《The immortal boy》Sweet Little talks



The next time the class saw Izuku he was stood talking to All Might. A strange sight, the older man looked sheepishly to the younger as his he was being scolded.

The two chatted happily whilst waiting for the students to get ready and start the class. A few of them had already changed and were walking over. The two talking were not being awfully quiet, meaning the few there, heard bits of the two's conversation.

"I know how hard it has been for you but I know you will make the right choice. I have known all them from creation to..." the boy looks away as if he's just remembering a lost memory. He sighs lightly a distant look in his eyes as he smiles. "They have all fought for what was right and I know you will do the same. I have known you your whole life your heart is nothing but kind even if you have young Nana's rebellion. You can do this toshi I believe in you!" Izuku punches the air before bringing it against his cheek in a V. The older chuckles at the peace sign. Raising his own in reply.

All might places a hand on the small boy's hair saying happily, "Thank you my boy, you truly are a godsend!" They both start laughing at that. 900 years and this man still finds new jokes Izuku himself hasn't heard.

"Hay I'm the one who calls you my child you don't get to do the same! I'm waaaaaay older than you! At least a good 800 give or take." Izuku whines still laughing.

This time the whole class was gathered near the two, confusion radiating of the teens. It was in all their defence a strange sight. The number one hero looking down towards a boy surely no older then the class. Yet all might seems to be the child.

When The pair finally noticed the many pairs of eyes on them, a look nervous look was shared. "H-how long have you been there?" Izuku asked scratching his neck. The class just shrugs and mumbles a few different things. Izuku sighs in relief letting out the breath he subconsciously held. Next to him the hero seems to do the same.

"Okay then." The greenett started. "Well whilst you train with All Might here," he points the the hero with a smile. "I will be speaking to you all individually! Since some of you all ready know me I'll leave you guys till last!" A few kids tch and sighed, but others paid no mind to it. Pulling a clipboard out of nowhere, many thinking this has something to do with his quirk, he taps it lightly.

"Right Aoyama your up first!" And so Izuku began going through the class one by one leaving the students that know him till last. It's nice to hear people talking fondly of their family and friends, he's so used to dealing with crises that he forgets how refreshing talking naturally to people who don't need his help can be.

"Okay you six your turn come on over!" Izuku shouted to the last remaining students. They all made there way over grouping together and standing around the teen. Izuku smiles at them all making them feel warm and welcomed. His smile makes them relax and for a moment there is no problems in the world that could bother them.

"Alright! who's first?" He asked the kids. They all look at each other silently discussing the questions. "I'll go with you zuku!" A girl with brown hair said stepping forward, Izuku nodded clapping the clipboard away. "Okay you five decide between you who is going next and so one, then once I'm finished with uraraka here the next person can come over okay?" The five boys nodded then left mopping off to continue their training. Izuku smiles and turned to the girl leading her to a bench.



"So uraraka how have you been I saw you last week and you said things were getting better?" The girl nodded happily relaxing onto the bench. "Ah yes zuku we could buy everything we needed thanks to your food donations. It was so lovely to not have to worry about mouths to feed. Ever since quirks came along our family business has had less and less customers. But it's just to hard to give up on our ancestors dream you know? A-And also thank you for the flowers my mother really appreciate the gift." The girl bows her head to the boy.

Izuku pulls her up flustered and hugs her "No, No. Don't thank me I'm just doing my job! I care for you and your family. I'll stop by this Friday again to drop the food off...and this..." Izuku pauses lighting up his hands in a soft green lightning. Little sparks fly merging together and turning into shape. They soon burst into colour and rest as a beautiful flower forms. The steams interlock and weave together creating a crown that radiative beauty. "This is for you!" He say placing the crown on her head "it's beautiful just like you. Don't forget that, and I see this is the hero suit you were embarrassed about. I'd say It looks rather lovely and complements your body. The hero world is hideous espionage for women but you're doing such an amazing job so please keep up the good work and if you ever feel ashamed of yourself then call out to me. I'll help you okay?" The girl nods holding back crystal tears as her brown eyes gloss over. She jumps from the bench hugging Izuku tightly. He hands shake slightly as she grabs his shirt. Mumbling thank yous over and over. Izuku smiles stroking his hand through her hair untangling knots as he goes. Once she had calmed down and stoped shaking she bows again holding the flowers in place so as not to fall and runs off to the others. She throws a wave over her shoulder smiling. Before pouncing on a certain green haired girl.

The next student walked over and Izuku smiles kindly again "izubro! How's it going haven't seen you in a long time!" He beams showing off a sharp toothy grin. Izuku giggles patting the bench. "Hello kiri, it's going well. How have you been I see you've made friends and look at your hero costume it screams confidence and manly-ness!" Izuku replies back.

Since he new these six kids very well he enjoyed talking to them and had experience in what to say. Though these kids have been through a tough times for one thing or another they are all pulling through, well trying to, which is all Izuku could ask for.

Kirisima slightly blushes at the compliment. Placing his hands tiger in fists. "Thank you. I've been getting more confident in how I look and my friends have been helping me. I even found out bakubro knows you too! Thats so awesome!" He exclaimed. Izuku laughs as they talked more on home life and school life until they ran out of things to talk about. Izuku tucked a red rose behind Kirisima's ear whispering something gently that made the boy blush in a shocked face before sending him on his way.

