《Stupid Sunsets | Anakin Skywalker》25 | anaxes
"𝘼𝙣𝙮 𝙢𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩."
When Rex came back with the Bad Batch, it was revealed that the Separatists actually were using an algorithm to beat us in the battle for Anaxes. At Rex's insistence, it was likely that they were using Echo to come up with these strategies. Anakin was being sent with Rex and the Bad Batch to Skako Minor to figure it all out. I managed to steal Anakin for a bit before he left.
"I wish I was going with you guys," I said sourly.
"I much rather you be safe here than facing danger out there," he said softly.
I pouted lightly. "I joined the Rangers to fight in the war, Anakin, not sit around being useless while people die." My voice faltered as I thought of all the men dying on Anaxes right now as they faced the droid forces. Cody was in the medbay right now waiting to get healed. As soon as he was cleared, he would be back in the fight. I wasn't so sure about myself.
"Hey, don't worry." Anakin reached to rub my arm as my mood dampened further. "You'll be back out there again in no time," he offered me a smile. "Just listen to Kix for when it's okay to be in combat again."
I nodded in understanding and blinked away the tears that threatened to surface. Anakin sighed and pulled me into a warm hug, holding me tight against him. I needed his touch desperately. My emotions were all over the place recently and I needed someone to keep me grounded.
"Thanks, Anakin," I said pulling away.
"Of course, Sil," he smiled and caressed my face with the back of his fingers.
"Ready for Skako Minor?" I asked.
Anakin's entire posture changed. He frowned lightly and nodded.
"What's wrong?"
"It's... it's Rex," Anakin admitted. "He's really hanging on to the hope that we'll find Echo there. I'm afraid Rex is going to get hurt if he's wrong. What if Echo's really gone?"
My gaze drifted to the side in thought and then I looked back up at Anakin. "Rex could be right you know."
"But what if he isn't," Anakin said with concern heavy in his voice.
"Whether Echo is really alive or not," I released a sigh. "Rex is going to need your support. You should trust him, Anakin, because even if Rex turns out to be wrong, he'll know you were there for him. That's important."
Anakin smiled lightly. "You always know what to say, Sil."
I smiled and waved him off. "You should get going on your mission. You don't want to hold up Rex."
We left the empty barracks and met Rex and Hunter outside the Bad Batch's ship.
"General! I was wondering when you were going to show up," Rex greeted Anakin.
"Don't worry, Rex, we'll get going in a second," Anakin smiled.
Rex nodded and turned towards me. "How's Cody holding up?"
"Well, he's not going to be seeing any action for a little while, but he's going to be fine," I assured him.
"That's good to hear," Rex said. "And how's your wound?"
I flinched as he asked that. I was surprised Rex believed my injury was real.
"It's... getting better," I said trying to hinder my smile from looking too suspicious.
"That's great," he smiled. "Cody got what was coming to him. He was going on about how you had been using internal damage as an excuse for days. He wasn't buying it," Rex chuckled.
"Yeah, that Cody," I laughed along nervously. "Anyways, you guys should get going," I said nodding to Anakin and Hunter who seemed to be growing impatient.
"I hope you're still not telling Wrecker to throw regs over enemy lines," I said to Hunter remembering his strategy from previous missions.
"I don't know," Hunter touched his chin in thought. "He might be next." Hunter slapped Rex on the back and laughed as he walked up the ship's ramp.
I smiled at the interaction and sent a nod to Anakin and Rex.
"Good luck, guys," I said. They acknowledged and soon disappeared inside the ship.
Once they were gone, I quickly headed over to the medbay. I hadn't forgotten about the file I found about Fives. I had some things I wanted to ask Kix.
"Are you busy, Kix?" I asked finding him tending to a trooper.
Kix lifted his head to look at me. "Oh, Sil, just give me five minutes with this guy and I'll see you in a second."
I nodded and found an empty cot to sit on and waited for him. When Kix arrived, there was a concerned look on his face.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, but Kix, when I was reading through the report on Cody, I found something else..." I said and observed Kix's expression. He seemed a little startled but mostly calm.
"What did you find?"
