《The Holiday Homework |Christmas Book |》t h r e e
A day that you totally wait for. A day that you can stay up all night and not have to wake up early the next day. Also, an evening where if you have alcohol buddies you go out clubbing and get drunk.
And me?
I'm sitting on my bed and getting hit by an endless number of clothes.
"Tell me what to wear, Holly!" She yelled at me for the fifth time.
Over a year of not dating and I hardly remember anything of dressing up for impressing the date. Emma was literally pulling every fabric she owned in that little cupboard of hers.
The day she waited for a year is officially here and Ryan being a gentleman for his very first date with Emma, he decided to pick her up from here.
Ever since she got back from her classes, all she could do is get excited and stand clueless in front of that cupboard of hers.
"Why not wear the floral winter top you picked up the other day?" I suggest seeing how frustrated she was. "As much as I want to wear that, I can't. It's floral!" She sighs and sat next to me.
Till yesterday she adored florals and today? I let out a sigh and then stared down at all the clothes that lay on her bed and on mine. I got up and picked a few of them and I saw a striped t-shirt. An idea clicked in and I picked her blue jeans and an overcoat.
"Here, wear this." I gave her the clothes.
"How did your mind work this out?" she asked me with a small smirk. "Before you get me more annoyed with your date, just go and get ready." I point her to the bathroom, she giggled before she closed the door of the bathroom.
I lay on my bed because practically this is how my Friday nights were if there were no games to cheer for nor were any invites got any parties. Just when I thought my life was boring, I heard my phone ring to announce a new message that I have received.
I pick my phone, slide across the screen and put in my passcode. I clicked on the message app after it unlocked. I had received a message from Justin, one of my good friends that I tend to hang out with.
Brandon hosting a party after the game next weekend. Are you coming?
I smile crept up my face. I had completely forgotten about the game that is scheduled for the coming Thursday!
I text back telling him that I was totally in for it. You could never get a bad answer from me. Emma hated me going for these wild parties because she fears that something might happen and I might drink on the cheap alcohol provided at the party but then again most of these were held at expensive bars. Cheap stuff was not an option.
I rarely got myself drunk but I couldn't ignore the drinks at such parties.
I heard the bathroom door open, I looked up from my phone to see Emma all dressed up. She looked at me waiting for a response from me. I smile.
"Do I look alright?" she asked me.
"You look perfect." I say and got off my bed.
Emma put on her favourite perfume and admired herself in the mirror; more like inspected herself to see if she did look good for her date tonight.
"Emma, you look good. Stop checking yourself out, let him do that." I stood in front of her.
"What will happen if he doesn't like what I'm wearing?" She looked nervous, just like anybody would.
"If he doesn't like this then, I will personally punch his face." I gained a small chuckle from her. That's good, right? She nodded her head and gave her best smile to me.
Her phone buzzed, she took the phone in her hand and checked her message. Her cheeks started turning red.
"He's here!" she exclaimed, I smile and look at her again. "Have fun and if he does anything that gets you sad, just give me a call." she nodded her head and walked to the door. She waved me goodbye before opening the door. I waved back, she then stepped out and closed the door.
I walked to the window and opened it to peep outside to see her leave. I waited patiently and then I saw Emma step out and I found Ryan reach his hand out to greet her. I could say for sure that her face would be as red as a tomato. I wait till they got into the car and drove away.
I closed the window and went to our small kitchen and fixed a mug of coffee. I stirred the coffee after adding one cube of sugar into it. I sat down in front of my MacBook at my desk; I took a sip of my coffee and then logged on to Facebook to check my notifications.
Lately, my classmates from high school have been posting some of the old pictures, some included Daniel and me. I hated them because the comment box would have the same old comments on how we were and how strange it was that we broke up. No one knew the Daniel of New York.
I continued to drink my coffee while I went through my newsfeeds and liked some of the posts on there.
My life was dull. I made it dull many would say, I do not disagree to that at all. I live like a robot, I wake up to get to class just to earn a degree, eat and drink to live and I smile because it's said it's healthy to smile. Parties brought me alive for a few hours and the rest, Emma makes it entertaining. I have no idea where I would be without her. I stare at my MacBook screen and continued to drink my almost finished coffee when my phone rang.
I picked it up and checked the caller id. I let out a frustrated sigh, I haven't seen this caller id for a really long time or I might have ignored it. Even if I picked them up, I would be more frustrated but today, I decided to pick it up.
"Hello," I answer.
"Holly baby, how are you? It has been so long since we even spoke to each other!" I heard my mother say.
"I'm glad you got some time to spare from your busy schedule to call me." I bluntly reply.
I did not have a proper relationship with my parents technically because of them. They were so busy in their corporate world that they never seemed to have time for me. All they had time for was work and never ever wanted to know about my life. It's a blessing that I came here to New York.
