《Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (Arjuhi Fiction)》Part 27


Arohi took a deep breath and looked at Arjun who stood next to her. His arm around her waist. He looked at her reassuringly and then giving her a naughty smile he whispered "you look smokin hot today." Arohi elbowed him but she knew he was just trying to distract her and help her get past her nervousness. They stood in the lobby of their hotel . Her dad and Rudra uncle were making their first visit today. They had walked through the whole hotel, looking at and examining everything. Every once in awhile they would exchange looks. But not say a word. Now they stood in the lobby speaking softly amongst themselves and every once in a while pointing at something. Arohi stared at them and felt a lump form in her throat. She didn't think they liked what they saw.

Arjun looked down at Arohi and saw her lip tremble. He glared at his dad and uncle. Enough was enough. "So what you you think?" he asked abruptly. He squeezed Arohi's side as he gave the two men a look, daring them to say anything negative. His Arohi had worked day and night to make this hotel amazing, he'd be damned if anyone was going to say something negative to hurt her. Hearing Arjun's tone Arohi looked up at him and gave him a reassuring smile, trying to let him know hat she was okay. " Arjun, it's okay, I can take it" she said. "Dad, Rudra uncle, what do you think?" "Don't worry about my feelings" "I'm a big girl." "If you don't like something, it can be changed." Arjun opened his mouth to cut in but Arohi shook her head no. Rudra and Siddarth looked at their kids and then at eachother and burst out laughing. Arohi and Arjun stared at them like they'd gone crazy

"Arohi," her dad said smiling. "I am so proud of you." You have made this pile of rubble into something world class." "The detail, the layout, the interior design. The whole concept." "I love it all" "Nothing has been overlooked." Turning to Rudra he said "We both love it." "We wouldn't change a thing." Rudra uncle spoke up at that point. "Arohi, you have done an amazing job and exceeded all my expectations." "I have no doubt in my mind that this will be one of the top hotels in India." " People from all over the world will want to stay here."

Arohi stood with tears in her eyes and Arjun was all smiles. "Rudra, did you see the ferocious look on Arjun's face?" "I don't know what he would have done if we did find a fault in his Arohi's hotel." Arjun looked at them sheepishly and Arohi blushed. "I'm so happy that my daughter is marrying a man that loves her so much." Rudra smiled. "Arjun and Arohi have made us both very proud today." "Seeing their love reminds me of our younger days when we were meeting our wives." Arohi's dad said nostalgically. The two men walked towards the restaurant reminiscing.

"So Mrs. Singhania to be how does it feel to be the woman behind a world class hotel?" Arjun asked putting his hands are Arohi's hip and pulling her closer. " Fabulous." she said putting her arms around his neck. "Have I thanked you?" she asked tilting her head up and looking at him. "For what?" he questioned. "For everything. For your support and your love." "For trusting me and having faith in my vision." "You took a risk handing over this project to me." "I didn't have experience." "But you never doubted me." "Thank you for that." "Arohi, the two things you can always count on are, one, my support." 'I will always support you through everything life brings our way." Arohi smiled. "And second?" she asked. "And second..." he said in his husky sexy voice pulling her even closer. "Second would be be my never ending desire for you." Arohi's eyes widened when she saw the heat in Arjun's eyes." "Just a few more weeks," he said softly kissing her neck. For a second she let herself forget that they were standing in the middle of the lobby with staff rushing around them. She just let herself get lost in the moment. Then she pushed him away. "Arjun, you'll start anywhere." she said in mock anger. "Anywhere, Arjun said with a naughty smile. "Anytime, Anyplace." Arohi blushed and turned away rushing out of the room. "The lobby was suddenly way too hot for her."


The grand opening was a huge success. The elite of the elite were present but Arohi had made sure that the hotel was available to "regular" middle class people as well. She extended invitations to some small business owners, to hospitality and tourism students from a local university and to all the staff at Arjun's company. The feedback so far had been very positive. People seemed to really like the hotel. So much so that, the hotel was already booked solid for the next 3 months. The staff was flawless in their service. Arohi finally found a moment to herself between welcoming everyone and making sure everything was running smoothly, she hadn't really had a chance to just breath and look around to see what she helped create. She found herself unconsciously touching the diamond pendant Arjun had given her that morning. It was a good luck gift from him and when he had put it around her neck this morning she had teared up. Sometimes it scared her how much she loved him. She smiled softly and looked around at her family, all so happy for her. She was a very lucky woman she thought. Her glance moved over her family and settled on Aria and her brother Ishaan. They were standing together and Aria was looking up at her brother laughing, a real laugh. A laugh that made her eyes crinkle. Arohi continued to stare at them. Aria and Ishaan bhai, she thought to herself a smile forming on her lips. "What are you smiling about?" Arjun asked as he came up to her and passed her a drink. He followed the direction of her gaze. "Don't you think my brother would be perfect for Aria?" she asked still looking at the two of them. Arjun rolled his eyes. "Arohi stop match making." "Just look at them, why didn't I see this before." she said ignoring his earlier comment. "Arohi seriously, I don't think Aria is ready yet." Arohi paused and then nodded. "You're right and I'll leave it for now." "But I'm not going to let this go." she said determinedly.

