《A Glitch In The Matrix》2: Captain Rex


Evie ignored the broadcast her squadron had playing, focusing on her task at hand. She glanced over every now and then, rolling her eyes when she saw two of them arm wrestling. She didn't bother to take note of which two, just went back to watching her scope even though nothing was happening.

Echo walked over to Evie and tilted his head, silently asking for her report.

"Completely empty", she said, not even glancing at her brother. He nodded, not questioning how she knew he was there, let alone what he was asking. Evie always had a sense for these things.

She was startled out her seat when one of the boys shouted, "Attention, sergeant on deck!"

She fell to the ground, and sheepishly looked at her squadron and her sergeant. "Apologies, sergeant", she said, nodding her head as she stood up, standing at attention.

"At ease", the sergeant said loud and clear. Evie relaxed slightly as the others did as well.

"Again, Evie?" Fives smirked. She merely sent him a glare behind the sergeant's back.

"Even though you're all new here", Sergeant O'Niner said. "I shouldn't have to remind you that this quadrant is key to the outer rim. If the droids get past this station, they could surprise attack the facilities where we were born on our home world of Kamino."

Evie blinked as she let the news sink in. She grew worried for her brothers, since merely talking about it could change how their luck had been for the past few days.

"There's a couple officers coming in", the sergeant continued. "So I want everything squared away for inspection. Understood?"

A chorus of "Sir, yes, sir" sounded through the air and Evie immediately got started on preparing things for the inspection. As they worked, the sergeant told them about the inspection team that was coming. When she was done getting things ready for the inspection, she returned to her scope, and turned it on just as an alarm started going off.

"Sir, an incoming meteor shower!" one of the boys called out.

"Raise the shields."

Evie sat down before one the meteors that shook the base could knock her off her feet. She may have extraordinary reflexes, but even a meteor shower was too much for her.

After the meteor shower ended, they waited anxiously for the report of the sentry outside. When they got none, the sergeant contacted them. Evie grew worried when there was no response. They checked the cameras and found no sign of him.


"You two, go check it out", Sergeant O'Niner says pointing at Droidbait and Cutup. They were only gone for a short amount of time before Evie heard Droidbait yell out something about droids. She instantly slammed her helmet on her head, and followed the sergeant to go help the two.

Just as she got there, Evie watched as Droidbait was shot down. Her eyes widened and she wanted to check on him, but she focused on her duty first and aimed her blaster at the droids. She shot down many of them, but they were forced to retreat when the sergeant was gunned down and killed.

Evie was the last through the door. Cutup closed the door before pulling out the wires.

"That should slow them down", he said. Immediately after, Fives called them over to the vent that they all knew led out of the outpost. Evie followed Fives in, and they all crawled along until the reached a ledge that was off to the side of the outpost. Evie walked behind Fives, ignoring their conversation until she nearly bumped into her brother as he stopped.

"Did you hear that?" he asked, turning to look out across the landscape. Evie shook her head, but everyone else agreed with Fives. She heard it moving again, and turned to look at the holes in the rock behind her, staring into the darkness. Nothing happened until Fives reminded everyone of the giant eels.

Evie sensed the attack before it happened, and she turned to warn them but by the time she opened her mouth, Cutup was already in the eels mouth. She reached her hand out, and wished that she could pull him back, but it didn't work. She stared in horror as she knelt on the ground. Tears silently dripped down her cheeks.

Fives, Echo, and Hevy all knelt down beside her, pulling her into a hug. She gave a soft smile before looking up to the sky.

"We will remember all those we have lost today", she said quietly. She closed her eyes for a brief moment but when they opened, they focused on a ship being piloted to the base.

Her eyes widened and she immediately spoke. "This isn't over yet. Remember that inspection team that was coming today?"

"They don't know about the droids!" Hevy said, as they all rush to their feet. Evie frowned as she tried to think of a solution. She could hear the others trying to reach them over the com-link but it wasn't working.

She grabbed a droid flare off of Echo's belt and set it off. She watched as it flew high into the air, and soon she heard a blaster being fired. A few seconds later, she heard more blaster bolts being fired and she knew that there was a battle happening. She turned to her brothers.