"Holly that is no way to reply to your mother!" She raised her voice.
"I really don't think I need to pay attention to manners, mom. You seem to remember me only when you need me to be a part of something important." I snap back.
There was silence between us for a moment and then she broke the silence.
"Your father and I are trying to be a family, Holly. I admit that we haven't been good parents but we wish to change that." she tells me.
"It takes time to repair a nineteen years old wound." I sigh.
"I know it takes time, now this is the first step to fixing the repair." My mother tells me.
"Why don't you join us for Thanksgiving or at least for Christmas." she invites me.
She named two occasions that I have waited nights for. Two occasions that meant hardly anything to me now because I got tired of the nights I waited.
"That's a huge step into repairing." I start. "But I cannot make it for both of them. I have assignments and studies to catch up on." I sort of lie.
"Holly, this is the second time that you are declining an offer from us. You are not ready to help us work on the repair we are supposed to mend!"
"I cannot help it if I have work to attend to whenever you call me over, mother. Besides I don't feel like flying to California this Christmas." I politely reply.
"What are you going to do alone in New York, Holly? I know that the people you know all fly home for their Winter break. What about you? Are you planning to spend Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year all on your own?" she asked me.
"The city has people. I might get to know them. For all you know I might not be alone this Winter." I mean life is uncertain, I might have a new friend to hang out this Winter with, you never know.
"The last time I thought of you not being alone there was when you were still in a relationship. Now, you're not even with Daniel." Yes, my mother knew Daniel because she knew his mother, so the news travelled and both the families knew.
"I'm not alone, mother. I have Emma, my best friend and I have other friends and please do not bring up Daniel into this. You know nothing about it and its best you did not know about it." I tell my mother. "Alright, I don't want to get into the teenage complications. Still, Holly, think of coming down here and meet us." she changes the topic.
"I need to go, I need to answer the door." I lie.
"Okay, I'll talk to you later then." she replies, not sounding too sure.
"Will do." I say and end the call and place my phone on my desk and place my palms on my face and wiped my palms away.
I looked back at my screen and I saw a picture of Daniel and me on our prom night.
This evening could not have gotten worse. First, these pictures and second, My mother's call.
"You might want to thank me." I look at Justin with a confused face.
I was done with two of my classes today and I had one more to attend which was two hours away. I happened to find Justin free and we just thought of hanging around because the next class I had was along with his.
"Thank you for what?" I ask.
"I got you two tickets for the game held this Thursday." he held two tickets in his hand.
"Two tickets?" I look back at him. "One for you and one for Emma." He points to the tickets individually. "Since when does Emma go for games?" he asked me.
"I was going to ask you that. You know that she never goes to watch the games." I point out.
"But she called me and told me to get one ticket, she was saying that someone invited her or something." he shrugged and check on his phone.
Emma never told me about her coming for the game, she would have told me. I sat down on the bench and stared at a tree that had no leaves. With the constant stares and my mind wondering why my roommate had asked Justin to get her a ticket, my mind did come up with the reason.
Ryan was on the team.
I chuckled at my little victory of cracking the small code. I had forgotten that Ryan is on the team. I also forgot that now I would have to help her find something right for to wear for the games... It's going to be like a date, isn't it?
I looked towards the exit and saw someone familiar walk in. I was not very familiar but I felt like I knew the person. It wasn't him though; I confirmed it when the person I saw walked past me.
For the past two days, I've been trying to find out more about him. I could not find him on any of the social media. It would strange if I found out that he doesn't exist on any social media.
"What are you thinking so much about?" I heard Justin ask me.
"Nothing too much but I sort of needed to know something." he nodded his head.
"Do you know any Jasper Anderson?" he looked at me wondering why I took up his name.
"Why do you ask? I mean what do you want to know about him?" he asked me.
"Simply, I came across his name the other day." I created a situation. "And I searched the common social media but I couldn't find him there either. So who is he?" I ask him again.
"A nobody, that's who he is Holly, he spends his time alone. Nobody really knows him except for his roommate who is rumoured to be a popular guy." he tells me.
"You will never find him hanging out with others. He prefers to sit in the library and study all day." I stare at him, wondering what he just told me.
"Regarding the social media, he's not out of it. He's very much there but he isn't very active or he keeps his life private there, just like his life. Question is how you came across his name?" he looked at me with curiosity.
"I just happened to hear his name." I shrug and changed the topic to something else.
Skinny jeans and my favourite team's jersey is what I decided to wear for tonight's game. I pulled up my hair into a ponytail and let my bangs lose on my forehead. As I moisturised myself with some moisturizer, Emma caught my attention.
She stood there with two tops in her hand, one was a twin of what I was wearing and the other was a t-shirt with a sporting silhouette on the front.
