
"Yeah, they're living the good life

Can't see what he is going through

They're driving fast cars

But they don't know where they're going

In the fast lane, living life without knowing"

"There's no way we're going to pull this off." Ashton, the most sensible of the group warns, as usual.

If Arlo was being honest, her heart was beating out of her chest as she silently agrees with the boy. There wasn't much trouble to get into in their small town unless you hung around the group of drug dealing college dropouts that made their exchanges in the park after dark. This was certainly a step up.

"It's not a felony, we'll be fine." Michael waves off the older boy before sneakily peeking around the corner.

The group of five stands in an alleyway, adrenaline running through their veins from the security guard they had to sneak past in order to even get this far. They weren't even inside yet and Arlo was sure her heart rate was at an astronomical level.

Arlo didn't quite know how Calum, Michael, and Ashton had managed to concoct this plan while they were out. All she really knew was one moment she was preparing to sit down at the desk in the hotel room and go over the boy's contract and the next she was being rushed towards her suitcase and told to get ready.

If she would have known that there was a potential she'd have to run for her life, the girl would have thought twice before settling on a black pair of skintight, knee-high platform boots. The faux leather material was intended to keep her calfs warm, not for her to run a marathon in.

To make matters even worse, she didn't even want to think about the view a security guard might get if she had to run in her rather short black skirt. Originally, she'd paired it with a low-cut white top, but as they were leaving the hotel room Luke's eyes had narrowed on her figure before insisting on wrapping his signature leather jacket around her shoulders.

In reality, Luke felt a possessive need to mark Arlo as his, without actually having time to do so. The boy had been at his witts end all day after seeing the looks she got from the pricks who passed them on the street. Regardless of the fact that her little outfit made his mouth dry, his leather jacket covering her small frame kept him the slightest bit sane, but it still matched.

Luke Hemmings was an asshole about a lot of things, but he would not ruin his girl's outfit.

"Yeah, if we get caught we'll just pretend like we didn't know." Calum shrugs simply as he bends down to tuck the laces of his converse into the side of his shoe, ensuring he wouldn't trip if he had to run.

Luke's hand is intertwined with his girls', keeping her close to combat the slight chill in the air. Unbeknownst to him, the slight chill in her bones was due to pure nerves, not the wind, but his touch comforted her nonetheless.

The blond was used to these kinds of activities, for Calum's parties were just the surface of the boy's mischief. Over the ten or so years that the boys had been best friends, they'd gotten into more trouble than Luke was willing to admit. In fact, Luke almost craved the adrenaline.

"How do you accidentally sneak into a gig? One that's twenty-one and up only, at that?" Ashton asks incredulously, though he was beginning to cave. It had been so long since he'd seen a good band live and the notion that one was right through the door of the alleyway was tempting.


Arlo really wants to point out that they hadn't even discussed what they were going to do about the record deal and how it was already past midnight and they had to be at the recording company building bright and early. She bites her tongue, knowing at this point the boy's minds were set and it'd be no use.

"We'll just say we got lost." Michael shrugs, his eyes cutting around the corner as he watches the security guard in front of the back entrance speak into his radio before walking away, disappearing around the corner. "Nows' our chance, c'mon!" He whispers harshly.

Before Arlo can even process what's happening, Luke tightens his grip on her hand and the group begins moving quickly towards the back door of the venue. Calum reaches the door first, ushering his friends inside as he holds open the door and checks over his shoulder for the security guard.

As soon as everyone is inside, a round of shocked laughter echoes through the group, the boys high-fiving each other because they, a group of eighteen-year-old kids, had managed to sneak into a music venue.

Live music vibrates through the walls, the heat inside of the building hitting them instantly as it radiates in from the packed club. It smells like weed and a little bit like sex, but that alone was exhilarating.

"Holy shit." Ashton holds his hand over his chest, no doubt feeling the fast beating of his heart. "We did it."

"Where the fuck are we?" Michael looks around the room that they landed in, catching the rest of the group's attention.

It seems that the alleyway had led into a backstage area, tons of music equipment and drinks strewn around the room. There were leather couches and wooden tables with questionable substances on them.

"Backstage." Luke answers, lowering his voice. "Let's get out of here before the band gets done performing."

As if his words had manifested the exact scenario they were hoping to avoid, a man dressed in a black t-shirt that reads 'STAFF' on the front walks into the backstage area. The entire group freezes, a gasp getting caught in Arlo's throat as she clings to Luke's hand for dear life.

The man startles as he sees them, though soon his eyes light up in what looks to be relief. "Oh great, I was wondering if you guys were going to bail or not." He easily picks up on the bewildered looks on the faces of all five teens, his brows beginning to furrow. "You guys are X-Static, right? The band slotted to play right now?"

Calum is the first to shake off his shock as he plasters a smile on his face so wide that Luke wonders how he isn't managing to scare the staff member off altogether. "Yup! That's us, Electric!"

Luke sends a sharp elbow into Calum's ribs, causing a wheeze to leave his lips. "Excuse him, his stage fright gets the best of him." Luke grits out what he hopes is a convincing smile. "We're X-Static."