"Come on, we got to help them", she said, rushing toward the outpost. She didn't get very far when an explosion went off on the platform, taking out the ship. Some of it fell, and Evie's heart dropped at the thought of her maybe losing more brothers that day, but the three she had with her led her through the flaming wreckage and she caught a glimpse of two clone troopers. A breath of relief escaped her, and her brothers all stepped forward in a line, still hiding her as if to protect her. She immediately picked up on the tense nature of Captain Rex and Commander Cody, both aiming their weapons at them, ready to shoot them if they did anything wrong.

"Take your helmets off", she said quietly to what was left of her squad. "But do it slowly."

She watched as the three took off their helmets, revealing that they are clones. She didn't take hers off just yet, waiting to see how long it would take for them to notice her.

"What about the man behind you", Captain Rex said sharply. Evie chuckled lowly.

"And that's where you're wrong, sir", she said as she stepped out from behind her brothers. She took off her helmet and smirked at him. "I am no man."

Both the commanding officers were quiet as they processed that information.

"There are no female clones", Commander Cody stated. Evie huffed, but it was Echo who interjected.

"There wasn't supposed to be", he explained. "Evie has become known as the glitch in the matrix on Kamino. The only female clone to ever live. And we're lucky enough to be in a squadron with our sister."

Rex finally relaxed and took off his helmet, and Evie studied him carefully. He looked just the same as the other clones, besides his blonde hair.

Before anything was said, the giant eel returned. Evie immediately whirled around, aiming her gun at it, but someone beat her to the target. She gaped as the eel fell dead and she turned to look at Rex, who was putting away his blaster. She strapped hers onto her back, and waited patiently for someone to say something.

"Nice shot", Hevy said to Rex.

"The name's Rex", he introduced, as he studied the blood from the eel. "But you'll call me captain or sir."

"Sir, yes, sir", Evie said with her squadron. Cody stepped up to introduce himself, taking off his helmet as he does so.

"I'm Commander Cody", he spoke. "Your new boss."

"My designation is Trooper 27-5555, sir", Fives said. Hevy took the lead on the introductions.

"We call him Fives. I'm Hevy", he said, and pointed back to Echo. "This is Echo." He turned to look and Evie who stepped up to do her own introduction.

"I'm Evie, sir, also known as the glitch in the matrix. If you ever hear anyone whispering about a glitch, it's likely they're talking about me."

The two commanding officers gave her an odd look, before Cody spoke.

"Where's your sergeant?" he asked. Echo was the one to reply.

"Dead, sir", he replied. "We're all that's left."

Rex and Cody walked toward them, studying them. "Looks like we got ourselves a batch of shinies, Commander."

"Shinies, sir?" Echo asked. Evie sighed, but it turned into a glare at Rex's condescending tone.

"That's right", he said, placing a hand on Echo's armor, leaving a blue handprint. "Your armor. It's shiny and new. Just like you."

Evie opened her mouth to speak harshly, but Hevy's hand on her arm stopped her. She looked back at him and he shook his head. She sighed and returned her facial expressions to the stoic one that she hated.

"Got something to say, Glitch?" Rex asked, having caught her expression before she changed it. At his words, her face returned to a glare.

"Yeah, actually, I do", she said sharply. "First of all, don't call me Glitch. My name is Evie. Or if you would prefer not to call me by my name, my designation is CT-3413." Without thinking, she had moved forward and gotten really close to Rex, glaring into his face. He only watched her with hardened eyes. "Second of all, no one talks to my brother like that. No one. Not even you, even if you are technically our brother as well."

Rex remained quiet for a while and Evie suddenly realized how close she was to him. She back away, looking toward the ground until she reached her brothers.

"I apologize, Captain", she said, bringing her gaze up to look him dead in the eye. Rex nodded curtly, and Evie relaxed ever so slightly. She silently cursed herself out in her head, whilst simultaneously listening to the plan they begin to hatch to retake the outpost.

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