《Jensens Daughter (Jensen Ackles FF)》Finally Home


A few weeks later, after award shows, conventions and interviews, the season was done being filmed. Of course...I didn't go to any of these! Which I am extremely grateful for. "Woah." I smiled as I looked at my dad.

"I know." He agreed. I sat on the couch of our home and laid back.

"Sissy!" J.J. giggled, hugging me.

"Hey, chicka." I smiled, picking her up. Mom, dad, J.J. and I were sitting on the couch as a family.

"I can not believe you put mostly everybody back in the series!" Mom said.

"Well, Jimmy said he was cool with it, Jeff was delighted to be back in and Osric couldn't say no. They're the most important people in it. Bobby, John, and Kevin. Yepers!" I smiled.

"Yepers?" My dad asked.

"I'm a strange child." I blushed.

"Only around us." He said getting up.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, following him into the kitchen.

"I mean, you're real shy." He laughed. I just rolled my eyes.

"No I'm not!" I insisted.

"Really?" My dad asked. "Are you sure?"

That got me worried. "Why?" I asked.

"Well, if you aren't shy, you can be the one to say that you're the one who wrote the script." He told me.

"What? You're telling?" I jumped. He nodded.

"You'll be fine." My dad assured as he turned to get some coffee. I sighed and nodded.

The season starts in October, School starts soon, and I'm still so self-cautious its ridiculous. My phone dinged and I quickly looked at it. I smiled when I seen it was James. "What you smiling about?" My dad asked as he looked back at me with his coffee.

"Uh, Mel texted about how excited she was." I lied. He nodded and walked back into the living room. I sighed and texted back.

Me: hey! Wanna meet up today? I'm hoooommmmeeeeeee!!!!!

James;-P: yeah. When and where?


Me: idk....where we met at three?

James;-P: sure! Can't wait to see you

Me: cant wait either

I went back into the living room and my dad looked at me funny. "What?" I laughed.

"Nothing." He said, smiling. I glared at him for a minute until I sat down between mom and dad.

"Hey ya'll. I was wondering if I could go out." I said, putting my arms around them.

"I guess. Why?" mom asked.

"No reason." I lied. Everyone was silent for a minute.

"Is it a boy?" She asked. I almost choked on the air.

"Boy? What makes you think a boy?" I gasped.

"I don't know. Lucky guess." She smirked.

"There is no boy!" I groaned.

"Okay. Whatever you say!" She sing songed. I groaned again and looked at my dad.

"Go on." He laughed. I smiled an jumped up.

"Thanks guys!" I said running toward the door.

"Be back by seven!" My dad called after me. I nodded and was out the door.

It was only eleven so I had plenty of time before three. I decided that I would just walk around the park for a while. After ten minutes of walking, I got a text from James.

James;-P: I was wondering if maybe we could go see a movie.

Me: what movie?

James: Well....we cant see any horror movies... But! How about the Scorch Trials?


James;-P: sooo is that a yes?

Me: Idk. I don't have any money

James;-P: I'll pay!

Me: Seriously?

James;-P: seriously ;-)

Me: Lol OK. Then it IS a yes

James;-P: wanna go now or?

Me: nows fine

I smiled and began making my way to the movies. As I was walking, I began thinking. All these thoughts stayed with me as I walked toward the theater. "Sara! Hey!" A voice called. I turned to look to my left and seen James.

"Hey." I smiled. He jogged over to me and smiled.


"Hey." He said. I gigged.

"I think we established the hellos." He blushed and looked down.

"Sorry. Just a little nervous I guess." He said.

"About what?" I asked.

"Not important right now." He smirked. "Come on! Let's go watch the movie!" I was extremely confused but followed him in anyway.

The movie was great. Of course it didn't have all the parts like the book but it was still good. "Wanna go eat?" James asked as we walked out.

"Sure I guess. You're paying?" I asked.

"Well yeah! I wouldn't make you pay." He said.

"You sure? I can run home and get money if you want." I said.

"No. No. I wouldn't dream of it." He said. I smiled and shrugged.

"Okay. Where are we going?"

"Somewhere special." He smiled. I nodded and we began walking down the street. "So, why were you in Canada?"

"Work." I answered.

"Your dads?" He questioned.

"Well yeah but-"

"Here we are!" James interrupted. I looked around and he looked at me. "I'm sorry. Did I interrupt you?" He asked.

"Yeah but its fine." I smiled.

"Where are we?"

"Where we met." James answered. "This is where I accidentally pushed you down and there's where we sat." He began pointing to specific places.

"You remembered?" I questioned, smiling goofily.

"Yeah." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"There's Cliffs Hotdog cart over there and I thought we could eat here."

"That's perfect." I smiled. We got our food and sat on the park bench. "You know, winters gonna be here soon. Not that its cold in California but...I don't know. I like knowing its winter." I spoke.

"Oh. I honestly like Spring. See, I was born in South Carolina and moved here when I was ten so...I know all the seasons feels." James said.

"You were born in South Carolina?" He nodded and I smiled.

"I was born in Texas." James laughed and looked at the sky. "We're southern." He smiled.

"Yeah." I nodded. He looked at me and I looked at him. The smile I had began to grow as I looked in his eyes.

"Sara?" He questioned, looking away.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"D.....do you, uh, have a, um, boyfriend?" He sputtered. My jaw dropped a little and my heart fluttered.

"No." I answered quietly.

"Well....will you be mine? Wait! Not my boyfriend because you're obviously not a boy but a girl. A really pretty girl that I get nervous around and now I'm rambling because I'm nervous." He spoke quickly. I smiled and looked at his eyes.

"Its okay. I would love to be your girlfriend." I said. He smiled and looked at the ground.

"You won't regret it." He smiled.

"You know....I have to tell my dad. He's going to want to meet you." I told him. His smile faltered and I giggled. "Don't worry. He's cool." I laughed. "Hey. You know how I said I was in Canada for work?" I started. James nodded and I continued. "I was there for work to. Not just my dad. I....I'm acting in this season of Supernatural. My dad is Jensen Ackles. I was scared to tell you because I thought you'd just like me because of that." Once I finished talking, I looked at James who was smiling like a mad man.

"Well, I know now and I like you the same. Not more, not less. I like you for you. Not for what you do or who your family is." He said. I smiled and gave him a hug. "I do like a good Supernatural episode though and since you're in season 10...I think I'll like it more." I laughed and nodded.

"Good to know. Do you have Twitter?" He frowned and shook his head.

"No, actually. Do you have Facebook or Instagram?" This time I frowned.

"Funny. No I don't. How about a Snapchat?" Finally, I got a smile.

"Yeah. Doesn't everyone?" He asked.

"No!" I laughed. We exchanged Snapchat usernames and decided to talk to my dad. This is going to be an interesting night.

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