《The Holiday Homework |Christmas Book |》t w e n t y


"Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue

I'll wait up for you dear, Santa baby

and hurry down the chimney tonight."

Sarah, Juliet and Jessica sang along with the song being played as Sarah drove down the streets. We were going Christmas shopping, that meant buying Christmas presents.

I'm still clueless about what to buy but I had an entire day to find something. Hopefully what I pickup sensible presents.

Before we left, Jessica told me that the shopping is to last for almost the entire day. I never thought buying presents would take an entire day but Jessica told me that it's not really that easy to find the right gift for everyone.

So is Christmas shopping that difficult?

Well, it might be when you don't know the likes and dislikes of individuals.

Well, then good luck to me.

I looked out my window and listened to the medley the ladies in the car were singing to.

Last evening, Jasper and I had a good long talk. We laughed over things that we did as immature teenagers. I thought of Jasper to never climb out of the balcony for a party but that's how he went to his first party.

He also mentioned how he loved to wear Christmas sweaters as the days got closer to Christmas. Would it be alright if I bought him one of that? Would it be a good present?

I felt the car slow down and when I came out of my thoughts I found Sarah pulling into a parking lot of the shopping centre we were going in to. She parked the car and all of us got out of the car.

We walked towards the centre and when we walked in, I was welcomed with the smell of fresh coffee.

"Can we start our shopping day with some coffee mommy?" Jessica asked and Sarah chuckled. "Yeah, we can." She nods.

There was a Starbucks counter on our right, Sarah ordered for a hot chocolate for Jessica even though she wanted coffee, she got herself an Americano, Juliet ordered a caramel latte and I took a medium white chocolate mocha.

After three minutes we got all our drinks and we stepped out of the shop and stood in a circle.

"You'll be on your own right, Juliet?" Juliet nodded her head. "What about you darling, would you like to shop alone or you need company? I mean nobody needs to know what you bought for them right?" I chuckle. "I'll be fine alone." I politely reply.

"What about me, mom?" Sarah turned to the ten-year-old. "Well, honey, not yet for you since you're still small. You're shopping with me." Jessica frowned and looked away.

"Alright, Juliet I want you to meet up with Holly at one and meet us at the pizza shop or Shake Shack, where we usually eat at." Juliet nods and looks at me. "We'll be there." Juliet says.

"Good then. Happy shopping!" She exclaimed and pulled Jessica along with her.

"Since you're new here, you might lose your way here." Juliet spoke as we walked the other way towards an information desk. She reached for a folded paper that was stacked on the side and handed it to me. "Here's a map that should guide you around." I take it and thank her.

"Give me a call around quarter to one and I'll fix a place where we could meet up at." I nod.

"Do you have cash or something-" "Don't worry, I have." I smile.


"Okay then, enjoy." she tells me and walked into a nearby store. I looked down at the map that Juliet had handed me. I went through the list of all the stores the place had. I let out a sigh and walked in the direction of Primark.

Checking out all the stores on the way, I couldn't help but wonder again what I should really buy. I pull my phone out quickly dial Emma up.

"Hello my darling." she greets me with her chirpy voice.

"Oh thank God! I thought you would be asleep." I exclaim. "Well, I'm not you. I'm an early bird." she praised herself. "So tell me, Ms Winters, how may I help you?" she asked me.

"You know, I sometimes wonder where my last name came from!" she chuckled. "Well, the irony and you don't like much of it except for the sweaters because it's comfy," she tells me. "Exactly!" she laughed.

"What's up?" she asked.

"I'm at a mall for Christmas shopping with a credit card but I have no idea as to what I should buy! Emma, I'm lost!" I exclaim again.

"Calm a little, will you. Let me think." she says and there is silence between us. "You're not shopping with Jasper or anything right?"

"He's at home and the ladies are out for shopping but I'm currently alone." I tell her.

"Right, you have even one idea for anyone?" she asks me.

"I don't know, Jasper told me about this thing that he likes Christmas sweaters or sweater or jumpers in general," I reply.

I came in front of Nordstrom but I wasn't very sure if I wanted to go in there but I stopped walking and waited for Emma to reply.

"For the girls, you could pick up watches, tops or clothes in general. I would totally love a winter overcoat." she begins to say. "For the men, a shirt, watches or you know the thing that is umm put on the cuffs, they look really pretty." She explains.

"Cufflinks I guess, but I got what you meant. They sound like a good gift for Peter." I agree.

"And for the four-year-old, what's his name?" She asked.


"Right, go to Toys R Us and find some quality stuff there. Buying clothes for growing children is a waste. You'll get great stuff there." She tells me.

"Fine. If you're not busy or anything can we talk on Skype or something while I shop here?" I heard her chuckle. "Sure, I'm home alone anyway," she tells me.

"Why is that?" I ask as I step into Nordstrom to check some items in there for any gift.

"Everyone's gone to this place nearby for breakfast and I decided to stay in since I don't want to be anywhere near that brother of mine." I could hear the annoyance in her voice. "Just imagine all the girl he might have trapped and taken advantage of when they're drunk!"