"X-Static, that's us!" Michael jumps in, which in Luke's humble opinion is very unnecessary. "I'm uhh... Marc, our lead singer here is Levi." Michael rambles out of pure nerves as he gestures to each one of his bandmates. "Then our drummer, Avery, and our beloved bassist... Cagle."

At the name that Michael so generously dubbed Ashton with, Luke can't help the laughter that crawls up his throat. This whole situation was so ridiculous and the boy was far too experienced in trouble to be scared in the slightest so really, he thought it was hilarious.


Luke finds the name "Cagle" as well as the appalled look on Calum's face so funny that he literally has to turn and bury his face into Arlo's shoulder. Small puffs of breath leave his lips as he fails to completely hold back his laughter.

The sensation of his breath and lip ring tickling the sensitive skin of Arlo's neck combined with the utterly confused look on the staff member's face causes a giggle to slip past her lips.

The staff member raises a brow. "Okay uh... Marc, Levi, Avery, and Cagle. You have about ten minutes-"

As the confused man repeats Calum's ridiculous fake name once again, the last of Arlo's resolve breaks and so does Luke's, a high-pitched squeaky laugh that she'd never quite heard from the boy before leaving his lips.

Before the staff member can question it, Luke uses the collar of his leather jacket that Arlo wears to bring her lips to his own. He kisses her messily, both of them trying desperately to conceal their laughter.

"Sorry, mate." Luke clears his throat, ignoring the gazes of the rest of his bandmates that had just witnessed him make out with the small girl beside him. "I've gotta go work out some stage fright, excuse us."

And before the man has a chance to respond, Luke snakes his arm around Arlo's waist and hurries the two out of the backstage area, giggles falling from both of their lips. Luke catches sight of an overhead sign that points to a restroom and drags his girl towards the door, quickly locking them inside.

Her cheeks are flushed from laughter and the red-tinted lipgloss she'd swiped on her lips is smeared on her chin from how messily their previous kiss was, only working up Luke even more. His eyes are half-lidded with lust as presses her back flush against the door, talking in the sight of her below him.

"You're really fucking pretty, you know that?" Luke's voice is low, laughter no longer falling from his lips.

He found how tempting she looked caged against the door far from humorous.

Arlo takes her bottom lip between her teeth to suppress the giggles still fighting to surface. "Thank you, Levi."

Something stirs in Arlo's stomach that she's never quite experienced before at the way Luke's eyes darken. A scoff leaves Luke's lips, the noise of displeasure sending a chill down her spine as he wastes no time in hooking his hands under her thighs and lifting her up.

Instinctively, her legs wrap around his torso, just as she'd remembered he liked back in their hotel room. Arlo's head spins as Luke begins walking backward until suddenly, she's placed down on the countertop of the sink.

As Luke ducks down to claim her lips desperately, the cool countertop combating with the heat of her thighs causes the girl to practically tremble in his grasp. Arlo's hands tangle in his short blond waves, eliciting a groan from his lips as she unconsciously tugs at the strands.

"Fuck, Lo." Luke nearly whimpers against her lips. The way the heel of her boots digs deliciously into his back combined with the feeling of her lips is enough to drive him fucking crazy.

In a split second, the overwhelming urge to claim her as his for everyone to see resurfaces from earlier, and he tears his lips away from her own. The feeling of his lip ring against the skin of her neck is new, but Arlo seems to fucking love it.

A gasp leaves Arlo's lips as Luke's lips pucker against her skin, bringing a surge of blood to the surface before his teeth nip at the mark and finally, his tongue cools the slight pain. The poor girl is a mess, her hands clinging to his hair for dear life as her chest heaves.

Suddenly, Luke presses his palm flat against the bottom of her spine, pushing her body until her lower half connects harshly with his torso leaving not an inch of space between them.

"You wanna tell me what my name is, sweetheart?" Luke speaks lowly, dragging his lips up her neck, skimming her jaw until his lips brush her ear. A near whine leaves Arlo's lips as Luke's teeth nick her skin, the stinging sensation somehow transferring straight into pleasure. "Careful what you say, baby."

Arlo swallows thickly, her mouth having run dry. "Luke." She answers instantly.

The slight whine in her tone combined with the desperation rolling off of her in waves is enough to satisfy Luke. "My fuckin' girl." He mutters lowly, pulling away just enough to gaze down at the mess he made of her.

Just as Arlo is sure that she's going to have to beg Luke to do something, he leans down to place one last chaste kiss on her lips before wrapping his arms around her waist and sliding her off of the counter. Her knees are weak as she stands in front of him, her chest heating with warmth as her boy ensures that her skirt is properly covering her before taking her hand.

"I've got a show to play, Lo." Luke smirks down at her, easily seeing how she's still reeling from his touch. "Aren't you excited?"

"Very." Arlo answers honestly as she catches her breath.

Luke leads them out of the bathroom and to the backstage area where the rest of the band stands, taking full advantage of the complimentary alcohol that had been left out for the real band scheduled to perform.

Arlo winces, trying not to think about how much trouble the poor staff member that unintentionally gave five eighteen-year-olds access to bottomless fireball would be in if anyone found out.

