《The Immortal Cure》26. Misery
The drive home was quiet, and all that could be heard was the sound of my muffled sobs. I cried into my jumper in the back seat of the Rolls Royce. I was leaving behind what I thought was a new life. A new family, friends and a new, real, love. It was harder than I had expected and I couldn't wipe the faces of Duke and Jaymi's expressions from my mind.
Duke had walked me out towards the car, not saying a word, just holding his head down. He had lost me before he had even had me, and it was sad, because I had seen something in him that I doubted I would ever see again in another man - and it wasn't his fangs.
I had a lot to say to him, but I couldn't. I had to let go. So instead of a heart crushing goodbye, I simply gave him a weak smile and thanked him for everything he had done for me before getting into the car. I didn't watch as we pulled away from him. I couldn't.
By the time I'd gotten home, I was all out of tears. I'd become frozen and emotionless as I dragged myself out of the car and up my driveway with my suitcase in tow. I was a little frightened of what to find inside. I was surprised that it wasn't on the market yet. It was still mine after all. I pulled a spare key from under the place mat and turned it into the lock, twisting and pushing the door open.
I stood there for a moment, debating whether or not I was ready to re-enter.
Either way I had no choice, I couldn't go back now.
I stepped in cautiously and kept my eyes scanning around for any threat or blood smears. There was none.
There was however a horrible smell wafting around the room. It smelt like death. I dumped my suitcase at the door and walked slowly towards the lounge room windows. I assumed that by now the police had cleaned it up, leaving nothing remaining of my mother's brutal death lying around. The only thing left to remind me was the smell, along with a few broken framed pictures that had shattered on the floor.
I pulled the windows open, letting in the fresh crisp air to clear out the horrible. I pushed up almost all of the windows and walked into the kitchen running my fingertips along the granite surface.
It was so quiet and it was so empty, just me, alone.
I sighed and leaned against the bench. I was exhausted. The day had been not what I had expected. I thought it was all going so well and then boom, it was all over.
I picked up the home phone from the receiver and dialled Clora's number. I didn't want to be alone right now. I wanted to see her. I needed to see her. I even planned on going back to school tomorrow. I needed to return to my normal life. Otherwise I wouldn't cope with what I'd just lost. I needed to be distracted from running back to what had originally hurt me.
"Rosie? Are you at home?" Clora's voice suddenly spoke from the other end
"Yeah, I am. I'm early" I answered, almost breaking back down to tears. I restrained myself and shook it off.
No, this is where I really belonged "Want to come over?" I asked, turning to look at the time on the microwave. It was 4.
Perfect, school would be over.
"Sure. I'll be there in like, ten minutes" She agreed, hanging up.
As I put the phone back down, I felt a spring of pain shoot up my arm from the stitches.
I supposed that when the right time came, I'd bravely pull them out myself and avoid doctors and their questions. I headed upstairs and into my room, taking in the smell I'd missed.
I stood there and looked around before moving to the vanity mirror.
There were still a few scratches on my face, but with a little foundation I was sure they'd easily disappear. My split lip however would not. I would have to have an excuse for it when Clora got here.
When I was done, it seemed pretty convincing. You couldn't even see my black eye unless you were unusually close. I was proud of myself and took a step back from the mirror, examining just how well I'd done. It was good. Good enough.
I trailed back down the stairs, retrieved my suitcase and returned upstairs to pack my belongings away.
By the time I was finished, the doorbell rang and I darted down the stairs.
I swung the door open and Clora had already jumped into my arms.
"I hate you for leaving me so damn alone, all month" She said, muffled by the hood of my jumper at her mouth
"I'm sorry. But I'm back now" I spoke as she pulled away. Straight away her eyes narrowed on my lip, she touched it with her fingertips.
"What the hell happened to you?" She asked, examining it before I pulled my face away from her hands
"It was an accident" I shrugged, not exactly making up an excuse plausible enough
"Did someone do that to you?" She asked, watching me carefully
"Technically not someone, it was my friends dog. He's huge and he knocked me down. You know one of those Hughskey things" I fumbled, lying through my teeth as I moved towards the living room where bottles of vodka and alcohol sat on the coffee table.