Arjun shook his head. Look out Ishaan and Aria. When Arohi got something in her head she didn't stop until she saw it through. Arjun changed the subject. "The hotel is a success." 'What's the plan now?" "What is my plan now? she wondered out loud. "Well, you'll come work with me, right? Arjun asked. "Hmm, I don't know?" she said thoughtfully. "Through this experience I loved it all but but what I really loved was the design aspect." "Maybe that's my niche." "I need to think about it some more." she said. Arjun put his arm around her and pulled her closer leaning down and kissing the the top of her head. "You'll figure it out." he said. Arohi nodded smiling.

With the grand opening done Arohi was finally able to prepare for her engagement. The party itself was being planned by the family. What Arohi needed to do was find herself an outfit. She'd left it so late, she hoped she could find something. All the young girls set out early the next morning and shopped till late into the afternoon. It was fun trying on different outfits and everyone found something except Arohi. That is until she got to the last shop. That is where she saw the most beautiful lengha she'd ever seen. It was a net dusty rose colored lengha with copper embroidery throughout. The lengha itself was a fishtail cut and the top was fitted with cap sleeves and a deep round neck. It sat just above her hips. The embroidery was delicate with crystals woven throughout. Arohi saw it from the window and ran into the store. "That's it." she said excitedly. Arohi tried it on and it fit like it was made for her in mind. All the girls gawked at Arohi when she came out of the change room. "Wow" Aria said. Arohi smiled happily.


Arjun reached over and picked up his phone without checking who was calling. His attention focused on his computer. "Arjun here." he said into the phone. Arohi closed her eyes and sighed. His voice still gave her goosebumps. "Hello??" Arjun said again. "Hi" Arohi finally said. "Arohi?" "Hi babe, what's up?" "I miss you." she said. Arjun smiled leaning back in his chair. "Really, what do you miss?" "Well, I miss your gorgeous face, and your dimples when you give me one of your killer smiles. and your husky laugh, and your beautiful brown eyes that make me melt." "Really, tell me more." he said softly. "That's it." That's all I miss." she said hiding her giggle behind a cough. "You don't miss my kisses?" he asked. "No not particularly." 'What about when I move my hands under your shirt and.' "ARJUN!" Arohi yelled into the phone. Arjun laughed. "What?" "I just wanted to make sure you didn't miss any of that." "Because if you did, I can leave work right now and we can..." Arjun Singhania, you are incorrigible." Arohi said trying not to laugh as she hung up on him. Only when it comes to you, Arohi. Arjun thought as he hung up the phone. Checking his watch he decided to pack up. The family was in full engagement mode, maybe in all the mayhem he could sneak some alone time with Arohi.

The house was chaotic as people ran around getting things ready for the engagement tomorrow. Arohi watched as her mom and mother in law to be ordered people around. The sweets had to be made a certain way, the decorations had to be done a certain way, the flowers arranged in a certain way. Watching it all made Arohi's head spin. Thankfully, she didn't need to worry about any of this kind of stuff. The men were each handed various duties but were they doing any of it? NOPE. They were instead hiding out on the back deck, having a drink and playing cards. Arohi came onto the deck and sat on the edge of her chachu's chair. Looking at his cards, she made a face and shook her head. Her chachu shrugged and folded his cards throwing them on the table. "Chachi is looking for you." 'She needed some ironing done." Arohi teased. Her chachu's face turned white. "You haven't seen me, okay?" "Okay" she said putting her arm around him. Moving to her dad she said "Mom's also looking for you." "You haven't seen me either he said staring at his cards. Her gaze shifted to Arjun's dad. "Me either" was his response from behind his cards. "Thaiyaji, I guess I haven't see you either." "Nope, I'm invisible." he said smiling at his cards. Arohi giggled. "Where are the "kids?" she asked. 'Hopefully doing the jobs we delegated to them. her chachu answered. "Aah, so that's why you're playing cards ,because you've delegated your duties." she said. "Exactly!' "The kids should be useful for something." Arohi giggled and watched them play for awhile longer before she made her way upstairs to her room. She wanted to take a quick shower. Walking into her room she saw that her bathroom was occupied. I'll use Arjun's she thought to herself, grabbing a light pink and white cotton salwar kameez to wear afterwards. She walked into Arjun's room.

