《The Kings Mate》guess who's back... (back again)



so for those 8 people that follow my actual wattpad twitter account and not the other one that i can't seem to get off my bio (some one help me please) I have started writing the epilogue and I'm hoping to get it out within the next two weeks.

but I have decided to do a little something. So here are 10 things that were suppose to be included but got changed and a few other lil things.

1. Malia was never going to be a werewolf.

So yes, I never intended on Malia being a were wolf. I ustb didn't know what to write about and how to have mason tell her she was his mate. So I thought well even though I never wanted to do this let's just do it.

2. Their were suppose to be more scenes that were in school and at their jobs.

I really wanted to have them be in highschool because in all of my other books I had never primarily written in a high school setting. And i wanted to add chapters were Mason surprised Malia at work on her birthday with an old friend from NY and then have this really big surprise party at the Yogurt place. But sadly, I never got the chance.

3. When mason is asked what is his favorite movie he didn't tell the truth.

Mason was so stuck in his thoughts he just said the first movie that came to mind. His actual favorite movie is Ghost Busters. (Weird I know i was stuck between Harry Potter or Star Wars cause I did want him to be nerdy. But I just thought he Ghost Busters is actually pretty good.)

4.Mason was suppose to have had a girl friend.

I did want Mason to have a girlfriend and she was gonna be drum roll please... Cameron. I just thought they would be so cute together and then I had this whole idea that they would both find their mates and slowly drift apart. Then the break up was gonna be pretty sad. I really wanted to do that but then I figured. I need to be different from all the other books where the soon to be alpha is a jerk of sorts and has not waited for his mate and stuff. So i decided to create the gentleman we all know as Mason.


5. Mason was suppose to look very different.

I wanted to Mason look like someone my type or a type I find almost immediately attractive. So we was gonna have black messy hair (kinda like Percy Jackson's) and he was gonna be so tan that he almost looked a different color completely. I wanted to have dark green eyes (Also like Percy Jackson's) and i wanted his wolf to be like a total black wolf but that was so cliche that i couldn't bring myself to actually do it. I'm just gonna say it MASON WAS GONNA BE PERCY JACKSON'S LOOK A LIKE. there I said it. happy. I have a problem okay.

6. I was gonna have a cast but i couldn't decide who I wanted to play Mason or Malia. I wanted Shelly Hennig to play Malia because that's who i pictured when I wrote about her. But because of Teen Wolf it just didn't feel right to me. And i couldn't find a male that looked like what I pictured for mason. So i just decided that instead of ruining your guyses imaginations that I would just let you decide what the characters looked like. I just wanna make something clear. Cameron is Biracial. I can't remember if i said that i might've said her skin was like co-co colored or something but I couldn't remember or find the chapter i thought i put it in.

7. I did not want to put any of my fandom stuff or in the books

things like bands and books and tv shows that appeared in this i never wanted in there. I just get lost when I'm writing so things just flow.

8. The ending was not suppose to go how it actually went.

I wanted the end to be the election and Mason finding out he had become king and it was gonna be so heart warming. but no. Malia almost died so... whatever i guess.


9. This book never really had a plot.

Well yes it had a plot but the first chapter kind screwed that one so the plot never really happened and i just know things i wanted to include and most of the things didn't get included.

10. Malia was gonna be with child.

I thought since Beth had Mason when she was like 17 or 18 (Mason's mommy) that it would make sense for mason to forget to do something and Malia was gonna be pregnant. And then while they were in London Malia was gonna tell him while they were at the top of the London eye (??? is that even how that's spelled. Sorry to my Londoners that read this.) And it was gonna be so cute and then i thought SPIN OFF BOOK because the baby was gonna be a girl and yeah. but sadly that never happened.

well, that's 10. I hope you enjoyed reading these.

Please comment your thoughts about all of this and what you think would have been great.

Don't forget to check out my new book Excerpts From A Book I Will Never Write. Follow me on twitter (LMR_Wattpad) and instagram (Let_Me_Reload_Wattpad)

Alright bye everyone.

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