《Volturi imagines...》Eternity coven[Edited]
Hey guys so its cat here is a request a friend of mine asked me to so based on a brief description the characters minus the Volturi are all my original character(based on a vague outline of a friends request )Also me from the future writing the bold intro part dear god I didn't realize how many words I wrote...over 6795 words gesh...Anyway, enjoy...
Songs:1. Bartholomew by the silent comedy
2.written in the Water by Gin Wigmore
3.fingers to the brown by brown bird
4.hyponic by Zella Day
5.hallowed ground by Bishop Briggs
6.Decode by Paramore
Request :
The Nomadic vampire walked rode down the elevator after entering the clocktower entrance to the Volturi's home. It was awkward riding in these things there was a reason they avoided human society things had gotten too modern for their taste. But they swallowed that feeling of uncomfortableness. The elevator traveled down until it reached the lowest level which housed the Volturi. The elevator dinged opened, the nomad walked out looking around a little further down from the elevator was the Volturi's very human secretary the nomad restrained themselves. Luckily they had made sure that they had feed themselves before they entered Volterra. The nomad sped over to the secretary who seemed unfazed. But before they could get a word out. Demetri sped over sternly saying,'' May I help you''.He said.
The nomad nodded,'' Ah yes I need to see your masters it's urgent''.
Demetri raised an eyebrow but nodded his posture was straight and perfect with his hands gently placed behind his back.'' wait here a moment so I may let my masters know you are here''.The nomad nodded as they watch the guard turn around then sped off. The nomad looked around awkwardly waiting in the receptionist area. The nomad was over 200 years old looking around in disdain at the few modern touches. Although it seemed that they keep it pretty old school for the most part which they liked. The nomad has always relished in hunting modern people they were always caught up in their modern devices like cell phones it was too easy the nomad held back groaning in disdain. Two minutes later Demetri alongside Santiago speeds up to the nomad who turned to them. Demetri was the one to speak up while Santiago remained silent,'' Masters will see you now''.The nomad nodded as they began walking with the two guards who stood between them.
They walked down the long hallway until they reached the throne room doors which opened. Santiago moves in front of the nomad with Demetri behind them which made them very uncomfortable. The nomad glances around the ancient throne room before their eyes settled on the throne of ancient vampiric leaders who had been reading. Aro the dark-haired vampire was the first to rise and put down his book,'' Ahh yes the nomad Gregor...Demetri has told us that you needed to speak to us urgently.''.Aro smiles a fake smile at the nomad as he walks to the nomad taking their hands. Caius puts down his book turning around to observe his brother taking in the nomad's thoughts. He had his usual scowl on his face with his arms crossed as he watched. Marcus on the other hand could care less as he continued to read his book only raising his gaze when he heard his brother aro exclaim,'' Oh my...not again''.Marcus's attention was gained as he heard this quickly putting down the book turning around. Marcus as well as Caius sped to be by aro's side. Caius raised an eyebrow the scowl only diminished slightly now laced with a bit of concern.''What is it aro''.Caius said with a concerned tone.
Aro released the nomad's hand,'' It seems...we have another human involved with a vampire ...although I am not sure it is romantically like Edward Cullen and Isabella Cullen'' Aro said in his usual soft tone though like with Caius it was laced with concern.
Caius's face turned to fury,'' You have got to be kidding me another one...is this going to become a regular thing now''.He said with an annoyed tone.
Aro shook his head and simply replied with ''Hmm''.His lips pressed tightly together as if he was restraining himself from commenting. His face then morphed into a smile before going back to the nomad,'' Thank you for informing us ....we appreciate that you came to tell us''.He says with a sickly sweet tone before saying,'' Santiago will escort you out of the city thank you once again for coming''.The nomad was relieved to be leaving so they said nothing simply nodding as the other guard Santiago leads them out of the throne room. Once they had left aro sighed with a now annoyed look on his face turning to his brothers,'' It seems we will have to investigate this further Demetri will go try to track down this vampire and human. And try to bring them back or at least invite them to come. If they either refusing for do not come as indicated ...we will send out a hunting party lead by Demetri who will have both their tenors''.Aro told his brothers who both remained silent nodding in agreement at their brother's suggestion.
As Santiago was heading back after escorting the nomad from the city he smelled something human and vampire first confused than angry thinking perhaps a vampire was breaking the law against feeding in Volterra he was about to speed to them. When to his surprise they came to him it when he saw them he realized they were traveling together. Santiago looked on in surprise before he could say anything the vampire spoke,'' I believe a nomad just came to inform on us. We thought we'd save you the trouble by coming to you instead''.The vampire was male he was of Asian descent he was tall. The human was a female who stood up straight with perfect posture hands behind her back she swayed gently from side to side observing it all. She seemed rather calm as did the man.
''I think it's best if we were escorted before Demetri leaves don't you think so''.The man said as he picks up the girl to carry. Santiago nods still a little confused.''Good lead the way''.The man says as Santiago does just that. Santiago brings them down escorting them immediately past reception he makes them wait by the door to the throne room as he opens it hurriedly,'' Ahh Santiago your bac-''.Aro began before pausing,'' What's wrong and why do I smell a human ''.