Izuku knew all the tricks of the trade he's basically the internet at this point. Hell he's older than the internet! He's what made people want to make things like Google for because he is pure knowledgeable. Okay so he's getting off track.


The next student was stomping up to him and Izuku could only brace himself for bakugo's turn. "Deku!" He yelled running and knocking Izuku to the ground. Izuku only had a split second to cover the ground in soft grass before falling on his back bakugo sitting on top of him. "Hello kacchan!" He giggled like the air hadn't just been knocked out of him. "Deku you idiot why are you here?" The blond growls out. Izuku laughs again getting up and sitting on the ground next to the explosive blond. He looks fondly towards the class and teacher Bakugo follows his gaze and huffs.

"You know the answer to that kacchan I follow my problem children to keep an eye on them from time to time. This school has plenty of them too, aswell as a few adults I have to still look after! Besides I live on school grounds so I'm always around." Kacchan 'tch' at the mumbles and blushed when he catches Kirisima training. Izuku notice this and wiggles his eyebrows. "Oooh I see what's happening!" He teases "shut up Deku!" Izuku hits kacchan lightly. "Nope, that's rude! two of my cuties are in love! My family is growing it makes me happy." Bakugo looks to Deku. "It's weird that you saying old man stuff but in a teens body. But I'll admit I do tolerate him. And we both see you as roll Modle of sorts..." he mumbles at the end but Izuku can still here him. He hug bakugo much to his detest some of the class looking over at the two questioning there relationship. But it's soon over as Izuku plops a orange rose into bakugo's gauntlet and sends him on his way. Sneakily whispering something to him then pointing to the red head.

The next kid over is denki but izuku calls him sparks. "Hay sparks." Izuku greats the electric boy. He'd never admit it out loud but he has an especially soft spot for denki the poor kids had it hard and Izuku has been with him since he was very small. "Hi zuzu! How are you?" Izuku smiles even wider. "I'm great thank you sparks how are you? I'm sorry I missed your last doctors appointment did it go well?" Denki stood for a moment before slouching down onto the bench. He sages his shoulders and let's his head fall onto the other boys lap. He looks up to the other and that's all Izuku needs to read him. "Oh sparky I'm sorry I wish I had more power. I hate to see you in pain..." denki nods hugging Izuku's torso. "It's okay mother I know your trying your best but I'm okay with it honestly ever since you introduce hitoshi to me we've been getting closer. He even asked me on a date! I know he can help me like you do!" Izuku breaks the hug to look at him. He cups his cheeks squishing them slightly. "I'm so proud of you my child... I'm so incredibly proud!" He says softly. Denki is the only kid that Izuku let's his guard completely down for and he calls him his child. Denki knows all about Izuku and Izuku knows all about denki it really is like a Parent-son bond. He even calls the boy mother.

Izuku practically raised Denki who was so happy that he started crying. "Oh sparks I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry! I just love you a lot and it breaks my heart that the the only thing I can do is stop it killing you!" Izuku whispers softly. Since denki was involved in a car crash when he was 6. A truck carrying chemicals had lost control and hit the boy's parents car causing denki's dad to pass away on seen and causing his mother to have to use a wheelchair, she was left with life changing injuries that ment she couldn't handle denki the way she used too. The worst part was the chemicals got to denki and caused serious damage to his heart and lungs. Izuku had been called over straight away and was only just in time to save him. Unfortunately he couldn't reverse all the affects only stop the spread and give him a long life. This however caused problems when training his lungs can give out suddenly and he pretends to be dumb to hide the fact he's sick only Nezu,Recovery Girl and Izuku know about it. Izuku was the one to convince Nezu to let him join.

The two carry on chatting until shinso walks over Izuku give Denki a small purple flower crown and waved him off promising to see him again soon.

"Hello Shin. I have good news for you today!" "Really what is it izu?" The boy smiles and pats the seat next to him. He creates a little yellow flower crown and plopped it on his head. "Well someone will be adopted soon aaaaaand I heard a certain some asked out my dearest child... care to explain!" He said giggling. "Wait not until you tell me what was that about me being adopted!?" Izuku giggles louder and just jesters towards Aizawa who was watching in the distance. "Ooh r-really I have seen him around the orphanage... and he's been training me. O-oh he also always talks to me. I think... I think I would like him to adopt me. But is that selfish?" Izuku frowns. "No way! It's great I'm glade my family is growing together! Your very much like him you know he is also one of my trouble children." Izuku laughs. "But now about Denki. I'm not saying I have favourites but-" "izu we both know denki and shoto are your favourites!" Shinso cut him off "whaaa? Naaaah explain your reasoning!" Izuku demanded fake hurt. "Well Denki is basically your son- don't even try to deny it I heard him talk about you before all starry eyed it's cute honestly. We all know he's the baby of the group. It's just facts." Izuku huffed "fine you got me there but what about sho?" Shinso rolled his eyes. "Firstly you call him sho!-" "I give you all nicknames!" Izuku defended himself. "Yes but it's the way you say it! Your like sho~" he batts his eyelashes to push the point across more. "Are you saying I'm in love with shoto todoroki?" Shinso only nods his head "I am not! Shoto is just-"

"I'm just what Greeny~?"

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