《Therefore,You and Me.(Michael Myers x Reader) COMPLETED》Chapter Five
You felt your ears ringing as a bright light was hovering over your body, your head was spinning each time you tried to blink making it hard to focus on one thing. You then heard muffled voices coming here and there until you finally had the right energy to realize what was going on.
"Y/N... Y/N!!" Loomis looked over you making you jolt up, one of the nurses quickly gave you a cup of water. You quickly chug it as if you haven't drunk anything in a while. Your memories began to float upon your brain making your eyes widen.
"M-Michael.. he..he-" you tried speaking with a shaky voice until Loomis interrupted you.
"We know Y/N, he killed at least 10 of our guards and injured some doctors including you. You need to tell me everything that happened okay?" Loomis spoke with his normal raspy voice making you nod quietly, You take one more sip of your water before taking a shaky sigh.
"I was working late in one of the medication rooms until I heard a bunch of noise which I d-didn't even... think about and I heard a box fall down from one of the shelves so I decided to check it out until I r-realize it was one of the boxes full of tranquilizers and there was a handful gone... and I-I.. bumped into Michael - then I remember him injecting it into me and that's when I blacked out.." you said quickly before inhaling and exhaling, Loomis nodded and laid his hand on your shoulder.
"Don't worry, we'll find him, and when we do we'll make sure he's extra secure. For now, I think you need to head home. Make sure all your doors are locked and Ill make sure to have some officers patrol around your street." Loomis helped you down off the hospital bed as he walked you out of the hospital. Your mind was only focused on Michael, somehow you blamed yourself for his escape yet it was out of your control. Loomis called a cab and quickly put you in not even giving you a chance to speak about the situation more.
_Time Skip_
You closed the door of the cab and waved slightly as the driver drove away down the street, you felt the headache worsen as you keep thinking about Michael. You were scared for the people in your town including yourself and you knew that he will come after you first. The pain between your throat and the guilt dwelling in your head was making you more miserable. Your legs were super weak from being overdosed with a bunch of tranquilizers and stuffed into a closet. You were tired and overall stressed. Michael was a very tall muscular strong man and him against a small girl like you, unfortunately, you knew who would win...
You put your coat on the coat hanger and took off your shoes by the door, you walked up your stairs quietly thinking about all the ways he can kill you... You were lucky enough that you didn't get your neck snapped but instead were put to sleep. Michael was smart and extremely stealthy. He knew exactly what he was doing and it was making you anxious as ever. You stumbled a bit to the bathroom and facepalmed out of disappointment realizing how many lives were already taken at the ward. You stared at the long mirror, you lift up your skirt slightly revealing the bruise marks of the needles that weren't even clean. You sigh and open the mirror to grab some medication to sleep. You felt stupid for thinking Michael could actually change his ways. You bite your lip in frustration trying to push away the guilty tears.
Maybe Loomis was right, maybe he was just a monster and you fell right into his trap like a hopeless mouse. You hoped that they would find them, you were also worried about him at some point too despite how he attacked you. You wipe away the salty tears from your cheeks and walked to your room that was clean as ever. You were always very organized and overall very well collected but there were times that you couldn't even have any motivation to do anything at all whatsoever. You walk to your closet and take out some PJ's, you then began to change into your PJ's before feeling like someone was watching you.
You shook your head and walked to the window to make sure it was locked, you sighed in relief realizing there was no one there after all in some case. You closed the curtains and went back to change. You felt your eyelids getting heavier each second, all you were thinking about was Michael... you shook your head from all the worrying thoughts and quickly climb into bed to drift off to sleep.
Michael threw the man across the room making the man scream out for help, Michael walked up to the man and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. The fear in the man's eyes made Michael feel the same memory he did when it all started. He then slices the man's throat and drops him to the floor as he bleeds out. Michael noticed some old bloodstains on his Mechanic jumpsuit which he didn't mind but it made all the wonderful bloody memories flood into his corrupted mind.
