《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t w e n t y t w o


"Well, besides Bellamy, you must be happy," said a voice behind her. Lyanna turned around with a smile.

"Finn, sit with me" Lyanna said, patting the floor beside her, with a childish grin.

Finn denied with a smile.

"Lya, it's like 6 in the morning, And yesterday was not a hard day? Why don't you rest a little longer? " Her best friend asked with his hands in his pockets and a sleepy expression.

"Look at it, Finn. It's beautiful just...the dawn." Lyanna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "The air smells sweet and fresh."

Finn smiled to see her friend enjoying the sunrise, Finn knew that Lyanna, since childhood, had a great fascination for the Earth, Lyanna always wanted to float in the water, smell the sweet smell of a rose, feel the sun on her face, and now she could do it. The boy came over and kissed Lyanna on the head..

"Okay, but then try to sleep, okay? Love you, munchkin"

"I love you too, spacewalker"

Lyanna watched the dawn, and closed her eyes, plunged her hands into the earth, smiling at the wet soil and staining all her hands. She thought of the Ark, she thought of her father, she would see him and soon she would see Diago too, He would teach her how to read and write properly and finally ... she could finally talk to someone who knew the death languages.

"Jin aena, anha tikh allayafi yer tat tihat mae ma anna, ave" Lyanna murmured

Lyanna lay on the grass for a few minutes alone until she felt a presence at her side, but she was so relaxed that she thought it was Finn

"See Finnie? I told you, this ... this is beautiful"

"It's beautiful ... but you shouldn't be alone" said another voice, it was not Finn, it was much deeper making Lyanna's eyes open immediately, Bellamy was lying next to her, watching her with a little smile.

"Good morning," Lyanna said blushing a little bit, she sat down, and Bellamy followed.

"Hey! "Where are you going?" Bellamy asked after her, as Lyanna started to walk.

"I'm going to ... walk away a little, Octavia told me there are beautiful meadows near here."

"Nope, you're not going to leave her, no way"Bellamy said.

But it only made Lyanna smile sweetly and took a few steps towards Bellamy.

"Relax, if you want I can go with a rifle, but I really want to get out of here .... I feel like a prisoner again without being able to leave."

Bellamy saw her for a few seconds, undecided, until a grin was drawn on his face.

"Fine, go .... but I will go with you."

Lyanna's smile grew larger and she chuckled, embracing Bellamy, excited.

"Great, come on!"

"But wait...I can't leave just like that"

"Bellamy, we have rifles, Clarke is not going anywhere, Octavia will not go anywhere, come on! the people can survive a day without their king!"

Bellamy was walking beside her, looking at the trees, distrusting every step they took and with the rifle raised, while Lyanna enjoyed the sweet, fresh smell of the morning, the soft sound of the stream and the crickets , Bellamy was ready to kill anyone who appeared to them. Lyanna sighed and stopped, put her hands on Bellamy's shoulders and gave him a calm look, causing the man to relax.


"Relax a little, yes? For me, all this is being too .... too much to control, I just want to go look for flowers and enjoy the sun a little.

Bellamy nodded, a little more relaxed.

"I wonder if there will be oranges or strawberries" Lyanna fixed with emotion "Diago told me they were sweet"

"Who is Diago?" asked Bellamy "Before I left, you asked your father about someone called Diago"

"Diago is like my uncle, he is my father's best friend, he taught me history, mythology, legends, the history of our ancestors, The ancient Lands..."

Before Bellamy asked her what the hell was "The ancient Lands", Lyanna's face brightened as if she were a child in a candy shop.

"We are here!"

The two of them were out of breath, the field was beautiful, everything was of different colors, in some parts there were purple flowers, in other oranges, some yellow, pink and red, all were scattered, the field was amazing, it looked like one of those pictures of art that Diago had shown her, and also of the drawings of the flowers in the book of the The Ancient Lands.

"This-this-is beautiful," Lyanna murmured in amazement, with slow steps she went to the violet flowers, crouched down and smelled it with closed eyes, the flower was sweet and fresh, then Lyanna touched it, it was so soft that she was afraid to break it.

the girl got up carefully and saw Bellamy crouched in front of her, watching her and out of nowhere pulled a blue rose from his back, like a trick of magic. Lyanna looked excited.

"Oh my God, a rose!"

Lyanna took it and smelled it, gave Bellamy a kiss on the cheek, happy, until after realizing what she had done she turned as red as her cloak, Bellamy smiled to see the girl blush, it was kinda adorable. Lyanna took off her cloak and put it on the ground like a blanket,

"Everything smells as I imagined it, the flowers, the water, the air in the morning ..." Lyanna took a deep breath and then squeezed the air "silence ... although I miss the stories"

"What stories?" Asked Bellamy taking a purple flower and putting it in Lyanna's ear, making the girl smile in embarrassment.