"A report on Fives," I answered. "And I know it's not old stuff. These were recent findings, and it was about the chips."
Kix inhaled sharply and looked down for a moment before lifting his gaze again to meet my eyes. "Sil, you can't tell anyone about this."
I rolled my eyes. "Of course I won't tell anyone. Kix, I've got secrets of my own."
"Right," Kix chuckled. "Secrets that involve forbidden relationships with Jedi-"
"Alright, that's enough, Kix," I cut him off with my cheeks reddening.
"Not much of a secret anyways," he added quietly.
He just laughed and I smiled in emabarassment.
"Okay, but are you going to tell me about your research on the chips?" I turned serious. "It's not like I didn't barge into the Chancellor's office to ask him about it personally. I'm on your side."
His expression hardened and he nodded. "Well I've ruled out the inhibitor chip theory," Kix said. "They fabricated that story to cover up something else."
"How do you know it was a coverup?"
"Because aggression isn't completely genetic!" Kix exclaimed and then hushed himself. He ripped his datapad off a desk and sat down next to me. "Look, the Kaminoans said that the chips were meant to make us less aggressive because apparently, Jango Fett was like that. But it doesn't make any sense. Yes, we look like Jango Fett, and we inherit some of his abilities, but all clones are born different."
I nodded along to what Kix was saying and he continued.
"Obviously, we've all got our own personalities and skill sets," Kix said. "Some of us are good pilots, medics, whatever, but Jango wasn't necessarily good at those things. For example, Jango might've been a good singer, but it doesn't mean the rest of us will be."
"Whaat?" I asked and pouted. "You clones didn't inherit Jango's singing skills? I think I'll decide that for myself."
Kix shuddered. "Trust me, you don't want to hear Jesse sing."
I laughed and Kix shook his head. "Anyways, the same goes for aggression. Even if Jango was super aggressive, that wouldn't make the rest of us aggressive too. Sure, children might be aggressive because of the genes they carry, but they grow out of it."
"So there's no reason for the Kaminoans to implant something in your brains for the sole purpose of making you less aggressive," I said. "Especially if you guys wouldn't turn out like that anyways."
"Yes, why would they go out of their way to do something as expensive as that?" Kix asked exasperated. "And the level of aggression Fives displayed is very questionable. I... I think he was drugged."
"Really?" My face fell thinking about the injustice Fives faced. "So there's definitely a hidden purpose," I decided. "Something we're not supposed to know."
Kix nodded.
"Did you figure out anything else?"
He shook his head. "It took me weeks to come up with all that. I read the reports on Tup and Fives over and over again. I read about genetics, I researched Jango Fett, and none of this adds up."
"How can we figure out what the chips are for then?" I asked.
"I'll need to examine the chip itself to figure it out," Kix sighed. "Problem is, I'll have to take it out of someone's head. I'm still not sure if doing something like that will kill a trooper."
I stared at the floor with my chest feeling heavy. "Are you planning on carrying out your research?" I asked.
I felt like it was worth the risk, but I wanted to leave it completely to Kix. After all, I wasn't a clone. I didn't have a chip in my head that needed to get pulled out. I had no say in this.
"I want to keep going," Kix said quietly. "I want to get to the bottom of what Fives was talking about. I don't want him to die for nothing."
"Neither do I," I agreed. There was a moment of silence as we thought about the decision before us.
"You got anyone in mind whose chip we can take out?" Kix asked.
"You don't want to do it with Jesse?" I asked knowing the two were close.
"Jesse's my best friend and I don't want that thing in his head," Kix said. "But I'm afraid he won't be able to keep quiet about it."
I nodded in understanding and sat up straighter when I got an idea. "I know someone who can keep a secret."
Trip returned from one of the fronts on Anaxes. One of the few fronts we had actually been able to win. Some of the troops were holding the line there while others came back to base. That evening I approached Trip in the barracks to ask him a question. I briefed him on the research Kix had been doing and how close he was getting to figuring out the chips.
"I'll do it," Trip agreed quickly. "If there's something about this chip that puts us all at risk, I'm willing to help figure it out. I don't want anymore brothers dying because of this."
