《Volturi kings mate》33


Mayas pov:

The wedding has been a complete blast! When the door got opened the music startet to play and cute little Renesmee startet to throw rose petals into the air in front of me. The second my mates eyes fell onto me they looked shocked and completely overwhelmed with joy. Slowly my children lead me towards them. The closer we got the more I could feel the joy coming off of my mates in pure bliss. When we stopped in front of them, my children softly kiss my cheeks again before handing my hands over to my mates. The rest of the wedding was like a dream and to be honest I don't remember much about it other than my mates softly caressing my wings and hands. After all four of us have said our vows and the rings got exchanged i got pulled up into caius chest and kisses like i was never kissed before. After a minute aro took over caius spot and kisses me like a man starved much to my surprise. I mean we did kiss in the evening before they got shooed away by Alice.

„My turn!" marcus simply states and takes me out of aros hand of course making me giggle.

„Hello!" i whisper and smile brightly at marcus.

„Hi my angel." he says before he kisses me with so much love it makes my heart flutter.

„You look absolutely breathtaking my love. But I think I am going to start calling you my angel." he whispers into my ear after pulling back from our intense kiss.

„So you aren't mad I haven't shown you sooner? Or that I have wings at all?" I ask softly, a bit afraid that they might be mad at me for keeping this from them. They look shocked that I would even think that before aro excuses us for a few minutes and send everyone towards the other side of the garden where they have set up the food and some blood as well as a DJ so we all could dance later on.


„Why would you think that princess? We love you! And Demetri had said back as we met that you were an angel. We didn't thought you really are one, but that doesn't change how we feel for you princess!" caius wants to know while caressing my face softly.

„Mother? Should we stay?" I hear Jane ask me a bit unsure. But I did tell them to please not leave me, so I understand why they are so unsure of leaving me now.

„No sweethearts. I am fine. Please go and enjoy the party. I will be there in no time along with you." I answer her and kiss both of my children's forehead. When they have left I get turned around to my worried mates.

„I was freaking out about what you might think about my wings. So I ask them to not leave my side. I am sorry if that has hurt your feelings. It's just really hard to show my wings to someone. Especially since till now everyone tried to hurt me for them." I tell them in apology, hoping I didn't hurt them to much with my foolishness. A soft hand caresses my left side of my face.

„That's understandable my angel. It surely isn't easy for you to show them if your prior experiences weren't pleasant at all. But I promise, just like my two brothers that we will never hurt you! And we will do our damn hardest to assure that no one else will hurt you in any way or form." marcus tells me honestly. My eyes right away well up with tears once again. Caius quickly kissing them away from my cheeks while purring a little.

„May we touch your beautiful Wings darling? I know we did caress them already throughout the wedding and I am sorry for not asking you beforehand." aro questions as well as apologizes for touching them earlier.


„You can touch them. Just please don't push any feathers out." I say and right away caius and aro start to caress my wings again. Marcus instead opted to kiss my lips a few more times before hugging me tightly into his chest and nuzzling my neck lovingly.

„You look so unbelievable breathtaking. Like our own little angel! I love you so much." marcus whispers against my neck.

„Love you too!" i whimper and cuddle even closer into marcus chest. My wings suddenly open themselves up and then engulf marcus into a hug as well. At first he looks shocked but then he simply lays his head back on my shoulders.

„You are absolutely incredible!" he says with a small chuckle. Of course my giggles follow right away. When my wings slowly get back behind my back, my other two mates cuddle me as well.

„We should get back to the party as well. I am afraid my children are worrying already and I don't like that." I tell my mates and they right away agree to walk back to the party. They are just that awesome!!! The second my children's eyes fall on me they hurry to my side.

„Are you alright Mother?" alec asks me with worry lacing every word. I simply pull him closer to me to kiss both of his cheeks lovingly. Of course repeating the same to Jane before smiling at the both of them.

„I am better than alright you two. My mates made sure I felt good about my wings and they also aren't mad at me for hiding them." I tell them with a shy smile. They both sigh in relief before smiling brightly at me.

„that's amazing mother! We really were worried!" Jane says happily.

„It's really good that our mate have such supportive and caring children! We really are thankful for that!" caius says suddenly from behind Me. My children look just as shocked as I myself! But I still am happy that my mates are happy about my kids! That means the world to me!

„Of course Master caius! We love our mother so we will always be there for her! No matter what!!" alec answers him with a respectful bow. Caius frowns at that thought.

„No more master nonsense for you two! We see you as our children as well. So please call us by our names from now on." Marcus tells my children shocking the whole party group around us.

„Of Course! My apology Marcus!" Jane mumbles with a slightly bowed head while her brother mirrors her expression.

„No apology needed. I understand that you will need time to get used to it." marcus reply's and lifts both their heads back up with an encouraging smile. And just like that my heart warms up even more for how lovely he is. Mouthing a quick thank you to him before pulling my children towards the buffet. Wanting to get them something to drink!

„Here you go you two!" I say and hand them both a glass to drink. Knowing they haven't eaten since yesterday lunch time since they wanted to stay by my side the whole time.

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