He takes the wallet from the corpse and takes out all the money from it, he stuffs it into his pocket and quietly walks around the house seeing if there were any more family members to go, he carefully steps over the dead corpse of the wife with a pencil stuck in her eye. He walked into the living room to see the large TV that had blood splatter's on it. He quickly noticed that many news channels were looking for him. He was about to walk away until he heard a familiar name..
"Y/N L/N was attacked by the famous Myers, later on, she was found in a closet and quickly taken down to the small ER section. She is recovering after almost dying from the overdose but was the last one to see him. If you see any reports of a strange man walking around please call the police imminently . " the news reporter said, He froze in place and turned his head to see the picture of you.
He needed to go after you since you might be the little bump into the journey of his killing plans. He needed to find you soon but first, he needed to finish off the other families in the other houses...
Some hours later after the just spot on killing, his mind kept on dwelling on you. your eyes... your smile... your innocence was something that confused him. He was annoyed at how he just kept on thinking about you. Maybe it was blood lust? or maybe something else, he just needed to get rid of you quickly before it becomes more of a problem for his own messed up mind...
You felt the headache appear as you open your eyes, your slightly messy puffy hair made you groan in annoyance. You took out your phone from your small decent nightstand and noticed many calls and texts you got from F/N. You quickly get up and call her, after a few rings she finally answered making you sigh in relief.
"Oh my god! Y/N are you alright!? did he really hurt you!? I knew that job was a terrible choice!" she whined through the phone, you flinch a bit since the yelling caught you off guard. You smile and giggled.
"I'm alright, I'm more worried about the town more though. I'm hearing that a lot of people went missing or has been murdered in many ways," you spoke softly with a quiet sniffle... you heard a loud roar of an engine from the phone making you raise a brow.
"What are you even doing right now F/N?" you question her making her laugh, you could almost imagine how she's smiling right now.
"I'm heading to your home," she spoke with excitement making you facepalm in disappointment. You knew her since high school and she has actually always been there for you somehow.
"You really don't have t-" before you could speak she cut you off with her radio playing loud music making you roll your eyes.
"Nah-uh I'm coming girl, I'll be there in 15 minutes!" she hung up instantly, you groan and flop back onto your bed. You didn't feel like doing anything today, you were tired and somehow felt weak especially in your legs. Your thigh felt sore and every time you would walk a bit wrong it hurt like shit.
You got up and quickly go to your closet to pick out some cute clothes, you quickly run to the shower and began to wash all away from your stress and guiltiness. You felt the warm water hit your back, you then put some shampoo into your hair and began to wash your hair very gently. Then came the conditioner which made your hair always smell so good. You finished your hair and began to wash your body.
Some moments after you were done showering and now putting on your clothes, you then brushed your hair after getting some knots out of it. It felt soft as ever, you smile to yourself and open the bathroom door. You walk to the kitchen and quickly began to make some snacks for F/N to eat just in case she was hungry. You put the snacks onto the plate and felt an odd feeling all of a sudden.
You look behind your back, you raised an eyebrow in curiosity wondering why you felt so odd or overall a bit off. You shake it off and quickly put the plate on the kitchen table. You sigh and walk to your living room to see some TV while you wait. You pick up the remote and turn it on, you scan through some channels until you came across the news channel. You gasped realizing at least 23 people died overnight in total. You panic and turn off the TV covering your mouth in shock and sorrow. You realized that you need to check up on Loomis if they got any leads on anything. Suddenly you heard your doorbell ring making you gasp.
You sigh and walk to the door, you quickly unlock it to see the familiar face of your dear friend. She jumps on you and wraps her arms around you capturing you into a hug. You giggled and hugged back. She put down her purse and her jacket before walking into your kitchen and sitting down.
"So how have you been F/N, any updates with Aleon?" you ask making her frown, she rolled her eyes in a sassy way and took a bite out of her snack.
"Ugh, he hasn't even answered any of my texts! he's such a dick sometimes." she takes a sip out of her juice in frustration making you laugh.
