《The Immortal Cure》27. Knuckles
Duke nodded and gave me a questioning look. It was a obvious. My ex-boyfriend was a fighter. He'd do it out of school for the money, using bare knuckles to get what he wanted. He had loads of scars around his hands because of it similar to Duke's.
I dropped his hand and moved towards the living room, sitting down on the couch and tucking my knees up to my chest. Duke followed, exactly like gravity. He sat beside me and held an arm behind my head on the couch, staring at me.
"How did you know that?" He asked, not letting the subject drop
I didn't really want to tell him exactly how I'd known, I was sure the subject of ex's wouldn't be a comfortable topic.
"I just knew someone who used to do it. He had the same scars" I shrugged, watching his expression
"I hope you weren't in anyway involved"
"No" I quickly shot "No I wasn't"
"It was a way to make money back in the day, and I've always had quite the temper for it" He held his face down, clenching his fists open and closed
I moved a hand to his face and with a finger, lifted it back up to meet my gaze.
I was sometimes afraid of his temper and thought about how close I could one day come to losing my head.
But I remained confident that he would never hurt me. I had too.
"I've seen worse tempers than yours"
"You haven't seen me at my worst"
"It doesn't matter" I shifted myself closer to him so that I was right in front of his turned towards body.
"It should" He responded seriously
"It doesn't"
He shook his head at me and began to play with the loose hair around my face
"Can I ask you something?" I dared, wanting to know more
He gave me an unsure look, but nodded
"How did you, die?" I asked, focusing intently on his eyes as they searched around my face
"A fight" He answered simply, not at all surprising me
"A fight?" I repeated
He nodded again before his eyes landed on mine to hold
"It was a serious fight. A revenge fight" He started "It was over my, at the time girlfriend. He'd been attempting to take her away from me for about two years and one night he tried to, get close with her" He continued
"So, that afternoon I made my way to his home. I demanded a fight. It happened later on that night on a neighbour's farm land. People gathered, people placed bets, but it wasn't about that for me" He explained
"So, I guess you lost..." I trailed off, expecting what had happened
"I did. He was too strong, too agile. He beat me within ten minutes, he'd beaten me to a pulp. I was left to bleed out" He admitted, watching me with careful eyes
I tried hard not to imagine him getting beaten up and left for dead. It made me angry, it made me feel sick.
"And how did you wake up?" I asked, begging for more answers
"Darius" He answered simply as I nodded and smiled
"Did you end up getting the man back? What happened to your girlfriend?" I asked, keeping the questions flowing
"I did. She was fine. A mess, but fine, as far as I know she lived a long and happy life" He weakly smiled.
During the rest of the night I edged for more answers about Duke's life before death. He was forthcoming and explained everything with fine detail enough for me to understand.
The only thing neither of us talked about was ex's and our parents. They were particularly sore subjects and we steered clear of them.
It didn't take long for me to become overly tired. I settled into the back of the couch, only being pulled closer by Duke as I lay on his chest, half of my body resting against his as we laid together in the near dark, silent. He would occasionally ask me if I was too cold, but I would deny it. I didn't care.
Everything felt so perfect, and all I wanted was to stay the way I was forever. However, I knew that it was impossible.
"Was the man who attacked me one of Dodge's new friends?" I asked breaking the silence as Duke played with a strand of my hair
He seemed to tense a little at the words "Yes"
"Why was he so easy for you to kill then? Aren't they supposed to be tough?"
"Not all of them. This one decided that he wanted you all to himself. He disobeyed Dodge"
I knew Duke didn't like to talk about it, but I needed to know "How's Seth?"
"He's fine. He's the one who told me the man was watching over you" He confessed
"He was?"
"The first night you came back home the man was already here watching. So, I immediately came to watch out for you. Make sure you'd be okay. Lucky I did"
"Lucky" I mumbled repeating him
"How is everyone else?" I asked, wondering how they were all going without me
"Well, Parry, Harris, Grant and Darius have gone back home. Jaymi, Riley and I are the only ones left. They both miss you, a lot"
"I miss them too" I admitted, resting further into Dukes chest "So what's supposed to happen now?" I asked, fiddling with the fabric that tightly held against his stomach
He shrugged, "I'm not sure. Like I said before, it's up to you. You can stay here, or come back"
"What about my friends? My school?" I asked worried I'd have to leave Clora again.
