《The immortal boy》The start of a new life



"That was you last warning brat!" An angry man spits at a cowering boy. "But father-" a slap to the face shuts up the boy. His jaw snapping shut filling the silence. The man towering above him speaks lowly, "No I'm no father of yours! You are like your mother... WEAK that's what lead to her death and now it will lead to yours!"

The small boy backs away further into the dark room using what strength he has left to make a plant barrier around him. He shakes on the cold floor praying to anyone that will spare him their ear. He begs for a miracle, an escape from this nightmare of a childhood. His plant barrier is nothing compared to the sheer amount of power his father had acquired. More like forcefully taken tearing the previous holder to shreads.

This man who has him backed into a corner squirming and shaking under the terror of his glare. Slow steady foot steeps echo the empty room. Izuku would have been dead many years ago if his father hadn't be a complete monster.

No this monster grew stronger from watching his son suffer. The crazed grin and gleam in his eyes as he slowly walks closer, seeing how his mouse was finally about to loose the interest he held onto to survive.

"That won't work boy. You are to tired to use your quirk properly. Just give up and I'll end it quickly!" The man says walking slowly towards the poor boy. Izuku shudders. The man seems to enjoy the power he has and watches the boy hold back sobs as he shakes in the corner. The last thing the boy sees is his father's sick smile, the red reflected in his eyes as heat takes over his whole body.

The boy slowly stirs and opens his eyes to see a woman before him. She is dressed in white and seems to float closer towards him. It's at this moment he's terrorised with memories, remembering what happened the pain he felt. The strong emotions that knock him down.

"My child..." the woman speaks bringing him to reality. She places a cool hand against the boys head. It lets a wave of peace and relaxation wash over him. The boy looks up a sad smile on his face. His tension has been released by the woman's presence and he feel in debt to her already.

"Do you remember what happened?" She asks sitting next to him. The boy nods his head and looks to the woman. She was beautiful. Long hair that reflects the sun flowing endlessly. A white dress that leads to the floor. Her eyes were kind but showed her age. It was contradicted by her face that was young and flawless.


"I see..." she says looking forward out onto the clouds. "I'm sorry you life was ended before you time, but now you have a new job if you so choose." The lady says slowly allowing the boy to process her words. She glances at him as He nods again and she continues "your name is Izuku you will be in charge of bringing happiness and beauty to the mortal world. Something you were unable to have, you will be referred to as Mother Nature due to your quirks and looks." She laughs lightly ruffling the mop of green hair.

She smiles down at him it holds no hostility towards him only kindness that seems so new to him. "Do not fear the world will love and cherish your kindness and beauty. There maybe some misguided souls along the way but you can help them. do you understand Izuku?" She looks to the small boy. His green eyes gleam and glow with new found determination.

He looks strongly at the woman, he had changed. He wasn't weak nor scared anymore. "I will not fail you mother. I will make sure no child has to suffer what I have I will create beauty for the mortals and guide them to a life of happiness."

The woman nods satisfied with his answer. She had known since he arrived, he was the one they had waited for. He knew hardship and would have overcome it too if that... if he hadn't interrupted the flow of fate.

"I'm glad my child you will live forever in the hearts of many you shall be based in your home country Japan. Now do not fail me tho I know you never will." That was the last Izuku saw of the woman suddenly being transported to a lush forest. "Time to start my new life."

Many Centuries later...

Izuku woke up to the sound of his alarm. He mumbles to himself as he gets ready for a new day. He was eating breakfast when his phone pinged. Looking at the notification he sees he has a meeting with Nezu at UA. He smiles to himself "I'll be able to check up on some of my children today." Once he is dressed and ready he makes his flower crown appears. His staple piece of him. It was his crown his pride. It showed people who he was and what he could do without going all out and making a huge tree just to pluck a single fruit and hand it to someone.