Santiago spoke,'' Master it seems you can cancel having Demetri going out to retrieve the human and vampire''.
Caius spoke up looking confused and slightly annoyed,'' Why?''.
Aro furrowed a brow then his face morphed to shocked as Santiago said,'' Because they came here on their own''.
The three vampires (Even Marcus) looked on in surprise. All caius could say was,'' Oh...''.
Aro then awkwardly told Demetri,'' Um never mind''.
Aro beckoned for Santiago to allow them in.
It was then the young man and young woman walked in physically the man appeared to be around 25-26 years old. While the girl appeared to be around 22-23 physically although she seemed to have a youthful face. The man was very obviously a vampire with bright red eyes indicating he had feed recently. He was dressed stylishly and his posture was perfect. His face was pleasant to look at. He had a calm expression plastered on his face. The girl was beautiful and pleasant to look at even as a human. She was just as tall as the man he was around 6'2 while she appeared to be 5'9-5-10. She was wearing :
Her hair was loosely put into two buns which made her look even younger than she seemed.
The Man smiled,'' Hello you must be Aro, Marcus, and Caius''.He began before continuing,'' I am Edgar ''.The vampire now revealed to be named Edgar smiled. Aro's eyebrow raised in a surprised manner he was a little surprised that this vampire was so relaxed most vampires especially those who had been alleged to have committed a crime are terrified. Especially considering when the proof was standing by him. Aro spoke up,'' It's a pleasure to meet you Edgar I'm glad to have you come of your own volition. However, we've come to learn that you have a human with knowledge of vampires existence and that's a big no no''.
Edgar shook his head while smiling,'' That's why we're here to clear things up''.
Aro cocked her eyebrow gesturing for him to continue. Edgar continued,'' Oh how rude of me this is apirl''.He began introducing the young woman beside him. She smiled and nodded to the three men.'' Hello''.She said it came out in a soft tone. She delicately held her hands in front of her. Edgar continued,'' April isn't just any human...''.But Caius spoke up with harshness in his voice.''Fell in love huh.''He said then turned to his brothers,'' Looks like we could have another Cullen situation indeed''. Aro and Marcus nodded. Edgar and April looked at others in confusion than in disgust. They both replied to this with an,'' Eww ...that's disgusting''.Aro and Caius then look on in confusion while Marcus is looking at their bond more closely then realized,'' Yes they are not romantically attached he began before Caius said then why do you have a human with you other than a meal''.He said this in an accusatory tone.
Edgar and April glanced at each other then smiled while shaking their heads. Edgar finally spoke up,'' It's because we're siblings ...April is my sister...Half-sister but still my sister none the less ...who I may add I do plan on fully turning I've just been trying to practice my restraint I don't want to end up killing my sister now do I...aro...caius ...Marcus?''.He said to the three leaders. Which seemed to please the three leaders.
''Aww well, then it seems we have no crime committed as long as you eventually turn your sister which I have no doubt you will''.Aro said with a satisfied smile on his face. Caius simply nods his head in agreement. Marcus silently nods in agreement glancing at the nomadic vampire and the human now revealed to be a sibling nomadic coven. A faint smiled crossed his lips as he saw the bond which originally he found hard to determine. But once he saw the bond it was easy to tell this was a familiar bond. A strong one at that Marcus would even describe it as iron-clad...
April smiled while looking at her brother her look was one of devotion and affection. Marcus admired this sibling relationship. Edgar looked relieved that things were settled and glanced at his sister with a smile. Before speaking while turning back to the three leaders,'' If we allowed leaving now unless you have any reason to further hold us''.Aro shook his head before turning to his brothers who nodded in agreement. Aro smiled before stating,'' Oh no you are free to go young ones though don't be surprised if Demetri pops by from time to time to check in''.Edgar and April smile while nodding. April softly spoke,'' Let's go eddy ''.While Edgar nodded and whispered,'' Yes...Imouto(Little sister)''.Before gently wrapping his arm around his sister as they turn to leave before Edgar pauses with a quizzical expression on his face.Before he turns to aro to ask...
''If I may ask aro ...how exactly did you become aware of us...you see what I don't stand is how ...April and I have been in hiding not too long after I was turned four years ago''.
Aro's brow raised he looked on in confusion at this statement while his smile faded,'' Wait you were in hiding and not out in the open traveling where you would be seen?''. He thought a moment to himself as he relooked over the small encounter he had with the nomad the nomad's only had shown what he made evident to be a possible crime. However, it seems aro may need to have a word with this nomad.
Edgar got a look of focus on his face then his eyes go wide. As he exclaims in Japanese it was quick but aro could understand it very clearly. Edgar said the name of the nomad it seems they know of each other. Edgars turns and whispers to April who was looking on in concern as she listened to her brother her eyes go wide as she turns her face to Edgar. April's face drops to one of disbelief,'' I can't believe him of all people''.
