《Meant To Be》Chapter 24 - Mummy issues


Disappointed and embarrassed. That was how I felt when I left Ella's place. disappointed because I wasn't expecting my attempt of a hug to end that way and embarrassed because she made me feel like a nobody. She didn't even react like she was affected by me or my hug. And this clearly is not good for my ego. The real question is why did I do it in the first place? Was I trying to be a gentleman to Ella? No way! Cause that is something I don't do, so unlike me. I don't think I need recognition and most definitely not from my personal assistant. Then the question remains, why?

I can't remember the last time I had trouble sleeping until today. I have always gotten all the things I wanted right from childhood though as I grew up I learned to work for them and not have them handed to me on a silver platter, I always do anything possible to get anything I want.

I never had to try so much for a lady. Though I don't want to admit even to myself I know deep down me that I wanted Ella. Maybe because I have recently not been with any lady or because I'm yet to taste or probably because she seems so different from all my previous PA. My previous PA threw themselves at me on any little change they had though I never found them attractive enough. Does that mean I find Ella attractive?




When I wake up the next morning, It was already past eight. I took a quick shower, dressed up, and descend the stairs to my living room

"Good morning, Ashton." My cook, Margret greets waving a hand at me

"Good morning, Margret" I answer her with warm greetings.

"Your breakfast is ready."


"I'm sorry Margret. I'm running late for the office." I blandished carefully not to hurt her feeling. She has put so much effort into making them. If I don't know anything about women, at least I do know this thanks to my mom. I remembered that day when my mom used to glare at me for eating out and refusing to eat her dinner because I was full and my dad would make it up for me by simply giving her a passionate kiss.

"Don't worry Margret. I will make sure to grab something when I get to the office." I tried again but I still get that doubtful look on her face.

"I pro-"

"Before you say something I know you can't fulfill, just take a bite." She said putting the food in my open mouth. I did not realize when she got that.

I thank Margret and left. Sam was waiting for me by the car. On seeing me he open the door. We exchange greetings and he drives me silently to the office.

"Good morning Sir, your schedule for today Sir. You have a meeting at ten with Zion group of companies, at noon you have a lunch date with Mr. Robert and lastly a conference on the new projects." She spoke trying hard to keep with my pace.

"Thanks, Ella, and good morning to you too.

"Bring the report on the Zion group of companies to my office, now"




"Mom! What are you doing here" I question. I was so preoccupied with these files that I didn't see mum walk in till she made it to my desk.

"Paying you a visit obviously since you wouldn't visit home and you don't take my calls either" and I thought I told Ella not to allow anyone into my office, now I will have to deal with mum and her troubles.


"Why haven't you been taking my calls. I try so much to get in contact with you, I call both your house and home but still, -she paused before continuing - can't you spare your mum some little time" she whispered the last part.

Mum would never go straight to the point. She starts with her emotional blackmail maybe because they seem to always work on me. Well, I'm not falling for it today.

"Mum, I have been busy with work" I tried calmly but this somehow got her angry

"Now you listen to me, I'm tired of waiting for you. How much longer do I have to wait? You are not getting any younger and I need to play with my grandchildren before I leave this world, is that so much for a mother to ask? She paused for me to take that in before adding - I have set up dinner with Mia during the weekends. Be there at 5: 30 and don't forget to bring her white roses, her favorite flower"

Oh, so this is it, huh. Why am I not surprised. I know she was up to something but she still off me of a guide by the grandchildren thing. The simple thought leaves my heart cringing.

"Mum. Please. Not. Again" I take those words carefully and slowly. Mum was busy throwing daggers at me but I ignored her and continued "I'm busy Mum and marriage is not something I intend on doing anytime soon. It takes a lot to get married and I'm not even thinking about that and having children, that's just ridiculous"

"What did that girl ever put in you?

" MUM!" I yelled slamming my fist on the desk. I couldn't hold it any longer. She has crossed the line this time. She of all people should know not to talk about her.

"Sunday 5:30 be there" she sneered walking out. Mum knows just where to get me. Just one word and my world come crashing down leaving me angry. Clenching my jaw and gnashing my teeth doesn't help either. I throw the content on my desk flying to the floor. My head begins to ache. why bring back the past. Why touch on the things I'm trying so hard to forget?

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