《Volturi kings mate》34


Mayas pov:

Seconds after I have given my children something to drink, someone taps my shoulder. A bit irritated I turn around with a scowl, that however quickly changes into a wide smile when I see Carlisle standing in front of me.

„Carlisle!" I nearly whisper out while jumping into his already open arms. It really feels amazing to be able to hug my old an true friend again!

„It's so good to see you again Maya!" Carlisle familiar voice says. He softly caresses my back, careful to not touch my wings as if afraid that would hurt me.

„It's really great to see you to Carlisle!" I quietly say, taking a deep breath to inhale his unique scent.

„Carlisle my old friend! I am really happy you along with your family were able to accompany our wedding!" aros voice came from behind me. Carlisle slowly loosens the hug a little, however not before kissing my forehead softly.

„Of course aro! Not only are you and your brother my friends but Maya is one of my oldest and most trusted friend. She is like family." Carlisle answers aro after a small respectful bow. Caius the ever jealous man that he is, quickly pulls me into his chest and away from Carlisle's.

„It's alright my king! Carlisle and Alice are the only friends I ever had before I met you along with your brothers." I softly tell him. Of course he right away starts to nuzzle my neck and purrs lowly.

„Hmm, just don't like anyone else touching you except my brothers and your children." he whispers into my ear. Making me shudder since his cold breath is a heavy contrast against my hot skin.

„You have nothing to fear thought my king. I am all yours and your brothers. No need for you to be so jealous all the time." I tell him honestly.

„No one will ever touch my heart not body like you three! I love you!" I tell him and his purring right away gets even louder than before.

„Caius my brother, why don't you let go of our wife and mate? Don't you think she wants to enjoy her wedding by strolling around? Talk to her friends?" marcus the always thoughtful one questions caius and to my surprise he really steps a bit away from me.


„You are right Brother! Let's get back to Carlisle and Alice! I am sure you three have a lot catching up to do." caius says while already leading me towards the whole Cullen clan. Aro is still talking with them and to my surprise they all seem to get along greatly, they all look rather happy to be honest.

„They you are darling! We were just talking about how overprotective my dear brother can be at times!" he says with a chuckle.

„Well, Who wouldn't with such a wonderful mate!" caius simply reply's. Shrugging his shoulder and leaning closer to me to kiss my lips softly. After we all talked for a bit longer, I officially introduced my two wonderful children to the Cullens. At first they look pretty shocked but they quickly overcome that. Alice simply stated that she knew already and stated how happy she is for me but also for the twins since they finally have someone to depend on except for themselves. That statement had brought tears to my eyes right away. Knowing that she is right! Finally my lovely children have someone that cares for them. That loves them! It has taken them quit some time till they finally understood how serious I am about that. But now, we finally are a happy little family. And with the marriage to my mates, my children now also have gotten three fathers. Life has really taken a huge turn to the better!!

It now is evening and most of the guests have left already. Only the higher guards and those who I spend a lot of time with throughout my days as well as the Cullens are still outside with us. The whole day has been a real blast!

„Well, it now has become time to take you away to our honeymoon my angel!" marcus says with a wide smile and stormy eyes. Seems like he can't wait for us to go to wherever they have planned to.

„Where are we going now anyway? Till now you haven't told me." I ask them quit interest. Hopeful that they finally are going to tell me. But that hope gets crushed right away since all three of them shake their heads at me.


„Not a Chance Princess! It's a surprise!" caius says, making me sigh out in defeat.

„What about my children? Are they coming along?" I ask feeling pretty uneasy of the thought of leaving them back alone.

„Your mates asked us to join, but we declined. It's your honeymoon mother! You should spend that time with your mates alone. But we still will hope for a phone call everyday." alec informs me with a smile on his beautiful face. Biting my lip in thought. Should I really leave them back in Italy? I don't even know where we are going? What if something happens and I won't be by their side as quick as I need to? A calmness suddenly washes through me and I right away know that was jaspers doing.

„Thank you jasper!" I thank him earnestly. He simply nods at me with a smile while Alice looks at him in satisfaction.

„You don't need to worry darling. We won't be going far away from home. Just far enough to be to ourselves." aro explains with an understanding look. Taking another deep breath, I nod slowly.

„Carlisle? Would it be possible for you and your family to stay here till I get back? I just would feel better knowing that you as well will look out for my children." I ask him with a pleading look and I right away know that he will agree the second I see him looking at me.

„Planned on staying here anyway. Marcus already explained on the phone how he thinks it would sooth you to know that we would stay with your kids. Renesmee also found a really good friend within Corin. Demetri also wants to spend some time with emmet since those two are really into those computer games." Carlisle answers me with a small chuckle since emmet literally jumps in joy at the announcement of his games. Little Renesmee also giggles and claps her tiny hands in excitement. Corin and her really clashed right away! Those two are simply the best of friends and we all are really happy that those two found someone so similar to one another.

„Thank you Carlisle! That means a lot to me." I tell him in thankfulness. He simply smiles in answer and wishes me and my mates a wonderful honeymoon. Shortly after my mates and I left and true to aros words, we are only a fifteen minute run away from the castle which calms me down even more.

„You three are truly the best!" I say before I get attacked by three huge body's. Let's just say that my honeymoon was simply the best!!!

Two years later:

My whole life has turned from being lonely to being surrounded by so much love it's incredible!! My mates are still so caring and loving like the first day we have met. Our sexy times also have gotten better and better throughout the years. Practice is definitely something we have since we make love at least once every day. My two lovely children have finally found their mates and I am so happy that they are just as in love with my kids as they are with them. They also are twins, a few years older than my kids, well at least in human years. The most important thing is thought that my children are happy with their mates. They make them really happy and that makes me happy. At first I was really overprotective of my kids. Not sure if I could trust their mates. with time thought i learned not only to accept them, but also to trust them. They have earned it as they nearly got themselves killed to safe my children. I got to them just in time to safe their life's after a really heavy battle. Ever since them we get along perfectly. They even started to call me mum as well!! Carlisle and his family still are in contact with me and even come to visit every two months. Much to the joy of the whole Volturi family. And a family they all have become!!!

The end!

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