《The Immortal Cure》18. Don't
Even though I was fully capable of walking, Duke held an arm around my waist the entire trip up to my room, only letting go when he opened my bedroom door for me. I didn't look at him, far too embarrassed as I sauntered over to my closet.
"Did someone take the clothes from my bathroom to wash?" I asked, earlier spotting the missing items
Duke gave me an odd look, creasing his eyebrows "Probably Riley. He has a habit of compulsive cleaning when it comes to nightfall" He explained
I pulled out a pair of loose sweatpants and a tight singlet before retreating to the bathroom to change. I tried my best not to bother looking at my neck, only aware in myself that a bruise had already arisen.
I quickly changed and couldn't help myself as I passed the mirror, taking a quick glance as my finger lingered on the light switch, the other on the door.
By quick glance I could see all four of the light fingertip bruises where Janey had her hand dug in, and that was enough for me. I looked away, and I pushed the door open switching the light off. Duke was sitting in his chair already as I walked to the bed, shuffling myself into the covers.
I tossed and turned for about ten minutes until I turned in the direction of Duke.
Surprisingly, he was watching me, the lighting hitting half of his face as he sat leaned back with his hands still and long on the arm rests.
"Can't sleep?" He assumed in a low tone
"No" I sighed
"You did sleep the entire drive home, you seemed pretty comfortable, you didn't move an inch after you found me useful as a pillow" He told me
"I'm trying not to roll my eyes right now" I smiled
Watching in the dark, he stood up and strode towards me, stopping at my bedside.
I just looked up at him and forced back a smirk.
"I dare you, Pretty" He shot back leaning his arms forward on the edge of the bed as he used Riley's nickname for me.
His warning only made me smile more wildly.
"I like to take risks" I smiled, lying
The second I said it, his hand caught my wrist by my side, holding it gently down.
My face turned serious as I watched him closely, waiting for what he would do next.
"How come your eyes turn black when you're angry?" I thought aloud
His face turned serious like mine had, and he gently let go of my wrist.
I'd asked a personal question, and I could see that it had somehow bothered him.
He pulled back from the bed where he leaned his arms, but still watched me.
"It just happens" He answered with a shrug, before slowly sitting on the edge of the bed
"Were you watching when Jaymi and I.." He trailed off, but knew what he was talking about
"No, I looked away" I replied as he kept his eyes on the ground near his feet.
I remembered holding my head down near Janey as I heard the cracks and burst of dust fill the room - some of which still sprawled across Duke's hair and clothes.
"I don't think I could handle seeing death that way" I scoffed as he turned his gaze towards me
"You should sleep" He whispered, his face shut off, empty
"I can't" I quickly replied in the hopes of stopping him from moving away from me.
All I wanted was to ask him to stay where he was, or lie beside me. But I knew that was out of the question, and wrong, so wrong.
"Try" He whispered back, lifting himself up.
With foolish unthinking and unknown intentions, I sat up and took a hold of his wrist, stopping him from walking away from me.
"Don't.. " I started, instantly freezing, realizing what I had done, what I had said
"Sorry" I muttered quickly, letting go of him, lying back down with my eyes on the ceiling.
He remained standing and all I could see was the side of his face angled in my direction.
To prevent myself from further embarrassment, I turned over and faced the window, shutting my eyes in hopes that he'd just sit down in his chair, and wait it silently out for me to fall asleep.
But of course, what Rosie wants, Rosie never gets.
I heard and felt him re-position himself back on the edge of the bed before he gently spoke
"What were you going to say?" He whispered as I chewed my bottom lip.
I thought for a moment, and the fleeting idea of pretending I had fallen asleep crossed my mind. I thought about other things to say, besides the shameful truth.
Don't leave the windows open? Don't let Grant in? Don't leave because I want to feel you close beside me?
"Nothing" I mumbled pathetically, silently slapping myself
"Don't what Rosie?" He edged again in a soft humble tone, not believing it for one second
"Don't.. worry about it" I spoke again quickly, as I tightly held my eyes shut
There was a few seconds silence, and I thought I had finally gotten away with it, until I felt an unsteady feeling he had moved closer.
"Don't leave me hanging here Rosie" His soft whisper snapped my eyes open, his breath caught alongside my ear where his head leaned directly beside
My breathing caught in my throat and I watched him intently from the corner of my left eye.
My heart began skipping hopscotch against my ribs.
"How am I supposed to sleep with you literally in my ear" I mumbled
"Tell me what you were going to say and I'll leave you to sleep" He replied, another sweep of breath caressing the side of my face "Or is that what you didn't want me to do in the first place?" He pushed.
He knew what I was going to say. His urgency to know the truth was rhetorical, he knew the truth. My heart hammered and I was sure we could both hear it over the silence.
"Does it matter?" I retorted
"It does to me" He replied as my brain scrambled for an escape
"Why?" I demanded
"Because I want to know"
I shook my head, tightening my lips
"You are so incredibly frustrating" He said it as though it caused him pain
"Look at me for a moment Rosie" He whispered more gentle than ever before
By now I was sure my heart would explode in my chest. It stammered so loudly that it almost clouded over my judgement. Bravely, I shook my head again, afraid of just what might happen if i let him win.
