《My Humble Adobe Of Short Stories》Christmas With My Past


I sat on the sofa biting my nails, my leg constantly shaking from the nervousness.Being in that same house again gave me an uncomfortable feeling.The sun's rays were bursting in through the window giving my once favourite painting a golden glow.The ocean waves crashed on the beach and the sea shells adorned my caramel curls.Who would have thought that those memories would forever be captured in just an artistic work.That beautiful day on the beach was still painted in my thoughts.

For the third time, I looked at the grand doors, my only escape route from this forbidden house.My feet hitched to run towards my car.

The squeaking of shoes caught my attention as ‘Mr I-don’t-wanna-see-his-face-again’ walked through those same doors.How ironic, the place which felt like heaven not less than fifteen minutes ago was actually a trap of the devil.

The devil was shocked at first to see me sitting in his dungeon, (although it is unfair to call that mansion a dungeon) but as soon as the circumstances registered into his dumb head, he smirked.

“Ahhh it's such a pleasure to see you again, my babyboo, Jaydeth”

“Sadly, the feeling isn't mutual, Ex.”I replied.Jaydeth please control your anger.You don't wanna piss him before asking for favour.

But alas I should have known him better. Instead of being annoyed, he looked……….. Amused.What's wrong with this jerk. His mysterious baby blues looked into my jades, holding a staring contest.A few minutes passed before he spoke.

“Somebody is in a bad mood. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, didn't you?This jerk has a name too, Hayden-you might be familiar.” I just rolled my eyes. “And you know that you are standing in my house, right. So don’t speak to me this way.” He finished.

I hated it when people were right.He was my life jacket and obviously I didn't want to be kicked out of the house before I could persuade him.

I gave him a fake smile "Yeah I would have considered speaking to you in a proper manner if you wouldn't have cheated on me.” I snapped.

“Oh come on babyboo, that was four years ago and we only dated for three months so we weren't even that close. Stop acting like a jealous girlfriend and go all Jaydeth on me.”

“You know, I wouldn't go all Jaydeth on you, if you wouldn't have cheated on me with Danielle, who is now my ex best friend.And then you had the guts to tell me that ‘I am just one of your experiments.” I screamed.

“Technically I did not tell you, instead I told Danielle, you just happened to overhear the whole conversation.”He mumbled. “Anyways if you are just here to shout at me for what happened four years ago, then you can go away.” The volume of his voice increased.

“No, wait. I want your help……..” The jerk smirked, raising both his eyebrows.I can't believe I am doing this. Taking a deep breath in, I continued, “As you obviously know that it is Christmas in about one week.I want you to come to my house for the grand dinner as…………. My boyfriend.”

Hayden burst into hysterics when he heard my request. But when he noticed my dry look he gained composure.

“Oh, so you are serious. But why me?”

“Because all my friends are busy that night.Don't worry you were my last option.So don't feel special.

Plus I know that you can keep the mouths of my aunts’ shut with your smart retorts.” I finished my sentence, mumbling the last part.This made his face lighten up.


“And what made you think that I don't have plans for Christmas Eve? I guess you don't know that I have to go to my girlfriend's family dinner too.So sorry, this handsome face won't be able to be your date this Saturday, my love.”

My eyebrows shot up through the ceiling, “Girlfriend!? You have a…….. girlfriend?” I choked on my own spit.

Hayden deadpanned, “Was that the only thing you picked up.”

“Is it……...Danielle?”

“No she wasn't my type.”

“Then who is it?”

“Not telling.”

“Tell meeeee!”


“Why not?”

“Ughhh, you are so stubborn.You know what, just drop the topic and I would come to your house for a few hours.”

My face beamed with delight and I almost jumped at him to engulf him in a hug.


And here comes the but. “But what?”

“I want something in return.”

“Okay.What do you want?”

“How about a……...kiss?”

“How about a slap?And don't you already have a girlfriend, go kiss her.Why so desperate.”

“Fine, No kiss then. Although I would take something from your house, alright.”

“Fine. But be there by 5 and don't be late.” With this I walked out.


