《Volturi imagines...》The odd Annette[Edited]
Annette was just an art history and philosophy student who said no to a free tour. And boy did things go to crap after she said no. Annette was living in France currently five minutes just outside of central Paris. She had been sketching down notes of some of the building's features for a few hours when she was approached by the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She had long wavy red hair and her eyes were an unusual color a violet color. She was unusually pale with a stunning figure. It had all the right curves in the right places.'' Hello'', the woman said with a sultry smile and flirty eyes. Annette looked up confused and looked behind her before turning back to the woman and pointing to herself.''Who me?''.She asked with a confused expression and pout.
The woman smiled and nodded,'' Yes beautiful I just wanted to let you know the tour is leaving and you should get in line. It's free so no worry!''.She said with an excited tone. The woman had sniffed slightly which widened her smile. The goddess of a woman pointed to the small bus of people nearby even though the windows were tinted she could still see people in them. Annette scrunched her face in confusion as she said,'' What tour ?... I never agreed to any tour''.
The Woman seemed to laugh it off but in a forced way,'' Oh silly me I thought you were one of the people. I must have confused you...but since we have an extra spot on the bus. How about you join us.''She said with a cheery smile. She then added, ''Oh and I'm ...Nicole''.Annette looked at her. Lie...that was a lie. Annette's gut told her no screamed at her to say no. It wasn't right.
It sounded like she was telling Annette and not asking. Which made Annette frown before replying,'' Um no thank you, Mademoiselle I think I'll stay here no offense''.Annette said giving a fake smile before going back to her notes. Another moment passed before she glanced up to see the woman staring at her. The woman ' Nicole' frowned at her she had a mixture of confusion, disappointment, and plain annoyance. Annette gave her a 'Well?!' look. Before 'Nicole' lips curled into a tight smile. The kind you use when you try to restrain yourself from being angry.' Nicole' simply nodded and reluctantly walked away from her then walked up the road to where the bus was. Then boarded it after it started and began to drive away she glanced into the bus. It appeared 'Nicole' was driving it. Annette waited for the bus to drive away before she glanced back to her notes. She then glanced back to the road the bus had driven off on. Annette's favorite hobby was to study roadways. That road leads two ways on connected to a major roadway and the other was a lesser-known roadway people could use to travel to other countries you could travel through parts of France then you could go to either Switzerland or Italy.
The first thing, that came to her mind was human traffickers. It was also possible she was legit with actual tours. However had a scam that says it's free, then tells you later if you have to pay if you want to come back. Annette looked intently at the road for a moment. Before shaking it off then collecting her things. She put her textbooks and journals away which included her journal of notes. She put them in her backpack which was a typical backpacking bag. She put her water bottle in the side holder. The other side had a zip-up pocket which held random junk. She closed her pack and put it on her back. Before grabbing her purse putting it over her shoulder and leaving. She was pulled out her phone luckily she still had her phone on her. That and her travel card to use she had her laptop safe in her bag. She learned not to leave it in her apartment especially since if a theft broke in it would be the only valuable thing she had. Annette walked back to one of the railways and hopped on. She then journeyed back to the safety of her apartment in Paris. Once she was in her apartment she felt a breath of relief...she locked her apartment and checked her widows which she knew were safe because she was on the highest floor. She had a small patio she could sit on so in theory someone could climb up. Annette glanced around her tiny apartment and sighed. It wasn't much but it was home. She just hoped she'd never see that woman ever again.
She hoped she was just a disappointing tour guide. Oh, how wrong she was. Annette collapsed on the side of her bed. Letting the soft cool duvet keep her at ease. Annette glanced over to her bed. Where she had her coat. She sat up at tilted her head at it. She pouted as she did so before reaching over. And checked her pockets...okay good both gloves...not the other pocket...nothing.She glanced next to her coat which had her hat she left by it. She checked the inside of the coat then froze.''Oh no...''.She whispered. Then felt herself begin to tear up a bit.
Her scarf was gone. She knew she had it before the journey. She had deep pockets that had buttons that closed them. So that nothing could fall out you could only take things out. But she furrowed her brows but that woman had no time unless she was super good with pickpocketing. Annette frowns she was disappointed that wasn't a super expensive scarf but it was sentimental to her. She wore it all the time. Annette frowned then glanced out the window.'Maybe it did fall out ...besides even if she did take it. What harm could this 'Nicole' do with just her scarf it not like she could find her with it'.Annette thought to herself. Annette chuckled and mentally noted to stay away from that area for a while.