Aro looked on with interest as he walks closer the asks the siblings,'' If I may ... look for myself''.He asks gesturing towards Edgars' hand. After a moment of reluctance, he glanced at his sister who nodded. Edgar gave his hand to aro who eagerly took it letting the memories fall into his own mind. The first thing aro saw was Edgar's life as well as April's life. For starters, Edgar was a decade older than April who was is in her 20's. Edgar had been turned when he was nearing his 30s which he was surprised because originally he seemed to be in his mid-20s by...oh my aro thought to himself. The nomad...it seems originally the nomad approached a very human Edgar and his sister who was already living a nomadic type lifestyle mainly pickpocketing and other small theft. They were very good at keeping to themselves until the nomad found them. He turned Edgar first who was surprisingly able to keep his newborn urge at bay. Especially with a human sister who four years ago would have been a teenager around 18 and since she had a relatively youthful face at the time the nomad decided to wait until she appeared more mature. Unfortunately for the nomad Edgar and April left as soon as his newborn urges lessoned after a year. Both Edgar and April greatly disapproved of the nomad ...Though they did realize that April would have to be turned eventually...but until then they ran hiding ...never revealing themselves which aro admired how much of a low profile they keep. Only Edgar and April came out when to hunt April would use herself as bait before Edgar would strike. They were very careful until last week the nomad found them. He had finally caught April's scent one of the things they relied on was how bad of a tracker he was. Aro also saw that he didn't seem very happy that they left he seemed to hold a large grudge. Aro grew curious however when he was finishing looking at some of Edgar's memories. And he may have done a bit of prying ...
Aro's eyes go wide and broke his hand contact with Edgar. Who held a neutral expression and April seemed rather calm before they looked to each other in a knowing look. Then sighed before turning back to aro. Caius looked at aro with a concerned expression,'' What is it aro?''.
Aro turned to Caius as well as Marcus with a disappointed tone,'' Well I've learned a few interesting things thanks to young Edgar here. Including that ...wasn't a stranger.''.He began to say Caius had a shocked expression which changed to a look of rage. Caius wasn't someone you wanted to anger. Aro continued,'' In fact, it seems poor Edgar, as well as April, are the victims of ...seeking revenge. How distasteful of him to do so''.
Aro went on to explain what he saw including the fact that ...was also Edgar's creator. Who was irritated that Edgar and April had left? Caius in particular was rather appalled that a creator could be so reckless. Not only did he make purposely make false claims against one of his creations. Marcus who was usually quiet and showed little emotion showed an appalled expression. Aro shook his head as he spoke about the blatant disregard for the rules. Marcus and Caius nodded in agreement. Some of the guards besides Demetri and Santiago gathered around the sides of the throne room listening to their masters. Felix, jane, and alec gathered by Demetri and Santiago who were closer to the masters. Aro tsked,'' Well it seems we will have to send a hunting party after dear Gregor...but try to bring him back alive we would like a word with him before we carry out the sentence''.He began beckoning to Felix, Demetri, and Santiago who sped up to their masters. Edgar and April glanced at each other nervously now unsure what was gonna happen to them.
Even though aro initially had said they were free to leave they weren't sure with the information Edgar had let aro see would get them in any trouble. Edgar felt guilty now for even asking he should have just thought about who could have told on them and taken care of it himself. Aro continued by saying,'' You three go find Gregor and bring him back here alive ...preferably''.The three guardsmen nodded towards the master before quickly leaving the room to start the hunt. Aro then turned his attention towards the siblings with great interest. He had a smile on his face while his eyes were locked on the siblings with great interest. April look on to her brother with slight concern.While her brother was rather calm now his eyes were focused with an expression as if he was in deep thought. Aro smiled and walked over while Caius and Marcus looked on with now curious expressions. Aro then glanced over to his brother before saying what else he saw while glancing at Edgar's thoughts before he saw who Gregor was. Aro was so mesmerized by what he learned which Caius and Marcus perked up in interest. The siblings were specifically targeted by Gregor it seems after he encountered them and saw...potential.Well, not just potential he saw that both were extremely gifted even when they human. Aro looked at the two siblings as if they were precious gems. Aro spoke softly with a fondness towards the siblings,'' Yes now I see why Gregor had wanted you to be with him...your gifts even as a mortal are rather remarkable my dears''.Tilting his head while staring gently at Edgar and April.
Caius raises his brow before he gestures while saying,'' Pry tell what gifts do these two have?''.Aro smiled then spoke with an excited tone as gazed at the two siblings he first looked to Edgar before stating,'' Young Edgar ...has the ability to read minds...another mind reader how exciting isn't it brothers!''.Aro says eagerly to his brothers. Caius begins to smirk when he hears this another mind reader so Edward is no longer the only mind reader how interesting. His attention then turns with interest towards April as he wondered what gift she may have. It must be rather powerful to show even as a human. Aro noticed Caius's curious gaze towards April so he continued gesturing to April who moved closer to her brother who wrapped a protective arm around her.''April, however, has an intriguing gift just as her brother Edgar has...''.Aro began to say turning his attention to the young woman her nervously glanced before turning to her brother who was still intensely reading what aro was thinking before his face fell to one of relief. He turned to his sister with a reassuring smile which seemed to help relieve any nervousness.
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