《The Kings Mate》Epilogue


(I could literally not remember anything and I feel like trash because i forgot the contents to my own book. So if things are different then they should be please comment so I can fix them right away)

Mason POV

I look myself up and down in the mirror. My hair is slicked back. My navy blue suit is flat, not a wrinkle to be seen. Two ropes that loop around are sew in to my left shoulder. All kinds of pins are pinned to my chest claiming that I have done and will do great things. A castle servant sets the velvet cape over my shoulders. Personally I think it's a bit much but its a tradition from the lat 2,000 years. Every king has worn this cape.

"Mason," I turn around and see Malia in a big old timey looking dress. "It's time." She leaves and exits back to the waiting room. I look back into the mirror and let out a sigh of relief. I turn around and walk out the door. I link arms with Malia and face the giant double doors. Every werewolf is watching. This is the day I make, we make, history. 2,000 years in the making and I am the 450th (I don't know f I said a different number at a different part in the story I can't remember.)

The sound of 20 trumpets all insinc erupts from behind the doors. The doors open and together Malia and I walk into the bright outside and over the red carpet that had been. Every pack alpha and luna from all over the world is looking at me.

We walk up big stone steps to the oldest elder that has ever lived.

"Welcome everyone." He says loudly and it becomes so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, "We are here today to cordially announce our new King and Queen."

The long ceremony commences and before I can even tell it starts it's closing.

"And now to bind you Mason Aromas Stone as king, take this knife and cut your palm just as all the kings before you and drip your blood into the sacred water." He says and a dark velvet pillow is help out in front of me with the gold knife placed nicely on top. I pick up the blade and drag it across my palm. It stings but only for a second. I make a fist, hold my hand over the sacred water and the blood drips into the water turning it a light pink color. Flames burst from the waters.

"Finally, Do you Malia Elizabeth Taylors take the responsibilities of Queen? Do you promise to be a mother to all and care for those in need? Do you promise to stay faithful to your mate and your kingdom? Do you promise to never turn for the worst and show disrespect for anyone and anything in this world?" He says his voice booming across the courtyard. I look to Malia and she smiles and nods her head.

"I do."

"Now to bind you as Queen You must offer up your most prized possession that your mate has gotten you. You must throw it into the sacred waters." For a second she falters and her hand goes to the gold heart locket I had gotten her for Christmas. Hesitantly she takes off the necklace and drops it into the clear water. Once again flames burst out of it and then die down in an instant. I look back at the water and the necklace is gone.


"Attention everyone," As he speaks these words we both turn around. Two woman and Two man servant come beside us. One of each holding a pillow and placed atop is the Kings and the Kings crown. The kings is your typical crown. A round gold strip with what looks like likes tops of tin triangles sticking out . The Queens crown is much more breathtaking.its pure gold with diamonds encrusted on every in. And bug Ruby's line the crown in one stripe around the whole crown.(picture at top) "I now present to you The newest KIng and Queen of the Werewolf kingdom!" He shouts. The extra person takes the crowns from the pillows and place them perfectly on top of our heads. Both Malia and I have the biggest smiles on our faces as camera's flash. A photographer kneels in front of us and takes a picture of us just as fireworks shoot up into the sky and burst.

Finally, we did it.

Me and Malia laugh as we run through the castle hallways holding hands. This is all ours. The oldest castle In existence that hadn't been discovered by humans. WE stop inside the King and Queens suite. We both look around in awe at the size. The room was the size of two floors of the pack house back home put together. She runs into he closet that is the size of her bedroom at home. I can hear her gasp as she sees all the fancy dresses she will get to wear. I laugh as I walk into the bathroom. The shower is about 2/4 of the bathroom. It has spouts coming off of the ceiling for a rain shower our there's a waterfall type thing. All gathering in a pool at the bottom incase of need for a bath. There's also a seat with a small jacuzzi tub with enough space for two. I smile at it and head back into the bedroom and Malia is their waiting for me with a glass of champagne. She hands it to me and rases the glass.

"To us. We made it so far. And for that I ma grateful." She smiles. I reply with a to us and we clink glasses and take a sip.

We spend the rest of the day exploring the huge castle.

As the sun sets we lay on a big puffy blanket we set on the roof of one of the flat towers. I wrap my arm around her and she snuggles closer into my chest. Everything. In this moment feels... Complete.

"Ya know," she says and I look over at her staring at her beautiful eyes. "When I was a little girl I always dreamed of being a princess. Like wearing the big dresses and wearing a beautiful tiara everyday and having boys swoon over me. So my dream came true but better than I could've ever imagined. I'm a queen. People take orders orders from me. I have a plethora of big dresses and some small ones. But instead of having boys swoon over me. I have one that I know loves me for who I am and not some title I have, and it's all because of the man I love. Thank you Mason." She says. I hold her chin and bring my face closer to her and kiss her with so much passion and love that it seemed like the world stopped completely. She got her dream and I got mine. Except my dream was never to have all kinds of people wait on me hand and foot. Not to wear the nicest clothing ever made. or even to have girls swoon over me. It was this. To have a mate that accepted me. For her to love me for me. To be able to hold her and kiss her where ever and whenever I wanted. To show her off to the world and say. 'She is mine and I am hers. So don't even think about it. Because I love her so much that no one or nothing in this world could change that.'


