《The Kings Mate》Chapter 32


Mason POV 3 months later.

I walk around the woods my tail swinging from side to side. I sniff around the ground for a while before I catch her scent. I take off like a rocket in that direction. I dodge trees and rocks before I come to a cliff. I whimper not knowing how she got down and then I see it. Every yard or so theirs a small ledge leading down all the way to the bottom. I start hopping my way down.

Once I make it to the bottom I sniff around some more till I find the scent again. I continue in that direction. The trail ends right in front of a small cave. I prance in and look around. I see her. I goeth faster till I can jump and tackle her.

As soon is we collide she barks in surprise. We shift back into our human forms and start laughing. A shirt and a pair of shirts form over my body but Malia is bare. I take the large t shirt off and hand it to her. We sit up and she throws it over her head. I smile at her and give her a kiss.

"Mason." She says once I let go to take a breath. I start to leave a trail of kisses down her neck. I can feel her breathing become heavier.

"Mason." She whimpers and throws her head back as I suck on the skin around where I marked her. I continue down until I get to her stomach. I look up and see Malia with her eyes closed enjoying my movements.

"Yes my love?" I ask and go back up to her lips.

"We have to go back." She pants.

"Do we really have to." I say and flip us over so she's on top on me.


"Yes Mason we do. You have a meeting. Maybe we can continue later." She says and purrs the last sentence like a cat.

"Ugh fine." He says and gets up. He helps me up and we start our way back to the pack house. Finding a way around the cliff.

Malia POV

Once we get to the clearing we head inside and go to our room. Mason hops into the shower and I walk into the closet picking out clothes for him and me to wear. I pick him a nice shit with a dark purple with light blue stripes tie. I pick me a nude colored dress that has thin straps and its semi tight. I also pick a pair of nude colored wedges. I start to curl my hair into nice soft curls. Then I start to put my makeup on. After that I pull my dress on and dig my feet into the wedges. I put a heart shaped necklace on. Mason got it for me for Valentine's Day. Our initials are carved into the back. It was the nicest gift I've ever gotten for Valentine's Day.

As I finish up mason comes out with water droplets all over his tan body. A towel hanging loosely around his waist. I put clothes out for you on the bed. I tell him. I walk over to my closet and pick out a perfume and spray it twice. When I com out mason is in the dress pants and shirt. He starts to fumble with his tie.

I chuckle, "Here let me." I tie the tie around his neck. He smiles at me and thanks me.

"Okay we got to go." I say looking at me phone. We head into the elevator and descend down to the garage. We clime into his jeep and speed out of the pack house.


Mason POV

The drive is a little over and hour when we are half way. I stop a a red light and look over at Malia who is on her phone.

"Make a dragon want a retirement. Too hot, hot damn." The families words of Up Town Funk plays over the speakers. I smile and look over at Malia.

"I'm to hot! Hot damn. Call the police and the fire man!" I sing to her and she starts to laugh.

"Oh my god! You're terrible!" She laughs harder making me smile more.

The light turns green and I speed forward. I continue to sing terribly till the song ends.

"Mason stop your killing my ear drums." Malia giggles and mockingly holds her hands over her ears. I look over at her and gaze into her eyes.

"Malia I'd like to hear you sing." I smirk and quickly glance back at the road then back to Malia.

"Fine I will." She says and starts to sing the words to a song on the radio. She blows me away and I don't take my eyes off her.

"Wow you're so good! Obviously not as goo-" the last thing I hear is a car horn before I'm smashed into oblivion.


I sleepily open my eyes and look around. Theirs flashing lights and people screaming. I look over and see Malia covered in blood crying and explaining to some one something. A paramedic runs over and starts yelling rings that I don't under stand. I close my eyes and fall into darkness.

The next time I open my eyes I'm being shaken slightly. I look to my left and Malia is staring at me with tears and makeup streaming down her face. Blood covers her dress and hair. She notices I'm staring and says something but I don't understand. She cries harder as if realizing I don't understand. I look to the other side before closing my eyes and welcoming sleep.



Ooooo cliffhanger

Hate me don't you.

Well hey at least I'm back break and I'm not on hold anymore. I will try to update at least once every 2 weeks or so. As you may know I've started another book called coming home. And unless you've finished Heroes Of Olympus you actually can't read it. But if you have read and finished it please read it.

Well I guess I'll see you next time



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