《Who we are on the inside (Avengers x Marvel Agents of shield crossover)》The Story


"Well, like I said what she said was kind of the truth. SHIELD was not the first people to find me. She was. Her name was Skye back then. She was a part of Rising Tide." Steve said.

"Wait Rising Tide? As in the Rising Tide that hacks into SHIELD and lets the whole truth out into the public? That Rising Tide?" Nat asks.

"Yes, now let Steve continue." Coulson answers.

"She wasn't like the others. She was always reluctant to give out information. She actually unfreeze me instead of telling the world. She helped me adjust to the time. Why do you think I got some of the things that you tought me? I knew most of it already. Now continuing the story. After about a year It was beginning to be too much for her. Between her stuff with the Rising Tide, teaching me about new things and keeping me a secret, she wasn't getting enough sleep. So we desided to refreeze me. She somehow found out that Agent Hill was going on a mission in the Arctic. How she found out I have know idea. So she refroze me and took me there. Don't ask me how she did it. That is something you will have to ask her. Anyway Hill found me and unfroze me for the second time. And the rest is history." Steve finishes.

"Wow! So that's what happened? I feel kind of bad now. I pushed it when I shouldn't have. I am sorry." Clint says after the story ends.

"I'm not the one you should be saying that to." Steve says.

"Well I am going to go find her and opoligize." Clint says.

"She should be in the cockpit!" Mack says as Clint walks out of the room.


"I'm betting 10 bucks that she will skin him alive." Hunter says.

"I'm betting 20 that she will forgive him and bring out the scotch." Bobbie says.

"I'll be get in on this. I bet 30 that she will do both. Hunter's first obviously." Coulson.

Clint and Daisy walk in. "So what happened? These three idiots over here desided to bet on what you did." May says.

"I forgave him and brought out the scotch ... Coulson, Hunter again? You bet wrong again? I am starting to think Bobbie knows me better than you to do." Daisy says as she sees Coulson hands Bobbie a 30 and Hunter hands Bobbie a 10.

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