The doorbell rang and mum went to the door to greet one of our numerous guests tonight.She peeked through the peephole and gave me one her pearly smiles.

“Jaydeth, honey, I guess you would want to take this.” She moved aside to make way for me to open the door.I immediately knew who was at the door and prepared myself for the worst.

As soon as the door opened, Mr Ex deluged me in a painful hug, squishing my tiny frame and breaking the bones in my body.

“Babyboo, I missed you so much. I was counting the seconds until I could meet you again.” He said releasing me from his deathly hold.

“Overdramatic much?” I whispered.

“Trust me, it's just for you babyboo.”

I moved aside and let him step in. With a bouquet for my mom and a Christmas gift, probably for me; he made his way towards my mother.

While he was talking to my mom, I took some time to admire his outfit - the dark blue three piece with a red tie to go with it, made him look dashing.

A smug look plastered on his features as he noticed me checking him out.

Talk about embarrassment!!

I tried running inside but mom stopped me “Jaydeth don't just abandon this sweet boy like this. Come on now let's take some pictures.” Mom pulled out her Polaroid camera and I pulled out a fake smile and stuck it to my face and tucked my right hand in Hayden's left.

And then began the photoshoot, mom taking hundreds of pictures.To say I was exhausted in just half an hour would be an understatement.

Although I have to admit that my mom's photography skills have improved.The Polaroids actually came out good, his red tie going well with my maroon halter neck dress.

A piercing squeal sliced through the cold air.Hayden jumped beside me letting out a girlish squeak himself. We turned around to look at my aunt Veronica, my hand still in Hayden's. Let me tell you that Aunt Veronica and her sister Aunt Gretchen were one of the reasons why I was with this douchebag.

Although Aunt Veronica and Aunt Gretchen are sisters, both of them are polar opposites.While Aunt Veronica is the enthusiastic, Aunt Gretchen is the grumpy, old woman.They never really agree on things except this one. Every Christmas both of then nag me about not being as pretty as them so I could attract boys.And I have told them this a billion times that ‘I AM NO FREAKING FLOWER’ that I would attract boys as bees.


“Oh My God, Jaydeth who is this dashing looking young man.” Aunt Veronica asked.

“Ummm………. My………. Boyfriend?”

“You don't sound very sure.” Aunt Gretchen replied in her gloomy voice.

“Because I am definitely more than that.I am her knight in shining armor.And she is my damsel in distress, locked in an abandoned tower with two nasty aunts as her caretakers.” I pursed my lips to keep in my laughter, aunt Gretchen gave him a deathly glare while aunt Veronica completely ignored his reply.

“Gretchen just look at that, they both are standing under the mistletoe, that means it's time for the newly lovers kiss.” She squealed once again.

Wait, What!!.I am not going to kiss this douchebag.

Before I could protest Hayden had already turned me towards him, his arms around my waist and his body so close that I could smell his cologne.His eyes held a teasing look, while his face had a soft touch and truthfully speaking I felt very comfortable in his hold.

The memories rushed back, making me tearful but I held them in.If I cried in front of these people, they will get to know my past and I didn’t want that.So I stood there looking into his eyes and soothing myself. His face bent down a little, our lips almost aligned and my eyes automatically closed.With just a little distance to cover, our lips would finally meet.My heartbeat started racing like horses in a race and my breathing became heavy.

With all these thoughts travelling in my mind, his soft lips pressed against my cheek.The camera went snap capturing the moment.His lips moved to my ear and whispered.

“Don't worry, I am not going to betray my girlfriend.”

Okay so that's what it's all about.I felt anger surge through my body, now he cares about his girlfriend.

“Says the guy who called his Ex an experiment.” I snapped, broke free from his hold and walked to the dining area.

Mom was setting out the big gingerbread houses on each one's plate and I knew that it was time for the gingerbread tradition.The rest of the family along with Hayden moved to take their seats, Hayden obviously sitting beside me to annoy me.

So every year we have this gingerbread tradition where we have a gingerbread eating contest and whoever wins gets the gift of his choice, no matter how expensive it is.

“See as I am naturally gonna win this thing, do you want me to go easy on you?” Hayden asked smirking.

