《The Immortal Cure》19. Busted
Riley and I had spent half an hour scheming.
We both knew we were going to be in a lot of trouble, but we also knew that it would really get him annoyed.
During our chat, I told Riley what had happened the previous night. He was shocked, yet not as much as I had expected him to be.
Riley seemed to think that Duke was only pulling himself away from me because he was afraid of putting me in jeopardy during the fight. He also seemed to think that it - deep down - had something to do with the whole Anna situation.
The plan could have gone either way.
One. It could end in complete disaster and end up with Riley being hurt or kicked out, highly unlikely, but still a factor.
Two. It would work exactly to plan and I would find out the truth about how he really felt, either he wanted me or not.
As the day progressed, we'd somehow dragged Jaymi into our plan while we ate lunch.
She was more surprised than Riley, which surprised me.
Jaymi had attempted to talk us out of it, saying it was the wrong way to go about finding out his feelings for me, but half of me wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine as well as find out the truth.
In the end, she had agreed. She said she would keep her mouth shut, but wanted nothing to do with it, and if we were caught, we were not to tell she knew about it.
We agreed.
"I'm going out for awhile" Jaymi commented exasperated from the chatting and scheming of our plan.
It was simple, and in the end I wondered why it had taken us so long to come up with.
Jaymi gave me a weak smile before leaving.
I knew I still had her friendship, but I could completely see her point in not wanting to be involved. It was risky and could cause unnecessary drama.
"Want to get started?" Riley asked as I rinsed my plate of sandwich crumbs into the sink, placing it on top of the other one I had left this morning.
I had to admit what we were doing made me feel kind of excited, but kind of bad, I rarely did anything wrong. This was still new to me.
Riley and I made our way back up to my room where I sat infront of my bathroom mirror, Riley behind me.
"Here you are" He spoke, handing me a small tube of matte cream lipstick.
I took it from him and began neatly placing it on my lips, making sure it wasn't too thick, nor too thin. By the second application, it was perfect.
"I bet you a thousand dollars plan A will get him to confess everything" Riley guessed, causing me to smile "After his tantrum though"
We returned to my room where Riley sat on my bed.
"Now. What's the question you're asking when you go down there?" He quizzed me
"Where's Riley?" I guessed, narrowing my eyes
"Correct. Now of course Duke'll say 'I have no idea' which then you will come straight back up here" He made a gruff angry sounded voice when he spoke Duke's part, mocking him
"I have already blocked out Seth's thoughts, and I hope you have too" He continued as I nodded, eager to hurry and get it over and done with before I changed my mind "You just have to do the best you can when you act as though you've enjoyed it, Duke will pick up on those emotions, remember"
I nodded again, becoming nervous, knowing I had to hide the nerves from Duke's ability.
"Okay, get going then" He pushed, shooing me with his hands as I made my way out of the room.
Walking the corridors I thought about just how wrong it all was, but every time I thought about how wrong it was, I thought about how wrong Duke was to shut me out after stringing me along like he had.
I also remembered him calling me 'kid' again. Who did he think he was? Who did he think I was?
I picked up my strides with more confidence as I made my way down the stairs, careful not to overthink or let Seth in.
I continuously repeated, 'no, you do not have permission to be in my head' in my head.
I walked through the living room, to the study where Duke sat behind his desk, twiddling a pen in between his fingers. Darius and Grant were in the room as well, making my heart skip a beat with them around as an audience.
"Hey beautiful" Grant started as I gave them a weak smile each before stopping in the doorway
"You look a little more outgoing than most other days today. You have a gorgeous figure, and those lips-" Grant continued, noticing my attire.
"Stop" Duke snapped as he glared a warning at him
"Thanks" I smiled at Grant, using it as I rubbed my lips together, making sure they were the emphasis of view for all of them.
Duke in specific.
"I was wondering if any of you have seen Riley?" I asked, playing my part
"Baby brother would probably be in his room on that stupid game box of his" Grant scoffed as he looked me up and down. I wanted to shudder, but I forced it back.
