"I don't ever wanna let you down
No, I just wanna kiss your lips in the rain
You know I'll pull you closer if you start to drown, drown
And now it's burning my mind
That you left me inside
With your lips and your thighs
You pull them closer to mine"
Arlo wasn't quite sure how to feel.
Her heart sank as soon as she saw the look on Luke's face. Judging by the crease in his brow he knew it was her that had submitted his name for the sponsorship and he didn't seem very happy about it.
On the other hand, the band was doing amazing.
She's Kinda Hot is just ending, the crowd going wild in response. The band had only played one song and it was already clear to everyone listening that they had something special. They outshine every other band in the competition by a hundred miles.
If not for their overall sound and visible appeal, for their lyrics. One of the conditions for the competition was that bands were only permitted to play original songs and it was easy to tell that some of them had just thrown generic lyrics together.
Not 5 Seconds of Summer.
As the intro of The Girl Who Cried Wolf begins to play, it's obvious how Luke feels. His voice is angry and hurt, holding more emotion than anyone else in the audience could even know. But, Arlo hears loud and clear.
As Luke sings the lyrics with more emotion than he ever had before, she knows it's directed at her. She hated to say it but the rasp and strain in his tone made him sound even better.
How crazy is that to say? Even though he was angry at her, his voice was incredible enough for her to put aside her own pain and appreciate its beauty. She had no choice, the way Luke performed was entrancing. Especially with three other equally as talented boys by his side.
As the song progresses Arlo leans against one of the railings backstage, doing her best to calm herself down. She was trying her best to enjoy the performance and give her attention to the boys equally to appreciate all of their hard work, but she couldn't stop thinking of what would happen when it was time for Luke to leave the stage.
What would she say? What was there to say?
"Every time you say to me its over you just wanna start again, It's just lies"
Arlo physically winces as Luke sings the lyric, not missing how his eyes hadn't glanced over to the side of the stage not once. He is focused on interacting with the crowd, his fingers furiously playing the proper chords on his guitar as he hits every note perfectly.
Although the song isn't as upbeat as She's Kinda Hot is, the crowd still seems to be eating out of the palm of the band's hand. Arlo tears her eyes away from Luke to glance at the crowd, finding them hanging onto every single lyric, staring wide-eyed up in awe.
It wasn't often a town this small saw so much talent in person. Not even larger bands toured near here, if you wanted to go to a concert you would have to face at least a four-hour drive to the nearest bigger city
Before she knows it, the song ends and the intro to Money begins. Arlo holds her breath. This is the first time the boys would be playing the song anywhere else besides in Calum's basement. They had no idea how it would sound live.
As soon as Luke's voice begins singing the lyrics into the mic, a slight whine in his tone that unfairly favors him, Arlo knows there's nothing to worry about. In fact, this song seems to be a crowd favorite. Even with the added pain of knowing that this song was written by Luke about her, Arlo forces herself to put the inevitable aside for a couple of minutes to enjoy the last of the performance.
Money fades out and the crowd gives the band a round of applause and screams so loud that Arlo's ears ring. Even though the results wouldn't come in until the next day, everyone present knew without a doubt that 5 Seconds of Summer had won.
The boys quickly run off the stage after saying thank you to the crowd, clearly on an adrenaline high. Ashton reaches Arlo first, picking the girl up and spinning her around. "We did it, Arlo! Did you see that?"
"I did." The girl smiles genuinely, beyond proud of her best friend. "You did amazing, Ash." Not even the sweat coating his body is enough for her to loosen her grip as she hugs him back equally as tight.
"That was so fucking sick!" Michael exclaims, slinging his guitar off of his shoulders and handing it to the stagehand before running over to join them. "I mean that was fucking insanity! Did you hear them? The crowd was so good!"
Calum practically jumps in his place, excitement clear on his face. "I told you guys! I fucking told you starting a band was a good idea!" The boy giggles, wrapping his arms around Ashton, whose arms are still around Arlo.
"Group hug!" Michael shouts, joining his friends.
"You guys are so sweaty." Arlo fakes a gag as the three boys wrap their arms around her, though a smile is plastered on her face.
Calum pulls back, a smirk clear on his face. "That's the smell of hard work and pure rockstar energy, babe, take it in." The tan boy holds up his arm, shoving his armpit in Michael's face, causing the red-haired boy to squeal.
