《Jensens Daughter (Jensen Ackles FF)》Checking With Eric


A few days after the movie I had the entire season premiere scripted. "Look dad!" I said, excitedly. He grabbed the paper and read it silently.

"Its great!" He said after reading it all.

"Cause I wrote it!" I giggled.

"Well, I'm glad you finished because Eric wanted to know of you wanted to meet up for lunch to talk about it." He said. I froze.

"Today?" I asked. My dad nodded and smiled.

"Yes, today." He said.

"Will you be there?" I questioned.

"Of course! I'm not leaving my baby girl all alone. You could get kidnapped." He whispered the last sentence.

I smiled and shook my head. "You act like I'd let them." I said. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I know you wouldn't but, if someone wants ransom money, they will do anything to take you." He noted.

"I guess." I shrugged. "But Eric would be there."

"Yeah, but I wanna watch how you do. And I know you are going to freeze up." He smirked.

"You know me so well." I laughed.

"Well, you are the product of me , so..." His voice trailed and I crinkled my nose.

"You're so gross." I said. He laughed and stood up.

"Its life." He told me.

"I know but....ew!" I groaned. He laughing again and began walking to the kitchen. I followed behind him quietly. "Dad?" I said. He hummed in response. "When are we meeting Eric?" He looked at me and smirked.

"He's picking us up in an hour." He said.

"You already told him yes?" I squeaked.

"I knew you'd agree....but you better go get dressed." He said. I looked down and noticed I was still in my pajamas.


I groaned and ran upstairs to change. I wasn't quite in the shorts mood but a dress or skirt wasn't my style. So I threw on some light blue, almost white, ripped skinny jeans. Then I put on a pink Aeropostale shirt with my denim jacket and I looked amazing if I do say myself. I brushed my hair and teeth and put on a little makeup, just because, and bolted down the stairs.

My dad was sitting on the couch and I sighed. "I rushed for nothing, huh?" I asked. He looked at his watch and nodded.

"We've still got another thirty minutes." He laughed. I nodded and sat down by him.

He was watching the news and I put in my head phones and watched a little YouTube. Yes, I watch YouTube. I am a teenage girl and enjoy YouTube...almost as much as writing. Keep this a secret, I like YouTube way more than writing. Don't tell anyone.

I began watching the video of One Direction's performance for Capital FM's Summertime Ball. The way Louis said 'Lightning' in Girl Almighty got me messed up. I watched it over and over again. I must've watched it a ton because I was fangirling when the doorbell rang.

My dad got up and I continued fangirling. "Dad! Louis just... I can not!" I shouted. He laughed and opened the door. By the way I heard my dad laughing and all, I knew it was Eric. I put my phone and headphones in my pocket and grabbed the script, running toward the door.

When Eric seen me his face lit up even more, if that's even possible. "Sara! My God, you're getting big." He said.

"Um, I'm actually really short and, its only been a few weeks since I last seen you." I smiled.


"Well, I haven't spoke to you in person in a while." He laughed.

"Fair enough." I said hugging him.

We talked about life and stuff on the car ride there and when we got to the restaurant, I got a huge knot in my stomach. I never liked anyone but Mel and my dad knowing I had written something and been able to read it. Not even my mom had read it. I just don't like people knowing I did something like write a story. I was scared they they wouldn't like it.

We slowly walked toward the Restaurant while I frantically texted Mel.


Mel: y



Mel: He will. He already liked your story and that's all that matters. Bc the script basically IS the story.

That made me calm down a little.

Me: ok. That helped. I'll text you what happens.

Mel: k

I sat down awkwardly between Eric and my dad. "Why so tense?" My dad whispered.

"Are you kidding me? I'm freaking out a little." I whispered back. He just placed his hands on my shoulders and nodded. It was a pretty reassuring nod because it calmed me down.

We ordered our food and talked about random stuff. By the time our food came I honestly forgot the reason we were there.

Once we all finished, Eric brought it back up and the butterflies erupted. "Can I see it?" He asked. I nodded and slowly gave it to him. I watched intently as he read through the script. After a while he finally stopped reading and looked up. "Its really good." He said. I sighed, relieved it was good enough. "But," he continued, "I may need to change the dialogue a little."

"The dialogue?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I know you can't write curse words so I'll do it for you. So it matches Sam and Deans personalities." He explained.

"That's all you have to fix?" I asked, surprised. He smiled and nodded. My dad leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Eric's face lit up and he nodded.

"How about I buy you some ice cream to celebrate?" He asked. I froze.

"You'd do that for me?" He nodded and I cheered. Ice cream is my all time favorite dessert. To celebrate with it is amazing! After we left I got told to write the next episode while Eric put the final touches on the first one. I nodded and said it'd be done in at least four days.

"I told you it was good." My dad smiled when we got home. I plopped down on the couch and sighed.

"That was terrifying." I said. He chuckled and sat beside me. I put my legs across his lap so I was now laying down. He laughed and turned on the T.V.

"What to watch, what to watch." He said, scrolling through the channels.

"Let's just watch a family movie." I said.

"Ok, there's Monsters Inc., Up, Nemo, The Incredibles, and a few other movies." My dad said. I groaned and shook my head.

"Those are all lame." I thought a moment and grabbed the remote. I turned the channel to AMC and smiled. "The Walking Dead is having a marathon from season one to season five!" I said clicking it. My dad laughed and nodded. "I want popcorn but I'm so comfy." I groaned. My dad laughed and nodded.

"I am to." He said. We sat watching The Walking Dead for a few hours. Finally, I went to get some popcorn.

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