“You think I can't beat you, you are so on.”

“...........get set, GO.” And with Mom's cue, all of us started to stuff our faces.

Halfway through my house I looked at everybody, all of them way behind me.And then I noticed Hayden who had finished ¾th of his house.

Wait, what!! When did this happen. And that's when I found something suspicious, instead of stuffing food in his mouth, he was shoving food in his pockets.He finished the entire goody and was declared the winner.

“Told ya!!”

“Wha………. How…….. You cheated!!”

“Oh come on, don't be a sore loser.”

That's it, I have had enough of his nonsense.

I would have strangled him but I wanted to look good in front of my family, so I held him by the neck and smashed his face right into my remaining gingerbread house.Pieces of candy stuck to his skin and he looked at me, shocked.The whole family started laughing .

“Congratulations on your win. Hope you keep coming to our family dinners more often.” I gave him my biggest smile and got up.

I was standing near the Christmas tree when Hayden came out of the washroom.He wasn't angry or irritated, instead he looked happy.

“Wow, you are in a good mood.”

“Yeah, I have had this much fun after a very long time. Thanks for inviting me.”

I intertwined my fingers with his.

“Hey it's okay. You are welcome here whenever you want. Even though we are not dating we can still be friends now, can't we.” He just gave me a small smile.

A pair of hands wound around me from behind, a head resting on my back.Pleasure coursed through me when I saw who it was.

“Hey Crystal. How have you been. I am so glad you could come today.”

“Me too. It has been such a long time since we last met.”

I turned around along with Hayden. Hayden’s hold grew tighter on me and I looked up to see what the matter was.But he wasn't looking at me but staring at my cousin, Crystal.

“Jaydeth do you already know Hayden?”

“Oh yeah, we are..”

“.....just friends.” Hayden finished.

“Oh no, these two kids aren't just friends. They are dating.” Aunt Veronica piped in.

“Hayden can I talk to you for a minute or should I talk to Jaydeth instead.” Crystal growled at him.

“What's going on? Can somebody please explain?”

“Jaydeth, Crystal here is my girlfriend. And crystal, Jaydeth and I aren't dating we are……….”

“So in love.But you already have a girlfriend, you traitor and that to my own cousin.How could you do this to us?” I gasped wiping a fake tear from my eye and feigned shock.Hayden's jaw fell on the ground and he stood their dumbstruck.That's the revenge for almost kissing me and bringing the memories back, you prick. Enjoy!!

“You know what Hayden.We will be going home in an hour, so if you dare show up at my house, get ready to be kicked out.” I saw Crystal walk away from us and I felt really bad for her but I wasn't ready to tell anyone yet that he were just pretending to date.

“Thanks for the help.” Mr Jerk said sarcastically. “But why didn't you tell me that Crystal is your cousin.”

“In my defense she is only my remote cousin and second of all you never asked.”

He just grumbled in response.The rest of the night was very uneventful because Mr Grumpy couldn't enjoy himself. He just sat at one place and kept taking the fun out of everything. And when Crystal went home, he also followed her like a lost puppy.I felt bad for them so I decided to clear the misunderstanding the next day.


I woke early the next morning, ready to open my Christmas presents.I skipped down the stairs and towards the giant tree.In no time all the gifts had been unwrapped, except one of them, Hayden's.I was cautious to open it, who knew what kind of prank would he have pulled this time.

I took the gift wrapped in blue in my hand, slowly taking off the tape and then the wrapper.When the present was fully revealed, I looked at it awe. I had never expected Hayden to have given me such a wonderful gift.In fact one of the best Christmas presents I have ever got.

I slid my hands down the glass frame, it was the same painting, just a smaller version of it.The same beach, the same me and the same sea shells. A note stuck on the side of it said- Now you can always look at it and remember me.A soft smile played on my lips, spreading warmth in my entire body.

The Polaroids from yesterday were also kept beside the Christmas tree and I started seeing the pictures from one of the best night of my life.All of them were there and looked pretty amazing except this one that I couldn't find.

The Picture Of The The Kiss Under The Mistletoe.

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