《Meant To Be》Chapter 22- Back to reality


Ashton's POV

I still remember that kiss. She was hesitant but in the end, she gave in to the kiss. She was innocent but her lips were heavenly, I want to taste her lips again so badly. There is something different about her that I'm yet to figure out.

This girl is irritating and she makes me frustrated too. It has been one week since that kiss at the party and it is as if nothing ever happen. Nothing changed.

When we got back from the trip. We went back to the boss-employee relationship that she has created between us.

After the party that day. We went back to the hotel, spend the night, and came back from the trip the following morning, the flight back was awkward except for occasional small talks here and there. took the rest of the day off when we arrived.

The rest of the days went by with both of us avoiding to talk about the kiss like a plague. We pretend it never happen at all.

During this week, I did everything to elicit any comment or anything at all about the kiss from her but to no avail. She doesn't seem to be bothered about whatever happens there during the trip and it gets me the more frustrated. She does all she has to do as my Personal assistant but that's just it. She goes about her work as if I don't even exist.

Ladies fall on my feet for my attention but her...

She doesn't give a damn about my attention rather I'm the one looking for her attention. She is something else.

"Hey! Buddy." My friend Jack stroll into my office like he own the world interrupting my thought.

" you here, why?" I ask. He hardly comes to my office unless he has a good reason to. So don't get me wrong. It's just unlike him.


"What? Can't I come here again? He said trying something on his face. I think he is trying to fake a pout but he fails badly.

" cut the crap man, what are you doing here."

"Okay, okay okay I want to inform you that I'm taking Ella out for lunch, no snapping at her for any lateness. Something seems to be bothering her for days now but she wouldn't tell me."

"Did you do anything to her?" He asks.

" no, not at all. Why will I do that." I lament

"Easy there buddy, I just asked, don't get mad at me for asking." He defends ever so calmly.

"Just don't scold her when she happens to come back late, because it took a lot of effects to convince her to tell me over lunch today." He slams the door walking away.

What! I groan. She rather tells Jack her problems. This lady is impossible. Why not me? She could have told me instead.

Why do I even care about that? She can have lunch with whoever she wants, and tell her problems to everyone except me. I don't give a damn. I said to myself slamming my fist on the desk.

Ella's POV

Jack told me he already inform Grey about our lunch so I sent him a text instead of informing him in person.

"So what is eating you up?" Jack asked when we took out seats at the restaurant a few blocks away to have lunch.

"Nothing is wrong with me Jack." I lied

"then why do you look so lost all the time. Did something happen between you and Ash? Did you fight with him or something?

"What? No, nothing happened." I exclaim.

"Then what is it? And why wouldn't you tell me."


"Oh wait, did you guys do it." He muse

"What! No. And I don't know what you are talking about." I play innocent.

"Come on tell me already. I know something happens between you two." My face heats up with embarrassment after I thought of what happened.

"Nothing like 'that' happened okay, we only danced," I said gesturing with my hand.

"Danced. Only that." He press

"...then we kiss." I finally said sounding happier than I should.

"Really, oh my God, how couldn't I figure it long ago. Both of you have been acting strange when you are near each other since you came back from the trip." He cheers now putting one and one together.

"But wait, if you sound happy talking about it, then where is the problem from?" The reason

"He didn't say anything about it since we got back. And he has gone back to his usual self, be professional and bossy almost like nothing happen. I know I'm not his type and it probably didn't mean anything to him. But why did he do that with me." You know for a moment there I thought we shared something. It funny when I think about it now. What was I thinking? I chuckle at the thought of it.

"I'm sorry Ella." Jack apologize

" you don't have to be sorry Jack. It's not your fault but mine. I could have pushed him away but I didn't and I even kissed him back. What did I expect? It is wrong but as of then, it was so right. But the truth remains he is and will forever be my boss and nothing more." I said blinking back the tears threatening to fall.

"Don't say that. There is no law restricting boss-employee been romantically involved in this country, so give it some time."

"Just be careful Ella," Jack advises and I nod as we get up to leave for the office before I run late.




"Thank you jack. I feel much better after talking to you." I said hugging him. We were standing at the door to my office, with Jack facing inside whiles I faced my Grey's office.

He murmurs no problem as I smile patting his back like a five-year-old boy.

"Bye Ella. See you after work." He said walking away to head back to his office.

"Bye." I smile broadly till my eyes landed on someone's pair of green eyes glaring at me. My smile disappears immediately.

"What now.?


Hi loves, I know you guys are a little annoyed with me, I'm so so sorry for the late update okay.

Now here R

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