"I'm still confused, Holly. Which one do I wear?" she asks me and I let out a sigh.
"You know what, I'll wear this and we'll look good having the same outfits on tonight." she smiles and then goes back in change. That was a quick decision without my response.
I took my hoodie and wore it without zipping it up. I sat on my bed and started tying the laces of my sneakers. Emma came out and sat across me on her bed and started wearing her sneakers.
"I'll be introducing you to Ryan tonight." I heard her say. I look up waiting for her to look up.
"What? I want my best friend to know my future boyfriend. It's no crime." She looks at me.
"It's just too early for that, Em." I sigh and get up.
"So, if he decides to break my heart anytime, which he wouldn't." I chuckle. "You won't do anything?" She asks me.
"I didn't say that." I shook my head.
"I want you to socialise more, especially with guys apart from Justin." She got up and stood in front of me.
I walk to the door without saying anything. I unlock the door and take one step out of the room. Emma took her phone and followed behind me. I lock the door and put the key safely in one of my pockets. We take the stairs and we walk out of the building and stand on the sidewalk to catch a taxi.
"I know you hate this topic, Holly but not all boys are the same. You need to socialise, you don't do that so much." I thought she ended that topic when we left the room; apparently not.
I didn't reply to that either and yelled out for a taxi. The taxi came and stops in front of us. I tell Emma to get in and then I sat. I told the driver our destination, he responds with a nod, starts the meter and starts to drive.
"I socialize when I have to and most boys are the same and they have only one thing in their head and that's all they want Emma." I turn to her and finally speak.
"Oh, there are the good ones still out there Holly. I have a feeling that you might find one soon." I chuckle at her response. "I'm not joking! I'm going to church tomorrow itself and pray that you are proven wrong." she seriously tells me.
"Well, then let this Winter prove it then." I say as I look outside.
We arrived in about twenty minutes to the field where the game was being held. I paid the driver and the two of us walked to the field and found ourselves two seats with a good view to watch the game from. We were a bit late because the two teams came to the field within a few minutes.
My eyes caught Daniel standing among his team.
Back when we were together, I was so excited when he was on the field playing soccer and I would run up to him after the game, to give him a victory kiss. Today, I hated to see him stand there.
"I wish we lose." I mumble.
"Don't say that I want them to win." I heard Emma say.
I wish Ryan scores a goal at least then.
The referee blew the whistle and the game began. We were playing against St. John's and they have a record of not playing well against our team, however, I decided to support them more than my university, they deserved a chance.
Ninety minutes later and I was disappointed. The team that I supported lost by one goal, we had a total goal of three.
One by Ryan and the other two by Daniel.
At least Emma was happy. She couldn't sit anymore, she wanted to run down and hug him. I tried to contain her till they were officially done and the medals were handed over to each of the players.
Emma and I walked down from the seating area to the green field and once she spotted Ryan among all those people, she ran towards him. I smiled and slowly walked in that direction but I was stopped by someone.
"You seem to be very happy with our victory; I would love the good old greeting you used to give me." I turn my head to face Daniel standing there with a smirk.
"Those were those days, Daniel. You should tell your present girlfriend how you like it." I move him away and walk past him.
"Walk off now, I'll see you soon." I heard him yell.
Disgusted. That's what I felt and I could not understand what he wanted from me.
When I managed to reach to where Emma was, I found Ryan and Emma having a good snog right in the centre of the field.
They just started off with their first date just last week and they were already on snogging basis?
"Holly!" she exclaimed when she saw me and she came up to me and pulled me towards Ryan. "Where were you? I was waiting for you!" Emma looked at me with excitement.
"I was right here; I didn't want to disturb your moment." I reply and I saw her cheeks turning a little red.
"I'm sorry about that." she shyly replies and looks down.
"Anyway, Holly I want you to meet Ryan" She introduces me to Ryan.
"Ryan, this is my best friend Holly." She introduces me to him.
"Nice to meet you, Holly." He brought his hand forward. "I've heard a lot about you." he tells me when I shake my hands with his. I smile and nod in return.
We stood there and spoke for a bit. Ryan offered to drop us back to our apartment because it was getting late. We took the ride and he dropped us off at our building.
Emma sent me up to open the door so that she could give Ryan a proper goodnight, which included a kiss. I walked into my room and changed into my comfy clothes. Emma came in once I was dressed; she soon changed and sat down on the bed telling me all about Ryan and how amazing he was.
She blushed every time she took his name. She gets extremely excited when he sends her text and most importantly, lately she's woken me up with her high pitched squeal because of his 3 am sweet messages.
The boy who had emerald eyes and brown and blonde hair did show real affection towards my friend. He seemed to be a good guy to hang out with too but to see my friend happy was more important than anything that happened today.
I would seriously punch his face if he ever broke her heart.
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