《The Kings Mate》Chapter 11


Mason POV

The next day was what you could call interesting. I had to lend Nico clothes and drive him to school. The fact that he was Cameron's mate didn't help either because she ended up in my car too. When we got to school everyone was looking at us. Because they wanted to check out the new kid I guess.

"Okay Cam, you gotta go to class." I tell her as we stop in the hallway.

"Wha- why?" she complains.

"Because I have to take Nico to the office to get his schedule and then give him a tour." I explain to her and fix my back pack that is hanging off my shoulder.

"Can't I just give him the tour?" She complains some more.

"No, because I don't want you two to go halfway through the tour and then disappear into a closet." I tell her. I hear Nico laugh behind me.

"You gave your mate a tour." She says trying to weasel her way into the tour.

"Malia's different." I say and look down the hall where she stands laughing with Payton.

"How so?"

"Uh she's human" I roll my eyes and she sighs in defeat. The bell rings signaling homeroom. They say bye to each other and then Cameron hesitantly leaves.

"Well welcome to our high school." I tell him and push open the Office doors.


BY the time the tour was over, lunch had just started. Nico had ended up in all my classes except for my last period class. Which I wish would have been Malia instead. I know it sounds rude but she's my mate, so ya know. But anyways, I told Nico how lunch went. You go up and their are different small plates of all kinds of food. Like burgers, salads, spaghetti, chicken, etc. Then, as you near the end their is like fruits and desserts either in a cup or on a plate. But the only catch is they only have cake two times a year. On my moms birthday and then my birthday. No one seems to notice this pattern but i caught it two years ago. And then you can either get like a water, soda, and even juice. Which i find pretty weird but hey, I'm not king of the world. Well not yet at least.


Which reminds me, i sent my letter of confirmation that I had found my mate the day after our date. The elders were quick to reply saying good luck and that i was officially a candidate. So it's official, Ima be king. Hopefully.

"Guys you've already met Nico. So Malia I'd like you to meet Nico. Nico I would like you to meet Malia." I introduce Nico and Malia gets up to shake his hand.

"Nico to meet you." She smiles then sits back down. I take my seat next her. Nico takes a seat next to Cameron.

"Hey Malia we are going right from school to the mall for dresses so if you'd still like to come you can come." Payton smiles

"Yeah I would like that." she smiles back and takes a drink from her Cherry Coke.

"Wait. How are we suppose to get home?" Parker says and gestures to Issac and him.

"Just go with Mason." Cameron tells then and puts a chip in her mouth.

"But we're not aloud to do eat in his car. And we always stop for something to eat on the way home." Issac complains.

"Suck it up and just eat when you get home." I say to him.

"But I don't wanna!" He whines in a baby voice and crosses his arm using his best pouty face.

After a while the bell started to ring signalling the next period. which is a free period. We bid our good bye's and we all go our separate ways. All except Issac, Nico and I. We go to our normal seat under the tree.

"So Mason I have a question for you?" Nico says flipping through the pages in the advanced math book.

"And what would that be?" I ask.

"Well I made the connection that you and Malia are mates. I also noticed she is human. do you think that will effect the chances of you becoming king?" Nico asks.

"Well in my letter i told them that i had found my mate but i would need to talk to them about somethings. They agreed one hundred percent and will be here on Saturday around noon. So My mom and I will be in the conference room with them to discuss this slight set back." I inform him and stand up and wipe the dirt off my shorts .


"I gotta go." I say looking at the time of my phone.

"Where do you have to go?" Issac asks looking up from his phone.

"Coach wants to talk to me." I tell him slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"See you guys later." I wave walking backwards with a quick wave of my hands.


Malia POV

The rest of school was a blur. I was just to excited for the mall. I haven't seen the mall in the town that's apparently called Small water or petite eau as my french teacher would say. I really love that language. It's so beautiful. Plus it will come in handy if I ever go to Paris. Which is my dream. The city of love. Uh, I just love it.

"Malia!" a voice yells making me snap out of my haze.

"What?" I ask my cheeks heating up.

"We're here." Cameron say laughing a little.

We all get out and head through the entrance. I stop in my tracks.

"Malia, what's wrong?" Payton asks turning back.

"This is the biggest mall I have ever seen." I say my eyes wide.

"It gets bigger." Cameron giggles and walks down the section her hips sawing from side to side. kinda like a model on a run way but you know, Less.

They guide me through the huge mall. Showing me all the stores and where the food court is. The first store they drag me to is a store called Daisy's Desires suppose to be a a really nice dress store that has great prices.

We all basically split up. I speed walk towards the sale dresses. Hey i don't have a lot of money. I search through them. Some of them are really pretty and some of them look like they belong in the dumpster. Just sayin'.

But finally I find the perfect dress. Its a blue on the lighter side, its strapless and the fabric kinda like moves diagonally. It's the perfect dress. I look at the price. $35.50. And next to it it says last chance. I internally squeal and pull it off the rack and hurry into the dressing room. I undress myseld and pull the dress on and I struggle with the zipper but eventually get it. I look at myself in the mirror and smile. It's the perfect fit. I Open the door and look around until i spot Payton and Cameron laughhing as they go through dresses. I wonder what they're laughing about.

"But honestly what is Mason gonna do? I don't even know if you can have a human as a queen" Cameron says.

WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!! I couldn't have possibly heard that. Maybe I'm just hearing things yeah that's probably it. I walk over and they both look at me and smile.

"What do you guys think." I say and give a small spin.

"It looks great on you. It really brings out your eyes." Payton smiles

"Yeah totally. You look great." Cameron says.

"Thanks guys. I'm gonna get this one." I Smile at them and then walk back to the dressing room to change back into my normal clothing. I put it back on the hanger and pull my clothes back onto my body

I smile at it one more time before walking to the cash register. I have a nico pair of silver heels that will go great with this. I put 2 20 on the counter and the lady gives the 4.50 back. She starts to bag up the dress in one of those long bags.

"Hey did you see Shelby today? Ha she looked like she just crawled out from under a bridge."

"Yeah like totally. That like coat she was like wearing looked like she bought it from the dollar store."

I immediately put my hand over my ears and close my eyes. I closes my eyes tightly. I take deep breaths.

"Like she totally looks like a garbage bag." the voices get louder.

I let out a small scream and start to sink to my knees. I start to hyperventilate. Red dots dance in my vision once i open them. I force them close again. I feel people around me. rubbing my back. Asking me if I'm all right. Everyone's concerned. But I don't care. I just want the voices to go away.

They get louder. To loud. I start to let out short screams as hot tears run down my face. Everything turns black. And I suddenly don't hear anything. I'm finally at ease. I don't feel any one touching e. I can't hear a sound.


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