Darius didn't speak at all. He just shrugged when I asked, along with Duke, who was watching me subtly with his darker than average eyes.
"Thanks Grant" I smiled warmly as I turned back around and left.
I made it back up to my bedroom where Riley sat in the same position waiting for me.
"All done, now come here" I smiled as he got up and walked towards me
I placed three fingertips over my lips taking off some artificial colour as Riley bent down to meet my face. I smeared the hard liquid from my fingertips to his top and bottom lip as he battered his eyelashes like a girl.
"Tell me I'm beautiful?" He mimicked in a girl voice as his eyelashes fluttered and he poked his lips out.
"Don't do that, it's creepy" I laughed as I rubbed my lips together to fix the empty spots i'd given Riley.
"Who else is down there?" He asked, the new stains on his lips standing out as he spoke.
"Darius and Grant"
"Ooh, Grant. Bet he'll get jealous too" He winked as he smiled "Now, come on" He urged, pulling me along by the arm out the room.
We reached the bottom of the stairs where I stood back flat against the wall joining onto the living room and dining room, ready to listen to the outbursts that were sure to fire up.
"Ready?" Riley whispered, causing another wave of nerves attempt to burst through. I pushed emotions out, allowing in only one. Excitement.
"Go" I pushed as I waited eagerly, listening closely.
A few seconds of listening to Riley enter the study, it was quiet, but it wasn't to last long.
"What the hell is that?" Grant asked first, obviously noticing the familiar lipstick that I had successfully emphasised earlier on.
"What's what?" Riley played dumb
"That, on your lips" Grant continued, probably heartbroken his brother had 'kissed' me before he could slither his way in.
"Oh, sorry" Riley laughed awkwardly as I pictured him rubbing his lips off with his shirt sleeve.
Before I knew it there was a loud bang and the wall I was pushed against thudded violently.
"Where the hell did that come from?" Duke's voice demanded angrily and loud enough for me to hear clearly
"Nowhere" Riley defended stupidly, just like we'd planned
"What did you do to her?" Duke continued, his tone violent towards Riley who I was sure was being held by death grip against the wall behind me.
"Obviously you two have some score to settle over the human. Come on Grant, let's leave them be" Darius' casual voice spoke almost as if he was uninterested in what was about to happen
I fretted and looked around the room as to where to hide.
There was nowhere.
I was going to be busted by Darius and Riley's brother.
I held my breath as a whoosh of wind flew past me and out the front door, snapping my attention towards it.
I deeply and quietly exhaled, realizing that they'd used their inhuman speed to exit the house.
Luckily, without noticing me.
"Riley. What did you do?" Duke's loud voice snapped again, as another small thud banged against the wall
I focused my attention back to the sounds behind me as the boys continued. The plan was working exactly like it was schemed out.
"Duke, she started it. I didn't force nothing" Riley defended innocently
There was another thud on the wall, Duke I assumed pushing him further against it.
"She kissed you?" Duke guessed, sounding unconvinced
"Yeah man, she said something about being sick of mixed signals, and that I was always there for her, and honest with her. Then, she just did it" Riley babbled on, speaking our planned out dialogue
"She said that?" Duke's voice was getting lower, and I assumed his grip was loosening with his realisation
"Yeah" Riley answered simply
"And that gives you the automatic okay to kiss her back? She's a human Riley, she could get hurt!" Duke's voice began rise again, queuing another thud
"Why do you care so much Duke? I'd never hurt her, you know that" Riley spat back
"It doesn't matter" Duke scolded "There's no point in intertwining with her, once the war is over, she'll be back home. Gone. Never to be seen again" He continued, the words piercing my heart all over again.
He was right, once it was over, I would probably never see any of them again.
Life would go back to normal, and I would return to existence that was as mundane as it could get.
"Fine" Riley huffed "But if she becomes emotional and psycho from me pushing her away, I put the full blame on you" He continued, directing it straight to Duke and what he was doing to me.
There was a moment silence before the sound of footsteps edged closer around the corner.
My heart beat erratically hoping it were Riley and not Duke that had stormed off.