Arjun walked into the house and was greeted by Arohi's mom who stopped him and asked him about his day and if he wanted anything to eat. He declined. "Where's everyone?" he asked. "The men are out back on the deck." she said shaking her head. "And the kids are all out doing various errands" Arohi, I'm not quite sure where she is." Arjun's mom walked over at that moment to show Arohi's mom something. Arjun excused himself. He wanted to go and take a shower before everyone returned and he got busy with them. Walking into his room he closed the door behind him and loosened his tie throwing it on the bed. Then he unbuttoned his shirt, untucking it and throwing that beside the tie. He walked to the bathroom and opened the door. He could hear the shower running. He qucikly shut the door Someone was using his shower he turned away from the door, and took a step to walk away when he heard singing. A slow smile spread across his face. Arohi was in his shower. Thank you god! he said as he opened the door and slipped into the bathroom. Locking it behind him. He listened to Arohi's cute off key singing. She was really bad he thought smiling to himself. The shower turned off and then Arohi reached out her hand searching for her towel. He picked up the towel and handed it to her. She took it and started drying herself. then as if realizing that someone passed her the towel she gasped. Silence for a moment and then she said " Arjun?" hesitantly. "Yup" was all he could manage, as he thought about the fact that on the other side of the shower door was a very naked Arohi. "Arjun!" she said now in a panic. "What are you doing here?" "Get out!" she yelled. "Not on your life." Arjun replied back. "Oh my god Arjun, please." "If someone finds us this will be so bad." "No one is going to find us, he said pushing away from the door as he walked closer to the shower. "Come on out Arohi." Arjun said softly. Arohi hesitated then wrapping the towel that now felt too small, around her she slowly opened the shower door. Arjun stood infront of her shirtless. She closed her eyes and was about to shut the shower door again when he pushed the door back. Arohi stepped out of the shower. "Arjun," she whispered. "Don't get any ideas." "Arjun, don't look at me like that." she cried. "Like what?" Arjun said taking a step closer to her and looking at her with smoldering eyes. She bit her lip as he backed her against the wall. He leaned down and kissed her neck and Arohi felt her resolve weaken. He kissed her shoulder and worked his way back up to her neck. "You're so sexy." he whispered against her neck. Arohi closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall giving him better access to her neck. As he trailed kisses along her jawline she bit her bottom lip. "I want you so bad" he said hoarsely as he placed his lips onto hers and kissed her hungrily. She moaned and put one hand on his bare chest. The other hand still holding her towel. But barely. As he kissed her neck, biting it she felt her resolve completely disappear. Moaning she brought his face back to hers and kissed him. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer, kissing her roughly now, until Arohi pushed him and turned away from him. He stood behind her now, she could feel his breath on her neck. He swept her hair to one side and kissed along the nape of her neck and then up to her ear. Her head fell back as she allowed him easier access and then she felt his warm hands come from behind and rest on her stomach. She could feel them through the towel and then she felt him move those hands up. The last ounce of sanity she had left was the only thing that made her pull away. "Arjun, no" she said shaking her head and holding him at arms length. Arjun stared at her for a minute, fighting with himself. Then he nodded and turned around and left the bathroom. He leaned his forehead against the door and tried to steady his racing heart. He had almost lost control in there. He had wanted Arohi that bad. Seeing her come out of the shower had made him crazy. Arohi got dressed quickly and opened the door to find Arjun sitting on his bed. He looked up and gave her a soft smile. She smiled back and then tried to rush out of his room but he caught her hand. "Sorry," he said. "I just lost control, but it won't happen again." Arohi turned back to look at him. He was giving her one of his beautiful, dimpled smiles. "It won't happen ever again?" she asked. "No ,it won't happen again while you're Arohi Ahluwalia." "When you're Arohi Singhania, all bets are off." "We're not leaving this bedroom for 2 weeks." Arohi couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her face. "Besharm" she said softly and walked out the door.

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