"The Ancient Lands, The Red Sea, the queen with dragon blood, the crazy queen, the war of the bastards ... although I always wanted to know about history that they teach in the Ark, like the Mythology that Octavia loves "


"Yeah, my dad loves to read, but Diago is a teacher for what he taught me about myths and legends, actually my name comes from one of our ancestors" Lyanna explained "Lyanna, was the most beautiful woman of all the kingdoms , She was from the north and by her veins ran the blood of the wolf, her ancestors, in the tournament of The Ancient Landd, The prince of the kingdoms fell in love with her, he laid a crown of winter roses in her lap and all the smiles died, he was the blood of the dragon, the next king of The Ancient Lands, but Lyanna was committed to the blood of the deer, but she loved the blood of the dragon, so that the two escaped to hiscastle. Jealous, her fiancée invented the story of Lyanna, Rhaegar had kidnapped and raped her, but in reality they both loved and married in one secret ceremony, but the lie of the blood of the deer was enough to start the rebellion against the mad king. Diago told me that I have the dragon's blood," she said the last with a smile, remembering her uncle's words.


"Do you think we all descend from the blood of dragons, wolves, and deer?"

"Lions, too, but they're just stories if you don't believe in them. If I descend from the blood of the dragon ... I believe that you descend from the blood of the Wolf

"The blood of the wolf?" Bellamy asked.

"Northern, the blood of the wolf can run through your veins Blake, Diago told me they were brave, strong, impulsive, honest and loyal"

"And what about you?" said Bellamy interested more in Lyanna's stories "What about the blood of the dragon?"

"They were a long dynasty, but the mad king was ... well, mad, but his daughter, The Unburnt" Bellamy saw Lyanna's eyes fill with admiration as she saw the flowers "The khaleesie of The Sea Narrow ... she was strong, intelligent, powerful, beautiful ... her people loved her. Diago told me that I look at her, physically.

"Well, of course, you're beautiful" Bellamy said, and immediately bit his tongue, Lyanna was right; To say that he was impulsive but honest, Lyanna was, without doubt, the most beautiful girl he had ever met, she looked down, blushing.

"That's not...that's not what I meant, the ... They were characterized by their white blond hair, they married siblings, so they kept their genes "explained Lyanna" yes, I know, it's disgusting "

"Do you spend all your childhood reading about dragons, battles and incest?" Bellamy asked, making Lyanna wince, she had not read it, her father and Diago had read and explained.

"Well, yeah... but Octavia told me that you know about mythology, right? I mean you practically taught her everything she knows.

Belamy nodded, playing with a flower between her fingers.

"Why don't you...talk to me about it?

"You want me to tell you about mythology?" Bellamy asked in shock, Lyanna nodded.

"Please," said Lyanna, clasping her hands, begging him, "I want to know why you like it so much"

Bellamy never had time for someone to listen to him, when he was a cadet he had a pair of companions, but protecting Octavia had always been his priority so he could never discuss his problems with anyone, he could not tell someone how difficult it was for him to see how his sister had to hide on the ground, because if the others knew they would kill her, no one had ever heard him in addition to his sister and his mother. But Lyanna was an excellent listener, listening with fascination to the myths and gods Bellamy said.

"All those gods... it's fascinating, my father told me about the Roman goddess you said, Venus I think, that's one of my names."

"One of your names" He raised his eyebrowns "Do you have more than one name?" Bellamy asked.

"Oh god, only Finn and Ocavia know my full name, my grandmother put me Lyanna, but my mother wanted to call me Venus, then "hey why not call her: Lyanna Venus, a bunch of other names, LeBlanc"


"Is my mother's last name, but as I told you, Valjean is the man who took care of me, gave me...an education, a father and a last name"

They stayed for a while more chatting, knowing a little more of the other, Lyanna had told him how many languages s​​he spoke

"Five!? You speak five languages?" Bellamy asked, unable to believe it.

"English, French, Dothraki, Low and High Valiryan" replied Lyanna "I always had a facility for languages, that's what my father told me

Lyanna continued talking a little more of her, but with parts that sheleft blank, parts that did not say, told him how Finn was the only boy who came to her and tried to get a smile, they had become best friends, Finn an older brother figure, while Lyanna collected flowers of different colors and passed them to Bellamy, in a couple of minutes the boy had a ship of different flowers of different colors

"Hey, look" Bellamy went to the right with Lyanna behind her"I think you wanted to try one of these" crouched down and when he was in front of Lyanna in his palm had a strawberry, at that time Lyanna completely forgot about the flowers and she bent down to see the strawberry plant, took one and put it in her mouth, then took another, and another, and another, her mouth was full but she did not care.

"Gods, this is delicious," she said with his mouth full.

"How old are you?" Bellamy teased.

"I'm eighteen," Lyanna said without understanding the joke.

"Eighteen? and they didn't float you?"

"My birthday, I think it was the day we came here or a few days later, I don't know, I lost track of time in that cell," said Lyanna, shrugging. "And you?"

"Twenty three"

"You are old" Lyanna teased him.

"And you are a little girl" Bellamy teased her too.

"Nayat" Lyannas responded "My uncle always told me that I was his nayat"

"You seem very attached to him" Bellamy observed.

"I met him when I was eight" she said "He's a funny man"

"Can we talk about what happened?"Bellamy asked making Lyanna frown. "About what you allucinated"

"No" Lyanna responded more quickly that she liked "Look, it was stupid okay? Forget it, please."

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