Just as a giggle begins leaving Arlo's lips, a flash of blonde sneaks past the group. Luke strides by without so much as a glance and walks over to the backstage table where the band had laid their personal items before going on to perform.
"I'm taking your car, Calum." Is all Luke says as picks up a set of keys.
The angry boy begins striding away, causing Arlo to quickly wiggle herself out of the other boy's grip. "Luke!" She calls frantically, trying to catch his attention.
Luke freezes, sparing Arlo a single glance before shaking his head and striving off.
The single action is enough for Arlo to freeze in her spot, her feet rooted to the ground, unable to follow after him. Her lips part in shock, a pang of hurt running through her chest as she watches Luke exit the backstage area. He shakes off every single person who congratulates him and makes a point not to pass the sponsorship banner as he leaves.
Arlo watches helplessly as Luke throws himself into Calum's mustang, clearly angry. The car rumbles loudly as it starts before pulling away from the curb and disappearing down the street.
A hand is suddenly laid on her shoulder "Don't take it personal, Abbs" Calum says gently. "I know you meant well. Luke is just... embarrassed. He doesn't like for people to help him, especially not people he cares about."
Arlo gulps, her eyes finding the confused faces of Michael and Ashton. They had no idea about the real reasoning behind their sponsorship.
"You're not upset at me?" Arlo asks hesitantly, almost fearful for his response. "Calum, he's going to know that you were the one who told me. It's the only way I could have known."
Calum shakes his head and slings his arm around the girl's shoulder, beginning to lead their group away from the stage to give the next band space to prepare. "It's not as bad as you think it is." He reassures you. "Trust me, if anyone else had to know I'd want it to be you."
"Me?" Arlo gapes.
"Duh." Calum rolls his eyes playfully, trying to cheer up the girl. He had a feeling when Luke's anger passed he would feel like shit if he caused Arlo any emotional turmoil. "He cares about you, he just doesn't know how to show it."
"Guys... we're gonna go grab something to eat before that afterparty that's supposed to happen down the street." Ashton hesitantly interrupts, his eyes scanning over Arlo to make sure she's okay. They had been best friends for years now and he could read her better than anyone. "Unless you need us to stay? You okay, Arlo?"
"I'm good." She shakes her head instantly, forcing a smile. Everything was already complicated enough, she didn't have the energy to explain to the other boys why Luke was upset too. "You guys go ahead."
"Make sure you two eat before going to the afterparty." Michael reminds them. "You need something to soak up the alcohol."
After promising the other two that they'd make sure to eat and meet up again before leaving for the afterparty, Arlo and Calum are finally alone. She picks at her nails nervously as Calum checks his phone, looking for any messages from Luke.
"I need to go check on him." Arlo says frantically, a million different scenarios running through her mind. "He barely had anything to drink and that was hours ago but he was upset and it looks like it may rain."
"Arlo... I don't know." Calum winces. Although he was Luke's best friend, the blonde had never had any sort of relationship before and Calum wasn't sure how he would react to this kind of thing. All Calum really knew is that when he made Luke mad, the boy would disappear for a few days and then come around on his own when he was ready.
"Please, Cal?" Arlo pleads. "Do you think he would be at the bookstore? I just need to know that he got home okay."
Calum exhales, running a hand through his dark hair. "Yeah, he'd be there for sure." He takes his lip between his teeth, latching onto the flesh nervously. "Do you want me to walk you there?"
Arlo shakes her head. "I'll be fine."
This was something she needed to do on her own. Plus, she and Luke had walked from the bookstore to the park only a few weeks before and it was less than five minutes to get there. Although it was dark, the route she needed to take went through the well-lit, safer part of town.
"Just be careful, okay? Call me if you need anything." Calum says hesitantly, a little wary of letting the girl go by herself even if it was pretty safe on this side of town.
"I will." Arlo reassures him, pulling Calum into a quick hug. "Thank you so much."
Calum merely waves her off with a shy smile on his face, leaving Arlo to set off for the bookstore on her own. Her heart is steadily rising in her throat as she makes her way out of the park and onto the town streets.
