murmur. "You really are so gorgeous."
"Mm, good morning to you too." I sit up from his warmth and stretch, pushing my arms upwards so that my entire body lengthens, and throw in a tired yawn before sitting normally. "I'm kinda sore."
"After last night I wouldn't expect much less," Ford teasingly murmurs, managing to make my heart beat at a faster rate as the memories of last night come back in bits and pieces. "You were pretty great."
"You're one to talk." I giggle, moving my body so that I'm straddling him in nothing but a bra and underwear—and who knows what he's wearing (if he's even wearing anything). "You did things I've never even heard of."
Ford shrugs, laughing lightly. "I have to keep you on your toes."
"I think there's somewhere else you'd like to keep me." I wiggle my eyebrows like the goof I am, and Ford laughs uproariously—his lean torso shaking and almost causing me to fall.
"And they call me the horny one."
I laugh, pushing back my wavy hair before smiling down at him. "Sorry," I giggle, "The jokes are always funnier when you don't expect them."
"Hm I bet," Before I know what's happening, Ford wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back down onto the bed with him, wrapping me back into him and under the covers. "But anyway," Ford exhales, making the stray hairs around my face flutter and flee. "I have something for you."
I raise my eyebrows, surprised because my birthday was three months ago and it's no where near Christmas or Valentines Day or some other big holiday where you get gifts. "Really?"
Ford nods, an excited smile brightening his face and in turn making me smile as well. He rolls onto his back and reaches somewhere on his side of the bed before coming back to me and showing me a little black box.
"Woah," I breath, quickly sitting up and scooting away from him. "I'm not at all ready for that right now."
"Leah," Ford laughs, sitting up as well. "I'm not proposing, relax."
Relieved, I scoot closer to him. Ford opens the box to reveal a silver ring with a tiny rose gold diamond sitting in the center. I gasp, completely in awe of its beauty and how much it must've cost him because even I know that rose gold doesn't come cheap.
"I will need your hand though." Ford reaches out, taking my small hand in his before gently pushing the ring up onto my corresponding finger. Shakily, Ford speaks, "I know when you think of promise ring it's usually something about sex, but since we both aren't virgins I decided to switch it up. I want this ring to be a promise from me to you that I'll always love you. Like, forever, Leah, because when I think of you and I, all that really comes up is just my idea of forever—us together alone or with little Ford and little Leah running around the house. I just ... I know that I say that I love you and that I want to be with you but I need to show you how much I want it—want you. And I think this does a pretty good job."
To say I'm in awe is an understatement. The ring fits perfectly on my finger, and the way the diamond catches the light has me breathless. I look at Ford, tears clouding my vision as a smile stretches across my face.
"Do you like it?" He breathes.
I lean into him, pressing my lips against his and laughing lightly, "Uh huh," I murmur against his lips as his arms hold me extremely close to him. "I love it, I love you."
"Awesome," Ford laughs, pulling back from the kiss and beginning to wipe the tears from my face with his fingers.
"But aren't I supposed to get you one too?"
Ford simply smiles, letting me know that he's already thought this through. "Leah, you're my promise ring."
a u t h o r s n o t e:
it's such a sad and rainy day here in Ohio that I decided to cheer myself up by updating for you guys ❤️. i hope you enjoyed this chapter since the previous was a little boring—only because it was a filler.
so i know you guys hate ford and i know that i promised that you'd like him soon but i had to have him do this to leah. slut shaming isn't okay, and i wanted to portray that in the story in order to bring out the kick ass Leah that we've all been waiting for.
who likes the new Leah???? i feel like Melissa benoist just got so much prettier with her new do, and the super girl show or whatever really portrays that well.
anyway, be sure to let me know what you think and i'll see you all next time ❤️❤️❤️
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