《Star Wars: Downfall》Star Wars: Downfall Part 2
Anakin POV:
After my meeting with Yoda, the Chancellor requested my presence at the Opera House and he requested it immediately, so I didn't have time to tell Ahsoka. I hurried to my speeder and got the idea that I could just contact Ahsoka on the commlink, "Hey Snips are you there? Snips? Well if you can hear me, I'm on my way to meet with the Chancellor right now, I'm going to be a while." I paused and sighed to myself, I'll see you then. I love you."
I put the commlink away and focused on the path ahead to the Opera House. Making may way there, I was distracted. I could only think of my nightmares and what Master Yoda had said. Should I just let it go? No, I couldn't. Not after my mom. I promised myself I wouldn't let this happen again, and I WILL NOT, let this happen to Ahsoka. She means everything to me, and then some.
I shook my head out of the daze it was in once I arrived at the Opera House. I hopped out of my speeder and walked increasingly fast to the Chancellor's booth, for I thought my distracted mind made me late.
I ran passed numerous people, then up some steps and to some guards. They immediately let me pass into the Chancellors booth, "Thank you." I quickly bowed to them and went in.
The second I entered, Palpatine looked to me and smiled, "Ah, Anakin my boy, you made it. Please, sit down." He then turned to his other guests, "Leave us."
3rd Person POV:
Anakin slowly walked over to the seat next to Chancellor Palpatine and sat down, adjusting his robe to his comfort. "Anakin I have good news," Palpatine started, "Republic spies have found General Grievous. He's hiding," he rolled his eyes, "in the Utapau system."
Anakin was relieved to know that Grievous had been found, "Finally, we can capture that monster and end this war."
"Yes, all in due time of course." They were silent for a moment, "Anakin, I'd like you to be my personal representative on the Jedi Council, and with, I'd like for you to go on the mission to Capture Grievous. I'm quite sure you can handle it." Palpatine looked at Anakin and smiled a sadistic smile.
Anakin looked to the ground, happy but doubtful, "Me a Master? I'm overwhelmed. I don't think the Council will approve of this." He looked to Chancellor Palpatine with a sad expression.
"Oh I think they will. You're the right person for the job Anakin." Palpatine then looked to the Opera that was going on. The purple and blue swashes, flowing freely about in the crystal clear bubble, the rumbling noise, barely vibrating the floor beneath them.
"Is something troubling you Anakin?" He asked, his eyes glared at Anakin now. Anakin looked at him confused. "Anakin, its alright son."
Anakin lowered his head, "I've been having nightmares again..."
"Like the ones of your mother, and the sand people?" He questioned.
"Yes." He replied quietly.
"And who are they about?" The Chancellor asked in a concerned manner.
"Well," Anakin started, "They're about Ahsoka and I." His heart stopped. He thought to himself about how no one knew about him and Ahsoka. He began to panic.
"Anakin," Palpatine rested his hand on Anakin's shoulder, "are they about what happened on the day you rescued me and Ahsoka was unconscious?"
Anakin shook his head, "No. I don't know what they are about. I just see her, lying on the ground, dying. And I'm..." His voice trailed off.
"You're what my boy?" He interrogated.
"Burning." He replied silently.
"And you feel this might happen? Like it did with your mother?"
Anakin looked at Palpatine, holding back tears, and then back to the ground, "Yes."
"Well," Palpatine took his hand off Anakin's shoulder and resumed watching the Opera, "Let us hope it does not come to that. We always have a choice Anakin, and for her sake, I hope you make the right one if it does." Anakin's eyes were still focused on the ground and his head was bowed. The booth became silent for a long period of time. So long, in fact, one of the gaurds peeked in to make sure nothing had happened.
Palpatine then spoke, "You ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis 'The Wise'?"
Anakin was silent for a moment. He turned his head to Palpatine, "No." He replied in a confused manner.
"I thought not, its not a story the Jedi would tell you." Palpatine said in a "matter-of-fact" way. "Its a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith. He was so powerful and so wise, that he could use the force to influence the midichlorians to create, life." He inhaled, "He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about, from dying."
Anakin became curious, "He could actually... Save people from death?"
"The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be, 'unnatural'."
Anakin then looked to the Chancellor with much intrigue and curiosity, "What happened to him?"
Palpatine smiled but it faded quickly, "He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was, losing his power- which eventually, of course he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice, everything he knew. Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep." Palpatine began biting his bottom lip, "Ironic... he could save others from death, but not himself."
Anakin was interested in learning this ability. He vowed that some day he will save others from dying, and this could be the key. "Is it possible to learn this power?" He asked.