A second later, my heart slowed down as Riley rounded the living room, smiling sideways at me, signalling with the nod of his head to follow him upstairs.
"Think it worked?" I asked, pacing my bedroom floor as Riley lay sprawled out on my unmade bed.
"I think so. You should have seen the look on his face" Riley scoffed, staring at the ceiling.
"He must have been so mad" I smiled as I stopped and placed my hands on my hips, biting my bottom lip, realizing there was still lipstick there.
I smeared it off with the hem of my shirt, really hating the thick feeling it gave me.
"Mad, jealous, upset" Riley shrugged, weighing the emotions
"He should be, I hope he feels my pain" I snickered, returning to chewing my bottom lip.
"Well, if this one doesn't get him to budge, we'll have to start plan b. Give it til' tomorrow. If he hasn't said anything by then, we'll continue the game" Riley replied, standing up from the bed
"You hungry? Cause, I am" He continued as he pat his stomach and licked his lips
"Why do I have a feeling they mean different things in comparison to us?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him
"Because you're ever so clever" He shrugged, winking at me before opening the door to leave.
Just as he did, I felt myself jump a little to the figure that appeared in the doorway.
His posture instantly stiffened at the sight of Riley in my room.
"See you later Rosie" Riley nodded in my direction before pushing past Duke to leave.
I folded my arms across my chest and stood in the middle of my room, waiting for him to say or do something.
He walked towards me, pushing the door gently shut before stopping a good distance away from me.
"Daruis and I have been talking" He began "We don't know how this is going to play out, but we assume they will use what recruits they have gathered to test us out, they could attack tomorrow or they could wait, we don't know, but we can't just sit here waiting"
It wasn't what I had wanted or expected to come from his mouth, but it still interested me. It was something. Something he wasn't leaving me in the dark with.
"So, what are we supposed to do? What's our plan?" I asked, watching him intently
"Darius seems to think that either way, you should be moved to a more secluded area" He started, tucking his hands into his jean pockets "That way if and when they attack us here, you won't be under any threat. We can take down their numbers and by the time you are found elsewhere, there will only be Dodge, Ryde and maybe a few others. But not as many as they have now in army form" He continued.
"You move me now and it could be falling into their trap" I told him
"It could be" He shrugged "But we don't know anything for certain at this point, except that if anyone else besides Ryde or Dodge know about you being here with us, it's a big risk you being here"
I sighed "So when do I have to go? Where is it?" I asked, rushing out the questions
"Tomorrow. Just before sunset. It's about two hours away from here. A secluded forest up north, Darius an I have a cabin up there that our parents used to holiday us with when we were young" He explained
"Okay" I agreed nodding my head as I kept my eyes on him, expecting him to turn and walk off.
"However, there is some bad news about it that I think you deserve to know" He continued, breaking the awkward silence
"What now?
"Darius will be most likely the one to stay with you during the day" He admitted, watching me
My eyes popped from my head, "Darius? Why? Why can't I have Riley or Jaymi?" I rushed out.
"Because, Darius isn't a very talented fighter. His gifts lie within negotiation and geography"
"Why can't Riley stay with me or Jaymi or something?" I asked again.
Why not throw a little enforced improv in there?
He seemed to stand rigid at the mention of Riley, "Riley's a descent fighter, and so is Jaymi" He put simply
"Awesome. Thanks" I spoke sarcastically "And what about at nightfall, let me guess, Grant?"
"I will still be doing night watches. I don't trust anyone else during that time frame" I was sure this was directed at Riley and Grant, and their 'eagerness' towards me.
"Awesome" I repeated sarcastically as I sat myself on the end edge of my bed, looking around the room at anything but him.
My eyes were quickly snapped towards him anyway, when he took a few more steps towards me. I didn't look up at him, only staring at his boots on the floor.
