《Visions from Volterra》chapter 6 part two On the brink...[Edited:March 3rd,2021]


Hey, guys here is the rest of chapter 6 sorry Last night I was gonna upload chapter 6 in its entirety but Wattpad was acting up. Also today I got a message on my phone that my class was canceled but luckily they switched it to a similar class. Despite the headache from all of that everything seems to be okay anyway. Good news is that my class now starts in September so a little more time to write. I also move all the actual chapters saving them in case I need to move them to another website like inkitt, etc. Anyway enjoy part 2

Aro looked first to the youngest Member and in person, he saw what river meant. Margo appeared to be not only youthful but short and petite. River did mention her ability he was curious to see for himself what she could do. He was intrigued to learn that she could ...Aro then turned to Gil thinking it would be interesting to see what he could do as well.

The oldest looking member he remembered as Alden along with his mate Anne. He glanced at them before lastly moving his eyes onto Henry who he watched with fascination. From looking through rivers thoughts he had learned a little about the coven including Henry. But it was after he asked river to read their mind one more time before they left Volterra he learned more about the coven including Henry.

Henry could create fire however it seemed like he could grow his ability to create other elements. Aro was very interested in observing his ability in person besides Margo. But he knew that would have to wait. Aro walked up to Alden who extended his hand to shake. Which aro happily took he shook it but at the same time, aro briefly read his thoughts. Alden's thoughts were calm and refreshing he had a very rational perceptive. Alden James Rafferty was born Alden in the 70s to hippie parents. He had been worked hard his entire human life and at first, he resented his immortal existence but grew to love it because for once he didn't have to work hard just to survive. Though he still chooses to work, he's put his energy and time into building a sanctuary for the coven which they want to move into one day. A cabin in the middle of the wild Canadian wilderness. Alden barely had a bad thought that aro could see in his mind. His mind and demeanor remind him very much of his old friend Carlisle.

[Song 4]

Alden had only a few negative thoughts which all were related to Raphael mostly. He resented him though he did come to accept his existence. He had been working as a freelancer moving from city to city down on his luck. He had run away with Margo and Henry establishing a small nomadic coven. They encountered a nomad who took pity on them explaining the rules more in detail. Which encouraged them to try to change their diet for more self-control around humans. He had come to learn about the possibility of consuming animal blood. Through the nomad who commented that it was an option because there is a long-established coven mostly stationed in Washington state that partakes in the consumption of animal blood.

Alden also tested his ability during this time which is when he met Anne she thought he was human when she first saw him because he manipulated his scent and changed his appearance to look more human. He had been strolling through Toronto late at night when she approached him. She thought he was attractive. She wasn't hungry since she had just feed but she thought about approaching him for a quick hookup. But to her shook he appeared behind her with inhuman speed. He then revealed that he was using his ability and introduced himself. Not too long later after seeing each other, they realized that they had fallen in love. And never wanted to be apart again. So soon the Rafferty coven found the latest members other than Gil.


Alden smiled and nodded for withdrawing his hand.'' It's very nice to meet you aro..''.He said with a pause before glancing at caius and Marcus then last the rest of the Volturi.''As well as the rest of the Volturi''.He gestured to the others. Caius acknowledged Alden then glanced at the others. While Marcus gave a faint smile the other members of the Volturi on the other hand just glanced at Alden with wary or nodded with acknowledgment as caius did. Aro spoke next,'' Well it seems we have much to discuss but before we do .. um...''.He said gesturing to the two bodies on the ground. Gil spoke first while glancing down,'' Oh yeah Henry isn't it your turn''.He said with a devious smirk. Alden and Anne tried to keep themselves from laughing. Aro and the rest of the Volturi seemed amused.

Margo looked on giggling while Henry glared his honey-colored eyes at him. Then scoffed,'' You got to be kidding me I didn't even eat-''.He began before Gil cut him off.''Ugh uh uh no it your turn I did most of the work after all''.He said with a cunning smile. Henry grumbled before walking up to the bodies and grabbing them gently by the ankles each and tossing them both over his shoulders grumbling a 'whatever' but just before he sped off her remarked,'' Next time it's your turn...Gilbert''.He then sped off before Gil proceed to yell''I told you to never use that name! It's Gil or Bertie ...you know I hate it when you call me that!!!''.In the distance, Henry could be heard laughing while Gil screamed.


Oregon near the border of Washington state

Tiberius held Mira on his back as sped through the Forrest. Suddenly Tiberius stopped Mira sleepily raised her head. She glanced around Tiberius had stopped. He let her down,'' Food and water break''.he told her reaching into his messenger bag to grab the sandwich and bottle of water. He handed them to Mira who smiled at Tiberius,'' Thanks''.She said with a small smile. Tiberius warmly smiled at her as she went to a nearby rock and sat down to eat and drink.

Tiberius took a moment to look around the area to check it was safe. Before turning back to Mira who had devoured her sandwich and was nearly done with her water. He chuckled before saying,'' Better?''.Mira meekly glanced over to Tiberius nodding with bits of sandwich in her mouth. Before chewing and gulping down the rest of the water. Mira finished chuckling before shaking off any crumbs before she paused her eyes to show Tiberius that she saw something. Tiberius moved closer before placing his hand on her shoulder.''Ro is everything okay''.He asked a look of concern on his face. She snapped out of her trance-like state before turning and smiling,'' Yeah it seems everyone is going according to plan''.She says in a cryptic tone. She smiled at her friend she liked the nickname ro...Raphael had given the name of Mira even though her real name was Rosie ...she liked the nickname ro or even the nickname mir mir. But she learned to live with the name Mira.

Tiberius faintly smiles before nodding. His smile drops as he sharply turns his head to the side sniffing the air. Mira didn't have the ask she knew what was there or rather who.