"It's husky" She pronounced me correctly "And they are adorable" She chirped, luckily believing my story
We both seemed to look towards the coffee table at the same time.
"I'll help you clean it all up. Then we can watch movies and talk all about everything" She smiled as she stood from the lounge and headed towards the kitchen, dragging back a big black plastic bag.
We began to pile the empty, full and half-drunk bottles into the bag, listening to the clink as they hit each other on the way in.
"So is your friend alright, the one that's sick?" She asked starting conversation
"Let's just say, I've been surrounded by death all too much lately" I scoffed
"You mean... she didn't make it?" Clora continued, not fully understanding
I shook my head and gave her a weak smile while throwing another empty bottle in the bag she was holding open.
"I'm sorry Rosie" She smiled in return
"It's okay. We all gotta go sometime don't we?" I tried to make something humorous of the situation
"I suppose so" She replied as we finished cleaning up. She tied the bag into a forceful knot slinging it over her shoulder causing loud clinking sounds.
We walked out the front together and dumped it in the empty bins out front before returning inside.
"It's weird to be in here where your mum passed away..." Clora spoke, trailing of as I wiped down the sticky coffee table
"It is weird" I agreed as I dumped the dirty cloth into the trash bin
"So, sit down, I'll put a movie on. We will relax, maybe later have some popcorn, order some pizza, and talk, a lot of talk" She began as she patted the lounge spot beside herself.
I did what she said as she got up and turned the TV and DVD player on, placing a movie inside.
We didn't really pay much attention to the movie. We just talked about everything I'd missed.
Kenai missed me, Clora was sure that he had a crush on me.
She'd begun dating a boy since I was gone, and things between them seemed to be heating up. I was sure to be judge of it tomorrow when I returned to school to meet this boy.
She asked me how I'd been. I told her it was nice, sunny, and besides from my 'family friend' dying it was good. I even somehow managed to throw in a couple of non-sense lies about making a new friend that sounded awfully similar to Jaymi at the hospital, along with a triage nurse that sounded familiar to Duke.
The thoughts stung, but it made the bullshit story a whole lot more believable.
She nagged me about not getting his phone number and for not making any moves on him, but I just shrugged it off and ended the painful topic. She thankfully dropped it as we settled into the movie and begun talking about what gossip and work I'd missed at school.
Clora was quite the show pony, and she had a knack for getting herself sent to the principal's office for various pranks she'd pull on various teachers. Some were funny, and I couldn't help but high five her.
Others were cold and mean and I just shook my head at her in disapproval. She didn't care, they were all funny to her.
When night came, we'd ordered pizza, and I was looking so forward to it. I hadn't had a hot meal in about a week.
When it arrived Clora paid the delivery boy and gave him a tip and a wink.
We sat in the living room and scoffed it down. I'd eaten nearly half of the entire pizza alone, but had to slow myself because Clora was becoming suspicious.
"You act like you haven't eaten the whole time you've been gone" She'd said, making me realize that it was making the situation look worse
"Just haven't had pizza in a while is all" I shrugged, slowing myself down "They were health freaks, had some very simple strict diets" Again, it was a half lie
When it was all gone, we laid back on the lounge and rubbed our full stomachs while watching another few movies. It was getting late and it was close to around eight thirty when Clora heaved herself up from the lounge
"I should get going. School tomorrow remember, and you should get sleep before your big debut back into Kenai's arms" She winked as we walked towards the front door
I rolled my eyes at her and shooed her off, smiling happily that I had my best friend back.
Once I shut the door behind her and locked it, I turned to face the lonely house. It was quiet again, and extremely depressing. Back at Duke's place there was always someone around, always someone to keep me company. Here I had no one, I was alone.
I walked towards all the open windows, shutting and locking them back down. The smell was well and truly gone by this stage and I made sure all entrances to the house were locked before heading upstairs to my bedroom.
I sprawled myself out on the bed and felt an instant sadness. It was cold, uncomfortable and it made me think about Duke's bed. I squeezed my eyes shut and held them tightly together, restraining the tears that threatened.
