《orion's belt | ✓》9 | annalise



i'm clutching at my chest, i can't breathe.

every visible part of his upper body sports some type of purple blotch. small cuts wrap around his arms, and some even trailing up his neck.

the turtle necks. the bloody hand. the excuses.

it all makes sense now.

i pull him to me, wrapping my arms around his torso as he buries his face into my hair, sobs wracking his body. "orion," i whisper gently, even though i'm on the verge of tears myself.

you have to be strong, strong enough for the both of you.

"orion, it's going to be okay. everything's going to be okay." i say soothingly as i try to swallow the lump forming in my throat. i can't process what i'm seeing.

the heat of his tears seep through my sweater, but i can't bring myself to care. "orion, look at me."

he does, and the sight feels like a sledgehammer to my heart. his tears are streaming down freely, and his face contorts in pain. "i-i'm sorry-" he starts, but i shake my head, gently caressing his face. he flinches, and i immediately retract my hand, only for him to grab it and put it back.

closing his eyes, he leans in to my touch. "who did this to you?" i whisper, my voice barely audible, and he sucks in a sharp breath. "my father."

i want to say 'you don't have to tell me', but in reality, i desperately want to know, so i simply stare at him, waiting for a further explanation. "he came home from a business trip," he continues. "and he wasn't happy. t-this isn't the first time, i just..." he trails off.

"how long has this been happening?" i ask, my voice cracking.


"since i was seven."

his answer is all it takes for the waterworks to start. tears pour down my face, and i try to wipe them away before he notices, but it's too late.

his eyes soften and he takes my hands into his, holding them to his chest. "anna, don't cry for me," his voice is sad and deflated. "i'm not worth your tears." he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and wipes a tear that's trickled down my cheek.

an air of melancholy surrounds us. "you're not supposed to be comforting me!" i exclaim, wiping away my snot with my sleeve. "it's supposed to go the other way around!"

this causes a small laugh to erupt for his mouth. "hush love, it's okay."

"afterschool. we talk about this afterschool." i demand, shooting him a pleading look and he sighs, caving in.

"eat this." i tell him, making sure my tone is firm as i shove a muffin in his hand. he simply shrugs in defeat.

"so your father...he gave you all those bruises?" i ask, unsure where to begin.

i had befriended someone who has been abused for nearly a decade, and the worst part was: i didn't even notice anything was wrong.

"i can hear the cogs in your brain turning, stop thinking so hard." he replies, deliberately dodging my question. "yes, yes he did. it's not a big deal anna, i deserve it."

"yes it is!" i cry out, desperately trying to make him see the truth. "you don't deserve to be played with like a ragdoll."

he simply shakes his head. "he's my dad."

"no. fathers don't leave scars on their sons. orion, this isn't okay." i lean over, grabbing his hands. "you deserve better."


"butt out, okay? i'm thankful for your interest, but i'm not an injured zoo animal you gawk at and pretend to help. mind your own business." his voice is as cold as ice.

i release his hands, returning back to my side of the table, hoping he doesn't notice how much his words have stung me. he's just upset the voice in my head tells me, and i know it's true.

"promise me you wont try to interfere." he says icily, and i nod.

good thing promises were made to be broken.


---url who will forever hold a special place in my heart x

#250 in short story, 900 reads? i don't deserve you all.

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