He heads out of his cave hidden deep in the forest grounds of UA. He walks a short way to the entrance of the school and heads in. Just walks through the door. For a hero school the security was less than lacking. He seemed to only gets looks from the students and teachers he passes but none of them confront him. No one acted on the suspicious thoughts Izuku knew they had so he carries on to the principals office.


Once there he knocks politely on the door sensing someone other than the principal inside. "Come on in Izuku I'm just talking about you!" Izuku chuckles as he enters. "Nezu dear what have I told you about talking behind people's backs?" He teased.

Nezu hops off his chair and goes to hug the boy, Izuku pats his head. "It was all nice things I assure you. In fact it was the teacher who came to me to tell me of your appearance!" Izuku hums. At least someone is switched on in this school.

"Is that so..." he looks to the other man in the room and smiles kindly, "Ah if it isn't Shota I haven't seen you since you graduated UA I didn't know you worked here. Have you been okay? Had any trouble with people? Did you marry that blond yet?" The tired man looks shocked by the questions asked. "I'm sorry who are you and how do you know information on me?" Again Izuku laughs this time Nezu joins in. "I know all my children I'd be a bad mother if not!" He states.

"a bad mother..?" Shota repeats confused. "Yes, yes, I'm the mother of all children who have had a rough childhood I look over them, and help them, guide them until there able to move on. But I also have another job I bring beauty and joy to the mortal world using a quirk as you'd call it. I was born with it many years ago, nature." As Izuku finishes he creates a few flowers, handing them to Nezu.

Something seemed to click in shota's mind. "You're the rumoured Mother Nature aren't you?" Izuku just nods his head. "That's correct I never had to intervene to badly in your life so you wouldn't recognise me but I'm the one that left you fruit and flowers when you were young. I also placed the forget me nots on..." Izuku trails off. Shota understood as He smile remembering the memories. "But you're only a child yourself how were you alive back then?" Izuku's smile fades a little. "I stoped living the mortal life many many years ago I'm no longer human but I'm sure you new that much." Shota nods sadly before the bell rings.

"Ah class will start soon mr. Aizawa you may want to get going. Izuku will you be accompanying him?" Nezu asked the young boy. "Ah you know me too well Nezu but yes I shall, his class has a few of my children in it. Some especially troublesome children may I add!" Aizawa grunted in agreement before leading the boy out to his classroom.

After walking a while in silence Izuku looked up at the tired man. "Shota how are you nowadays?" The green eyed boy asks kindly. "I'm actually doing pretty great, and that's thanks to you." Izuku smiles brightly at him "It's my job and tho I seem younger than you, you will always be my child, as will the rest of Japan's people. Only special people get to know that fact so think highly of yourself."

Shota stoped walking for a minute looking at the boy. He hugs Izuku a rarity, just ask yamada. A quiet whispered thank you. While Izuku smiles and pats his head. They stoped again out side a door labels 1A. "What do I tell them? About you that is?" Izuku though for a while. "Well some of your students know me. And by that I mean a quarter of you class knows me. It's whether they know or not. Just say I'm here to meet them and talk with them one on one through out the day." Aizawa rubs his eyes. "Like a counsellor?" Izuku nods "I'll be dropping by every now and then so best introduce myself to the ones who don't know me!" The older man nods and enters the classroom followed closely by Izuku.

"Good morning class as you can see we have a guest today be kind to him! please introduce yourself to the class." Aizawa says before rolling into his sleeping bag. Izuku smiles brightly to the class. "Hello everyone I'm Izuku and I'll be around today to speak and spend time with you all. I'm kinda like a counsellor but I don't really like that name! So just think of me as a friend!" He smiles again before asking if anyone had any questions. Everyone's hand shot up and Izuku went around everybody answering them as truthfully as he could without exposing himself.

The bell rang again and everyone went to there first class saying goodbye to the two men as they left some giving Izuku a 'explain later!' Look. Izuku just laughs and waves them off.

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