《The Immortals》Walk on the Beach


"Now, you might be tempted to use the element of darkness as magic but remember that this element is also the element of light and that none are true magic like a witch would possess," Kol told Julie. "So, whenever you use magic, even if it's dark magic, you won't be using the element of..."

"Light and darkness," Julie finished his sentence.

"Right. We need to find a better name for that one."

"I agree," Julie chuckled. "So, magic isn't an element."

"No," Kol shook his head. "When you're doing a spell, you won't be using any elements. Which means, even if you find yourself some place where you can't use magic..."

"I still could use my other powers."

Kol nodded and grinned. "Ready for the lesson of the day?"

"Always," Julie grinned back.

Helped by the book they bought in Henry's shop and Kol's knowledge of magic, Julie learnt new spells every day. She practiced elemental magic on her own, focusing on electricity and darkness as she couldn't use them as easily as the others.

Weeks passed and Julie grew more and more powerful. Rebekah called every two days to let them know what was happening in Mystic Falls and to hear about Julie's progress. When she called and talked about a cure, Kol left almost immediately, leaving Elijah and Julie alone.

One night, they were walking on the beach just like they would do every day. Julie had a lot of questions for Elijah, most of them were concerning his past. She noticed that he didn't like to talk much about his time in New-Orleans. It was clear that he missed this time that he spent with his family. Julie would take his hand and get closer to him, resting her head on his arm as she would look up at the stars.


"Did you ever...thought about a cure?" she asked suddenly. "If you could be human again, would you do it?"

He looked down at her and met her innocent gaze. Of course, he had thought about it. He had never thought about it more than since he knew her.

"Probably," he answered before looking up at the dark sky.


He sighed. "I don't think I'd be able to live without you."

Julie's heart skipped a beat. His words filled her heart with pure joy and she couldn't remember a moment when she had felt happier.

"I feel stupid," she chuckled, nervously.


"I never thought about that."

"About what?"

"That...I'd grow old and die and you'll just...stay you."

Elijah looked at her with sad eyes. He doubted she would die at 80 in her bed. He knew he was putting her in danger. Now that he cared for her she was a target. Watching Kol teach her how to defend herself reassured him but he will always be worried.

"Do elementals lose their powers when they become vampires?" she asked, suddenly.

Those words horrified him. He dared to ever hear them. He would do anything to spend eternity with her but not at this cost. He couldn't let her become a monster.

"I don't know," he answered, looking down. "But you're not going to become a vampire."

Julie frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Vampirism is a curse. I'd rather die than watch you become like me."

Julie was breathless. She let go of his hand and took a step back.

"I'm sick of listening to you, Elijah! How many times do I have to tell you? You're not a monster!" she shouted.


"You don't know half of the things I've done."

"I don't care! I know who you are today. I want you, today! Not who you used to be! And I like to believe that you'll be the same person tomorrow. Someone who protects the people he loves no matter the cost! We've all make mistakes. But I'd be lucky to end up being like you. People don't call you the honorable one for nothing!"

"Do you remember how we met? I cut someone's head off in front of you! That is nothing compare to what I've done. I've been killing people for centuries!"

"I don't care!" Julie shouted, tears in her eyes and angry. "I don't care how bad you are! I love you! I love you so, go ahead and tell me all the bad things you've done but that won't stop me from loving you!"

"Calm down," he whispered as he took her face in his hands, wiping the tears off her cheeks with his thumbs. "I love you too," he said as she was sobbing in his arms. "But I can't stop thinking that your life would have been safer and better if we had never met."

"That's not true," she said. "I didn't have anyone before I met you. I was all alone. You make me happy...Is it so bad that I want to spend as much time as I can with you?"

Elijah kissed her forehead and took a deep breath.

"No," he said. "I want that too."

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