《The Immortal Cure》14. Stargazing
When the sun hid behind the horizon, I was seated in the living room with Riley and Grant.
Grant luckily hadn't tried anything with me. I wondered just what the others had threatened him with for him to be so held back from me. Surely he wouldn't give up that easy.
Parry, Harris, and Jaymi had disappeared to the 'blood room' which made me feel nauseous.
Darius was out, completing unknown projects, which I was sure involved Anna or his father.
I was told Seth was once again spying on Ryde and his friends and I felt uncomfortable with it, he could be caught, he could be killed, all because he's listening in on their plans for me.
Sometimes I wondered if I was worth all the fuss.
They might have been dead and cold, but I still didn't want to be held responsible for one of their real deaths.
I had come to know most of these people on a personal level, and I couldn't bear the thought of one of them no longer being here all because of what I was.
"For all the drama going on at the moment, this sure is boring" Riley groaned as he sat beside me in the living room
"I'm sure we could find something fun around here to do" Grant began, raising his eyebrows suggestively in my direction.
There we go.
Riley shot him a glare before turning his face soft towards me
"I have an idea to what I can show you Pretty" Riley jumped up holding his hand out for me to take.
I took it and was led outside towards the backyard. I was aware of Grant in tow behind me.
Outside it was dark and all that lit the small backyard were dangling lantern lights strung along around the swaying oak tree.
It was just as beautiful dark as it was in the daylight.
Riley led me to the middle of the lawn as it crunched beneath my shoes. He released my hand and dropped himself on the lawn, sprawling himself out on the green grass as he gestured with a hand for me to join him.
I narrowed my eyes at him for a moment before copying his actions lying beside him as he tilted his head sideways to smile at me.
"Look" He spoke, turning back to the sky above us. He pointed to the sparkling stars.
Not a cloud was in the sky. It was amazing and entrancing.
"Isn't it pretty, pretty?" He sighed
I nodded, "It is"
"It's really relaxing. I could lay here all night and watch them sparkle. Ever since I was a kid I've had a weakness for the stars" He started as we stared at the wonderful bright lit starry night sky "My father was deeply involved in stargazing. He had the most complex telescopes that ever existed. He was always showing me the different luminous ways they formed shapes" He continued proudly
I smiled and settled into the grass, watching the sparkles of light in the sky slowly shining and dancing
"I think I just might sleep here tonight" I half joked, breaking the silence that gently settled in
"Me too" He smiled in agreement as we lay side by side
"Do you miss your home?" He asked, causing me to turn my gaze to look at him, resting my arms under my head.
"I miss my friends. I miss my bed, but that's about it" I told him honestly
"Not your mother the least bit?" He asked, turning his head to meet my gaze as his hands rest folded on his chest
I shrugged "Not really. I miss who she used to be, not who she is now"
"She's still in there somewhere. Just hidden under the thick stubborn layers of addiction"
It was true, she was there somewhere, somewhere deep, deep down.
I sighed and turned back to the sky as Riley stared at the side of my head for a moment.
I wasn't sure just how long Riley and I had been lying under the sky, but I guessed it was for a good hour or so.
I had my eyes closed as I listened to Riley humming an unknown tune.
"It's getting late" A voice cut in, snapping my eyes unwillingly open.
Duke was hovering above us, like a tall skyscraper. Riley was unbothered as he still remained motionless, humming his tune.
"So?" I casually asked, watching his eyes hover high above me. The sight made my heart run like a wild stallion. I forced myself not to become dazed in the contrasting of the starry sky and his perfect features.
"So, you should be inside. The breeze is blowing your scent around like a wild fire" He replied, making me cringe.
I quickly brushed it off, and settled my eyes back on the night, before patting the empty space of grass to my left.
"Join us, then you can keep an eye out for predators" I joked as I drew my hand back up to behind my head.
My position right now was far too comfortable and relaxing. I didn't want to move.
Duke shook his head, "C'mon, up you get" He continued, watching me
I shook my head as he did.
"No" I answered simply turning my gaze back to his.
I heard Riley scoff a laugh earning himself a death glare from Duke.
"Yeah Dukey pukey, join us" He joked, winking at him
"Don't encourage her" Duke shot towards him. He wasn't angry, not just yet anyways
"Trust me, she needs no encouraging" Riley continued, before returning to his humming
I once again patted the spot beside me in one last attempt. He needed to relax. He was always uptight and on alert. He needed to let go a little. Especially after everything that had happened over the last few days.
To my surprise, Duke thought about it for a moment, and sighed. He then moved to my left, and lay where I had insisted him to.
I instantly felt the closeness and pulled my elbows in tighter behind my head, careful not to touch him. He had positioned himself closer to me than what Riley had, causing me to become fully aware of every inch of our bodies distance.
"See? Not so bad is it?" I shrugged
"Mh-hm" He mumbled as he lay how I did.