"Rosie" He whispered again, desperate
I held my breath in as I let myself be sucked into his charming voice. I turned, finding exactly what I had expected. His face was close to mine, his nose just missing the tip of mine, he smirked and searched my face with his honey colored eyes.
He had half his body leaned over me as his left arm lifted and lightly draped over my ribs. His hand reached up to brush away a loose strand of hair beside my face.
"You should breathe Rosie" He whispered, sending a hurricane of sweet air over my face
"I can't" I replied with almost no sound exiting
His eyes were soft and melting into mine when they scanned over my face. I watched as he pulled back a little, his eyes running over my exposed neck. His eyebrows slowly creased as he moved his hand away from the side of my face to trace the marks Janey had left.
"It'll go away" I spoke breaking the silence
"Physically, yes. Mentally.. " He trailed off, returning his gaze to my face, still stern
"I'll get over it, eventually" I shrugged
His hand returned to my face as he slowly slid a finger up and down the skin along my cheek.
"You should really sleep now" He whispered, all forms of expression replaced with his stern, angry, cautious, professional manner.
I sighed and pushed his hand away from my face, purely frustrated with the mixed signals I continuously received.
I looked around the room, anywhere beside his face as he pulled back, sitting up beside me, looking away just like I was.
"Are you a greedy woman Rosie?" He asked random, cutting through the tense filled silence
I narrowed my eyes, but shook my head anyway to answer his strange question
"Good" He replied before returning back to my side and crashing his lips forcefully, yet gently to mine.
I lay frozen for a moment, in utter shock as to what was happening.
Duke's lips were lightly against mine as his hands braced themselves on either side of my face.
My mind raced, unsure what to do when my body got the best of me, reacting against the movement.
I felt myself relax, my arms reaching out to wrap around his neck.
I'd never felt anything more electric.
Every part of my body felt as if it were on fire.
I didn't care. I kissed him back with the same force, pulling his face closer and closer as I clutched on for dear life.
My hands travelled from his neck upwards to his hair, lightly gripped it, moving our lips together roughly and carelessly edging for more.
For the mere few seconds that it lasted, the passion was torn apart when he pulled away, ripping his kiss from me.
His forehead was leaned on mine as his lips stay parted, reeling from what had just occurred
He pulled away further as my hands stay clutched into his hair, not wanting to let go just yet. His hands moved from my face and to the bed beside my body as he held himself up.
I noticed as soon as he was in full focus view that his eyes had changed into an almost black. Had I made him mad somehow?
"Did, did I do something?" I asked paranoid, confused, stuttering as my fingers loosened from his hair and slid down his shoulders, stopping as they slumped onto my stomach.
His eyes were unfocused as he stared blankly ahead
"No" He sat back up again turning his head from me.
"Then, what's, what's wrong with your-?" I dared, leaning up on my elbows.
Did he already regret it? Had he just realised how wrong it was? I think we were past that point now.
"Nothing" He weakly smiled, glancing at me before standing up.
"Nothing?" I repeated, watching him in disbelief mixed with anger as he walked back to his night-watch chair, slumping himself into place like a statue.
"Nothing" He repeated again as he sighed
"Go to sleep"
I creased my eyebrows and glared towards him in the dark.
"Don't ever do that to me again" I snapped, slamming my body down against the bed as I faced the window away from him
For the rest of the night, I ignored him, nothing was said, nothing was done, and I soon fell asleep, angry, bewildered, frustrated.
The next morning I woke to find Duke gone.
I had mixed emotions about it, but I woke up as angrily as I had fallen asleep.
I went through the daily routine of getting up, showering, and changing before I headed downstairs where I met Jaymi and Riley.
They were both smirking as they led me through to the kitchen where Seth already stood hovering over the sizzling bacon and eggs.
"You slackers making Seth cook for me?" I asked as I noticed him
"He offered, but only because he wanted an excuse to be around when you told us why Duke is in such a distinctly frustrated mood. He was doing everything in his power to block his thoughts from Seth's mind all night and morning" Riley smiled as he pushed me gently down on a dining room chair. He sat beside me, and Jaymi across from me.
"So, come on, spill!" Jaymi edged.
I looked in between them all, overwhelmed.
"I don't know what his deal is. He's always messed up with his moods" I shrugged, deciding to lie the best of my ability
Riley rolled his eyes and threw his head back while Seth scoffed. Jaymi remained silent.
"Don't you dare tell me nothing happened, because Seth was this close" He signaled with his fingers a small gap "to demanding Duke give him a reason as to why he'd almost had a human only headache" Riley slammed a light fist down on the table as he stared at me without blinking.
"Seriously, just drop it, trust me, I don't know what his deal is" I half growled as I leaned back in my chair.
"Someone's getting aggressively defensive" Riley continued testing patience.
I was sick of playing games, sick of playing mind games with Riley, sick of playing emotional games with Duke.
I think Jaymi could sense how I was beginning to feel as she gave Riley a deathly glare.
He didn't pay her any attention.
Seth stayed perfectly still busying himself with my breakfast. Smart move.