-Meanwhile in Volterra-
Heidi was internally fuming. She was so confused and pissed off. Not to mention a little scared.Was her gift off?... Was she losing it? Or maybe humans were getting more resistant. She was just grateful she found the group of fishes she had. She had plenty,30 to be exact but she always didn't mind getting an extra one or two just in case. One would satisfy two members maximum for a month usually she went on a bigger tour first then a smaller tour if any members needed more. But the one tour was usually enough. Heidi glanced back putting on a smile,'' Stay together everyone we are almost there.''She exclaimed excitedly. The tourists were excited looking around as they descended the tourist tunnels which lead to another entrance of the castle. More private and quiet. She began to stay the same old speech about history randomly pointing at things and describing what they were.
Heidi happily looked at the group as she thought,'' Good fishes ...why couldn't the girl be more like them''.This made Heidi think 'how was she able to stay away...my ability leaves it that not even the average vampire could resist me''.Heidi was perplexed and went to grab for what she plucked from the girl. A scarf, it was a simple one nothing as exquisite as the many she owned. But it smelled like her. A thought crossed her mind as Heidi leads the group to pass the secretary and down to the doors of the throne room.'' I'll have to talk to aro and the other masters after '', She thought this as she put the scarf away.''And maybe send a hunting party to catch or at the least investigate''.She added to her mental notes. Before she opened the doors and guided the tourists inside. The doors quickly shut behind her. As she smiled then turned around to say, ''And that concludes our tour sorry dearies but you won't be going home''.Her contacts had melted away to reveal her bright red eyes. Members of her coven slowly approached the terrified tourists before they pounced. Then came the screams...The bloodcurdling screams and the blood ...
Annette had spent the whole week nervously looking around. She had avoided that spot where the woman 'Nicole ' approached her. She had been finalizing her graduate degree had just graduated an hour ago she was dressed in her cap and gown smiling she was excited she had worked so hard. When the woman approached her she was glancing at notes and text. She had been helping a professor who she had befriended and worked with as a teaching assistant. Annette smiled and sighed in relief as she made her way out of the building. Suddenly She heard a scream which startled her before she was tackled and hugged. She looked up to see one of her classmates Sharon, who she helped pass an art history class on Italian renaissance art.''Omg Annette!! Thank God... bitch I've been looking all over for you'', She said with a smile and a squeal of delight,'' I wanted to thank you for helping me pass that freaking class..''.Sharon said dramatically but then formed a warm smile. Sharon then said,'' God I was never gonna pass that class without your help. Besides no one knows Italian art as you do...''.She said whining when she said the first part then turned into a teasing smile when she said the second part.
Annette playfully rolled her eyes at Sharon. Who was one of the few people she'd call a friend however she was more of a friendly acquaintance? Annette wasn't one who made friends easily. Ever since she was young she tended to lose the few friends she began to make. Her friends lasted a week. Annette has never told a soul but she has this thing ...a gift her grandma used to say but she viewed it more like a curse. She could tell if someone was lying and could tell what kind of person they were if they were ...different.And she could repel people almost if she focused hard. Although after her recent run-in this past week she was grateful for this ...ability.
''So...''.Sharon's voice snapped her back to reality.''Huh ''Annette said confused.
''I said we are going partying tonight! To celebrate our accomplishments, come on it'll be fun!''.Sharon said excitedly. She practically bounced with anticipation. Annette groaned,'' Shar I-''.She began before Sharon cut her off.''Uh uh no bish, we are going out and celebrating. You especially worked your ass off! .And so you deserve a treat. Okay?''.She said with a stern tone but had a mischievous smirk when she said the last part. Annette looked at Sharon who had puppy eyes and she begged. Annette dropped her head and sighed.''Fine, we'll go out for a little bit...besides what's the worse that could happen''.She shrugged.
Later that night...
''Woohoo!!''.Annette said after downing her fifth tequila shot. Sharon was chuckling as she sipped on her martini. She glanced at Annette before saying over the loud music of the club,'' I told you you'd have a great time''.Sharon was wearing a tight red sparkly dress with her hair styled in a short bob with small waves. She had thick bangs that were pinned back. She downed the rest of her drink paying her tab before she grabbed Annette pulling her to the dance floor. The club was crowded. Some guys tried grinding up on the booth of them. But a more sober Sharon grabbed a tipsy Annette. Pulling them into the middle of the club dance floor.
Song comes on
''Oh, I love this song!''.Annette said with a delighted smile on her face. She was glad that she listened to Sharon. Tonight had been the best night of her life. Adrenaline rushed through her body. Being so carefree finally being able to just let go of all the stress that had built up felt liberating. Annette moved her hips then the rest of her body to the music. She could still taste the tequila in her mouth. She was tipsy she wasn't completely drunk but if she had to keep on downing tequila then she would have. Sharon had whispered in her ear that she thought we should wrap it up. So after one last dance, she felt Sharon grab her hand then drag to the exit. She had been picked up by Sharon at her place. Which after 20 minutes she was back, Sharon grabbed Annette's purse taking her key out before dragging Annette up into her apartment. Annette giggled and she shushed Sharon,'' Shh we have to be very quiet
!... people are sleeping''.She said in a whispered tone with a serious expression before she burst into quiet giggles. Sharon playfully rolled her eyes. Before stopping at Annette's door on the last floor. It was only one of two apartments. The other was unoccupied.