Of course his arms were a lot longer, and his right elbow only just brushed against the top of my head in height where we lay.
"You have to relax a little" I sighed towards Duke
"Speak for yourself" He replied, causing my smile to vanish.
"Mh-hm" I mocked
"I was thinking of just surrendering myself up to Dodge and them anyway, this drama is just way too intense" I shrugged, causing his head to whip around in my direction
I just smiled, and kept my head trained on the stars
"You shouldn't say things like that" Duke snapped
I just shrugged.
It wasn't entirely true, yet it wasn't entirely a lie. I had thought about just giving myself up. My life in sacrifice of all of theirs.
Without moving my head, I took a quick glance at Duke. His head had returned straight, eyes on the sky. His eyebrows were however, creased as if he were deep in thought.
"If I was human, I'd say something like, 'I'm so tired'" Riley spoke shifting my gaze just as he turned his body sideways and faced me, slinging his arm over my stomach.
I knew straight away that he was trying to piss Duke off.
I had no idea why he enjoyed making him so mad for, I was personally scared to make him mad.
"You're warm" He commented, grinning smugly as he glanced quickly in Duke's direction.
I didn't move, I just rolled my eyes and gave him a disapproving look.
Something told me Duke knew what he was trying to do.
As I watched him carefully from the sides of my eyes, his body grew rigid, the muscles in his arms tightening under his shirt.
His eyes would occasionally flicker to Riley's arm, watching carefully in case he stepped over the line.
Riley must have noticed Duke's non-reaction. I could tell he was going to push it further when his fingers began playing with the bottom of my old work shirt.
He was still humming as he watched the side of my face and probably Duke's for any flicker or twitch. I once again rolled my eyes as his fingers fiddled with the cotton hem.
Just when I thought Duke's body couldn't get any more on edge, it did.
I almost heard the clench of his fists behind his head as his jaw tensed with the grit of his teeth. This was supposed to be a relaxing peaceful night under the stars. Instead, I had to deal with this.
I sighed and sat up on my elbows, my hair hanging behind my head which I was sure had remainders of grass entangled in it.
I looked down at Riley's arm, and pulled an arm out from behind me to push it away.
Riley seemed taken back, along with Duke as Riley slung his arm back and shot me a smug smile.
'Stop it' I mouthed towards him, only making him smile wider
I sighed and looked up at the lantern tree that gently swayed in the breeze. I wasn't sure how much of these boys I could take.
I considered just getting up and leaving them to bicker out whatever they were trying to prove, but thought against it, telling myself not to be the one to give in.
"Do you plan on going to bed anytime soon?" Duke cut in, stopping my thoughts in their tracks.
I was tired, but something about the night wanted me to stay. It was inviting.
I turned to look at him,
"Why do you want to get me upstairs so badly for?" I asked, only just realizing how bad my sentence had sounded after it was said.
Of course Riley was the first to react, bursting into quiet laughter beside me, earning glares from both Duke and I.
"I have an idea" He mumbled through laughter
I screwed my face up at him "That's not what I meant, and you know it" I commented, staring at him, unimpressed and embarrassed
"Sure" He spoke, wiping a fake tear from the corner of his eye before he lifted himself up from the grass.
"I need to recover from that one" He sighed heavily, removing himself from the yard with a fading chuckle.
I couldn't bring myself to look in Duke's direction, so I remained still.
"C'mon. It's getting far too late" His voice soon broke as I still found no courage to look at him.
I knew what he was talking about, so I just stood up and dawdled with him inside.
Tonight was definitely going to be awkward.
As we walked through the dining room and kitchen, the only light that lit the home were that of the moon and stars projecting into the wide windows.
I wondered where all the guests were going to be sleeping. Were they even going to sleep? If not, where were they? And what were they doing?
I followed silently up the stairs behind Duke as he rounded the corner to the hallway. It was times like these that I wished someone else had been planned to station themselves in my room for night watch.
Duke opened my door for me and held it open as he flicked on a nearby dim floor lamp.
I walked in without looking at him and went straight to my bathroom to change into comfy fitting clothes.
Once inside, I wished I could stay there. Sleep in the shower or crawl inside the cabinet to sleep. Hide away.
I looked at myself in the vanity mirror, and began picking out pieces of grass remains from my hair. I quickly brushed it flat and cleaned my teeth before throwing on a plain white tee, and sweatpants. I stared at myself in the mirror again, watching as my brown eyes reflected back at me. I took a deep inhale and exhale before pushing the bathroom door open.
The lamp was already out and in the armchair, as usual, sat Duke. I felt relieved when he wasn't looking at me, his head was held back against the chair, his eyes closed as his hands clasped together neatly on his rising and falling chest.
I tip-toed over to the bed, and snuggled myself under the covers as quick as I could, facing away from where he sat. I sighed and placed my hands under my head, closing my eyes and hoping for darkness to take me.
