《A Glitch In The Matrix》1: Domino Squad


Evie ignored the stares and the whispers as she walked to her bunk, helmet tucked under her arm. The other clones were all the same, and she heard the same whispers every day from the same people.

"Is she really a glitch?" they would always ask each other. "How did that even happen?"

At first, her squad was no different. They whispered about her, and didn't really speak to her directly. But after she saved them during training one time, they began to respect her. Now, after several weeks, she was fully accepted into the Domino Squad as their sister. Though not without giving her own nickname.

"Hey, Evie!" one of them called as she approached them. Evie grinned at her name.

"Hey, Echo, Fives", she greeted the two clones. They shared a glance as they stood. Echo steered her away from her bunk, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Fives copied his brother, and started talking.

"So, Evie", Fives started.

"You ready for our first assignment?" Echo continued. Evie rolled her eyes.

"What are you guys doing to my bunk?" she blatantly asked. Both men froze before shaking their head in denial.

"Nothing", Fives said.

"Nothing at all", Echo echoed. Evie rolled her eyes and ducked under their arms, heading back to her bunk.

"Echo, you did it again", she chuckled. "Your name really suits you."

"Ah, shut up", Echo said as he hurried to catch up to her and grab her. Evie dodged his attack, not even looking back to see where he was. She just knew, somehow, what his attack was going to be.

She slid her bunk out into the open, where she found Hevy laying there, a spray paint can in hand. When he spotted her, a guilty look appeared on his face.


"Echo, Fives, you were supposed to keep her occupied!" he complained as he climbed down. Evie raised an eyebrow.

"And why were they supposed to do that?" she asked, closing her bunk and moving over to her locker. She placed her helmet and gun in it, before turning to her friends as she slowly removed pieces of her armor, dumping them into the locker as well.

"Uh... no reason", Hevy said lamely. Echo echoed him again and Evie chuckled.

"You guys are the worst liars ever", she said, patting Hevy on the shoulder.

"At least they try", a new voice spoke. Evie turned to see Cutup and Droidbait approaching them. She laughed, and nodded.

"Very true", she said. "But I hope that habit won't stick around when we're on assignment tomorrow."

She closed her locker and walked over to her bunk. She pushed a button to let the bed slide out and she climbed up onto her bed.

"Now..." she said as she sat on the edge. "Shall we see what you guys did to my bunk?"

A chorus of no's came from the three culprits, while a couple of amused yes's came from Cutup and Droidbait.

With an amused smile, Evie laid back and pressed a button on the side of her bed that allowed her to be slid into the wall where she normally would rest. She stared up at the ceiling and large smile spread across her smile. There was a painting of her and her boys, all in their new armor and amused expressions. She had no idea how Hevy got this much detail with spray paint. She laid there for a moment, soaking in every detail before pressing the button to slide her bunk back out.

She sat up and stared at the trio who had planned this for a long while, hiding her amused reaction as they began squirming under her gaze. She climbed down from her ladder, walked over to them, and hugged each one of them.


"You guys are the best. But I feel like you shouldn't have done that on our last night here", she pointed out. "Other cadets will be using these bunks once we leave."

Hevy rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, we figured it was the least we could do to thank you for being the best sister we could ever have."

Evie rolled her eyes. "I'm your only sister. Glitch in the matrix, remember?"

They all chuckled, and Cutup ruffled her hair. "Yeah, but still. We wouldn't want anyone else to be our sister."

Evie grinned. "Good. Cuz you ain't getting anybody else. Unless you marry into a family with several women. Then you'll have sister-in-laws!"

"That's if we even make it through the war", Droidbait pointed out. "We were bred for this specifically after all."

Evie shrugged as she wrapped her arms around the two nearest her, which ended up being Hevy and Echo.

"Well, you'd be the one to not make it through, Droidbait", Cutup teased. "After all... you are droid bait."

The rest of the squadron laughed while Droidbait rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Now, how shall we spend our last night together here on Kamino?"

Evie hummed thoughtfully, though she exaggerated it by tapping her finger against her lips. "Hmmm... I don't know. Maybe... sleeping, so you boys won't be complaining about it in the morning?"

The boys all groaned while Evie chuckled. "Do what you want", she said. "But I better not here any complaining out of you tomorrow morning."

They all nodded, and she climbed back up to her bunk, and let it slide back into the crevice in the wall. She stared fondly up at the ceiling as she looked at the image of her five boys. Droidbait was acting like he was being shot at, and Echo was mimicking him. Hevy was rolling his eyes next to them, whilst Fives and Cutup were laughing. Evie sat in the middle of their semi-circle, an amused smile on her face.

Evie smiled at the image, knowing the image matched all of their personalities or names perfectly. Droidbait was the one who always ended up getting the most droids shooting at him. Echo usually repeated their commanders orders, so him mimicking Droidbait's actions was a nod to that. Hevy was the one who tried to stay unamused, but always ended up getting involved somehow. Fives enjoyed seeing everyone's action, and Cutup was the jokester who could be serious when he needed to be.

Evie smiled, gently resting a hand on the ceiling. She closed her eyes, and allowed the feelings of happiness wash over her like a tidal wave. She slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about how happy she was that she got to be placed with the Domino Squadron.

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