"So what was overall the progress with the boogie man?" she questioned making you catch her attention.
"Well... at first he was distant until we ended up getting used to each other. A lot of nurses and doctors were surprised at how easily I was able to communicate with him... As for Loomis the jackass who takes care of Michaels's mental being, he tried using me to get answers from Michael but that's not how I treat my patients." you lay your head on your hand while taking another bite of your fruit.
"Wow, it must be hard being around him at some point... arent you ever scared?" she asked with a grin on her freckled face.
"Hmm no not really, I took care of many patients but not as severe as him you know. I actually got to hold his hand once and he drew me! surprisingly that man has actual talent in arts like that!" you giggle, she choked on her drink suddenly making you raise a brow.
"YOU WHAT!? HE WHAT?! YOU- YOU HELD HANDS WITH THE SHAPE OF HADDONFIELD?" her mouth was wide open. You shake your head and set down your fruit before speaking.
"Oh yeah, it's not really a big deal. Like I said I make sure to take care of my patients and treat them like normal people.. but now that he escaped I'm afraid that our progress was simply nothing." you sigh in defeat and put your head onto the table. She gave a side frown and pat your head. You chuckle and pick your head up, something suddenly caught your eye behind F/N. The front window was in front of the street making you get a good glimpse of what's outside.
You squinted a bit seeing a figure across your house making you gasp in surprise as your eyes adjust to the distance. There stood a man in a navy blue mechanical suit that had blood on it but what really creeped you out was the mask... you cover your mouth in fear trying to point towards the direction of the man. F/N looked over her shoulder but saw nothing there, you got up and ran outside leaving F/N confused. She soon followed up behind you, you look around frantically...
"What in the hell are you freaking out about Y/N?!" she put her hand on your shoulder, you just stared into the direction the man was wondering where he went.
"T-there was a man.. watching us- across the s-street..." you mumble, she shakes her head and goes in front of you to reassure your distress.
"Hey, why don't you come over to my house to sleep! we can eat junk food and watch movies!" she smiled, you shake your head snapping out of your trance.
"No it's fine, I have to stay here F/N I'm sorry- maybe you should go..." you look down to the floor, she sighed and nodded.
"I guess so, It's getting late anyway... I'll check up on you tomorrow make sure to answer my calls.. Please take care of yourself Y/N." she went back to the door to grab her coat and her purse then quickly walking to her car.
She smiled at you and waved, she then hopped into her car and started the engine. She drove away down the street... you sighed and felt a headache rushing in. You were probably just paranoid or maybe hallucinating from the doses he injected into you. You walk back into your cozy home and closed the door. You locked it and went to the backdoor to make sure it was locked, you continued to check every door and every window to see if it was locked just in case.
You go back downstairs and pick up the empty plates on the table from you two eating. You then chose to wash the dishes to keep your mind distracted. You felt bad for F/N, she had to deal with all of your bullshit and she still somehow was able to stay by you. You so badly wanted to be at her house but you were smart enough to stay here. What if he followed after then F/N would be in danger... you put the plate into the dishwasher then moved on to the pots. You hummed quietly wondering how Loomis was doing.
You then began to wash one of your favorite glass cups, then out of the blue, you got that same feeling... the feeling of being watched.... You slowly turn your head to the front window as you held the glass into your hand tightly. Your E/C eyes widen realizing the same man from before was even closer to you. You dropped the glass and covered your mouth trying to muffle your scream. You quickly look down onto the shattered glass all over your floor, then looked back to the window only realizing that nobody was there.
Maybe you needed to just calm down, you sighed and carefully went over the glass to close the curtains. You take the broom from the corner to clean up the glass all over your floor. Suddenly you heard the floorboard's creaking. You carefully walk out of the kitchen to look down the hallway that included a restroom, the laundry room, and your storage room including your living room. You sighed and walked down the hallway only to be left in a frozen state as your eyes spotted your backdoor, It was wide open.....
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