《Hiraeth | Regulus Black》Chapter Thirteen


Closing the book, Esme sank further down into her seat in the compartment. The constant sound of the train rolling over the rickety tracks and the faint noise from chattering students further down the carriage was proving to be too much of a distraction.

She tossed the ancient runes book into the seat beside her and rose her legs, resting her feet on the bench opposite.

Dark clouds had begun to form in the sky above, threatening to unleash a winter storm upon them. That was just what Esme needed to match her feelings.

She hadn't spent much time alone since the start of the year and this was a much needed opportunity to recharge her social battery.

Upon boarding the train, the popular group of Ravenclaw students in their year had swarmed around Dirk, wishing to spend time with him. That was where Esme contently parted ways with him, not wishing to be surrounded by those overwhelming people.

Truthfully, Esme wasn't sure what to do. Normally she would be quite happy left alone with her thoughts, but recently her mind had been lingering on none other than Regulus Black. The girl did not want to spend any time thinking of him, so she needed to distract herself. Yet she was also aware that some point before the train pulled into Kings Cross, she would have to locate the Slytherin boy.

"Esme, you idiot." She tugged at her own hair, wishing she could control the thoughts swirling in her mind.

"Yeah, that's one word for it."

The glass door to the compartment had slid open without her notice and in the doorway stood none other than Levi Rogers.

She rolled her eyes at the sight of the Gryffindor student, before pushing herself to sit more upright.

"Ah, Rogers, however may I help you?" She smiled sweetly at him.

The boy chuckled, folding his arms, "I need your opinion on something."

"Oh?" She grew confused, frowning with her eyebrows knitted together.

"Yeah, I'm that desperate." Levi took a small step into the compartment before catching himself and stopping in place.

"Alright," She nodded slowly, "Come in, I guess. What do you need my opinion on?"

He began, "Mortimer Selwyn."

"The Slytherin?"

Levi nodded.

"I don't really know him." Esme shrugged, turning her gaze back out of the window.


"You know he's in Slytherin." He pointed out, "And aren't you pureblood families all friends? You've got to know the Selwyns."

She winced slightly at his words, not wishing to think about it. "Why do you want to know my opinion on him, anyway? What do you care about him?"

"Okay..." Levi sighed, slumping down in his seat opposite Esme, "He's been bothering my sister."

"Right?" Esme looked thoroughly puzzled, "I think I'm more confused now. How does any of that involve me or my opinion?"

He huffed, "You can be pretty... harsh with your words. I pretty much just want to ruin his confidence."

"Wow... Cruel and malicious." Esme nodded with a small smile, "What did Selwyn do to your sister to deserve that?"

Levi fiddled with his fingers for a moment before absentmindedly running a hand through his hair, fluffing it up. "It doesn't matter."

"Oh go on, this is the first time we've spoken and not argued. You've got to tell me what he's done." Esme pursued.

"We're going to argue if you keep pestering me about it." He grumbled.

"Rogers, seriously. We can do more than just some mean words. We can get him back properly, but I'm going to need a reason for it." She smirked now as Levi's head perked up at her words.

"Okay, deal." He leant forward, resting his elbows on his knees. With that, a plan was in motion. Levi explained how Mortimer Selwyn had been spreading rumours of an inappropriate nature about his sister. He explained how Selwyn had even lifted up the younger girl's skirt one day in front of a group of students.

That was more than enough to get Esme on board. She was instantly determined to forge a plan that would teach Selwyn a harsh lesson. So that's what the two spent the next few hours doing.

They planned, threw it out, and replanned many times. Not once did the two argue, instead they laughed together, and bonded over a determination to plan a truly unforgettable prank.

Later, Levi Rogers folded up a couple of pieces of paper before tucking them neatly into his pocket.

"I'd thank you but-"

"You can thank me." Esme cut him off.

He scoffed, "Thanks. I'll write if I come across any problems with it."


"You do that."

Despite not entirely liking Levi, Esme didn't want him to leave. Being left alone again, meant she would have no other excuse to avoid going to find Regulus.

He would probably be to concerned with his own friends to search for her, and if Esme kept Walburga Black waiting at Kings Cross, she could murder the girl.

"Damnit." Esme rose to her feet, letting out a long breath and adjusting her raggedy jumper before gently sliding open the compartment door and stepping out into the corridor.

She strode down the carriage, peering through the glass doors of various compartments in search of the raven-haired Slytherin boy. Yet he was nowhere to be found.

There were only so many rooms on the train and he had to be around somewhere. Just as she was about to give up and head back to her compartment alone, she spotted Mulciber a way down the carriage.

"Avery, what do you want?" He snarled as she approached him with a smirk.

Esme scoffed, "Why, is the pleasure of your company too much to ask for?"

"Funny. Yeah, you're hilarious." He rolled his eyes, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Regulus." She stated, "Tall boy, although could be mistaken for a girl judging from his hair. You've probably seen him boring someone to death somewhere? You might remember him as whiny."

Mulciber narrowed his eyes and Esme could tell the boy was trying to suppress some laughter. "Oh come on, I'm actually serious. I really do need to find Black." She admitted as the glimmer in her eyes faded and the smirk was wiped from her lips.

"He went to a prefect meeting but he should be back any second." The boy explained, digging his hands into his pocket.

"Prefect meeting? It's the holidays." The brunette girl sighed, "You'd think the prefects would want a rest from being the most soul-sucking people alive."

"I guess some people are just naturally the worst." Mulciber chuckled quietly now.

"I suppose just because it's Christmas doesn't mean they can't ruin fun for people at home." Esme smiled, now earning a laugh from the boy.

"Mulciber, you're not going to believe-Esme?"

Esme leaned to the side to glance past Mulciber, her eyes falling on Regulus Black striding towards the pair, still wearing his pristine robes.

"Why are you still in uniform?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

He shrugged, "Prefec-"

"Oh wait, I don't care." She replied shortly. The thoughts of him being involved in Death Eater business made her want to punch some sense into the boy.

Perhaps there would be a time and place.

Regulus opened his mouth to retort but instead chose differently, clamping his jaw shut and sighing, "What are you doing here?"

"Mate, you've been gone forever and Ignatius is driving me mad." Mulciber groaned.

"If he's annoying, ask him about the time he wet himself at the beach." Esme offered cheekily.

"Really?" Mulciber raised an eyebrow.

She nodded, "It was only two years ago so he should remember it pretty clearly. I certainly haven't let him forget."

"That. That is brilliant." Mulciber smirked mischievously and quickly tore open the door to the compartment, "Hey, Ignatius, do you want to know what I just heard?"

"Enough of that." Regulus shut the door behind Mulciber, leaving him and Esme stood alone in the corridor, "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, first you mess with Kreacher, now you're manipulating my friends." Regulus pointed out, accusation lacing his words.

"Oh please, anyone who pays attention can see you're not actually friends with him. You can barely stand the boy. For all that talk of ambitious and cunning Slytherins, not many of them have any brains." She rolled her eyes heavily.

"Are you saying I have brains?"

"What? I'm saying you have more brains than Mulciber, Rosier, and my brother put together. Still doesn't give you basic common sense though." She glared at him.

Regulus scoffed, "Common sense? What are you on about?"

"Anyone with common sense could see that messing with Death Eater business is a sure fire way to get killed."

Esme's mouth hung open as she processed what she'd just said. She had not meant to let that slip.

Regulus' face drained of all colour.

"F-forget I said that." She stammered.

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