"Well, they all are like that besides that's all they think of. They need a victory in the end and they will do anything to be the victor." I say as I checked out some denim jackets.

"You have a point there. Anyway, I'm keeping the phone now and calling you on Skype okay." She says and ends the call.

I walked over to where they had the bags on display. I've always loved Kate Spade products, they looked totally worth buying.


I reached for one of the pastel blue bags and checked it out. I felt my buzz and I knew that it was Emma who was calling. I answered the call and continued to check the bag out.

"So, found anything?" I heard her ask.

"I just found this pastel blue bag, it's pretty gorgeous," I say.

"Who is it by?" She asks.

"Kate Spades." I heard her chuckle. "The ones that you can't resist." She comments.

"I was thinking of getting something from here as in maybe for Jessica since she's almost a teenager. She behaves like one." I tell her and check some more bags that were in front of me.

I ended up taking a couple of things from Nordstrom and I got them gift wrapped. Emma and I were constantly on the phone, we were keeping each other company. Emma told me how she tried to work on an essay but her mind kept telling her to run downstairs and make a quick microwave cake to eat. She told me about what her parents were thinking of in terms of both their children.

She might be moving for good to California but then again, it depends on her since Eliot wants to be there as well.

Admiring at the amazing male mannequins that were standing by the entrance of the store I was about to walk into. Just as I was about to step in, my phone starts to ring. I step out and answer the call I was receiving from Juliet.

I noticed that it was quarter to one so I told her that we would meet up where we were in the beginning so that we could go and have our shopping bags be in the trunk of the car.

I managed to walk as fast as I could to where we were to meet. On the way, I found two stores that had some lovely Christmas sweaters displayed on their window. I took a note of where it was and then after lunch, I would come back and pick one or two of them for Jasper.

I came in front of Victoria's Secret as well and they were having their winter sale. I'm sure to find some time out of the shopping I have to do to pick something up from Victoria's. I checked out the rush at Forever 21 and a thought came to my mind about getting little gifts as Emma mentioned from there.

After a quick five minute walk, I finally met Juliet. We went and kept the shopping bags in the car and then came back in to meet Sarah and Jessica at Shake Shack.

Our lunch was for almost thirty minutes and then after that, we continued to shop. I bought myself some milkshake to sip along while I did the rest of the shopping. I took a visit to the Apple store and got a pair Beats Headphones, bought some adorable sweaters that Jasper loves to wear.

Usually, whenever I swiped my credit card at any place, I never felt anything. Yes, if I purchased something, I would feel guilty for buying it on my card because I would a call within twenty-four hours from my father about the expensive purchase. Today, I really did not care about what he might say. I was happy and I wanted to go all the way out to buy presents for everyone. I sound like as if I just got my first earning.


It was almost five in the evening when we were finally done with our Christmas shopping and I could tell you that I needed a foot spa for I am officially tired.

The four of us were very silent on our drive back to the house since everybody was really tired. Jessica was fast asleep beside me. I leaned my head against the window and watched each car go past us, counted the street lights just keep me awake.

Bad idea.

Counting sheep makes me sleep.

Sarah pulled into the driveway and stopped the car. I woke Jessica up and we got out of the car and took our shopping bags and slowly walked towards the house. Jessica rang the bell and Peter answered the door.

Peter took some of the bags from Sarah and the bags that Jessica held and took it up to their room. The twins helped Juliet to get the bags up to her room. Jasper took some of the bags from my hand and we climbed the stairs and walked to my room.

He opened the door of my room and switched on the lights. He went and placed all the bags he held next to the chest of drawers. I placed the bags in my hand beside my nightstand and I turned to see Jasper standing there.

"How was it?" he asks me.

"I never knew Christmas shopping would be so hectic." I plopped myself on the bed.

"It becomes hectic when you go in the last minute to shop for Christmas presents." he sat beside me. "But what I want to know is if you enjoyed it?" I look at him.

"Except for the long hours of walking and aching foot?" he chuckled. "It was a nice experience to be quiet honest. I never really liked to go shopping but I felt nice to go buy some presents." I smile and say.

"That's nice to hear." he says.

"And it's during such shopping that you see and get yourself something." he pointed to the pink bag of Victoria's Secrets.

"Why do guys think only that one thing when they see Victoria's Secrets?" I ask him.

"It's just the way they are advertised maybe?" he looked at me. "Don't blame it all on us." I chuckle and look at him with a smirk.

Our face was pretty close to each other. For a second I thought we would kiss, my heart was beating really fast and I wasn't sure of what it would be if we kissed right now. His lips were just perfect to be kissed but I got rid of that thought when he pulled away.

"Why don't you uh..freshen up. After that come downstairs because we're having some pizza along with a movie." I nod and he got up from the bed and walked towards the door.

The minute he stepped out and closed the door behind him, I let out a sigh.

I wanted to kiss him but at the same time, I felt that it's best to not have because I did not want this to be a winter fling that will be forgotten like a summer fling.

I got up from the bed, took some clothes to wear and walked into the bathroom to freshen up and then join everybody downstairs for the night.--

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