Sharon opened Annette's door letting her in,'' Okay Annette her you go now get some sleep I'm gonna go home now lock the door when I leave''. She said leaving Annette's purse and keys on the side table by her bed. Annette nodded as she wobbly walked Sharon out the front door,'' Thanks Sharon ...ff-or walking me home''.She said slurring her words a little. She still was very tipsy. Sharon walked out as Annette closed and locked the front door. She turned back around and collapsed on her bed .'Hmm she, thought,' so cool and comfy '.She wrapped her blanket around her. She grew chilly and wondered why she was so cold. Annette didn't notice that her apartment window was opened. A cool wind blew into her apartment...she also didn't notice the figures that had leaped onto her balcony at a supernaturally fast speed.
The figures walked into Annette's apartment, The leader glanced around the young woman's apartment. Her apartment was neat but had bits of creative flair like a messy homemade book nook that seemed rather comfortable it had tons of pillows and blankets. She had tons of art and philosophy books. As well as paintings and portraits related to her interest in the respective subjects she majored in. The dark-haired man was impressed that someone so young had a taste. He glanced finally to the young woman asleep on the bed. Aro looked at the Young human female curiously before asking,'' Heidi my dear is this the one''.
Heidi moved to her master's side before looking at the sleeping girl then smiling,'' Yes master''.
Aro looked over the sleeping woman with curiosity.''Hmm, how fascinating...and she resisted your gift you say''He says with an interested expression. Aro thought for a moment before a smile crossed his face,'' Well this dear one could prove to be useful..''.He began turning to Heidi who looked displeased. She frowned at her master but he continued adding,'' We shall bring her back with us...''.Heidi's frown turned to a smile. As she nodded ''yes master''.She said with a happy tone. Felix moved to the bed gently taking her from the bed sweeping her into his arms. Aro beckoned the other guards to pack up her belonging Which they did quickly and carefully. As they did this Heidi wrote a letter using Annette's typewriter, she had to compose a letter explaining she was moving. She had gotten a job opportunity that would require moving overseas back to the united states. Heidi taped the letter to the back of the front door of the now-empty apartment. She didn't have much to take so it didn't take long. Felix was the last to leave the apartment with Annette in his arms he quietly shut the balcony door before speeding away into the night with the young woman.
It wasn't long when they finally reached Volterra the other guards had arrived placing all Annette things to store in an empty room. While she was brought to the throne room. Marcus and Caius stood up from their thrones. Aro had led the way to the room stopping in front of the steps to the thrones. Marcus and Caius walked down to where aro was before asking,'' Is this the human brother ''.They both asked. Aro nodded before replying,'' Yes..and they will be staying with us until we determine whether to kill or turn her...''.Caius raises a brow with a puzzled expression. They hadn't talked about turning the human. But aro raises a finger to silence him before he said a word. Aro then said,'' The human could prove to be useful...think about it brothers a human that can resist Heidi's gift ...it makes you wonder if they could resist any other immortals gifts?''He said with a delighted expression looked down at the young human woman with interest. Caius and Marcus looked interested in the idea. Caius then spoke,'' Well in that case I suppose it could be something we could try''.He stopped then thought,'' however like you included if the human is disappointing we could always kill them''.Caius said in a serious tone. Aro nodded as did Marcus who agreed with both his brothers.
Aro perked up before turning to the human who's eyes began to flutter before slowly opening her eyes. She yawned as her sleepy eyes looked around. Her eyes then become alert as her body almost springs itself out of Felix's arms who locked his arms around her as she frantically tries to escape out of Felix's grasp. Aro shushes the frightened girl who looks around realizing she is not in her apartment. Aro shushes Annette with a calm voice,'' Calm down my dear we are not going to harm you as long as you calm down''.
Annette's heart began to race which every vampire in the room could hear. Annette exclaimed,'' What..what do you want. Where am I?''.Frantically looking around until her eyes went to a familiar face.' Nicole' but instead of a pair of violet eyes, a pair of red eyes were locked on her eyes. Annette gasped...and shivered while staring back at her.'Nicole ' smiled with a satisfied smile.'' Heidi''.Aro said. Annette turning to glance to aro who was looking at 'Nicole' now apparently named Heidi.''Wonderful work as always''.he seemed to cooed to the young woman. Aro then turned his attention thoughtfully looking at the young woman in front of him.
