《MAOS ; No More Secrets》Heavy Is The Head
After I made a great escape from the Warehouse, I make my way back to The Playhouse when I see Idaho's S.U.V. flipped upside down in the middle of the road. I then pull up the motorcycle beside the S.U.V. before climbing off as I leave the ignition on. I then run over to it then crouch down beside the back right seat to see Hunter holding a gun at the ready as bloody drips from his mouth and his hands are covered in blood.
"Creel's on foot. But he won't be for long." Hunter tells me as he breaths deeply in relief.
"Hartley and Idaho?" I ask him as I see that his leg is jammed between a chair and the car door.
"Dead." Hunter tells me before I try to open the door, to try and release his leg "That's no use. It's jammed." He tells me.
"We have to get you out of here!" I tell him as I crouch back down to look at him.
"Look, my leg is pinned. Don't worry about me. There's no time." Hunter explains to me as sirens begin to wail about half a mile a away.
"Soldiers are coming." I tell him.
"Creel has the damn thing that burned Harley! You need to get him! Go!" Hunter explains to me, and I hesitantly pull out a mouse trap and I give it to Hunter.
"Good luck." I tell him before I run over to the motorcycle. I then quickly pull away and continue up the highway, and luckily there isn't much traffic "Coulson, do you copy?" I ask him.
"I copy." Coulson says.
"We got The Obelisk, but it was killing Hartley so Hunter took her and they both went off with Idaho. I found them with their car flipped about half a mile from the Warehouse, both Hartley and Idaho are dead and Creel took The Obelisk. I tried to get to Hunter, but his leg was jammed, told me to go after Creel as we heard the U.S. Armed Forces sirens closing in. I'm trying to find Creel right now." I inform Coulson.
"What the hell was Hunter thinking?" Coulson asks me.
"He was trying to save Hartley!" I remind him of what I just said.
"And you're absolutely sure?" Coulson asks me.
"They're gone. It was bad, Coulson." I tell him.
"Two agents down, another captured. This shouldn't have happened. We got a hit. 911 just picked up a stolen-vehicle call up the road from you. Older model red-and-white pickup." Coulson tells me as I begin to speed up as I swerve in-between lanes and cars.
"That's got to be Creel." I state.
"Johnson, you're approaching a civilian area without backup. If you see him, do not engage. You copy?" Coulson asks me, but I don't respond "Do you copy?" He repeats as I speed up, and bus honks in my direction as I take over it "Johnson, that doesn't sound covert." He tells me as I see the truck ahead of me with a silhouette of Creel driving.
"I've got him. Closing in." I tell him as I speed up.
"No, drop back. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." Coulson tells me as I take out my gun with my right hand from right holster and aim it at the back of Creel's head.
"He's not looking. I have a shot." I tell him.
"Negative!" Coulson tells me.
"We can't just let him go, Coulson." I tell him.
"Creel isn't working alone, And I want to know who he answers to. Drop back into surveillance mode now. That's an order, Agent Johnson!" Coulson orders me.
"... Yes, sir." I sigh annoyed before I pull back my gun and begin to keep my distance as I tail Creel.
After tracking Creel to a Café called Halfway House Café, and after Creel went inside I park the motorcycle on the other side of road before taking cover behind a caravan as I look inside the Café to see Creel with his back to the entrance as he sits alone.
"What's the status on Creel?" Coulson asks me over coms.
"He's been in there for over an hour. Either he's waiting for a drop or he's getting drunk off his ass." I explain to him before I hear a woman scream "Something's happening, Coulson. I'm going in!" I tell him before I run inside of the Café.
As soon as I get inside of the Café, crowds of people are surrounding the bar so I look over the bar to see a waitress on the ground as she vastly turns into stone, just like Hartley did when she touched The Obelisk.
"Everybody, get back!" I tell the civilians as I don't see any sign of Creel.
"I don't know what happened! All she did was touch the guy! And then he took off." A waiter explains.
"Please... Help me!" The Waitress cries as from her chin down is all solid, grey rock.
"Hang on..." I tell her, but it's too late as her full body is now solid, grey rock.
After the Ambulance and the Police arrive, I sit on the other side of the road as I watch the Police interview the civilians, and the Paramedic's take the waitress' body away.
"All the woman did was touch his arm." I say to Coulson.
"We know that Creel absorbs the properties of whatever he touches. He must have absorbed the Obelisk and its deadly powers. But why hurt a waitress?" Coulson asks.
"I don't think it was intentional." I say to him unsure.
"You're saying he's losing control?" Coulson asks me.
"He had some control issues when S.H.I.E.L.D. first came across him." I explains.