Palpatine turned to him, "Not from a Jedi." Anakin then snapped out if the seductive trance the Chancellor's story had him in, "Thank you Chancellor." Anakin stood up, bowed, and left the booth.
Anakin POV:
What did he mean "Not from a Jedi"? This has to be some kind of joke. But... What if its not? This could be the very key to saving Ahsoka's life from my nightmares! I had to seek information about this. I'm sorry Snips, I'll be later than I thought.
I headed to the Council archives to search for information on some sort of power related to that of which Chancellor Palpatine described. There had to be something in here... But maybe not. After all, it was only a Sith legend. I began to then wonder, how did Chancellor Palpatine know of all this legend?
"Oh no!" I said out loud, I was late for my meeting with the Council on the information and the request the Chancellor had. Obi-Wan is going to kill me. I quickly sprinted through the Jedi Temple until I reached the door to the Council Chambers. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath and walked in.
Everyone was here and seemed disappointed in me as I entered. I made my way to the center of the room and bowed once I got there.
"News, you have for us?" Yoda asked.
"Yes Master," I started to grow nervous, "The Chancellor has the whereabouts of General Grievous, he's in the Utapau system." Master Windu had a look on his face as if he were about to speak but I interrupted him, "The Chancellor has also appointed me to be his personal representative on the Council."
Everyone shared a concerned look and I was even more nervous now. Yoda rubbed his chin and glanced to Master Windu, "Very disturbing, this move by Palpatine is."
Mace nodded and looked towards me, "You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master."
My heart sank into my stomach, "What?" Windu squinted his eyes at me, "How can you be on the Council, and not be a Master?"
Master Windu leaned forward in his chair and motioned to a chair, "Take a seat young Skywalker."
I bowed to him, hiding my anger, "Yes Master. Sorry Master." I walked over to my seat and sat down. The discussion of Grievous then continued where it had left off. The council was deciding who should go to Utapau and deal with him when I chimed in, "The Chancellor has requested, that I go."
"Enough experience, you do not have." You stated.
Master Windu gave me an angered look, "The Council will decide who goes, not the Chancellor." Master Mundi then suggested Obi-Wan go, to which everyone agreed. It was also decided that Master Yoda go to Kashyyk and aid the wookies. "May the Force be With Us All." Master Windu said, and with that we were all dismissed.
I followed Obi-Wan to the hangar for his departure. I felt embarrassed of my out burst and as if I had failed him, so I wanted to apologize. He stepped up into the transport ship, "I'm sorry Master. I've been reckless, arrogant, and I feel like I have failed you."
He stared at me for a minute and smiled, "Anakin, you've become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be. I've trained you since you were a small boy and I'm proud to say I have. You just need to be patient Anakin. Things will soon get better. I promise."
I couldn't help but smile back at him, "Thank you Master. May the Force Be With You Obi-Wan."
He simply kept smiling and in a cheerful voice, "May the Force Be With You Anakin. With that, he was gone.
Ahsoka POV:
After I had gotten back from the Medical Center, I waited in Ani and It's chambers for Ani to return. I didn't know it would take THIS long to talk to Master Yoda about a nightmare. No, it couldn't, he's probably just busy. Probably fixing a droid. I laugh to myself at that but it disappeared. I'm dying. How could I tell Anakin? What would he- his dream!
He was right. All this time I didn't believe him, and he was right... I can't tell him. I can't... I'll let him figure out how to save me and then we'll be ok? He figure it out. He was always good at figuring stuff out. Ani, I need you now more than ever.
I've waited hours, upon hours for Ani to come back. But he hasn't come yet, so I finally let the tears fall down my face. I couldn't stop. Anakin was right. His dreams predicted this and I shot him down. I couldn't decide what to be more sad about; me dying or not listening to Anakin when he needed me the most.
At that moment Ani walked in the door and I rushed over to him, embracing him in a tight hug, crying into his chest. "Snips are you ok?" He asked as he put his hand on my lower back.
I had to lie to him, "Yeah, I was just worried about you. You said you went to see Master Yoda and you're gone for over half the day?" Well I didn't technically lie to him really, I was worried.
"I'm sorry my love," he kissed my forehead and then the top of my right Lek, resting his chin in the dip, "I had to speak to The Chancellor. He made me his person representative on the Jedi Council."
I was surprised, "You're a Master now?"
"Well," he paused, "I'm your Master yes. But was I given the rank of Master? No."
"Aw, I'm sorry Ani." I didn't know what else to say.
He leaned back and kissed me on the lips, I kissed him back with all of my love, for it could be the last time I get to. He squeezed me tighter and I pulled us down onto the bed. I wanted to make love to him.