"If you're uncomfortable with how Riley acts around you, I can give him yet again another warning" Duke quietly spoke, snapping my eyes open
"For some reason he only does it when you're around" I answered honestly keeping my eyes on the window
"Any idea as to why that is?" He replied
"I think he just likes to stir trouble with you, he enjoys doing things you tell him not to do" I shrugged
"He's always been like that. But lately he's getting a lot worse, especially when it comes to you"
"I plan on interrogating him about his motives tomorrow" I told myself out loud
"I've tried to no avail, but I'm sure he'll be all too willing to tell you the truth rather than me"
I sighed and closed my eyes, not responding, only wanting to sleep. Our conversation luckily ended, and soon after my request for sleep, it was granted.
When I woke, Duke was gone. Instead sat Jaymi, watching me creepily at the edge of my bed, nearly scaring me to death.
Once I was awake and up, I picked out clothes and showered. I left my hair out, proud of its new strength and bounce thanks to her. I felt refreshed and happy walking downstairs with Jaymi who offered to make me breakfast.
"Where's Riley?" I asked, pushing my empty plate under the tap to rinse it
"Hanging around somewhere" She answered shrugging as she stood on her tippy toes beside me "Why?"
I shrugged, "Because, he's acting idiotic. Keeps being touchy feely around me when Duke's around" I answered as I dried the plate with a hand towel
She just sighed and rolled her eyes at me "You are so naive and oblivious, aren't you?"
I had a feeling her question was rhetorical.
"Obviously, so, please do fill me in" I demanded putting the plate back away
She rolled her eyes again, "I already told you" She started, shaking her head "Riley knows Duke has a thing for you. He's trying to get a reaction out of him using you. People keep telling you he likes you, but you keep denying it" She explained as I shook my head
"This situation here" I signaled myself "May kill some of you. Duke even" I cringed at the thought "And if you haven't exactly noticed yet. I'm a human, a human with clear problems. Duke is an attractive, but arrogant vampire. Vampire" I repeated with more emphasis.
"He could do better. He will do better. And in about 60 years, I'll be dead anyway, or sooner, why would he waste his time?" I quickly put together, rushing it all out.
I had realized I'd also been extremely serious with my words and could see I'd taken Jaymi back. Although something in her eyes told me she was still unconvinced and didn't care.
"Is that your mind talking? Or your heart?" Her head tilted as she watched me.
I thought for a moment. She was regrettably right. It was entirely coming from my head. Everything logic came from inside my head. My heart however spoke and screamed an entirely different story.
My heart would burst into flames when Duke was around or near. Even when he'd looked at me, my heart pulled my body towards him, wanted to know everything about him, wanted to be close to him.
"It doesn't matter what the heart wants. In the end the head is right" I lied, earning a shake of Jaymi's head with a disapproving look
"We'll see" She responded as we walked out of the kitchen.
As soon as we headed upstairs, we were greeted by none other than Duke himself who stood at the front of my door. He had his arms folded across his chest as Jaymi nudged me playfully with her elbow. I refrained from scolding her there and then.
"What's wrong?" I asked as we stopped in front of him
"I need to talk to you" He said sternly
"Jaymi" He addressed her, obviously sending her an on-your-way nod as she weakly smiled at me, and then trailed away down the hall.
Just as she disappeared Riley had popped out of nowhere, he was at my side immediately as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.
I stood frozen and waited for him to release me. Was this another one of his tricks to get a reaction from Duke? When he didn't release I pushed. I wriggled from his grip and gave him a shake of my head.
"Rosie. I'm so sorry" His expression was upset, and sympathetic.
"Sorry for what?" I questioned, knitting my eyebrows together.
Something strange was going on. Riley was being far too serious. His smug grin was nowhere to be seen.
Riley looked towards Duke, who was now stern on him
"Leave" He demanded angrily.
I expected Riley to shoot something smart back at him. Instead he gave me a weak smile before brushing a hand over my hair and leaving.
"Sorry for what?" I called after him, confused
"Rosie" Duke snapped my attention back, his eyes soft.
What on earth was going on?
"Come on" He lightly guided as he held a hand on my back and led me downstairs to his study.
I sat on the long sofa in his study as he sat beside me. It was way too close for me to not notice, but I was too interested in what was going on to bother being paranoid.
"What's going on?" I asked, looking at him as he watched me carefully
"I'm sorry Rosie, but I have some bad news" He trailed off, watching my expression as it turned serious
Bad news? What now? Had he realised I was better off dead? Had someone died already? I automatically thought of Seth while he was away.
"Is it Seth? Is he okay?" I panicked, watching him
"No, no. Seth is fine" He assured me, somewhat relieving me
"Oh, kay, so what's wrong?" I asked, edging for him to give it up
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