《Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (Arjuhi Fiction)》Part 24


Arjun leaned down and gave Arohi a soft kiss, and then pulled away staring down at her face. "You're so beautiful." he said softly as he gave her another feather like kiss, and then another, until Arohi heard herself moan and put her hands behind his neck and pull him closer. She wanted more. Arjun deepened the kiss and Arohi felt her whole body get limp, she could melt into his kiss. He moaned and then kissed her neck, and then traced kisses along her jaw line coming back to her lips for another scorching kiss. Arohi was on fire as Arjun's hands skimmed over her body. She wanted him to touch her everywhere.

Pulling away Arjun kissed her neck softly and then down to her shoulder moving the strap down. "Arjun" she whispered as he kissed her neck. "You have protection right?" "Hmm," Arjun said still kissing her neck. "Protection?" he said softly. Then as the words sunk in, Arjun pulled away looking down at her. "Why would I have protection?" he asked bewildered. "You don't have anything?" Arohi asked in shock. "Off!" "Get off of me right now Arjun!" she said. Arjun pushed off of her and fell back onto the bed. Both of them lay side by side, their breathing labored. "What kind of guy doesn't carry something with him?" Arohi asked. "The kind of guy that has a girlfriend who doesn't want to do anything more then hold hand," Arjun snapped! "Besides do you want me to be the kinda guy that carries that kind of stuff around." "I'm sure if you found it in my wallet you would accuse me of all sorts of things." "Besides, why would you even make a big announcement like this if you didn't have anything" Arjun questioned.

Arohi sat up and stared down at him. "First of all you liar we do more then just hold hands." "Secondly, are you blaming me?" she yelled. " Excuse me!" "But why would I carry something like that around?" As she poked his chest. "What kind of girl do you think I am?" "Have I ever done this before?" she fell back down on the bed. This was just wonderful, she thought. What was supposed to be one of the best nights of her life was rapidly going the other way. "Let's just go to bed Arjun," Arohi said turning to her side. "BED!" Arjun said in shock. "As in sleep." "No way there has to be something open right now." He stood up and grabbed a light pullover to throw over his tank. "I'll be back." "Don't go to sleep, Arohi. I swear don't go to sleep. I'll be right back." With that Arjun was gone.

Arohi stared at the door. This wasn't really the way she had pictured things would be, but oh well Arjun will be back soon and then they could go back to what they'd been doing. Just thinking about it made Arohi blush.

Arjun practically ran into the hotel room. Please don't let her be a sleep he prayed. It had taken a little longer then he expected...like an hour longer. There were no convenience stores open close by so he had to actually go to a drug store 25 mins away. But whatever, he was here now. They could go back to what they started an hour ago. Walking in, he saw Arohi sitting on the chair and she was drifting off . "Arohi?" he said coming up to her and putting his hand on her arm. "Babe, I'm back ." "Arjun" she said with a smile. Her eyes half closed, "You're back." "What took you so long." "Long story we'll talk about it later." He picked her up in his arms as Arohi giggled and then he placed her on the bed. Throwing off his pull over. "Now where were we?" he said as he kissed her again. The kiss was deliciously intoxicating and Arohi deepened it and pressed herself even closer to Arjun. Arjun's hand was on her bare stomach and as he pushed her tank top up Arohi felt warmer and warmer.


BEEP, BEEP. BEEP. Arohi and Arjun through the passionate fog that surrounded them could vaguely hear a beeping sound. First, Arohi ignored i,t then she noticed it was getting louder and louder. And then could she hear commotion outside. "Arjun, Arjun!' she said shaking him as he kissed her shoulder. "Hmm," was all he said. "Arjun, come on do you hear that noise?' "It sounds like a Fire Alarm." "It's nothing." Arjun said going back to kissing her neck. "Arjun", Arohi said pushing him, "I think it's something." go and check." Arjun looked at her and then at the door. He had a pained expression on his face. "Arjun"! Arohi said again. "GO!" "Fine, I'm going." "But somebody better be dead or dying that's the only thing that's going to keep me from suing this hotel. " Don't they know that some people are trying to get something important done here.

Arohi let out a giggle. Arjun was so cute when he was impatient. Arjun opened the door, and people were starting to come out of their rooms. A staff member came up to Arjun and said "please sir you need to exit the hotel right now." "Please go across the street, and stay as far away from the hotel buildings as possible." "What's happening?" Arjun asked. "Someone has pulled the fire alarm but we have to follow protocol and make sure everything is fine." "So please Sir, I will ask that you leave right away." Arjun nodded. If he could get his hands on the punk that pulled the fire alarm he would kick his ass."

"We have to leave the hotel." Arjun said in a sad voice. He looked like a little boy whose favorite toy had been taken away from him. "Why?" "Is everything okay?" Arohi asked. Arjun explained what was happening. Arohi and Arjun both threw on pull overs and grabbed a few things. Just incase they couldn't get back soon. Arjun frowned at he looked at the bag he just picked up the drug store. He could leave these behind, nothing was going to be happening tonight!