My mind's arguing was pushed away when my home phone began to ring. I froze for a second before moving into my mother's room to pick up the other receiver.
"Hello?" I answered feeling a wash of uneasiness run through me
"Rosie! Hey, it's only me" Clora's voice beamed as I returned to my room
"What's up?" I asked, lying back down on the bed with a sigh
"Um, just thought I'd let you know, that you should make sure all your doors and windows are locked. When I left, I swear I could have seen a man across your street staring up at your house" She continued, making me sit upright
"What did he look like?" I immediately panicked. What if Dodge had found me?
"I don't know about his face. It was dark. But, he was really tall and I can tell he goes to the gym often" She giggled, oblivious to how serious it was "He had his hands in his pockets, hunched over. His hair was all over the place, but that's all I saw" She revealed
My mind instantly raced to Duke. It sounded exactly like him, down to the hands in the pockets part. What was he doing here? What was he doing outside of my home? I just wanted him to leave me alone, I needed space.
If I were to see him again, I probably wouldn't be able to restrain myself from jumping into his arms. Despite his lies, I missed him.
"Thanks Clora" I spoke, keeping my voice calm
"No problem, see you tomorrow" She chirped before hanging up.
I sat frozen for a moment before sauntering over to my window. I pushed aside the curtain and peered outside into the dark, I could see the street light, the shrubs and bushes, the trees and then, sure enough, my heart skipped a beat. I could see the man Clora had described.
I knew instantly it was him. It was exactly him. He was watching me, spying on me.
Although my heart raced and all I wanted to do was run down the street and wrap myself around him, my head told me it was wrong, wrong because, he was a Vampire. Wrong because he had lied to me and wrong because, well, he was a Vampire.
I closed the curtain back up and shook my head, sprawling myself back out on the bed. I couldn't think about it, I just couldn't. I pushed myself under the musty covers and rocked myself to sleep, without realizing it, I hadn't even changed my clothes. I held onto my shirt and dug my face into it, smelling the sweet smell of Duke and his home.
Soon I was asleep.
"Rosie!" Kenai called out to me the following morning when I'd arrived at school. He flung himself into my arms and hugged me warmly and tightly. He had a grin from ear to ear, and his perfect teeth shimmered like crystals. His hair had been cut since I'd last saw him. It was now pushed to one side and was darker than last time.
His big brown eyes sparkled when he looked at me throughout the day, sweeping with admiration.
It was nice to be back, and the day went quick. But it was hard to concentrate. I couldn't concentrate on conversations at lunch breaks. I couldn't concentrate on what was being taught in class, I just couldn't concentrate.
My mind was on overdrive, thinking about Riley, Duke, Jaymi, their home. Everything I'd look at, somehow reminded me of them.
I tried really hard throughout the next few days to forget my past and push the thoughts away hoping that with time, it would vanish.
But it wouldn't. And it didn't.
Every night I checked out of my window in hopes of seeing Duke standing there again. He didn't. It'd been a week now, and every night I checked, he was gone. I felt miserable and lost, but I had to try and push past it.
My head would always be telling me that what I was doing was right, and I just had to give it time. But my heart constantly nagged at me, repeating that I was trying too hard, and should give in to what I really wanted.
At one point I thought I was going mad. I assumed that if people knew that my body was constantly having an argument with itself, I'd be sent straight to the hospital.
When the second weekend came, I'd fully given up on trying to be happy, when I clearly wasn't. Clora was working all day Saturday, which left me alone sitting in my room. I couldn't even bring my lazy self to visit her and beg Charlie for my job back.
Eventually, if I stayed where I was, I'd have to get some sort of job to at least have a chance at keeping my house.
I was sure that eventually, it'd be sold, and I'd be shipped off to an orphanage or a relative that I never knew existed.
My mother's funeral had held only but about 5 people to pay their respects to her death. It was hard, and I cried, but I knew that she was a better person in a better place. I didn't go near her coffin as it was placed in the ground. I didn't want to see her being buried in a deep dark hole.