Annette stared into the eyes of the man aro who stared back at her. A smile crossed his lips. Confidence seemed to take over his face and demeanor.No one would allude to them, human or vampire. Aro glanced over this young human with interest. If she proved to be useful then she would be turned. However if not she could always become disposable. He hoped he was right.
Aro tilted his head,'' Don't worry my dear this will only hurt a little bit''.He says with a creepy smile on his face.''I was going to wait but I figure we could always decide late to let you live after you are turned''.
Annette froze she couldn't move. She was so confused,'' Turned?''.She thought. When went to say something when it happened.
She felt grabbed and spun around, where she came face to face with a large chest. She looked up to see a very tall and muscular man. Annette tried to step back only to be grabbed by the Strange man with the dark hair who forces her throat to be exposed.''You can scream my dear no one will hear you''.He says in a calm tone. Annette then felt teeth sink into her throat. She gasped and let out a small scream fades when the man pulls away and she falls to the ground. She gasps as she suddenly feels a rush of pain following. Then it all goes black.
Annette woke up and frantically looked around. She was in a room but as she looked around she realized all her stuff was there. Even her books were placed back in their specific spots. Annette felt around, then looked down to see that she was laying on her bed.'' Wierd'', she thought it felt softer for some reason. Then she gasped before looking around again. Everything was the same just in a different room of course. Although it was only after feeling the bed she realized something. She felt different, she could see things , hear, smell, and feel things she had never felt before.
- In Serial7 Chapters
Sentenced to Troll 3
Book One available on Amazon Patreon- For advanced chapters and bonus content SLRowland.com Discord- Have questions? Want to chat? Stop on by Punished for his toxic online behavior, Chad faces a thirty-day sentence of full-immersion rehabilitative therapy designed to improve his anger issues. For all his trolling in real life, he's forced to play the most hated race in Isle of Mythos so that he can finally experience what it's like to be on the other side. To make matters worse, the heroes sent to rid the world of evil aren't heroes at all—they're violent felons on their own twisted paths to redemption. Now, Chad must survive his one-month sentence in a world where anything goes.
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the hero, the villain,and the profiteer
...*ahem*.... I have been on the site for a while and I have wanted to make my own piece of literature for this site so I'm going to do it here is what I will be making as my first one. Honestly the thought just popped into my head yesterday I rather enjoy several different kinds of stories on the site, so I found a way to do a little bit of each. I myself am a high-functioning autistic but that's only shows in my writing for the most part they look will be the occasional grammar mistake and missing apostrophes and periods I'm also using a speech to text feature on my computer that will occasionally slip up. Now for the synopsis of the story: your standard reincarnation seventh hero type deal but there is a little..... Slip up: parts of the person fractals creating several people;; A great-hearted hero, a savvy traveling merchant, and a sadist curious dungeon Lord. Critiques and people reading this is appreciated, I mostly just doing this for fun. And because this is somewhat important for some reason the cover art is not made by me I just got it from search engine. It also may change over time. im mostly following the dl becouse...i don't know.
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Paradise Unto Us, Virtual
Mit-Han-Rou was given a chance to take on the role as a dungeon master in a VR-MMORPG, Paradise Unto Us. Failing multiple times in real-life, he set his eyes onto virtual reality with the goal of creating his Shangri-La. To once again attempt to create his envisioned paradise, he sold all his valuables to purchase the newly full-feedback diving-casket (FFDC). With the launch date set at midnight, Mit-Han-Rou prepares to dedicate his time to a second life, a world made of data.
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Just A Reincarnation Story (Summoning Japan Edition)
As he closed his eyes, his life flashed before his eyes. Starting from birth, adolescence, adulthood, and then his death. He had witnessed his homeland decline from prosperity and died with regret for all the comrades he lost. Only to find himself awoken in the past as a young boy. With his memories of his previous life, he decided to use his advance knowledge for the prosperity of his homeland. His ancestors may have set the grounds for the Holy Milishial Empire to shine high in the sky, but he will make sure that it will shine victoriously. Forever. DISCLAIMER: (Nihonkoku Shoukan/Summoning Japan belongs to Minorou.)
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The Billionaire and The Hijabi
| IBRAHIM BOOK II | "I am willing to give my everything to you, if you agree to be mine forever" ---- He looked Italian He dressed brands He spoke billionaire language He ran an entire empire with the tip of his fingers He drove luxurious cars He traveled to exotic places He had all he ever wanted all except her She was his best friends' sister She was the girl he loved She was the one who had her head held high She was the one who could not be loved She was the one who cannot love and she was out of reach from him sparks, fireworks and mid season flowers and leaves, all fly about as the two meet, the twisted love story of. "The Billionaire And The Hijabi"=> Highest Ranking: #2 on Spiritual Hotlist (15/02/16) copyright scopian_16 2016
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first love | m.yoongi
who would have known two different people could actually have some similarities.[lowercase intended]
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