"You can still have all those things. But your mornings will have to be early"
"What about Dodge?"
"Same as before, you'll have to be careful; I'll have to be careful. We are working on getting him taken care of, it's just a matter of time" He sighed
I nodded and fell back into the serenity of the moment that I knew would be rare.
I took a deep breath in and soaked in everything that I could feel, hear and smell.
I couldn't get enough of Duke's intoxicating scent. Every part of my body wanted to be touching him.
His coldness didn't even bother me. I listened to his shallow breathing against my own.
I had been both extremely relaxed and extremely tired, and soon I fell asleep beside Duke.
When I woke up Sunday morning, Duke was gone. I felt disappointed to not wake up in his arms, but it was soon turned to relief when I heard him come up from behind the couch and sit on the edge where I had been tucked into a blanket and pillow.
"Morning" He greeted
"Hey" I groaned, groggy as I rubbed my eyes and sat up
"You were getting too cold, shivering in your sleep" He told me answering my question as to why he wasn't beside me
"Of course" I mumbled, annoyed my body couldn't handle it.
Once I'd managed to get myself up, I took a shower; changed, and headed downstairs where Duke had already made us both breakfast. I'd missed it, I'd missed him.
Once breakfast was done, we sat back in our chairs and sat in silence.
"What's on the agenda for today?" I asked as I stood up and took our plates from the table
"I have to go home and sort a few more things out, you're welcome to come" He replied as he sighed and got up
"Will Seth be there?" I asked quickly
"No, I don't think so" He answered honestly as he walked towards me
"Sorry" He tried as he snaked his arms around my waist while I rinsed off our plates
"When will I get to see him again?" I asked as I stopped the run of water and placed the plates down on the sink
"I'm not sure Rosie" He answered simply again, causing me to sigh
"And what about Jaymi and Riley? Are they both there?" I asked curiously
"Yes, they are" He responded
I smiled, at least I'd get to see them, and apologize for leaving
"I'm coming with you then" I nodded as I turned in his grip
He was weakly smiling at me, like something was bothering him, but I didn't ask, I didn't want to push him, if he wanted to tell me, he would. I had a feeling he wouldn't keep any more secrets from me after last time, well, that's what I had hoped.
"How are we getting there?" I asked as his grip on me loosened and he stepped back
"I called Riley while you were asleep, he should be here soon" He answered, tucking his hands into his pockets
I just nodded.
When the car did pull up, we were ready. Duke and I were sitting on the porch, waiting as we talked. I jogged straight up to the car, just as Riley jumped out, looking as stylish as ever. He was smiling widely, and as was I. I'd missed him.
"Good morning pretty" He beamed as he pulled me into a tight hug, spinning me around as he did
"Morning" I replied as he put me down, steadying my dizziness
"I had a feeling I'd see you again" He smiled as he lightly punched my arm, just as Duke came up to join us
"All good?" Riley asked, nodding towards Duke
Duke just nodded in reply
"C'mon then, Jaymi's dying to see you. She misses girl time apparently" Riley rolled his eyes as he opened my back door for me, bowing as he did
I laughed and shook my head. Boy, I had missed him.
I was nervous about returning to somewhere I had so abruptly left. Sure, I missed everything about it, except my near death experiences, but it was where I felt safe. Where I felt loved, where friends had surrounded me. I was never alone. That was something I wasn't used to, something that I'd wished for for the last 5 years.
When we did pull up, I sighed. Duke placed a reassuring hand on top of mine and smiled, making me feel better with his simple touch.
We got out of the car and walked towards the familiar front doors. Duke was by my side instantly, holding my hand to calm me down, yet again, it sent chills from his touch ricocheting down my spine.
In an instant flash, just as we were about to reach the doors, Jaymi was in front of me, causing my heart to jump and near explode with fright.