Arohi and Arjun waited across the street with the other hotel guests. People were not happy and hotel staff were buzzing around with blankets, chairs, refreshments to try to keep people as comfortable as they could be in a situation like this. Arjun, looked over at Arohi. She was dozing on the bench with her head rested on his shoulder. Arjun smiled down at her. They'd been out here for 2 hours. It was 4:00 am now. They'd barely slept and he had his first meeting at 8:00.

Tomorrow night, he thought, tomorrow night he would make the evening extra special for Arohi. It was her first time, girls have fantasy about how perfect their first time would be. He wouldn't ruin that for her. Everyone was finally let into the hotel just after 5:00. Arohi and Arjun both fell into bed too tired to do anything else.

Arohi had no idea when Arjun had left. She had been dead to the world.. But thinking about the previous nights misadventures made her laugh. She giggled thinking that poor Arjun looked heart broken when they were told they had to exit the building. Arohi had bought a new phone charger so atleast her phone was working now. She'd been lost without it. Arjun had called earlier saying he didn't know how long he'd be. Arohi decided to text her friend Nina to see if she wanted to do something. Maybe she could show her around alittle bit more. Nina, texted back right away letting Arohi know she's actually working today. Nina was a make-up artist and did a lot of bridal make up. Then she sent another text asking Arohi if she wanted to come along. She could experience an Indian wedding in Singapore. Arohi thought about it for a few minutes and then decided why not. It's not she was doing anything else. Better then sitting getting bored in her hotel room. Nina texted back saying she'd be by in an hour to pick her up.


Arohi didn't have any Indian outfits with her, so she wore a silk fitted pink kurtha with mirror work on it with white capris. Nina picked her up and filled her in on the bride and groom. The bride was a doctor and the groom a philosophy professor. It was a love marriage. The wedding was supposed to be a pretty big affair, with a lot of influential people in attendance as both families were pretty affluent. The bride had told Nina that after she got her ready she should stay for the wedding and reception.

As they pulled outside of the wedding venue both girls were wowed. The bride's home was beautiful and looked like it covered acres of property. The gardens were absolutely beautiful they looked more like a provincial park then a garden of someone's home. Nina and Arohi walked inside this absolutely grand home, and see people rushing around doing last minute preparations. Nina and Arohi are led upstairs to the bride's room by one of the staff. As they walk in they see a woman standing at a large window looking outside, hearing the girls walk in she turns around. Arohi stared. Wow she's stunning Arohi thought. "Hi Nina." the woman said walking over smiling. "Hi Asha, this is my friend Arohi, she's visiting from Canada." The two women exchanged hellos and smiles. Asha sat down and Nina started first with her Asha's hair. After some idle chit chat Ninia asked "Are you nervous?" Asha nodded with a small smile. "I'm nervous about the wedding but even more nervous about the wedding night." Arohi looked at her surprised that she would share something like that with two women she barely knew. "The wedding night is supposed to be the best part." Nina teased. Asha laughed. "Yeah, I've been told." "Ravi, that's my fiance, soon to be my husband she said wistfully wanted to wait until our wedding night to make love for the first time" . "I had told him it wasn't a big deal." "But he had convinced me to wait, and now I'm really glad he did." Arohi stared at her with shock. "A guy said no." she said abruptly. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said to Asha I hope you don't think I'm being nosy. "No," Asha said smiling. "He's very different from most men." "That's why I love him." ""And yes, he's the one that wanted to wait because as he put 'if we do everything before the wedding what will we do after it?" Arohi raised her eyebrows to that. Asha laughed at her expression. "I know weird, I thought so too at first but it makes sense to me now and I'm glad we waited." "The first time only happens once so he wanted us to make love when I was totally and completely his." "When his name and my name could be said as one." Arohi stared at Asha, listening to everything she said. "That's beautiful ."she whispered. "It is isn't it." " I now understand that and I'm glad i waited." The anticipation is sometimes half the fun." Arohi smiled. She knew that feeling, with Arjun she felt it almost every day. "

As Nina finished up Asha's hair and helped her put on her lengha. Arohi went and stood at the window. Arohi thought about what Nina had said. The first time only happens once. She believed that too and she had always pictured that first time to be her wedding night, with her prince charming. Arjun was her prince charming but now she wasn't so sure she was ready to take their relationship to the next level. She kinda liked the idea of waiting until the wedding night to become one. The romantic in her liked the stolen kisses and the little touches and the breathless feeling when Arjun was near her. And she also liked, no loved driving Arjun crazy. She needed to talk to Arjun she thought.