Anakin POV:
I was surprised at how quickly and fiercely Ahsoka had pulled me down on top of her. I guess she really did miss me. Ha, I had to laugh at myself for that one. She was removing the robe she had on and I was removing my tunic, both in very fast mannerisms. I helped her slide out of her black dress she had on and she helped me remove my boots.
I had to tell her that I knew how to save her, "Ahsoka wait-" but she interrupted me, "Ani, love me as though there were no tomorrow." Her voice was... Pained, but loving in a way. Passionate if you might say.
I ran my hand up and down her left leg, until I finally stopped at her hip, I then proceeded to go up her back. With my other hand, I placed it at the back of her right knee and lifted it at my side to a 90° angle. I kissed her more hard and with more passion. I loved her, and now I could save her.
Afterwards; Anakin POV:
I lay in our bed, facing the ceiling. The room was quiet and Ahsoka was tracing my abs for a minute. Then she began to trace little circles on my hand that laid on my side. She was cuddled up next to me, face buried in my armpit area.
I turned and faced her, "Ahsoka," I paused and waited for her to look up at me, "I can save you."
She looked up at me with big eyes, man she was so cute, "How?" She asked softly.
"With help." I replied. "With help from a friend Snips."
I walked into Palpatine's office and he spun around in his chair to face me. "You said, he could save people from dying. How?" Palpatine smiled his sadistic smile at me, "Anakin, you're back."
I walked closer to Palpatine and put my hands on his desk, almost angry, "HOW could he save them?"
"Anakin?" I asked scared. He was frightening me with his silence, just staring at me with blank eyes.
He shook his head, "Huh? Yeah sorry Snips I was just kinda out there for a second." He laughed. "What's wrong?"
"How can you save me?" I asked again, I didn't know who this friend was and I didn't know what they were capable of if things went wrong.
Anakin's forehead creased, "I told you Snips, with help from a friend. Everything will be ok, I promise you. I won't let this become real. Ahsoka I wouldn't lie to you, you're everything to me. You're what I live for. You're the reason I wake up, the reason I smile... The reason I breathe. I love you Snips."
Hearing his words made me happier than ever. They made me forget I was dying, about the false baby, and about life itself. We were here and now, and that's how I liked it. "I love you too Anakin. I have faith... that you'll find a way to save me. I trust you, because, that's what we're built on."
I held him tighter and wouldn't let him go. Whatever it was he found out, however it is he can help me, I wanted to be apart of it. "Anakin." I said quietly.
"Yeah?" He answered half asleep.
"We're in this together." I assured him.
"I know we are." He replied.
I sat up and straddled him, "Then," I kissed his chest, "let me be apart of it. However it is you plan on saving me, I want to be apart of it."
Anakin POV:
"Ahsoka..." I paused with really nothing else to say. I couldn't deny her, but I was about to, "no. What this is... Me saving you. I have to do this alone. You don't know... The process involved is dangerous, and I don't want that for you. I want you to be safe and... here." I felt tears coming up as I saw her expression sadden.
She rolled off of me and turn her back to face me. I could hear her sobbing but honestly, I couldn't do anything. What was there for me to say? I couldn't let her in on this. If only she knew the-the danger, involved, she wouldn't... she wouldn't understand what I have to do to save her.
Palpatine stood up and walked over to me, "Anakin," he pursed his lips and raised his hands as if to mock me, "surely you don't believe in an old Sith legend. Besides," he paused and placed his hands in one another at waist level, "you're a Jedi, and well this... would be breaking the Code- and everything you stand for my son."
I stared at him with anger growing inside of me, "I don't care about that. All I care about, is saving Ahsoka from my nightmares!" I lowered my head, "I can't live without her."
I the felt Palpatine's hand on my shoulder again, "You mean from yourself."
"What?" I glared at him, this time with more anger than ever, "I would NEVER hurt Ahsoka!" I shook his hand off of me and stood up straight clenching my fists. "How dare you say that."
The Chancellor smiled a weak smile and rose his hands in defeat, "Anakin these visions are yours. How you deal with them is all on you my boy. But," he paused and exhaled, "I can help you understand this. For now," he put his hand on my back and led me to the door, "go. Go be with her and get some rest Anakin."
I turned to face him, "I'm sorry Chancellor." I bowed to him, "thank you. And forgive me."
"It is only humane, to be upset Anakin." He gestured towards the door. I nodded to him and left his office.
I took off the glove to my cybernetic arm and placed it on the stand next to me. Thinking about it now, maybe she could help? No, no, its too risky.
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