"Are you sure, Trip?" I asked knowing he wouldn't hesitate. I wanted him to consider it carefully. "There's a possibility you won't make it through, and I don't want you to die."
"A little brain surgery won't kill me," Trip smiled in reassurance and I found myself smiling back. "Besides, I know you were upset when General Skywalker didn't listen to you when that stuff with Fives was going on. I'm willing to help prove you right even if it means you get to tell the General I told you so."
I let out a loud laugh and felt grateful to have a friend as great as Trip.
"All right then, wanna go see Kix?"
"Let's go."
I brought Trip to the room Kix told me to meet him in. It was full of intricate medical equipment I couldn't name if I tried.
"Trip agreed to undergo the procedure," I said.
Kix looked up to see us. "Are you sure you want to do this? You know you don't have to."
"I want to," Trip said. "We're being kept in the dark about something that was placed in our heads. I want to get to the bottom of this."
We all shared a nod and got to work. I assisted Kix with getting Trip ready. I laughed seeing Trip flinch as I shaved his head.
"I agreed to the surgery but not to a haircut," he frowned.
Kix chuckled and entered data into the surgery machine. Trip was laid down and Kix searched for the chip through the scans.
"I would've done this to myself, but someone has to find the chip first and get it removed," Kix explained as he worked.
"Can't you just use a droid?" Trip asked.
Kix gave him a look and the realization dawned on Trip. "Oh yeah, you don't like droids. Too bad you're letting your hair cover up that tattoo, I almost forgot about the droid thing."
"I think you're forgetting that I can do whatever I want to your brain right now, Trip."
"Good point."
Kix's face lit up when he finally found the chip. "Alright I've located it!" He said excited. "Just sit tight, Trip, I'll get it out in a minute."
Trip just nodded and shut his eyes as the surgery took place. My insides squirmed as I grew nervous.
"You did numb him, right?" I whispered to Kix.
"Of course I did."
The procedure went on for a few minutes and anxiety ate at me. I desperately hoped Trip was going to be okay. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to him.
"And we're done." Kix smiled and let the machine drop the eerie looking chip into a dish and sealed it. "I'll be examining it and keeping you guys updated on what I find."
Trip groaned and sat up. His eyes landed on the chip and his eyes widened. "That was in my brain?" he asked disgusted.
"Yup," I confirmed. "I saw it come out myself. All slimy and-"
"Ugh, don't tell me," Trip cut me off.
Kix placed the chip somewhere secure and turned to Trip. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine," he shrugged.
"I think Kix means if you suddenly feel like killing anyone," I said flatly.
Kix frowned and punched my shoulder. "No, that's not what I'm asking. But Trip, make sure to let me know if you start to feel aggressive or if something doesn't feel right."
"Will do, Kix," Trip answered seriously.
"And Sil, keep an eye on Trip," Kix added. "Tell me if he starts acting different."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to comm you if Trip suddenly loses his clumsiness," I joked. "It would be a miracle."
"But it's true!"
"Alright, alright," Kix silenced us. "I'm gonna go see some other patients now. Remember, this is strictly confidential."
We nodded in understanding and said goodbye to Kix. We visited Cody before leaving the medbay. I felt relieved that progress was being made and that I was being helpful. If I was going to be pregnant and out of combat, the least I could do was contribute to this investigation.
I watched the Bad Batch's ship land on the airfield. I could sense that everyone who had gone on the mission had come back, as well as one more person. A smile grew steadily on my face.
The guys all exited the ship and were heading off to take a small break before having to report in the command center. I caught sight of Anakin and Rex walking with someone in the middle. He was a ghost of his former self now, strung together by cybernetic implants. Regardless, the trooper wore a bright smile on his face, chasing away the negativities in my head.
"Looks like the mission was a success," I said approaching the three of them.
"Yes it was," Rex smiled in agreement and pat the trooper gently on the shoulder. "We got our Echo back."
I shared a look with Anakin who had been worried about Rex if Echo turned out to be dead. Anakin matched my smile and I knew he had been there for his captain.
I finally faced Echo and offered a small smile. "You probably don't remember me," I started. "The mission you disappeared on was actually my first one since joining the war."