"If that's what's happening, anyone near him is at risk." Coulson states.
"Should have engaged when I had the chance." I say to him.
"Then you'd be dead, too. If this is on anyone-" Coulson tries to say, but I cut him off.
"-Just because you're director, doesn't mean everything's on you, Coulson." I tell him.
"Yes. It does. Go dark. Get back when you can." Coulson tells me, and I start up the motorbike before I take off and head back to The Playhouse.
After I arrived back to The Playhouse, I am now sitting on the edge of Coulson's desk as I explain to Coulson and Triplett that Creel can't be too far away from the Café, he was obviously waiting for someone.
"He couldn't have gone far. Local authorities have his description. Roadblocks are up." I tell Coulson.
"Talbot's people are still out there." Coulson States.
"Why was Creel at the bar?" Triplett asks me.
"He was waiting for someone. We just don't know if that person ever showed." I explains.
"We need a solve for Creel's powers. And we need it yesterday. How's the lab coming?" Coulson asks Triplett.
"Nothing yet." Trip says.
"Fitz is working on it, he's just not as fast as he used to be." I assure them just as Skye walks into the office with an electronic tablet in her right hand.
"I thought you were right behind us?" Skye asks me confused and a little annoyed.
"I was, I just had to make a few pit-stops." I tell her, and Skye turns to Coulson.
"You remember that encrypted H.Y.D.R.A. frequency we shut down? Well, it's back up." Skye says as she holds up the electronic tablet with a location point and a message.
"Someone sent a message." Coulson states.
"A message for us with a phone number to call." Skye explains.
"Yeah, could be Creel." I say to them.
"Creel? A phone number? What, is he lonely?" Triplett asks.
"I doubt it. The guy is jacked. And he can turn any body part into any material." Skye over explains.
"Okay. Thank you for that. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Call the number." Coulson tells her.
"Okay." Skye nods before she calls the number on the landline phone before using an electronic tablet before placing it on the table, and putting it on loud speaker as we let Coulson speak to try and track the call as she puts the landline on speaker, and we allow only Coulson to speak.
"Hello?" A woman asks over the phone
"Who is this?" Coulson asks them.
"Agent Coulson, I'm glad you got my message." The Woman says. Raina?
"Raina, as I live and breathe." Coulson says.
"It's been a while since we've spoken." Rain tells him.
"I'm kind of in the middle of a manhunt. Can we make this quick?" Coulson asks her.
"Why? You need time to trace this call, don't you? I take it, then, you haven't tracked down Mr. Creel or the item he stole." Raina suggests.
"What do you know about that?" Coulson asks her confused.
"I know H.Y.D.R.A.'s about to get their hands on it." Raina states.
"Well, congratulations." Coulson tells Raina what we already know.
"Let me be clear. Mr. Creel is working for H.Y.D.R.A. I am not." Raina tells us.
"Why the breakup? Bad dental plan?" Coulson asks her.
"H.Y.D.R.A. only has one thing on their minds. world domination. Which is so 1945." Raina explains.
"What do you want, Raina?" Coulson asks her.
"It's what I don't want, which is the Obelisk falling into the hands of people who don't understand it. I'm thinking you might." Raina explains.
"And I'm thinking you're gonna tell me why." Coulson counters.
"John Garrett understood it. The moment he was injected with the same drug that saved you, he had visions. He started carving those visions on the walls." Raina explains, and Coulson turns the loud speaker off and picks up the phone to have a private talk.
"Garrett was a madman... You're not calling to talk about fate. You want us to catch Creel..." Coulson says before he hangs up the cellphone.
"I couldn't locate her." Skye tells Coulson.
"It's fine, she's not our main priority at the minute." Coulson says before he walks out of the office, and we all follow him in suit "The second that frequency comes through, I want everyone on the move. If Creel's handing off the item to H.Y.D.R.A., we need to see where that leads." Coulson tell us.
"What if Creel melts down again? The lab hasn't figured out how to shut down his powers yet." Skye explains as we stop walking in the middle of the hallway.
"If he's an immediate threat to civilians, Trip's got the backup plan." Coulson states.
"What kind of backup plan?" I ask him.
"The heavy-duty kind with armor-piercing rounds." Triplett tells me.
"Will that work?" Skye asks us.
"Get close enough to him, catch him off guard." Hunter says as he walks over to us.
"Hopefully, we won't have to find out." Coulson adds.
"Where do you want me?" Hunter asks Coulson.
"That depends. Can you follow an order?" Coulson asks him.
"Absolutely, sir." Hunter assures Coulson.
"Because part of me wants you here running back-end. The other part knows we need boots on the ground, and I've only got a few good pairs." Coulson explains to Hunter.
