《The Kings Mate》1


Quinn POV

I slam my locker and my 3 friends look at me in question.

"Whats got your panties in a twist?" My friend, Dean, asks with a smirk.

"I haven't found my mate yet we graduate in 1 month. I should have found him by now. " I tell him and area my arms tightly around my French folder. "Carter found his like 2 years ago."

"Maybe he just doesn't live around here." My other friend, Carmen (Deans mate), says with hope in her voice.

"I hope your right. If you're wrong I might just have to kill you." I say and my final friend , Joel, laughs a deep laugh. Secretly I've always hoped he was my mate. We've been. Est friends for as long as I can remember and I started to have a crush on him in 7th grads when he pushed down Donny Tyler's after he put gum in my hair. Their was always something about his dark brown hair or his pale blue eyes that just made me wish he was mine. But he isn't and even though he doesn't have a mate and neither do I, we just aren't. He was the first one I looked at when I turned 16... but their was not pull.

We turn left down the hall and enter the 1st class of the day, Advanced Literature with Mr. Grams. Possible the youngest teacher but one of the best I've ever had.

Half of the girls are always stretching their necks to get a view of his perfect black hair that is in the signature swoop. How they dream of being able to feel the scruff on his face. How he always seems to have that sexy scruff is one question no one will ever get an answer to. All the girls that pray for his class will be disappointed to find out he made the mistake of sleeping with a girl in collage and now has a 2 year old boy named Colby. They got married after finding out they were perfect for each other.


This was the final week of real classes because finals were this last week. And Senior week is next week. Starting with the bonfire on Monday, the lake dive on Tuesday. Graduation Prep on Wednesday. Thursday we graduate and then Friday is the night I've been dreading: Prom.

I'm the last girl in the senior class without a mate but yet I'm still going. Thankfully Joel said we could hang out as friends and just drink in the corner and make fun of all the ridiculous dresses. But I just don't think It'll be the same.


As the sun went down people were rushing everywhere. Transforming before my eyes. Someone bumps into me running to the woods. They look back at me and I see that it's Joel.

"Joel!" I yell and he rushes back over to me and grabs my arms. "What's happening?"

"A few night howlers were spotted in the border and we can't have then get in. Go inside I don't want you get hurt." He says in a rush. He lets go of me and runs into the woods. Jumping and shifting in mid air.

Night howlers were our packs biggest enemy and rival. They always were always kidnapping our members. Always looking for a dirty fight.

I scowl at his remark "go inside" like I'm gonna let my pack fight and not help.

I look around and rush behind a tree and shift and run around. I follow the unfamiliar smells around the woods.

I hear twig snap and my head shoots up. I look around, I I start to growl in the direction of the sound.

"Well, well, well..." A man with brown hair says stepping out from behind a tree. a few others following him. 'What do we have here." He smirks and tries to grab my dark fur. I bite at his hand. He yells out as I come into contact and stands up.

"Attack her." He says and the two men tackle me without fail.

One of them stabs me with a needle and I start to see little dots until everything is a big blur.

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