《Chubs | KSJ》Honest Interview


"Hi my name's Jarred, I'm 19 and I never learned how to read" Jungkook says with a smirk, thinking he was really funny.

"Yo." Momo says, giving a head nod "I'm Momo." She leans into the camera, whispering "The main bish of this show." She leans back again, furrowing her brows " Actually, the only bish. I'm like the only girl in this show, did you notice that? It's a little bit weird if you ask me. But I guess that's my fault for not making any female friends..." she rambles, slowly coming to a stop and regretting her life decisions.

"Do I really have to introduce myself?" Jin asks with a raised brow "MY FACE IS THE COVER!!" He exclaims, pointing to the poster of his face behind him.

"HIIIIII!!!!!!" Hobi waves, cutely smiling "I'm Hoseok! I'm so excited to be here!!"

Tae gives a boxy grin, raising a peace sign to his eye "Hi guys, I'm Taehyung, the best friend."

"Hello." Namjoon smiles at the camera "My name is Namjoon and you're watching Disney channel." He crinkles his eyes as he laughs at his own joke. "I'm sorry-" He apologizes, hitting his knee "I've always wanted to try that. You know the Disney channel intro has been the same for over 20 years, it first started in 19-"

"Hi, I'm Jimin" Jimin says "I'm the- uhhh- OH!! I'm Jin's friend!!" He says, finally figuring out what his role in the show was "I'm a very important character! I like-" He stares off to the side "Uhh, I, " Jimin falls back into his chair with a huff, crossing his arms"Aish, I don't know. I didn't freaking do anything." he racks a hand through his hair in frustration.

"No thanks." Yoongi refuses.

"Are you kidding me?" Yoongi says with an eyeroll "We have a screaming maniac, an edgy weeaboo teen, two pun-loving pigs, the most intelligent idiot I've ever seen, a bipolar thot, and a hill billy moron wearing Gucci." Yoongi scoffs "No, I did not enjoy working with them, if you could even call it that. It was torture. And I think I've gone deaf in one ear."

Hoseok screams in joy, clasping his hands together "Omg- it was so much fun, I added so many photos to the photo album I made and I even snagged a napkin that both Jin and Momo touched!!" He claps "It's now the centerpiece of their relationship shrine!"

"I thought it would have been better without Jin." Jungkook says "Like yea- Momo likes him and all but honestly I don't see why we needed to add him to our family,allhedoesistakeup allMomo'stimeandIbarelygettoseeheranymore. I'mjustlookingoutforthefairnessofsociety ya know? Like, favoritismshouldn'tbeallowed. Imean- howdoyouthinktaehyungfeelsnowthathisbestfriendisgone? Ya know? Really, I'm just looking out for my bud." Jungkook rambles

"oh it was very pleasant" Namjoon nods "It's always a great thing to be able to reminisce on such happy moments of all our lives and to be able to do that with each other and see how we've grown as people and grown as a family- it's really beautiful."

Momo scrunches her nose "Well-" she thinks "It was really- something..." she furrows her brows "also really stinky, you have no idea how much these boys freaking fart. They literally make up 50% of the world's pollution I swear."


"I loved it!" Tae smiles "I love my friends and all the fun adventures we went on, especially when Junkook tried to kick Jin out, that was so cool, like a real life drama! I hope we all stay friends for a long long time. Also- I can't wait to see little tiny Jins and Momos running around, and I'm expecting them to all be named Taehyung or else I will force them to live with the chickens until they believe they are chickens and never come back home." He innocently smiles.

"How was working with them?" Jin asks, smirking "well- it didn't really work out well" He presses his lips together. "I did all the heavy lifting in this show." He raises his brows, expecting a laugh from the director that never came. His smile fades. "Okay, I admit, those weren't my best." He sighs in defeat.

"I think it was pretty easy" Jimin nods "we're all really good friends,...sorta, but it made filming really easy and natural. And it was just about us so, there really wasn't anything that could go wrong. Well except Vanessa, for obvious reasons." Jimin glares off to the side "freaking demon child" He mutters

"My boyfriend." Momo says immediately. "He's just too cute!!!!"

"Definitely Jungkook." Jin says "I think he's been trying to kill me." Jin leans in closer "I can't prove it but anytime he gives me food there's always a suspicious wet substance on them." Jin leans back with a shrug "So I've been feeding it to Taehyung instead, he's from the country so I figured that his mother wouldn't mind if he ended up dead."

"Do I even need to answer this one?" Jungkook scoffs "TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook spits "f*cking SAO hating bastard, I hope he steps on a lego and breaks his leg."

"Ummmmm" Taehyung thinks, putting a hand to his mouth " Jimin?" Taehuyng says questionably "He kept touching me and I didn't appreciate it. Sometimes I think he might be gay and then I think he thinks I'm gay. I mean- I may like fashion but can't a straight boy look hot without everyone assuming his sexuality?" Taehyung sighs in disappointment of the society he has to live in "He's given me great mental despair, and he pushed me into a stack of jelly bean boxes" He pouts "That freaking hurt."

"I think maybe Jungkook." Jimin responds with a nod "His weeb stench was awful and he kept blasting his stupid animes during break. The anime girls sound like a child moaning and it's really disturbing. I have nightmares."

"What?" Jungkook shrugs, the director asking him about his anime watching habits " we all have our kinks. Namjoon's got some pretty weird ones."

Namjoon rubs his elbow "You know-" He thinks, staring off to the side "I don't really think anyone was hard to work with. Although Jungkook's unmanliness did get a bit uncomfortable to witness. Embarrassing really. He really has no shame, If you know what I'm talking about" he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Yoongi." Hoseok says, grimacing " He can get,...... violent..." He shudders

Yoongi stares at the camera, raising one eyebrow.


