《Meant To Be》Chapter 43 - Birthday like never before


Birthday! Birthday is one of the happiest days in the lives of many but it was different for me. In fact, my birthday was one of the days I wish I could erase in my life. The others were my graduation day, the day mum died and the day I found James cheating. If I had my ways, l would have deleted these three days... But well, I don't. So I have gotten away to live with it.

Talking about James, I realized it didn't hurt me to think of what he did. Maybe because it has been months since it happened, or Does that mean I am ready to forgive him? I'm not sure but one thing I was sure about, was the fact that I moved on and I was very happy with Ashton.

It has to be two weeks since I moved in with him and he wouldn't stop pampering me. In fact, he has been such a darling that, after our first date I didn't think twice about moving in with him the next day.

"Hey, love. Ready to go?" Ashton asked planting a wet kiss on my lips

I couldn't go to work today but I didn't know how to tell him without having to talk about why?

"What is it? Are you okay? Is there something you want to tell me?"

"No Ash. It's just I.. Can I not go to the office today?"

"Of course. But why? Are you not well, should I call the doctor?" he asked removing his phone from his suit.

"I'm fine" I interjected, reaching for the phone and keeping it back in his pocket. He didn't look convinced at all, so instead of walking him to the car and perking him goodbye, I stared straight at his unconvinced green eyes, took both his jaw in my tiny hand, and gave him the most sincere and loving kiss I could master that moment, that did the trick as he kissed back, putting all his concern and love in it. I deepen the kiss assuring him I was really okay before we broke the kiss and his driver drove away leaving me with thoughts as big as the empty mansion.

I did what I always did on this day: visit the orphanage

Playing with those kids brings smiles to my face. I buy them gifts and spend quality time playing with them,


I left Ash a note that I will be late and he shouldn't wait up.




"Go get the ball," I told one of the little boys I was playing ball with at the park near the orphanage. Someone picked the ball before the boy could get it.

"Hi Ella" he greeted throwing the ball to where I was standing to wait for the ball.

Guess who? Yeah, you got it right, James.

"Carry on guys, I will just be back" I excused the children making my way to the swing with James following suit.

"Hi" I responded awkwardly to his greetings when I was away from the children.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I was your Boyfriend once remember?"

"But I need..."

"Yes! You never told me you spend your birthdays here but I knew and even the reason why? You don't like talking about it or him so I never said anything" so thoughtful of him.

"You are doing the same with him.." I raised a brow "..your boyfriend, and he wouldn't be happy." I wouldn't even ask how he knew I was dating.

"What about you, any girl?" I directed the attention to him instead.

"No. I have been waiting for my Ex, the best thing that ever happened to me, whom I cheated on, to forgive me, or at least move on."

"J, I have forgiven you and moved on also and so should you" a smile made a way to his face.

"I know" He sighs deeply "I know I should but I still love her immensely, I know I messed up big time and I can't have her again, in fact, I don't deserve her but I do want her to know I wasn't with her just because of sex, I loved her, still do and that, cheating on her was my biggest mistake, one I couldn't rectify because trust was a sensitive thing for her and I broke it. The trust that took us so long to build I broke that. How could I apologize to her? How could I beg her to come back after breaking the backbone of our relationship? So, I let her go because letting go is also love."

"J.. " I whispered pulling him for a hug. Now I understand why he never bothered to plead for forgiveness nor an opportunity to explain himself. James is a good guy though what he did was bad. If he can learn from his mistake then I know it was really a mistake. Though late I can forgive a mistake, not a sin. He does remember all the times he spends running after me and the times we spend together, without even a deep kiss because I didn't trust that the playboy in him was dead. I eventually did, I started trusting and he messed up. He admits he messed up and I believe it a mistake.


"We can still be friends" I offered

"Yeah friends" he laughed pulling away from me to extend his hand.




"As your friend, should I tell you something?" I nodded "please find a place in your heart to forgive him, I know what he did is unforgivable but maybe just maybe, he had his reasons for not looking for you once. Besides if you could forgive me, why not him? Forgiving him will make you a lot happier than this. Besides, I want you to celebrate your birthday having fun with family, friends, and loved ones not like this."

"Just how many months did it take you to become a counselor? " I teased about changing the subject. What reason could be enough to not only dessert your daughter, but also never looked for her? I didn't want to face that just yet.

"I know what you are trying to you, Don't change the subject! Promise me you will give it a try"

"Yes, I will. I took a deep breath, Happy?"

"no.," he said reaching for my phone and turning it on. I had switched it off because I didn't want to tell Ashton my were about or answer his why questions. "Now I am happy!" he grinned and I smiled too.

omething was definitely wrong! She has been acting strange but I think the notification she received yesterday in the night soured everything. She didn't eat well either. She wouldn't tell me when I asked. She barely ate anything yesterday and she was quieter than usual in the office And today, she didn't want to go to the office.

When I got to the office, I couldn't concentrate on anything. Jack realized too.

"Missing her! I miss her too. Here is bored without her" he winked expecting me to reach but I kept mute. "There is something else" he stared blankly.

I told him everything, and he suggested I called Lena or Eddie and inquire. I wonder how I didn't think of this earlier. I called Lena and she said, she didn't know the full detail, all she knew was, today was her birthday and she didn't celebrate or do anything to mark the day and her dad was the reason.

I called Eddie and he told me everything. Today wasn't a birthday for her, but the day she got abandoned. Five years ago, on this very day, an eighteen-year-old Ella happily waiting for her dad on her birthday, he came late, drunk and with a lady. He had forgotten her only daughter's birthday. She left home that day and her dad never looked for her once. He also told me where she is now and how he tried to explain to Ella that her dad had his reasons, to no avail.

After hearing all that, I made some calls before calling Ella.

Ella POV

A call came at the moment the phone was on.

It was Ash, he missed me and wanted to know where I was so he could come to get me, but I told him to go home and I will join him. Surprisingly he agreed. I decided to pay Lena a surprise visit.




Knock knock knock" Lena wasn't responding, so I made my way inside the house with my key which was thankfully in my purse.

Expecting the reason why Lena didn't hear me knock as maybe she is asleep or in the bathroom, I strolled into her room. You wouldn't believe what I saw! Yes, you guessed right; Jake and Lena were going about it ever so slowly and into it. And by it, I mean having sex! I retreated and made my way into my room.

When did this even start?

I was very happy for them though they didn't tell, I know bringing Jake home definitely means something was going on since Lena never brings any of her guys to the house.

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