As eager as she is to make sure Luke is okay, the girl also finds herself slowing her steps every few moments. She still had no idea what the hell she would say to him. Arlo knew that she cared for Luke in a different way than she'd ever felt for anyone else before and she knew she didn't regret helping him.
Arlo can just barely see the bookstore in the distance when it begins to drizzle rain. She's so in her own head that she doesn't even notice the water falling from the sky, continuing on down the road. The lights of the bookstore are on, she can see a warm glow from the other side of the curtains.
A lightning strike lights up the sky a few miles away, causing Arlo to jump in surprise. If she wasn't already anxious enough about seeing Luke, she now had to worry about getting caught in a storm with no ride. Quickly, she approaches the bookstore and knocks on the door.
She knocks twice and waits thirty seconds, but there's no answer.
Arlo exhales shakily. She knows Luke is here, she can clearly see Calum's mustang parked on the curb in front of the shop.
"Luke please just talk to me." Her voice is pleading as she speaks to the door, hoping he can hear her somehow. "Just let me explain, I promise I had a reason."
Luke Hemmings stands inside his bookstore with his back to the door. He pinches his eyes shut at the tone of her voice. Her usually cheerful tone is drenched in nerves and slight hurt and it chips away at his resolve faster than he ever could have imagined.
"I'm not going to judge you if that's what you're worried about." Arlo continues speaking to the door in-between them, completely unaware Luke is on the other side of the wood listening. "I'd never judge you. This isn't something to be embarrassed about Luke, I promise. I-" She stutters at a loss for words. "I think you're incredibly strong, really. I just wanted to help and-"
Luke's heart beats in his ears as he hears her voice pause. His hand is hovering over the doorknob yet he can't bring himself to open it.
"I may be delusional for showing up here." Arlo continues after a couple of beats of silence, her voice shaky. "But I know what I feel for you is special, Luke. I don't know if you feel the same way as I do, but I really think you do." She admits hesitantly. "And if you feel the same way I do, then I know you know how it feels to just want the person you care about to be okay."
Luke's throat feels tight and he squeezes his eyes shut. He'd never felt this much pure emotion before, It almost made him sick to his stomach, in fact. The nature of her words is almost too much.
"If you don't want to open the door that's fine." Arlo's voice cracks with emotion as she prepares herself to say her next words. "If you can't forgive me for what I did that's fine. Keep the door closed and I'll walk away and I won't come back. I'll leave you alone, I swear."
It begins to pour torrentially. The rain comes down so hard that the street becomes soaked in seconds. Arlo takes a step closer to the door, huddling under the awning to escape the rain.
She swallows thickly, her eyes brimming with tears at the overwhelming surge of emotions she feels for finally saying the words she's kept in the deepest parts of her mind and heart for weeks now.
"If you open the door, I'm yours." Arlo says shakily.
As soon as the words leave her lips, she feels as if a weight is lifted off of her shoulders and a pit settles in her stomach all at once. It felt so incredibly relieving to finally put everything out there, but the girl was literally talking to a wall and that was nerve-wracking enough.
Her stomach drops as a minute passes with no answer. With tears brimming her eyes, she nods to herself and swallows down the rejection. After one last lingering glance at the bookstore, Arlo backs away from the door.
The rain soaks her as soon as she steps out from under the awning. Arlo can't even find it in her to care how her hair is being plastered to her skin and her clothes are becoming sopping wet, sticking uncomfortably to her body as she begins walking down the street.
The rain is coming down so hard that she doesn't even know she's crying, her mascara pooling under her eyes as she wraps her arms around her body desperately looking for comfort. She doesn't even have her phone, she'd completely forgotten that she handed it to Ashton to hold earlier considering her tight skirt didn't have pockets.
A gasp leaves her lips, her body going rigid as the girl spins around at the sound of her name being called. Arlo's eyes go wide at the sight of Luke standing a few feet away.
The blonde is soaked from the rain as well, his wavy hair plastered to his forehead, raindrops dripping from his eyelashes. The white shirt he'd worn to the performance has become almost transparent due to the water soaking it, causing his tan skin to peek through.
The two teenagers stand in front of each other, mere feet in-between them. It's undeniable, the way their heartbeats speed up impossibly fast as the tension of the moment settles.