"Jaymi, careful" Duke warned, obviously hearing or feeling my sudden jolt of surprise
"Sorry" She whispered, turning her gaze back towards me "Hi Rosie" She spoke, twisting her hands in front of herself unsure of how to act
"Are you going to hug me?" I asked, smiling at her in assurance
She squealed and jumped towards me in a tight embrace
"You look, exhausted" She spoke, eyeing me up and down as she pulled away
"Thanks Jaymi" I smiled, rolling my eyes "I haven't exactly been sleeping well lately" I replied honestly
"Cause you missed us" She teased linking her arm in mine as we stepped into the house
I took a deep inhale and filled myself up with the smell that I'd missed so much. It smelt like lavender, wood fire. Home.
"I did actually" I whispered as we stood in the staircase quarters
"So, are you staying for good?" Jaymi asked as she pulled me along towards the living room.
I shrugged. "I have a lot to think about. Clora, school, my house..." I trailed off, thinking of all those things. Could I really leave it all behind?
"You can still have it all. Just because you live here, doesn't mean you can't have your old friends and go to school. I mean, you have to go to school, it is compulsory" She shrugged, smiling as we took a seat on the living room sofa
"It's like an hour away, it'd be hard" I mumbled
"Depends on how much you want both worlds" She shrugged again, tilting her perfect face at me "Think about it. You'd have me, Clora, Riley, school, your friends at school, a lovely home, and of course, Duke" She winked, causing me to smile.
"I know. It sounds pretty good" I sighed looking at my hands in my lap fidgeting
"Then I think your mind is already made up"
"But what about my mother's house?" I thought aloud. What would happen to it? It had all my belongings in it. Memories from the good old days with dad. Surely I couldn't bring it all here and stash it in 'my room'.
"It'd be sold wouldn't it? You'd get money for it?" She tried
"I mean my things inside the house" I started, rolling my eyes "I mean, there's nothing huge, but I still have small things that I'm definitely not leaving there. Important things and I don't expect to be able to bring them here and stash them upstairs" I babbled on
"Rosie, c'mon now, if there not exactly big things, then who cares. You'd be part of the family we don't expect you to leave behind everything. I'd actually enjoy seeing your wee little baby photo's" She laughed as she pinched my cheeks
I swiped her hands away, "You win. But definitely no baby photos" I pointed as she swiped my finger away like I had hers
"We'll see" She smiled, winking at me "So, how did you come across Duke while you were gone anyway? How did all of this come about?" She asked leaning back against the lounge, throwing her legs up on the coffee table
"Some Vampire was watching me outside of my house. I walked up to him to tell him to buzz off, and he tried to attack me"
"What, you walked up to him to tell him what?" She gapped
I shrugged, "I didn't know he was a Vampire until after I walked up to him"
"And..." She edged
"And Duke came out of nowhere and killed him. Said Seth told him" I completed
"Mhm. Makes sense" She mumbled, narrowing her eyes at me
"Where is Seth anyway?" I asked, breaking the silence that settled in
"Hey pretty ladies, who's up for some Wii bowling?" Riley interrupted, rushing into the room as he threw himself over the lounge I was sitting on, draping his legs over mine
"I don't know why you bother, I kick your butt every single time anyway" Jaymi spoke, rolling her eyes
"Eventually I'll win" Riley challenged, winking at her "C'mon then" Riley gestured with a nod as he pulled me up by my arm, Jaymi dragging along behind us.
"She cheats" Riley spoke, throwing his arms up as Jaymi got another strike
"Do not. You just suck" Jaymi threw back as I sat on Riley's lounge
"No, you suck" Riley retorted punching her on the arm with force. Jaymi barely flinched.
"Clearly, I don't" She continued as I sighed and waited for my turn
The day went faster than what I had wanted. I knew that tomorrow was school, and I wasn't in the mood to deal with the boring lessons and normalcy. I guess I could officially say that I was now used to the abnormal life. It was, where I was supposed to be, and if I couldn't live without Duke, or Riley, or Jaymi, then I'd have to accept that the normal boat had long sailed away.
When nightfall came, I'd already had a hot bowl of bolognas thanks to Riley.
I hadn't seen Duke since I'd come back to the house, but I didn't mind. I knew that he was probably taking care of things that revolved around me and the enemies I had.
Riley, Jaymi and I were in Riley's room watching a pathetic action movie that he had picked out.