"Oh, come on." A tipsy Calum groans as he sees the two approach. Arlo's neck is wrecked, he can see it even in the low lighting. "My poor innocent, Arlo. I can't believe Luke bit you." Calum teases, wrapping his arms around the girl and affectionately stroking her hair.

Luke scowls, snatching the fireball and his girl away from Calum's grip. "Fuck off, Cagle." He narrows his eyes. "How long until we go on? And what are we going to play? Where the hell are we going to get instruments?"

"While you two were...gone." Michael fakes a gag, "We found that X-Static bands instruments in the corner and we're going to play Money and She's Kinda Hot." The red-haired boy explains. "If they want an encore well go to Sex on Fire or Teenage Dream, we're good at those."

"You mean Teenage Dirtbag?" Ashton asks incredulously, snatching the bottle in Michael's hands away from him. "You're smashed if you think we're going to cover Katy Perry. We're punk, mate."

Michael rubs his temples, suddenly regretting not eating more carbs earlier in the day to soak up the alcohol he'd consumed. "Fuck. Yeah, that's what I meant."

"Teenage Dream would be kind of sick." Calum shrugs, before slinging the borrowed bass over his neck. "C'mon, we're a minute late-"

Just as Calum speaks, a voice introducing the band X-Static echoes through the room. All four of the boys scramble towards the stage with instruments hanging haphazardly from their bodies, taking one last swig of liquid courage. They have to walk through the actual club in order to reach the stage, only working against them as they maneuver through the crowded room.

"Stay right here." Luke instructs Arlo as they pass by the bar, sitting her down on the barstool closest to the small stage at the front of the room. "I'll be right back."

Arlo merely smiles, clutching the bottle of fireball that Calum had hastily shoved into her hands. She was so, so happy. The girl wasn't quite sure how she went from reading in her room every Friday night to watching her extremely attractive, otherworldly talented boyfriend play a song he wrote about her in a crowded dive bar, but she certainly wasn't complaining,

Cheers erupt through the bar as the boys take the stage, introducing themselves as X-Static. The mere notion makes Arlo giggle, warmth filling her stomach as alcohol floods her veins.

Suddenly, the barstool next to her becomes occupied by a man looking to be in his early twenties. He has a mustache and wears a floral shirt that reminds Arlo of something straight out of the 70's. "Hey." The man smiles, finding Arlo's clear happiness contagious.

"Hi." Arlo grins, a bit tipsy. "That's my boyfriend." The girl practically beams, pointing at the stage where Luke stands adjusting his mic stand.

"Oh, really?" The man raises a brow, skeptical. She was just a drunk girl at the bar after all.

Though as soon as Luke steps up to the mic, the man is quickly proven wrong. Luke's eyes never leave the tipsy girl on the barstool, a smirk on his face as the screaming of girls in front of him doesn't even register in his brain.

"This one's for my girl." Luke tugs on his lip ring with his teeth, trying not to smile like an idiot at the sight of Arlo looking so utterly content. It made him indescribably happy because he had a feeling he'd made her that way, just as she had to him. "It's called Money."

"Take my money!"

Arlo knew that her best friends were good but wow, every crowd they played for seemed to live for their performance. Their stage presence was undeniable from the way Luke pulled everyone in with his voice to how Michael elevated the live music with his guitar riffs, to how Calum interacted with the crowd, and the way Ashton seemed to multiply the energy.

By the time Money ends, the crowd is eating out of the palm of all four boys' hands. The energy in the room is practically palpable, a certain electricity floating through the air as they begin to transition into She's Kinda Hot.

Although, Luke misses his cue to sing, causing Arlo's eyebrows to furrow.

Suddenly five men looking to be in their late twenties rush onto the stage, all wearing matching shirts that say X-Static. Arlo's jaw drops and she jumps up from the barstool, her feet frozen in place as she watches the boys still in surprise.

The crowd boos in displeasure, clearly not excited about the interruption, which only encourages the angry band members of X-Static to yell words Arlo can't hear.

In a split second, all four of the boys throw the borrowed instruments onto the stage and jump right off, not bothering to wait for the crowd to make way as they flee from the stage. Michael is in the lead, using his elbows to shove through the crowd as Calum follows behind. Ashton is behind him and Luke is the last to jump off of the stage, the blond taking time to flip off the members of X-Static cursing at him.

The boys rush towards her, laughs leaving their lips despite the severity of the situation. As Luke reaches her, he takes Arlo's hands, dragging them through the crowded dive bar. All five of them break for the front door, just barely making it out before the very pissed-off members of X-Static reach them.

The group of five doesn't stop running, not even when they reach the street. The night air is cool compared to the bar, but the alcohol in their veins keeps them warm as they run down the street, stars reflecting off of their eyes.

Excited giggles fill the air and as Arlo clings to Luke's hand, she can't help but feel like she's living in a dream. It was surely nearing two in the morning as the five teenagers run down the streets of New York City, a record deal freshly laid in their laps and all of the success in the world coming their way.

As Luke takes in the sight of his girl, the wind in her dark hair, and the marks from his lips on her neck, he can't help but promise that after experiencing what he just had, he'd never waste a night again.

Not if they all felt like this.

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