《The Kings Mate》Chapter 33


Malia POV

Mason had to get surgery for a collapsed lung and he needed a a lot of blood because he lost most of his. I sat in the waiting room. The smell of the clean hospital burns my nostrils. The surgery has been going on for 5 hours and not one nurse or doctor has come out of the operation room.

I look at my phone. 7:30. I swipe my fingers and get a cut. I may have made it out with only a few scraps but my phone was destroyed. My thumb starts to sting and I turn it over. The red liquid slowly seeps out.

I set my phone down and walk to the receptionist. "Excuse me miss," I say and she looks up at me. "I got a paper cut do you have a band aid." I say and show her my thumb.

"Oh of course dear." She says and swivels around the little area and pulls a band aid out of a little drawer. She swivels back over and hands it to me.

"Is their anything else I can help you with?" She asks and types something down into her computer.

"Actually, yes, is their any new news about Mason Stone?" I ask and wrap the band aid around my finger.

"Let me check." She clicks some things and the reads something."Mason should be out soon they just have to stitch him back up." She smiles at me and I mutter a small thank you.

I walk over a place with a couch and a tv. It seemed that no one was here. Every once in a while a nurse or a doctor would rush on by to their next patient. Mason's parents were here, they just decide to go get lunch. They asked if I wanted anything and I said no. I can't eat knowing my mate could die on some cold operating tables. Their was one wolf Doctor and he demanded that he do the operation so at least theirs a wolf in there.


I turn on the TV and flip to a channel. I don't know what it is but I curl up on the couch and watch as the scenes go by. I start to feel my eyes droop. I close my eyes and when I open them i'm surrounded by woods. I start to run and something runs behind me growling and barking. I hear it get closer. I trip over a log and crash to the ground. I turn on my back and see the dark black wolf slowing approaching me. He grunts and snarls as foam escapes from his mouth and drips onto the forest floor.

I start to scoot back but I hit an invisible wall and cant move any more. The wolf comes closer and i kick my feet in hope of distracting it. My kicking doesn't do anything as the wold pounces on me and starts clawing at me and biting me. I cover my face with my arms. I peak my eyes and as if life slowed down i saw it raise its paw ready to cut open my chest but then it's knocked off me. Everything returns to normal pace. The other wolf kills the black on in seconds. Blood drips from his mouth. He shifts and i recognize him as Mason. But this isn't my Mason. This Mason has crazy looking eyes, blood covered body, and fanged teeth.

"Mason, what's wrong with you?" I ask and stand up. He starts laughing crazily. He rushes over to me and grabs me by my neck and pins me against the invisible wall.

"This isn't Mason. He's dead." Tears brim my eyes they start to fall like acid down me cheeks. burning streaks on my face.

"No, You're lying. You're Mason and you're alive." I cry. His grip around my neck tightens. I struggle for a breath of air.


"He's dead. All your friends are dead. Your parents too. I killed them. I'm going to kill you too." His laughs and his eyes become crazier. I can feel his naked body on me because of house close he is. I want to scream and I want to shout. But I can't.

"Then w-why do you l-look like h-him." I struggle to get out.

"Because I stole his body." He smiles and evil smile and plunges a double edged knife into my abdomen and twists it. The tears come faster and the burns feel worse. Blood flows like a river out of my nose and slowly trickles out of my ears.

He grabs me by the neck again and slams me back onto the ground and I feel warmth surge through my body.

I shoot up into the air screaming and crying. I can't catch my breath and i start to hyperventilate. A nurse rushes over and starts to ask if I'm alright but all I can do is cry harder. I hear footsteps pound down the hallway. I start to scream more and put my hands on my ears. I start rocking back and forth as sobs escape my throat.

I remove my hands still crying and look around the room scared and alert. All kinds of eyes are on me. I stop sobbing and start to whimper. The nurse puts her hand on my should and I start to shake. I see her lips move but I don't hear anything come out. SHe looks behind her to another nurse and says something. He nods goes away and returns. I start to cry harder as i remember what I just saw. The nurse injects a needle into the base of my neck. I feel my eyes droop and I fear the darkness that returns.



You can hate me I know I'm a horrible person.

But this just came out of me and I have an idea of how i can end the story with this.

But on other news I just started the HP series and I started DW and Attack on Titan. 9I know i'm late to the party.)

well if you enjoyed this chapter how about a





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