"Hoseok." Yoongi smirks "he's fun to boss around." Yoongi laughs, taking a sip of his black coffee and sighing as he reminisces.

"Jungkook" Momo says "he's fun to make fun of. I've gotten him to cry a couple times now. Me and Yoongi always share stories about the great insults we've made." She laughs thinking about it then suddenly frowns ".. Frick..... I think I'm turning into Yoongi..." She looks up at the camera, scared.

"Momo of course" Jin replies with a soft smile, looking away "She's my other half, I couldn't have done such an amazing job if she wasn't there to encourage me and laugh at my puns with me. It's lonely and sad without her." He smiles again, fiddling with his fingers.

"Jimin was the easiest," Hoseok says "we have a lot of fun together, we have like the same soul. He's a cutie, I'm a cutie. Same same"

"Hoseok." Jimin laughs, holding up a hand heart to the camera "Love you brother!"

"well it was Taehyung until he insulted SAO" Jungkook glares "I'll never forget that sh*t"

"Momo was the easiest because she's my best friend" Taehyung responds "and if Namjoon didn't say weird things, he'd be my number two but one day he kept asking to see my toes so- I'm not about that."

"Jimin is definitely the manliness out of all them, " Namjoon says " So I'd say him."

"Taehyung" Hoseok says

"Taehyung" Jimin says

"Taehyung" Namjoon says

"Taehyung" Jungkook says

"Taehyung" Jin says

"Taehyung" Momo says

"Taehyung" Yoongi says

Taehyung pushes his lips out "listen-" he says, putting his hands up in defense " My farm is like an hour drive away through the deep country, you should be thankful I even got here alive. There are squirrels out there, they're vicious" he shivers.

"NamJoon" Hoseok says

"Namjoon" Jimin says

"Namjoon" Taehyung says

"Namjoon" Jungkook says

"Namjoon" Jin says

"Namjoon" Momo says

Namjoon nods, sticking his chin out "Me." he looks away, ashamed of himself.

"F*cking idiot." Yoongi rolls his eyes, referencing to Namjoon

"Relieved." Yoongi says "I have a business to run you know? People to scream at, weights to lift, children to throw." Yoongi grabs his coffee "I'm a very busy man."

Hoseok holds a hand to his heart "honestly, so sad. But it's okay, it was a good memory and we're all going to still be friends afterward so, it'll be okay!"

"I have mixed feelings," Jimin says, frowning "I'll have more time to work on my dances but It was fun to hang out with everyone all day so, I don't know, it's hard to tell if these people even like me. Taehyung won't even let me touch his butt. Like- what the heck? That's what bros do!"

"I'll probably cry." Taehyung admits "A lot."

Jungkook shrugs "I have a lot of confessions to decline so it's really for the best. Plus then I have time to work on my wicca skills, I want to figure out how to "curse" people." Jungkook runs a thumb over his throat while making a slicing sound then mouths "jin" to the camera

"pfft- you think Keeping up with Kim Seokjin is ending? This bish never dies." Jin laughs, shaking his head at the feeble-minded director.

"Honestly I can't tell if I'm sad, gassy or just on my period." Momo nods with a cringe, hating her body because it hates her.

"I feel like I'm losing a part of myself" Namjoon says with a sigh "This drama had become part of my identity that will be really hard to let go of but, I know that there will be happy times beyond this so I will move on with good memories and gratefulness."

"Go on a date with Momo" Jin smiles, moving around his shoulders in excitement.

"We're going to LUUUNNNCCHHH!!" Momo yells "My favorite exercise!" She ends with a wink

"I'm going to spy on Jin and Momo's date" Taehyung whispers "I'm curious to what they do. Like do they just eat? do they kiss? Do they make out? Has she seen his abs yet?" Taehyung asks with wide eyes "So many questions and only one way to find out."

"Uh, Taehyung said something about lunch?" Jimin says "I don't know, as soon as he said "do you want" I said yes so- yea" Jimin nods, unsure of what he got himself into.

"Wait so- this isn't a group lunch?" Hoseok asks after the director informed him of Taehyung's spy plans. " I thought we were all going on a date together-"

"Home." Yoongi says "to die"

"To break a highschool thot's heart." Jungkook says with a flick of his hair "But I got a free PlayStation out of it so I guess it pays to be beautiful."

"I'm actually going to another set, I'm filming another drama now." Namjoon smiles "It's going to be really cute, like me. And educational, also like me. And of course sexy. Cuz it's me." Namjoon smiles, waving his hand "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."Namjoon luaghs, high-key not kidding.

"No." Yoongi shrugs, gets up and naruto runs outta there.

"Thanks b*tches." Jungkook winks at the camera

"Kim Seokjin, signing out, love you" Jin puts up a couple finger hearts. "But if you see me in the streets, don't touch me. I'm taken" Jin glares warningly "It's for your own good." He grimaces.

"I love you guys, thank you so much for all your support!" Momo waves good bye to the camera then suddenly glares knives into the camera "Stop touching Jin though, I'll hunt you down and chop your hands off. Okay, bye love you!" She smiles again.

"I hope you enjoyed! Let's all hang out again soon!!" Hoseok blows kisses to the camera

Jimin leans forward to the camera to whisper to it"If anyone knows anyone with a fat booty that's readily available, my number is 413-6-"

"Bye guys!!" Taehyung waves "Come visit my farm, we have lots of potatoes to get rid of!! please take them, I'm tired of eating them." Taehyung grits through his teeth, the camera zooms in on the sack of Pam Potatoes at his feet.

"Thank you so much, you support makes me not hate myself, so if you don't want me to hate myself please support my next drama too, thanks!" Namjoon smiles manipulatively, waving goodbye with kisses.

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