《Therefore,You and Me.(Michael Myers x Reader) COMPLETED》Chapter Four


You let go of his finger finally to slide open the door, there weren't that many patients but all of them looked down as soon as Michael stepped, you waved at the other nurses but they simply just glared at you making you gulp. There was a small table near a window that was protected for obvious reasons. You lead Michael to the area you spotted, Guards stood right by the door observing each move Michael made. Michael stiffly sits down by the window and began to stare at it. Some minutes passed by of complete silence you took out two sheets of paper and two pens. You gently slide it towards Michael as he shoots a glare at you suspiciously.

"Why don't we try to draw each other, lets see who can draw the best?" you question him, the guards roll their eyes seeing your attempt of trying to click with Michael. Some moments pass and the guard's mouths drop instantly seeing Michael pick up the pen, you smile sweetly and began to draw as best as you can. You weren't really an artist but you made sure to try your best.

The guards began to whisper to each other making Michael turn his head at them, they stiffly stopped and looked the other way trying to make it seem like they didn't do shit. He looked back to the paper and at you, he saw the H/C strands of hair pop up in your face as you attempt to draw him. You slowly look up at him and lock eye contact making you giggle nervously, you look back down at the paper remembering what Loomis said how he feels about staring.

Michael began to draw silently, he noticed some small features of you. How your eyes sparkle when you smile, how your smile makes your cheeks all puffy. How your hair looks so soft and shiny. Michael was always the type to observe many small things even if it was pointless, but he was still a bit confused why he seemed to be very calm around you. Unlike all the other nurses they treated him like he was some demon, somehow with you he felt comfortable but still stiff. The voices in his head were silenced when you always came around leaving him with his own thoughts.

He looked at the paper seeing how he drew you, he felt his eyes squint on how he made everything so detailed. He was actually proud of his work and was surprised at how much effort he put into it. Little did you two know Dr. Loomis was quietly observing you two, he was shocked at how well he communicated with you.


You finally finished your drawing and looked at it, your smile instantly turned into a frown seeing how bad it looked. You felt your face heat up with embarrassment as Michael tried to look at your drawing. You covered it with your hands shaking your head,

"Oh my god- I just realized how horrible it looks.." you smiled nervously, he shook his head and lifted your hands off the paper. He then takes the paper and looks at it,

The paper had serval erase marks, the drawing was him but as a stick figure because you couldn't come up with anything else. The drawing looked derpy and overall really childish, Dr. Loomis observed Michaels's movements noticing how he was holding in his chuckle. Loomis felt his face lighten seeing how well you two bonded.

"Michael I'm not an artist like you! ugh, it looks terrible..!" you whined and covered your face in embarrassment. Michael shook his head and decided to show you his drawing, he slid the paper towards you hinting that he wanted you to look at it.

You took your hands off of your face, your face turned into a shocked look seeing how amazing his drawing was. It was almost as if someone had taken 2 hours drawing it when it was only 15 minutes. A smile grew on your face and took the paper, you continued to stare at it looking like a surprised puppy.

"Wow! Michael... I never knew you could draw this good... It looks exactly like me! you even got my hair right too! Your art style is fantastic, unlike my ugly stick figure." You giggle a bit loudly making Loomis raise his brow. Michael gently folded the paper and held onto it quietly when you weren't looking, you just stared at the drawing amazed by how many details it has on it.

You finally put down the paper and stared at your watch realizing it was already 6:46, you got up quietly and cleared your throat in shock seeing Loomis standing by the doorway glaring right at you.

Michael followed you right after but glared at Loomis once you looked away, Michael felt strange somehow with you being around now. He noticed so many things that changed once you came upon his path and now that you finally broke his small shell just a tiny bit. It would change everything he thought of you...

You hummed and took Michael's finger again to lead him to his room, he felt his stomach float all of a sudden with your small hands touching his. You didn't think much of it but as for him, he was annoyed at this point at how kind and reckless you were. Michael never met someone like you, H/C H/L hair... Beautiful E/C eyes, And a kind personality, and then you're looking after some cold-blooded serial killer who never felt any remorse towards anyone. As for you, he saw you as some sort of little puppy who was pure as gold.


The guards stared at you in a confused way making you raise a brow wondering why they were giving such a shocked expression until you noticed you were holding onto Michael. You laughed nervously and let go instantly making Michael turn his head to the guards. The guards felt their hearts drop just by Michael's glare. You giggled and took out Michael's meds, you handed him his glass of water and his meds to his hand. He stared at the meds quietly not wanting to take them, you sighed seeing his negative look.

"Don't worry Michael I made sure to ask to lower the milligrams," you spoke softly and turned away to mark down the stuff you did on your notebook. You look back at him and smile softly before letting out a soft giggle, you then begin walking away from the doorstep and stopped mid-way

"Goodnight Michael, hope you sleep decently" you wave and close the door behind you- and walking away swiftly down the lonely halls of the ward.


You sighed and taped the labels to the medication, you had a horrible headache and you wanted to head home but you decided to do some extra time since you didn't want to be unprepared for the next morning. You brushed a strand out of your face and tucked it behind your ear gently, you kept your focus on the medication for a while until you heard some movement making you gasp. You curiously look back in forth wondering if there was another nurse here, you looked through the long shelves. You shrugged and went back to the small desk you were at, you hum a small melody trying to keep your focus on sorting out all the labels and prescriptions.

You then noticed that you needed more tape, you look through the draws of the desk only to find nothing but dust making you sigh. You get up and walk to one of the cabinets towards the left, you looked at all the labels on the cabinets until the familiar word came up. You whisper under your breath and reached to open the cabinet only realizing you can't even reach it. You sighed and went up on your tippy-toes making you softly grunt.

Your fingertips barely touch the small role of tape making you frown, your mind focused on the single roll of tape. Out of the blue, you heard some boxes falling from one of the shelves making you raise a brow. You slowly walk down the small aisles until you saw the mess on the floor, you walk up to it wondering what was knocked down. You bend down slightly and look through the box, your eyes widen realizing the box was full of tranquilizers and fluids that were meant for the patients. Your face turned into a confused look seeing that there were many taken from the box. You felt a bit scared and decided to back away from the box until you bumped into a stiff and large chest. Your eyes widen and you slowly turn your head to see Michael. Before you can scream he covered your mouth and grabbed your waist from your squirming.

He then slightly lifts up your skirt and injects three of the tranquilizers on your thigh, you gasp and felt your legs give up. Your body pressed against him out of panic trying to at least get away from Michael, you looked at him directly into his blue icy eyes until your eyelids were beginning to get heavy. Your body went limp and your mind completely blanked out. He slides his hand in your pocket to find the keycard to the door. Eventually, he finds it and looks at it, he saw the ID of you. You look somehow sad it in and overall lost in your own thoughts. He looks back at you and stared at your vulnerable state for a while before putting you over his shoulders, he never realized how light and tiny you were compared to him until now. He knew that the tranquilizers would only put you to sleep but killing you would be way messier. For now, he spared you... he didn't know exactly why but he chose that decision since it seemed easier.

Michael walked to one of the back closets and slightly threw you in, you whimper in your sleep causing him to tilt his head. He felt some sort of tug on his chest making him raise a brow, he ignored it. He shut the door quietly and felt some sort of ball between his throat almost as if he felt bad but again he didn't care. His mind was determined to be able to escape the hospital and begin his killing sprees.

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