《A Glitch In The Matrix》4: The Sixth Sense


After speaking with the generals, Evie left the group to find the barracks. Since it was the same on every ship, it didn't take her long to find it. As she walked in, there were some men who stopped talking to her and started staring at her.

"Don't stop on my account", she said drily. Someone walked in behind her and she turned to see Rex. He started speaking loudly to the men in the barracks.

"Men, this is Evie. She is your sister. I expect you to treat her as such."

"Sir, yes, sir", the men all said. Evie turned to Rex.

"I could've done that myself, Captain", she said, glaring slightly at him. He nodded.

"I know, but I also know these men. It's unlikely they would've listened to you at first since you're a shiny, and because you're not like us."

"Not like you?" Evie's glare hardened. "Just because I'm a woman, sir, doesn't mean I can't fight as well as you."

Rex sighed. "I know, Evie. You took out that droid on Rishi without even looking. You're probably better than most of us, and I don't understand how."

Evie relaxed slightly. "I don't understand it either, but I also don't question it. I used to. But it's saved my squad in training more than once. Now if only it could have saved them whilst not on assignment."

Rex gave her a small smile. "You were close to them?"

Evie barked a short laugh. "You could say that. They were the only ones who accepted that I'm a clone, just like all the men in this room. They were my best friends, my brothers. I don't think I could stand to lose either Echo or Fives right now. They're all I have left of my squad."


Rex reached behind him, and grabbed something. "Before we left the outpost, Hevy gave me something that he wanted me to give to you. I didn't look at it, but I figure now is a good time to give this to you." He held out a piece of folded paper and Evie took it. She unfolded carefully and gasped when she saw what it was. Tears started dripping down her face when she saw the familiar image. Rex watched her curiously, and Evie held out the image for him to see.

"Our last day on Kamino before we left for the Rishi Moon, Hevy painted that on the ceiling of my bunk. I didn't think I'd see it again, but he must have copied it down onto that paper sometime while we were at the outpost."

She folded up the paper and placed it in a pouch on her belt. She smiled up at Rex through her tears.

"Thank for giving this to me, sir."

She turned away from him, and headed toward an unoccupied bunk. As she walked away, she could hear whispers about her tear streaked face that still held a smile. She laid down, and ignored the whispers, allowing herself to drift off into sleep.


Evie followed Rex and a bunch of other troopers through the forest. Their goal was to come up behind the droid army and take them by surprise whilst General Skywalker and his padawan focused on the front lines.

"We're almost there, men!" Rex shouted back to them. Evie grinned under helmet and readied her blaster. As soon as they saw the back of droids, they stopped running, and started shooting immediately.

Evie chuckled as the droids fell one by one. Someone chucked a grenade into the midst of the droids, and several fell with the explosion. Evie paused in her shooting for a moment, only to whip around and start shooting behind them.


"Captain!" she called out to the captain as droids started appearing behind them. "We're getting boxed in!"

Rex turned to look at the droids approaching behind them. They couldn't move away, and soon they were surrounded. Evie grimaced when she was forced into the center of the circle of clones.

"Really guys?" she hissed, shoving her way out of the circle, and standing between Fives and Echo. She studied the droids and noticed there weren't any superdroids, just the easy to shoot battle droids.

"Sir, the way we're positioned now, if we all start shooting at the same time, we can blast all these droids to bits", she said to Rex, making sure the droids couldn't hear her.

"Surrender, clones", a droid spoke. Rex slowly raised his weapons, seemingly surrendering, but every clone knew better. They all copied his movements.

"Now!" Rex said, and they all started shooting, taking out the droids. Just as the last one fell, General Skywalker walked through the dust that was picked up by the droids when they fell. Ahsoka followed shortly after.

"Need any help, Rex?" Skywalker asked, amused. Rex chuckled and shook his head.

"Almost did, but Evie had a good idea that worked", he said. Evie grinned as she took off her helmet.

"Hey, I merely looked at the situation at hand and decided to make it a good one", she said as she walked up to them.

"A female clone?" Ahsoka asked incredulously. Evie smirked, though she was surprised to see how young the padawan actually was.

"The one and only", she said. "Name's Evie. I'm the one who's saved Captain Rex's skin more than once."

Rex rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. It's all due to that sixth sense of yours, knowing where an attack is going to happen before it even happens."

Evie opened her mouth to say something, but she froze for a split second before ducking down and pulling Rex with her. Not even a second later, a blaster bolt flew where Rex's head had been a mere second ago. She whipped around, following the trajectory, and noticed a droid standing, a blaster in its hand. Without even hesitating, she shot it.

"And there's proof of that right there", Rex said, standing up straight.

"That's not natural, master", Ahsoka said. General Skywalker nodded.

"Hey, I don't question it, and I suggest you don't either", Evie said, looking at them. "As long as it helps keep my brothers alive, I'm going to appreciate it every moment I get."

The general and his padawan shared a look, but didn't say anything else as a few gunship landed near them. She followed Rex into one. She grabbed a handle and watched as they rose up into the sky, showing the beautiful forest down below. She smiled and closed her eyes, ignoring the conversation going on around her. As she turned into her mind, she could sense every being around her. She could sense how the Jedi were different from the clones by their auras. She didn't understand what exactly made them different, she just knew they were. It made her smile everytime she felt their aura, even with the darkness that seemed to cloud General Skywalkers.

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