It was about midnight when Duke came into the room.
"If you're going to be attending school tomorrow, I suggest you at least get a good night's sleep" He suggested standing in the doorway
His timing had been perfect to get away. I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to last watching Riley's atrocious movie.
"See you both tomorrow" I called toward Jaymi and Riley who waved me goodnight
I walked behind Duke as we trailed down the hallway. When we came to my bedroom door; he abruptly stopped, near causing me to run into his back.
Slowly, he pushed my door open and held it for me to enter. I folded my arms across my chest and narrowed my eyes at him.
"Im disappointed you mended the room as fast as you did" I groaned, curious as to why he wanted me out of his room so eagerly
"I told you that fixing it within five minutes, it's cheating" I sighed, keeping my voice firm, hoping he'd cave
"Actually, Riley fixed it, so I think that means he owes you, not me?" He continued, smirking
I narrowed my eyes at him, playing into it "I guess he wouldn't mind if I slept in his bed" I shrugged
His smile quickly lightened and disappeared, his golden honey eyes searching mine.
He folded his arms across his chest.
"I guess not" He started "But he snores" He was leaning towards me, his mouth inches from my ear "He also hasn't showered in 2 days" He whispered, making me smile and cringe at the same time
"So, what are you trying to tell me? That I shouldn't? That I should go back to the room downstairs instead?" I began to edge backwards down the hall, supporting myself with the hand on the stairs
He slowly walked towards me, probably being pulled by the same gravity that always seem to have a hold on me
"Maybe I am" He lowly spoke, enticing and hypnotic as he edged further, following me
Instead of saying anything else, I turned around and rushed down the stairs. I jogged into the living room, through the study and into the bedroom. I looked behind myself when I reached his door, expecting to see him already there, but he wasn't. He was probably still standing on the staircase, gobsmacked.
I walked into the room and closed the door, leaning against its back. I waited, a minute passed, soon followed by two minutes, and three. It seemed that he hadn't followed me.
He was probably hovering behind the door, waiting for me to pop my head out where he would attack. When time pursued past five minutes, I slowly pulled the door ajar.
To my surprise, he wasn't there.
I slowly walked towards the exit.
I took more steps until I was standing directly in the middle of the study room.
It was quiet, sinister.
My eyes scanned and watched around the room, just in case.
Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough and a pair of cold strong arms behind me wrapped around my waist, pulling me back as I kicked and squirmed.
It had to be Duke.
Eventually, I stopped fighting and let the arms drag me back into the bedroom.
Carefully, I looked down at the hands, sure enough they were scarred at the knuckles.
As we reached the bedroom, my nerves hit peak. He moved me towards the bed, quickly turning me around in one smooth movement, pushing me down, pinning my wrists above my head.
It was in that moment that my eyes widened, my mouth readied to scream.
I wanted to believe I was dreaming. But I wasn't, I knew I wasn't.
Hovering above me, holding me down stood Dodge. He was grinning at me, his teeth glistening sharp.
"Nice to see you again" He smiled as my breath caught in my throat.
"Get off me" I growled through my teeth, beginning to struggle
"Not this time" He pulled me up, whisking me from the room in his steel grip.
My eyes couldn't focus, I had no idea where we were going.
When we stopped, I collapsed to the floor in a pile. Dodge was standing above me, his eyes fierce with red.
I scrambled to my feet, only to be pushed back by a strong force. My body was sent flying backwards against a dining room table. Instantly, warmth fell on my forehead where it had collided with the wood. I collapsed back into the ground, a warm trickle of blood seeping down my face.
Through blurred vision, I realised that I was back in my own home. I unsteadily lifted myself up with my hands on the dining table, my eyes frantically searching for Dodge.
Within a blink, he was back in front of me, tilting his head, taking a deep inhale. His crimson red eyes watched the blood on my head drip down into my eyelashes and lips.
"What did you do to them?" I stumbled, assuming he had been the reason Duke hadn't followed me
"Distraction, it's not hard. I threw them the Cure's best friend, they all went running" He laughed, lifting a finger to brush away sticky hair on my face
I flinched away and stood up straight, ignoring the burning throughout my body.
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