"I'll be good. Scout's honor." Hunter salutes, but Coulson looks to him hesitantly "Please, sir. I owe Hartley one." He says to Coulson sincerely, and Coulson glances to me.
"We could use him." I tell him, and he slowly nods before looking back at Hunter.
"Suit up." Coulson tells him before he walks away.
After Skye was able to track the frequency from Raina's tracking device, we found out where they are going to meet up, I am now sitting in the back of a S.H.I.E.L.D. van with Skye and Hunter, and Skye has a laptop set up with live footage from Trip's rifle as he is on top of one of the buildings near the meeting point. I then put some casings into an I.C.E.R. before handing it to Hunter.
"I.C.E.R.'s? Great. How did we get stuck with a nonlethal option?" Hunter asks me as I pick up my own I.C.E.R.
"Coin flip. Triplett called tails." I tell him.
"Just getting word from the lab. Fitz might have something we can use to neutralize Creel's power." Skye explains to us.
"Best news we've had all day." Hunter sighs.
"Raina's tracker just popped. Creel's officially here." Skye tells us.
"Triplett, are you in position?" I ask him over our coms.
"Locked, loaded, and looking... Found him. He's got the package." Triplett says as the footage comes up on Skye's laptop, show Creel on a double bench with his back to someone as Creel holds the suitcase with The Obelisk inside.
"Looks like Creel is talking to the guy with his back to him." I say to them.
"That's his H.Y.D.R.A. contact. The deal's going down. Skye?" Coulson asks her.
"Running facial recognition now. Let's put a name to that face." Skye says.
"Let the exchange happen. Skye and Hunter, follow the new player. May, stay with Creel. Everyone copy?" Coulson orders us.
"Copy that." Skye states.
"Copy." I say before I'm shot in the back by Hunter with his I.C.E.R., and I fade into unconsciousness.
After waking back up and finding out that Hunter went rogue on shooting myself, Skye and Triplett with his I.C.E.R., he and Coulson managed to take down Creel with the stabilising and neutralising device that Fitz and Mack had made. And right now I am standing outside of the lab with May as we watch Fitz and Mack talk.
"I'm glad he's talking to someone, other than the few words to me and his consciousness' Simmons. I've got to admit, I'm having a tough time with it." I explain to her.
"It's understandable. He's changed." May says as I look at her, and I see Hunter exiting Coulson's office.
"Well I haven't." I say to her, and she looks behind her to see Hunter, and Hunter looks back at us, and he begins to walk away "Hunter..! Hunter..!" I chase after him, and he turns towards me with his hands up in surrender.
"I'll never shoot you again, I promise." Hunter promises me.
"... I never got to say how sorry I was, about Hartley and Idaho." I say to him and he drops his hands in confusement "To be honest I don't know what I'd do if I'd lost Skye. The past few month's I've seen what they've meant to you. It's like with my sister and my team, and I don't know what I would do if I'd lost them. But it would probably be along the same lines as what stunts you pulled today, I'm sorry for you loss... And welcome to the team." I say to him as I hold my right hand out towards him to shake, and he shakes his right hand with mine with small smile, but I suddenly begin to squeeze it hard "But if you ever shoot me in the back again, you'll regret." I tell him before I release his hand, and he shakes it in pain.
"Yes, ma'am." Hunter says to me.
"Don't call me ma'am." I show him a smile before I walk away.
"Yes, boss!" Hunter calls.
"Don't push it!" I call as I continue to walk away.
Bug in this Game
There is a game that is popular all over the world called, "Fantasy Collusion". Played by almost 2.5 billion people it is a revolutionary VR game. With a Virtual reality device called "Fotan" players live their gaming experience. Due to a defect or glitch in the game, one NPC becomes self-aware. What will a bugged NPC do? in a world where they aren't considered people? For what reasons will he seek to be stronger?
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Jude Flynn was the kind of kid who prefers to keep his heads down. Unfortunately, bad things happen to him on daily basis. Between the bullying and the constant seizures he was suffering, it seems nothing would change. But for the sake of the promise to his father, he endured. That is, until the world came to an end. Jude is then transported into Purgatorium. The Place Between. It is a world of angels and demons. Where everything and anything is trying to kill him. He will have to learn about this new world. To delve into the things fantastical and bizarre. Of secrets, both sacred and taboo. And most importantly, to discover the truth behind Purgatorium before it swallows him whole. In this new world, the choice is easy. Adapt or Die.
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приветики, с вами я, Белобрыска.не так давно я посмотрела первый сезон волейбола, и на этой основе буду писать мнения и много чего еще. надеюсь, вам понравится.
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