"I'm just going to keep nagging you until you tell me Pretty" He continued, leaning over more forward towards me.
I stood straight up, slamming the palms of my hands into the table as the chair behind me flew out, near falling. Riley and Jamyi's eyes near popped out of their heads as Seth simply stiffened and continued his cooking duties.
"I said drop it!" I spat inbetween my teeth, glaring down at Riley.
His face was surprised at first, but it quickly lightened, and a smile crept up to his face.
Did he think this was funny?
I was loosing control of my anger.
I couldn't deal with his remarks a second longer.
"I said, no" Riley fought back, emphasizing the word no, as he stared at me amused
I felt my blood boil up to my face, burning.
Riley noticed and looked down at my knuckles clenching white.
"What are you going to do pretty? Punch me?" He teased, smiling wildly as he spoke as he stood to square off with me
"I've had enough of you being so pushy Riley. It's not fair"
He gave a small innocent smile and was about to open his mouth when his eyes quickly flickered behind me, causing him to shut it right back up.
I loved Riley, and he was the one person I thought I could turn to to ease my tension, but he was pushing my buttons on a day that I just couldn't take it.
I froze where I was standing as Riley sat back down, turning his gaze away.
Someone was behind me and I immediately assumed it was Duke.
I managed to compose myself and sit back down, un-clentching my fists as I turned my head back, thankful he'd appeared when he had.
Duke glared towards Riley. He looked just as frustrated as I felt.
"Hey bud" Riley greeted as if nothing had happened
"Don't bud me Riley. I'd really like it if you didn't rile up the kid. I can feel her temper boiling and it's extremely distracting" He spat in warning before leaving.
I only just realized that he'd called me kid again. That stupid pet name he had given me when I had first arrived. Like I was nothing.
My temper flared up again, but this time towards Duke.
I couldn't win.
Tapping my fingers on the table, I conversed with myself in my head. I told myself that once it was over, I could go back to what was left of a home. The same home in which my mother had been murdered, the same home which was probably now empty and wrapped up in yellow, crime scene tape.
I tried to push the thoughts away again, concentrating on what Seth had just placed down in front of me.
My breakfast.
I immediatly looked up at him, my face calm "Thanks Seth" I smiled, turning to eat the food he'd made me.
The entire time, Riley and Jaymi just sat where they were, looking around the room while Riley hummed his usual tune
"Don't you both have something to do?" I groaned as I bit into a piece of bacon on my fork
"Nope" They spoke in unison, smiling
I rolled my eyes and continued eating my food.
When I was done, I stood and rinsed over my plate, leaving it on the sink to drip dry.
Standing at the sink, guilt began to riddle through me. This hostile character emerging, wasn't me, and it was all because of Duke. He was turning me into someone I wasn't.
"Riley, look. I'm sorry, I've just had a rough couple of days" I sighed as I apologised, walking up beside him, aware that Jaymi was watching "You just gotta learn to leave it. I'll tell you what happened, just not now" I continued, playfully punching him on the arm.
He withdrew his own arm, his fist ready to react as he wiggled his eyebrows "Better not" He joked, easing his hand back down to his side
Jaymi rolled her eyes and got up from the table, moving towards us
"He's playing you like an accordion Rosie" She shook her head, forcing back a smile "I'll see you later" She told me, looking at Riley before wandering off
He laughed and slung one of his arms around my waist.
"What do you want to do today?" He asked pulling me along with his cold arm around me
"I have no idea. What is there to do around this place that I don't already know of?" I asked, rubbing my chin as we stopped at the bottom of the stairs
"There's many things I could think of us doing. But I'm sure Duke wouldn't like them" He cheekily suggested, raising his eyebrows
"Like what?" I asked, daring to edge further into his mind.
I wasn't sure what he was thinking about exactly, even if he was thinking about anything or just teasing.
He gave a surprised look "Someone's becoming dangerously curious"
"Something wrong with that?"
He stared at me for a moment, "I suppose not. But how far are you willing to go?" He asked, as we began up the stairs, his arm moving from me as he walked seductively backwards up the stairs, keeping my gaze held with his.
"Lay the cards down, I want to see what I have to choose from" I spoke, testing him.
I knew what I was doing was wrong. Completely wrong. But if Duke was going to play games with me, then I could do the same with him.
Riley was willing enough to teach me all about the rule breaking ways, and at the moment, I was all too willing to learn.
I wanted to know as much as I could.
"Come with me young one" Riley continued as I followed him down the hallway, his finger being used as a hook to draw me in.
We ended up in his room where he sat down on the couch, patting the seat beside him. I did as he said.
"I know what you're doing you know" He started
"What's that?" I played it cool, just in case he was wrong
"Duke's obviously done something to seriously piss you off, so you want revenge"
He was spot on.
I smiled and held my head down. I should have known he was going to get it spot on in the first place.
"Is that a problem?" I asked, wondering if he was going to call it quits after he'd busted my grand plan.
He paused for a moment, and smirked again, "Revenge is my middle name"
I smiled this time, "So I assume you already have a plan?"
If he was okay with getting himself in Duke's bad books, I assumed he had some sort of plan to do it well.
"Maybe" He smiled wide
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