《Volturi kings mate》7


Maya's pov:

Marcus looks more than just a little shocked at me. Well, he definitely should remember that I pretty much always have a good come back after a slight challenge. While he still hasn't brought out a word. I do my very best not to smirk or laugh out loud at his stunned face.

„Ah!! There the two of you are!" Aro says with caius right behind him.

„Brother! What happened? You look proper shocked!" caius asks him and I can't hold my giggles in any longer. They all look at me with an awhed struced face. Even Marcus seems to have brighten back up after hearing my giggles.

„So brother, what had shocked you like that?" aro repeats caius earlier questions. This time marcus only smirks towards me as if asking me to repeat my earlier statement. Shrugging my shoulders, if he thinks I wouldn't dare repeat my earlier statement than he has another thing coming.

„Well, Marcus was kind enough to tell me about the painting caius has painted here. We than came to the topic of my housing while staying here with you. I would of liked to stay together with all off my mates, but since that isn't possible, I am taking a room on my own." I repeat and see them looking me up and down, shocked just like Marcus earlier.

„Wouldn't want to get the other two mates jealous of me staying with the other one." I say with a small shrug, playing the innocent card. Demetri, Alec and Jane look at me with a knowing smile, while my mates seem to believe my innocent face. My luck!

„Why don't you guys show me to said room? I am guessing my mates still have some work to do." I tell the three guards who were quick to nod at my request. Just to get another rise out of my mates, I give each of them a kiss on their cheeks, making them purr again. When the guards and I have walked a few more ails, they finally stop in front of a double door.


„This would be your room My queen. Opposite of it is master aros and master caius and master Marcus room are next to yours." Jane tells me with a shy smile on her lips. Making her look even younger than she normally looks anyway.

„Thank you!" I say with a smile as well. Appreciating their hospitality!

„Oh, I must say it was a pretty good strategy you pulled back there." Demetri says with a wide smirk on his face.

„I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!" I answer him, trying to look even more innocent as I did before. They all chuckle at me, knowing fully well that I tricked their masters, my mates, into giving me my own room.

„Do you want to come on in? I would like to get to know you! Especially since I guess I will be staying here for some time!" I say just as Felix as well walks our way. They all agree right away except little Jane. She looks a bit saddened towards me, so without thinking too much into it, I just pull her into a tight hug.

„Why are you sad Jane?" I ask her softly while waving the others in, being sure Jane wouldn't like any onlookers right about now.

„I hurt you. So you won't like me anymore." she whimpers out. My heart breaks at her huddled form and broken voice.

„Hey sweetheart! I am not holding any grudge against you. You did what was expected from you. I also mirrored your power on yourself, so it was me that hurt you! Not the other way around. For that, I really am sorry!" I say and softly sway us side to side to calm her down. She cuddles herself even closer into me, nuzzling my neck and purring softly.

„Is everything alright with you?" alec asks worriedly. I just open my arm to let him in on our hug as well. To my surprise he quickly copies his sister by nuzzling my neck and purring in contentment.


„Are you two Good now?" I softly question them. Their mumbled Hmm is the only reply that I seem to get from them, which makes me giggle at how absolutely adorable they are!

„Let's get into my room than, yeah? Want to get to know you all." I tell them and kiss both their foreheads to their and my own surprise! The other two have taken a seat in the small sitting area by the window. When they see us enter, they look at us with soft smiles.

„We will leave you guys for the time being. I am sure we will have plenty of time to talk a bit later today." Demetri says and pulls Felix along with him. Nodding at them in thanks and for understanding that the twins need me right now.

„Here take a seat you two." I say and sit myself in the middle so they still can lean their heads on me.

„May i know How old you two were when you got turned?" I ask them quietly, not wanting to destroy the calmness here in the room.

„Fourteen." alec says just as quietly while Jane shudders a little next to me.

„That must have been really hard for you. I really am sorry you had to go through the change at such an early age." I tell them. Honestly feeling horrible for what they had to go through, especially since they still where so young!

„It was alright I guess. We were the outcasts in our village anyway. They were just getting ready to burn us since they thought we were witches. that's when aro has found us. He had pulled us down from the stake and changed us. It burned a lot, but so did the fire." alec explains. I hear janes whimper again, this time even louder than earlier, so i softly pick her up and sit her on my lap which seems to relax her again.

„Why didn't your parents help you?" I ask them angry that they weren't there to help and protect their kids that should get burned! How could they be this cruel!?

„They had left us when we were seven. They said we were way too much trouble." Jane whimpers out. My heart really is breaking for those two. How can people be this cruel!? I am just happy aro was there to safe them that day!

„That is absolutely Not true!! I hope you know that!! But just so you know, you are much better off without them!" I tell them matter of factly. Still fuming at the thought alone that they were treated this badly. But no longer! From now on I am going to make sure they are taken care of properly!

„Well, from now on you don't need to worry about anything anymore! From now on I am going to look after you!" I tell them, hoping they wouldn't have a problem with that.

„Are you going to be our mum?" Jane asks me hopeful but also afraid that I might deny that. I however could scream in joy since that was exactly what I always wanted!

„That's exactly what I am going to be!" I tell them and am suddenly tackled by them to the bed. They cuddle themselves as close as possible into me while thanking me over and over again. Guess this day has taken a huge turn! This morning I thought I needed to fight the volturi coven, only to find out that I am mated to all three of the volturi kings. And now, I also kind of adopted Jane and Alec.

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