More than anything, I felt anger, anger towards Dodge for having taken her away from me.
As Saturday night came, I braved myself to get up from bed and at least visit Clora at her hectic workplace.
The only thing I seemed worried about was returning to the place where it had all started. But maybe, just maybe, it would give me closure. I hoped.
I pulled on some jeans, a striped shirt and a beanie, before walking out the front door, pulling it shut and locking it with a heave. I stumbled backwards, catching myself on the stair railing just in time.
I sighed and began down the stairs towards my car. Clora's dad had been kind enough to bring it back to my house after I'd 'disappeared'.
As I reached the door, sticking the key in, from the corner of my eye I saw the same dark figure across the street, hidden away from the streetlights as he watched on.
It gave me a shiver and my stomach twisted uncomfortably.
It wouldn't be Duke. He wouldn't make himself so visible to me when he knew I wanted to move on.
It made my blood crawl and I felt the need to walk straight up to whoever it was and demand to know what the hell they were looking at.
With courage temporarily in my mind, I decided it was what I was going to do. I slammed my slightly open car door back closed, and began walking towards the figure. It didn't move. Instead, it stayed perfectly still as I edged closer, crossing the street.
I stuffed my cold hands into my jacket pockets.
As I gained the space, I wished I hadn't of. It was someone I had never seen before and he was definitely not human. His eyes darted up to me as he lightly cackled.
His gaze was a light red, like Dodge's had been. I was slow, too slow to react when he quickly grabbed a hold of my arm pulling me forcefully towards himself. I looked up at his face, he was angry, lifting his head up. That was when out cracked too shiny white fangs.
I tried to scream but his hand was instantly over my mouth, muffling me.
This was it.
Curiosity was finally about to kill the cat. I was sure my nine lives were up.
I tightly squeezed my eyes together waiting for death to finally take me. After everything, this was how it was going to end.
I felt the man rub his fangs lightly against the skin of my neck, ready to feast down on me, instead, a forceful thud quickly pushed me free. I fell to the ground in a heap, my eyes darting back up.
Within a blink, I saw the man being tackled to the ground, receiving hard punches to the face. The movements were familiar as they laid into him in the middle of the street.
It didn't take long for me to realise, it was Duke, once again, saving me.
I remained sitting on the ground, and as quickly as it had started, it had ended. Duke gripped the man by the neck and I turned my head away to face the ground just in time to hear the crack and burst of dust.
I was afraid there was some kind of catch to it, surely he wasn't alone.
When I looked back up, I saw Duke hovering over the pile of dust. His breathing was rough as he turned his cold black gaze on me, instantly smoothing out into its natural gold glow. I felt my heart sink as I scrambled myself up from the ground.
He was lucky my street was quiet.
As we stood, he gave me a weak smile. Instead of speaking or moving toward me, he did the opposite. He turned his body back down towards the street and began walking away.
I felt my body fight violently with itself inside. I was shaking as I watched him leave, without so much as a word.
It was then I realized I didn't want him to go; I didn't want to be away from him any longer than I already had.
Seth was alive, and that was what mattered.
With a small broken voice, I called out
He stopped walking, but didn't turn
Without hesitation, I began toward him, my pace fast and eager before I changed my mind.
He didn't move or turn, but I knew he knew I was coming.
I felt like gravity was on my side, almost being pushed towards him as I neared. I didn't think, I didn't care, I gave in and let myself do what my heart had wanted.
When I finally reached him, I paused behind his back. Slowly, he turned, his expression relaxed yet curious.
I'd missed his perfect face, the weeks I had spent away from him, had made me fall for him all over again. His eyes finally reached out to mine. His hair was wild and dishevelled, his clothes lightly sprinkled in dust. But I didn't care. He was still perfect, and without any further time wasted I threw my arms out towards him, wrapping myself tightly around his neck.
I'd given it a go trying to be normal, staying away from him. But it wouldn't work, it couldn't. I was trying too hard and pushing myself into something that only made me more miserable. This was where I was supposed to be, wrapped in Duke's unusually cold embrace.
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