"Why did you do it?" He almost whispered, breaking the quietness around us
"Do what?" I asked, playing oblivious
"Don't give me that. Just tell me why" He spoke, not falling for it
"It just happened " I lied
"Did you do it to get back at me?" He asked, hitting the nail right on the head
"I wouldn't waste my time, I'm not going to play whatever game you're playing" I spat as I lifted my eyes up to meet his
"Yes, game" I repeated feeling my anger burn up
"It's not like that Rosie and you know it" He sighed, rubbing his temples
"Oh, it's not? Then please, feel free to explain" I sneered, standing up with my arms across my chest.
"I can't right now, but what happened, it shouldn't have happened"
So he did regret it.
"Yeah, you're right. You shouldn't have, because I don't deserve anyone to pretend they give a damn about me when they don't" I was getting angry
"You are cared about Rosie. Everyone here, no matter what motive they hold, cares about you and your welfare" His voice was raised, but strained as he spoke, taking another step closer to me.
"They only care about me because of their own personal reasons. Just like yours, the only reason you care about me, is because of Thomas. If it weren't for him, who's to say you wouldn't have killed me already?" I pointed a finger at him, feeling more anger fill my body.
It was true. If there was no Thomas there was no care for my safety.
"I don't kill humans like you Rosie. I don't kill humans just because, and yes, fine, I admit it, at first the only reason I wanted to protect you was because of Thomas and the revenge I wanted for his death. But then it changed, it changed into wanting to protect you for a whole assortment of unexplainable reasons" He was angry at first when he spoke, but when his last sentence came out, he grew calm and soft, almost admitting defeat as he tilted his head down in my direction, bringing us closer.
The intensity that burned in between us could be felt eons away. It was doused in need and want. His true colors were finally coming out and little bits of his confession gave away hints of how he felt
"Like what?" I asked, pushing for more information while he appeared vulnerable
He was close to my face, staring right into my eyes with his golden orbs circling mine.
He was silent and watching me, before speaking and pulling his face away
"It doesn't matter, there are more important things at hand to be dealt with. Maybe when it's all over, and you're safe.." He trailed off, wanting to say more, but restricting himself.
"I could be dead by then you know. That is a high possibility. You can promise me as much as you want that you won't let anything happen to me, but in the end, it could only take a matter of seconds for me to be gone" My voice had returned to normal, and it held a reality.
"It won't happen Rosie" He lightly shook his head
"But it could, no one can stop fate"
"You honestly believe your fate says your time is up?" He scoffed
"Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be in this predicament would I?"
"Ever think that fate is pulling you in another direction. Showing you that when all of this is over you can survive through anything, proving that you can have that happy ending?"
"Happy ending? Duke, if I do get through this, i'll return to my miserable home crawling with the alcoholic memories and stench that rot through the walls" I began "I'll return to school, where my few friends will talk about me behind my back, where my science teacher will pursue sexual favours from me for fake grades?" My voice had raised, secrets slipping out.
That was something I had never told anyone else before. Not even Clora.
After class, Mr Walker, my science teacher, would call me to stay back and 'chat' at least once a week.
I had thought about reporting him, but what was the use? He was a teacher, I was a deranged student with a terrible home life, only looking for attention.
Duke was staring at me, a mixture of emotions flashing over his features.
"It won't be like that forever" He shook his head narrowing his eyes
"Sure. Whatever you believe" I mumbled, scoffing
He tilted his head back down in my direction and held a hand out towards my face.
I looked away trying to calm myself down
"I'm sorry Rosie" He whispered, running a hand over my cheek while I looked anywhere but towards him
"If you don't want to return home for awhile afterwards, you're more than welcome to stay here for as long as you need" He continued after I didn't speak.
"Despite the chaos, the longer I stay here the more I don't want to leave"
"That's odd coming from the same girl that was so desperate to return to her normal life a week ago" He tried at an attempt to make me smile
"My mother was killed in my family home, taking away any hope I had left. The cops are probably looking for me, they probably think I'm dead too"
He ran his hand over my cheek again, sending a tingle of fireworks around my face
"It doesn't matter anyway, this isn't your problem, I'll be dead in 60 or so years, and you'll never have to worry about it" I found my courage and bravely looked up at him.
My words made him wince and I could see it in his eyes that what i'd said bothered him to some extent
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