Luke opens his mouth to speak, only to shut his lips and shake his head. "Fuck it." He mumbles under his breath.
In two steps Luke manages to close the gap between them. His hands cup Arlo's jaw, his eyes quickly searching for any sign of hesitance on her face. One of his hands travels down to the bottom of her spine, applying just enough pressure to press her body against his own before he finally brings his lips to hers.
A gasp leaves Arlo at the feeling of Luke's lips on her own, setting her veins alight and sending her heart dropping straight to her stomach. Luke swallows the sound quickly, extinguishing it with the way he traces over her bottom lip with his tongue before pulling her closer.
The rain falls around them, soaking their skin and causing a chill to settle in their bones. Although, the nature of the kiss is enough to keep them warm. Especially, considering Luke's chest is molded perfectly with Arlo's, their bodies slotting together perfectly as Arlo pushes herself up onto her tiptoes to kiss him deeper.
A groan leaves his lips at the feeling. It feels so right, his mind spinning so fast that he can't quite believe that he's finally kissing her. Reluctantly, Luke pulls back and rests his forehead against her own, their chests heaving with ragged breaths.
He looks into her eyes as her small hands fist the fabric of his shirt for support. "I opened the door."
Arlo swallows, the pure intensity of the situation threatening to cause her knees to give out altogether. "You did."
Luke swallows, his eyes moving to her lips once again. She was so fucking addicting and he'd barely even gotten a taste. "Did you mean what you said? All of it?"
"Always." She responds instantly, her own eyes lingering on Luke's lips as well.
The only other time she'd kissed someone had been a few years ago when she and Ashton didn't quite know their feelings were platonic. That one awkward kiss was nothing in comparison to what she'd just shared with Luke.
Luke's eyes darken, rain dripping from his eyelashes and rolling down his cheeks in small droplets. "Then you're mine?"
Arlo's breath quickens at his words and the way his lips are already lingering towards hers once again. "I'm yours." She assures him, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Fuck." Luke curses under his breath, his large hand finding her jaw as he brings his lips back to hers. Arlo responds eagerly, desperately doing her best to keep up with Luke's lust-fueled pace as he savors the taste of her lips to the best of his ability
Thunder rumbles in the distance, causing Luke to reluctantly pull away. His eyes trail from her soaked clothes to the way her hair is plastered against her skin, water droplets dripping from the ends of her hair.
Luke clears his throat, doing his best to act normal when he feels as though his entire fucking life changed as soon as he pressed his lips to her own. "Let's go get cleaned up, yeah?"
- In Serial650 Chapters
The Power of Ten: Book One: Sama Rantha, and Book Two: The Far Future
(Author's Note: If you're wondering about the views, it's +1.8 million more on Webnovel, its original home. Updated daily starting Dec. 26, 2018, and continued with Book Three.) Some time ago, a planes-traveling archmage made up a video game to train some people on the planet Earth for the catastrophe he knew was coming. That game was the Power of Ten. The gods seized this opportunity to take the templates of some of those characters, and even their souls, for use in other worlds, and other realms. Sama Rantha is one of those characters, and is going to find out that being a Hagchild and having to survive after your Hag Curse fails to murder you at birth is much, much less fun than setting it as your Race at level One on a gamescreen. Join Sama Rantha on her Road to Ten, and letting her Hagmother know exactly what she thinks of her... ------ Warning: This book starts with a HARD OPEN! It was written as an extension of other stories that have not made it onto the Internet yet for National Novel Writing Month in Nov/2018. Book One/Sama Rantha: A traditionalist LitRPG in the fantasy world vein. The beginning chapters will be heavy with gaming terms and the supporting math as Sama exploits the rules as much as possible, minmaxing her heart out to get one up on the world trying to kill her. The math and rules lawyering tapers off, but are never eliminated, as Sama is going to do everything she can to exploit the rules of reality here and not die, while making sure those responsible for this get exactly what is coming to them... ------ Book Two, The Far Future (starting Ch. 286): The Warp, the final frontier; in the grim darkness of a galaxy far far away, there came a hagchild...QX! Sci-fi/Fantasy/psionics mashup, grimbright clashing with grimdark! Sama is sent into a setting she'd rather not be in, but the heart of a powergamer never says no, even in the crapsack galaxy of the Tellurian Empire. BOOK TWO IS COMPLETE WITH 357 CHAPTERS AS OF 9/2020. ----------- Book Three (updating daily): The Human Race (next Book!) - Urban Fantasy world. Three Power of Ten gamers come together in a world under the Shroud of the Cancer of Death. Whatever might happen when they do, and what might they find there? Book Three is complete with 500 chapters: right here. Book Four: Power of Ten is dumped into the Marvel Universe. Surely there'll be no changes to canon when that happens? A Fanfiction variant, with teeth! Dynamo The Original Sama Stories: Being posted at: over in this location. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Discord link: in zis location is always up if I'm online. Patreon for my supporters! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=25742531