A moment passed and Echo opened his mouth to speak. "I remember. You were the new Ranger," he smiled. "You were saying something scary about carbon freezing."
"Yeah, she told us about how criminals stole frozen people's kidneys," Rex said rolling his eyes. "Didn't make any of us feel better about the carbon freezing."
I smiled widely as the memory came rushing back. That day had been the first time I even met the troops I ended up growing so close to.
"I was just trying to make conversation," I shrugged.
"You call that a normal conversation?" Rex asked amused.
"Well, it was from that conversation I started suspecting Sil was from Tatooine," Anakin said with a smile.
Echo's eyes widened. "Both of you are from there?"
"Oh, Echo," Rex sighed and threw an arm over his brother's shoulder. "I've got loads to tell you."
They started walking away and Anakin called after them.
"Don't tell him too much, Rex!"
Rex stiffened and turned to send Anakin a knowing smile before continuing on with Echo. Anakin watched as they left with a light smile on his face. Once they were gone, he finally faced me with a look completely different than the look he used around others.
"How's the little one?"
I let out a giggle at his question.
"All good," I replied and looked down, bringing a hand to my stomach.
Anakin's hand met mine and a feeling of warmth washed over me. He leaned his forehead against mine and I closed my eyes in bliss.
"I can't wait to meet our child," he whispered.
"Neither can I."
It felt like they had only arrived minutes ago, but Anakin, Rex, Echo, and the Bad Batch were off to finish their job. They had a great opportunity to take back Anaxes with a plan Echo had come up with. I stayed in the command center, listening to all the communication and keeping an eye on the fronts. With all the Jedi out on the field, someone had to hold the fort.
Cody eventually joined me at the table in the command center. He walked with small strides, trying not to irritate his injuries.
"Woah, what're you doing here, Cody?" I sped over to him and helped him sit down. He took slow breaths.
"I convinced Kix to let me outta there," he managed out. "I want to know how the battle is going."
I shook my head in disapproval but gave him the update anyways. Anakin, Rex, Echo, and the Bad Batch were sabotaging Separatist command in Trench's ship while Master Windu took the troops to the assembly complex.
"Who went with General Windu?" Cody asked.
"Nearly all of them," I answered. "Obi-Wan, Boil, Trip, Wooley, Jesse, they're all there. The Generals want to end the fight on Anaxes."
"Finally," Cody grinned.
We stayed updated for everything that was happening and listened in on all the communication. There was a threat of a bomb in the assembly complex. Cody and I turned towards each other with horror stricken faces. We ordered all the platoons to evacuate and did our best to coordinate the gunships to bring the troopers back to base so the Jedi could focus on disarming the bomb. It had been a nerve-wracking wait, but they managed to do it. Trench was killed and all the droid forces were defeated. Anaxes was finally won.
Cody and I leaned back in our chairs in relief. We sent each other smiles and connected our hands in a fist bump.
We got ourselves ready as the Generals and the Bad Batch would all be arriving back at base soon. Cody got in his full armor and we stood at the sides of the Jedi as they congratulated Rex, Echo, and the Bad Batch. I gave them warm smiles. They had deserved the praise.
"You've got some medals coming your way," Obi-Wan said. We all headed in our own directions. Cody went to catch up with Obi-Wan while I strayed to walk with Anakin who was silent.
"You okay?" I asked him.
He didn't say anything. His arm snaked around me and pulled me into his side. We stopped and let Obi-Wan, Windu, and Cody walk ahead. Anakin turned me around to face him and looked into my eyes.
"That bomb was big enough to blow up most of Anaxes," he said and ran a hand slowly down my arm. "It scares me to think of what could've happened had I not gotten the last number in the sequence to disarm it."
I looked into his eyes and saw fear. I put on a smile. "But you did." I tried to relax him. "You did your best and that's enough."
Anakin's dark gaze didn't fade. "What if one day, my best is not enough?"
"Some things just aren't in your control, Anakin," I said caressing his hand. "It's alright."
He closed his eyes and breathed lightly. Anakin opened his eyes again and looked at me. "I don't think you get it, Sil," he said. "I'll stop at nothing to make sure you're safe."
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