Arohi and Nina stayed for the wedding and it was beautiful. Asha and her Ravi made a beautiful couple, and you could tell they were very much in love. Nina dropped Arohi off infront of her hotel and Arohi promised to keep in touch once she returned to Mumbai. Waiting for the elevator Arohi not for the first time started daydreaming about hers and Arjun's wedding. How handsome Arjun would look in his uchkin, how pretty she would look in her outfit. All the events leading up to the wedding. She used to scoff at Shefali and Aria over their crazy wedding planning and all the events leading up the the wedding. Now she wanted all that. The laughter of friends and family, the richness of the colors and the smells of the beautiful flowers and yummy food. The anticipation of becoming Mrs. Arohi Singhania. Oh my god just thinking that brought butterflies to the pit of Arohi's stomach. And then there would be the wedding night. Arohi blushed just thinking about it. Their first time, Arjun would lift her dupatta gently and lift her chin and tell her how beautiful she was and then he'd gently take her earrings off and then... Oh my god Arohi thought sighing to herself. She bascially just dreamed up a script for a Hum Apke Hain Kaun 2.

As Arohi opened her hotel room door she shook her head and laughed at herself. But she came to a standstill when she saw the inside of the room. She stood at the door with her mouth open. The room had lit candles everywhere, Rose petals covered the bed. Soft music played in the background. Arjun sat in a chair by the window a drink in his hand. He got up when he saw her. Smiling he walked over to her. Arohi was still standing at the door wearing a shocked expression. "Arohi," Arjun said standing infront of her. Smiling, Arohi shook her head. "What is all this Arjun? she asked. " It's for you, for us." "I wanted to make tonight special for you." he said. Arohi looked at him and threw her arms around his neck pressing her face into his chest. Arjun smiled holding her tight. When Arohi finally pulled away, she was teary eyed. "You did all this for me?" she said softly. "Ofcourse, this is an important night for us." "I wanted your first time to be perfect". He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the desk where there was a bottle of champagne. Pouring them each a glass he handed one to her. "To my beautiful Arohi and to an amazing night." he said toasting them. He took a sip and then reached down and kissed her softly.

It was all so beautiful, everything was perfect, Arjun was perfect. This was better then she had ever pictured her wedding night to be. But in her heart she wasn't ready. She wanted to wait. Arohi took a sip of her champagne and then sniffled and then another sip and then sniffled again, choking on her drink. She could barely swallow past the lump in her throat. How could she tell Arjun she'd changed her mind and wanted to wait, after he had done all this to make sure her first time was perfect. A little sob came out before she could help it. I will not cry, I will not ruin this she said to herself. Arjun stared at Arohi. "Are you okay Arohi?" "Don't you like this?" he asked. Another sob came out. "No, Arjun, sob I love it." Arjun stared at her confused. "If you love it then why are you crying?" he asked pulling her to him. "It's just that I'm so happy." she said now full blown crying and not just any cry, this was the ugly cry. Arjun pulled back and looked at her with worry. "That's your happy cry?" he asked. "Yes," she said trying to catch her breath. "I sob when I'm, I'm, I'm happy" she said crying. Arjun sat her down on the bed and grabbed her a tissue and and a glass of water. If this was Arohi's happy cry he didn't want to even imagine what her very upset cry sounded like.

When Arohi finally stopped crying he asked "what's wrong Arohi?" "There is something you're not telling me." Arohi wiped her face and blew her nose and waited until she could speak. She looked at him. "Arjun I'm sorry but I want to wait. I'm not ready." Arjun looked at her and his eyes grew wide. Then he laughed. Arohi stared at him, here she was having an anxiety attack and he was laughing. "Arohi, why would you cry over something like that?!" "If you're not ready, you're not ready." "I've always told you we'll wait until you want to." Arohi felt the tears returning. "But I told you yes, and you wanted to so much and so did I but.." .Arjun stopped her. "Arohi I want to, if you want to." "I never want you to feel pressured about any part of our relationship especially not this part." "I love you, and I never want you to do anything you don't want to do." "But Arjun, you went to all this trouble." "So what" he said cutting her off. "It's not a big deal." "I did it to make you happy.' "And you were happy when you saw it so it achieved it's purpose. " "I love you Arjun,' Arohi said looking up at him and "thank you this is absolutely perfect and I am so lucky to have such a caring and understanding boyfriend." Arjun pulled her closer to him. "So doesn't your understanding and caring boyfriend get a a proper thank you?" he asked. Arohi laughed. Ofcourse he does and then gave him a kiss that left them both breathless.

Pulling away Arjun held her close. "So what do you want to do?" he asked. " I was going to have room service bring us dinner but now we could go out." Arohi looked up at him. "Yes, let's go out for dinner and then I have a little surprise planned for you. " "For me Arjun" questioned. "Yes, remember I told you I was planning something well that was for tonight. " "I just hope you like it." she said hesitantly. "Arohi, I'm sure I'll love it." "But before we go i think there's something on your..." he reached down pretending to wipe something off her cheek and instead his lips landed on Arohi's. Arohi smiled against her lips. Her besharm Arjun would never change! And that made her so happy!

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