And that is exactly what I got.


1 year and 6th months later

I cradle my baby daughter in my arms and Malia cradles our son. Twins... oh boy.

"Have you picked names my lords?" nurse asks us bowing in respect. We both look at each other and smile and nod.

"For the boy, Carter. And for the girl, Quinn." Malia smiles.

"Alright. Well time to fill out the birth certificates." She smiles and hands us the white and gold piece of paper. She and another nurse take the babies to the nursery. I fill out Carters and Malia fills out Quinn's.

"I really think Carter Joseph Stone has a nice right to it don't you?" I say and we switch papers so we can sign.

"I do. And don't you think Quinn Katherine Stone has a nice right to it." She says laughing a bit.

"Indeed I do." I say and kiss her cheek.

"Mason we did it, we're parents." She says tears welling up in her eyes. I pull her close to me.

"Yeah we did." I smile and kiss her head.


3 years and 6 months later.

I hold a crying quinn in my arms as they tell me the news.

"My lord the world has voted fro the new laws and they are in your favor. You have been re elected as king. We will have no need for a ceremony. You shall continue business as usual here in the castle." One of the elders tell me. I smile at them and bow.

"Thank you for the news. I will tell my son and Queen." He nods and walks off to his office.

"Daddy. Does that mean we get to stay?" Quinn asks in a little tired voice. Sounding somewhat british but not really.

"Yes baby we get to stay." I say and lift her and spin her around making airplane noises. SHe giggles and screams in delight.

I throw her up but then catch her in my arms. I smile down at her. My little angel.


13 years later. (sorry for skipping around so much.)

I watch as Quinn and Carter blow out their own candles on their own cakes. Carters Mate smiling so wide because now she can officially become Luna in just about 5-6 years. Depending on when I'm ready to pass down the title. But poor Quinn. 18 and no mate. All of her friends had found their mates. It's almost rare for a werewolf to not find their mate by the rightful age of 17.

As everyone in the pack claps and cheers for the two. They both get up and start to cut their own cakes and hand them to people. I could tell Quinn wasn't as happy as the face she had on showed her.

"Quinn can I talk to you In my office for a moment?" I ask. Everyone quiets down and she ooks at me. Her fake smile turns to a real face of relief. She nods her head and walk pasts me.

"Everyone go back to celebrating. This is a day of celebration." I say and wave my arms above my head and people go back to partying.

I rush into my office and Quinn is there waiting for me in the chair across from mine.

"Why don't we sit on the couch." I say and she nods her head and moves.

"Are you alright. You don't seem so happy today?" I ask and wrap my arm around her.

"I'm just really disappointed that I haven't found my mate yet. I'm 18 and the only one without their other half." She says in a very sad tone.

"Alright I think I tell you the real story of how me and your mother met." I start but she stops me.

'But you already told us. You met as the mate's ball and instantly knew from the moment you walked in that mom was in there and you were certain you loved her and blah blah blah..." She says and I laugh.

"Oh honey I'm sorry to tell you but that is not at all how we met."

"Well then how did you?" She says looking puzzled.

"You see my dear I was 18 almost 19 and I still had not found my mate. And I was getting desperate because the Election for the King was fastly approaching and you can't be KIng without a mate. Until one day during senior year your mother moved here and I had the pleasure of showing her around the school. The moment I saw her I fell in love. But the only problem was she was human..." I go and tell her everything. The shift and the day she found out. The day I lost my memories and the day I got the back everything.

"Wow," She says stunned."That's like a love story that trumps them all. Better then any love story I've ever heard of."

"I guess you could say that." I smile and rub her shoulders just as Malia Walks in.

"You two talking about me." She smiles and Quinn and I look at each other and sort of giggle.

"You bet we were." She says and gets up and hugs her from the side. I join and and form a group hug.


"Yes honey?"

"What was it like to be a Kings Mate?" Quinn asks and Malia and I look at each othe and smile. Without breaking eye contact she responds,

"It was the most amazing experience I will have ever done and I wouldn't have changed anything in the world that got me there."


Final a/n

Awww guys, it's finally over.

I did want it to be longer but I just had no idea what I wanted it to be about.

And I really like quinn and I want to a spin off but I don't know if i'm reading to make a big commitment like that just quiet yet.

But I am very sad that this is sort of the end of an era. I'm really gonna miss these characters. I loved writing about them and writing about their struggles and their love for each other. It was just so much fun and it was such great practice for writing. Grant it wasn't exzctly good but it was still practice.

But I hope you all liked this epilogue. I did what I could to make it not suck.

so for the last time can I get a



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