[Song 5 begins]

Three figures drop down from the trees further away. Before speeding over to where they were.


Raphael...the tall intimidating vampire leader of the newborn army walked up to the two of them. He tilted his head eyeing them both before he flashed her a sinister smile towards Mira,'' Ah my...mira belle ''.His tongue clicks as he placed it between his teeth. She cringed at the way he said it. Raphael looked at her as if he was studying her,'' Did you see anything...I heard you say something...hmm''.He moved quickly behind her. As she sat on the rock she froze stood behind her but crouched before placing both hands on her shoulders to keep her sitting. He gently moved on side of her hair to the side moving it out of the way...he moved his face as if he was going to bite her. But he stopped before whispering in her ear,'' Hmm...well and don't lie to me ...you know how unpredictable I can be''.He said with a sickly sweet tone. He had said it in an almost taunting manner.

Mira glanced to Tiberius who was being watched by grace who had sparks coming out of her fingers she looked as if she was daring him to make a move to help. Mira then weakly said,'' I saw a vision...''.She began shrugging. She looked like she wanted to cry. Raphael grew interested he cocked a brow and asked,'' And? What did you see''.He said this with a bit of harshness in his voice. But said the last part almost in a cooing tone. Ro{Mira) continued,'' And said that everything seems to be going according to plan. I just saw again what I had seen before just after river ran away...about the battle in the field it was pretty much the same with only minor bits add nothing to be concerned about''.She said softly before glancing from the corner of her eyes to look at him.

Raphael paused before he started cackling finally releasing her shoulders. She felt relieved she knew they'd be bruised when she looked. Raphael moved from behind her jumping over the rock before casually walking away. His cackling turned to more of a chuckled as he sighed and placed his hands on his hips before turning back to mira.'' Oh, mira what do I have to worry about you for...we both know you are an awful liar. I'd know if you were lying in two seconds. I was just checking...''.He said biting his lip. Before glancing her over one more time before looking to Grace,'' Down girl...head back to the army ahead of me I'll be behind you shortly'', He paused before glancing at her fondly,'' In more ways than one maybe ''.Mir tried to suppress her disgust. While grace playfully smiled winking at him. She flipped her hair before remarking as she left,'' With pleasure...master''.She said this in a seductive tone. Before she sped off with Raphael smirking as he quickly followed behind her. Atticus had quietly been observing the whole scene that had unfolded. Tiberius and Mira noticed he was still there watching them. An amused smile on his face. Tiberius moved to be in front of mira who peeked from behind him.''Try something Atticus I dare you''.Tiberius growled towards Atticus he positioned himself in front in a defensive position. Atticus tsked glaring at Tiberius before tilted his head before looking to mira. He blew her a kiss,'' I'll be seeing you soon love''.Before he glanced her up and down before he turned to leave. Mira felt her skin crawl. She felt her body shiver with fear. Once he left mira breathed a sigh of relief.

[Play heart song now]

Tiberius turned around before crouching down to look into Ro's eyes asking,'' Are you okay ro ?''.He gently placed his hand on her arm in a reassuring manner. Ro had tears that were brimming from the corners of her eyes. She nodded before saying,'' He's gotten worse ...Atticus he's been trying more every since river left. Not to mention even Raphael now is trying things...mostly looks''.She said with a shaky voice her eyes looking down at her hands. Before her eyes move to stare at Tiberius.''I just want everything to be over already''.She said with tears slipping down her face. Tiberius wiped them away before hugging her which she returned. She started sobbing into his shoulders as rubbed her back as he said reassuringly,'' Shh it's okay things are almost over''.He said softly with a reassuring tone.

Rosie muttered and 'Alright'.As Tiberius continued to hug her. Ro stilled which Tiberius didn't seem to notice as he continues to hug and comfort her. Ro stared off into space as she received another smaller vision.

Vision starts-

She stood on a hill overlooking a sunset she turned to the man she had been waiting for. Demetri his bright red eyes have almost a sparkle in them. He had a warm smile as he gently grabbed her hand and placed them into his. He pulled her close this noses almost touching. He whisperers,'' Finally''.As he stares lovingly into her eyes.

Vision ends.

Ro faintly smiled at the sight but she knew deep down to be careful because she had to wait just a bit longer. And make sure all that she previously saw in her visions ...She then finally spoke again.'I hope ..everything happens just as I've seen ...''.She said more to herself. She said it in a pleading tone.

A/N: Hey guys hope you liked this chapter 7 will come in a couple of weeks after I post this because of school starting soon. But it will be longer than the others. I also will be trying to write chapter 8 at the same time or at least get started. Also will be adding a q/a chat which I will be adding to the chapter between then. Just questions to ask how everyone has been etc. Anyway...Besides writing I've been re-watching star kid musicals, watching Hillywood show parodies with the gag reels, video diaries, and behind the scenes. I also have been tweeting a lot more on Twitter.[Note I will be re-editing chapters in between this time trying to correct grammar, etc]. Oh, also I know that Raphael's main reason for creating the army was to avenge his mate but...he's gross too but not as gross as Atticus. Oh also this was over 7,000 words ...I wanted to give you an extra-long chapter...Anyway please comment also I'm gonna be editing the old chapters between then. Also, I will be finalizing the face claim choices.

Edit March 3rd, 2021: Hey guys here is part 2 of chapter 6 I was lucky that this was a short edit because I had split up the chapter because a while back Wattpad was going through some glitches which is why I copy and paste the chapters that I save and wrote elsewhere. This is what I do now because of glitches like this and I can save them for the future if I decide to add them else where like inkitt or another site like it.I'm backing up all my chapters right now starting with my mira story.Don't forget to comment and star .Feel free to reread all the chapters including the ones I've edited.Oh and don't worry chapter 9 is on the way.

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