8 786 - In Serial26 Chapters
Ilhen's Seventh Deathtrap — A Fantasy Adventure Tale
A trail of clues... a political conspiracy... Enzo and Leonardo are renowned adventurers who specialize in Rare & Esoteric Artifact Recovery. With their guild on the brink of bankruptcy, they embark on a quest to locate Ilhen's Seventh — a legendary deathtrap brimming with occult treasures. But complications abound. Rival adventurers are also on the hunt, and Enzo suspects they're being followed by the Empress' shadowy spy ring, the Black Cabal. And worse, Ilhen's Seventh is not what it seems. As they race to solve a trail of cryptic clues, they are drawn unknowingly into a sinister conspiracy... For fans of THE LIES OF LOCKE LAMORA — or fans of attunement spires, bewitched libraries, floating academies, mad dukes, forged art, clever disguises, enchanted swords, eldritch sea monsters, vengeful gods, & much more! Any support/encouragement/feedback is greatly appreciated. Release schedule: Daily until complete
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Two Brothers
DOING A FULL REWRITE. Two brothers return home from a long day of work to be transported to a diferent world because of a tear in space and time. followed by their loyal dog they must hunt and find resources to survive the upcoming winter, fight monsters that try to eat them and other problems along the way, since this world is nothing like Earth. Disclaimer: English is not my first language.
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SWTOR: The Alpha Legacy - 'Sides'
This is the 27th Epic Story in the Alpha Legacy Series. It’s been a year since the galaxy felt the sting of the Inferno virus. The Galaxy still reels from the devastation. Though the shadowy ‘Organization’ responsible for the Inferno Virus has been defeated, they are not vanquished. Vestiges of the remnants of the ‘Organization’ still exist in every sector of business and government galaxy wide. Threatening to reorganize and to reemerge stronger. Galactic War has been renewed with the invasion of the Sith Empire on the former Jedi Enclave of Ossus and incursion back into Republic Territory. Both major factions heading back to war, the galaxy stands still as the Sith Empire and the Republic solidify holds on their current territory. And a power struggle emerges within the Empire with the death of Empress Acina and the unexplained resurrection of Darth Malgus. With the Alliances formed during the time of the Eternal Empire dissolving; the heroes must decide which side they will fall on. It is a time of uncertainty. Mirial has reapplied for membership within the Republic with the end of their Civil War. And Karolin will be forced to make a choice. Mrysti’s disappearance throws the lineage of the De’nabre into question. The spoils of the Civil War must be safeguarded; technology acquired from the Generational Mirialans who started the Civil War, secured. Hard choices all around. And those making them will not always have the time to explain what it is they have to do. Some will be left behind to decide for themselves which way they will fall as the search for answers continues. And others struggle to return to the life they once knew and stop those who threaten to change the galaxy forever. New Heroes emerge on all sides. New Villains, join old ones as new technology gives them an edge in their quest to bring about a change in regime. And affect the balance of power between the two major sides in the growing galactic conflict.
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Grand Defender
New chapter every two days or so A story of bite-sized chapters that follows the life of a Defender, a soul summoned to defend the ancient lands. Our protagonist faces harsh challenges as they get summoned to an unpopulated land with nothing to their name, not even their own name, as it was stolen by the System, and fight against the never-ending problems that surrounds them, such as climate, monsters, and loneliness! This is my first, ever, story. Any criticism will be delightfully accepted. Also, the main protagonist will be given neither gender nor appearance. You can Imagine them as you prefer.
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There's a Time for Love
Pricefield fluffIdek Enjoy
8 85