《New Job (Jensen X Reader)》Part 26


It's been a day that Jensen is away. Yesterday, the day went ok but today I need to do something. I'm tired of sitting on the couch. I get up and I walk to the bedroom. I opened the big and unorganized closet and I walked inside.

I carried all my clothes out. I went through every piece of clothing I had and I put away the things that I don't want anymore. I place the rest of them back inside in a new order according to their kind and colour. "(Y/N)?" I hear my mom yell my name "In my room" I say. She comes "What are you doing?" "I'm organising my closet. I'm tired of just sitting" "Oh ok. Do you need help?" "No, I'm fine, thanks" I say and she nods and gets out.

My phone rings and I run to the living room to take it. "Hi babe" I say and I walk back upstairs "Hey. We are going on stage right now and I just called to ask if everything is ok" "Yeah, everything is ok. I'm currently trying to organise my closet and when you come home, it's your turn. And I don't take no for an answer" "Ok, love you" "Love you too" I say and I hung up.

I sit on the bed and I let my phone next to me. I grab my laptop and I find the livestream from the convention. After a couple of minutes Jared and Jensen walk on stage "Hello New Jersey. How is everybody doing?" Jensen asks. "Let's get to some questions" Jared says "Your side? My side? Strong side? Weak side?" Jensen asks

*Watch the video to know what is going on😂*

I really needed to laugh like that right now. I take my phone and I call Jensen. He doesn't pick up at first. I see from the livestream that he whispers something to Jared. He nods and Jensen walks off stage. He calls me back. "Hey, did something happened?" he asks "No, I just wanted to say hi" I say and I can hear that he signs from relief. "Sure, let me take you on stage" he says.


He walks back on stage "Hey, I have someone that wants to say hi" he says. "You can speak now" he says as he places the phone to the speaker of his phone. "Hi guys" I say and then screams are the only thing I can hear. "I'm sorry that I am not there but I had something that hold me back today" I say 'It's ok', 'We love you (Y/N)', 'We love you', 'We miss you' I hear from the other end and I tear up. "I love you too guys and I miss you" I say.

"And Jared?" I say "I'm listening" he says "Trust me, he doesn't need Viagra" I say and I can see Jensen's proud face from the laptop "Oh, don't be so happy baby because I heard that they line up too" I say and Jared laughs "Jensen is in trouble" he says and I laugh. "Ok, I'll call you later honey" Jensen says "Ok. Bye. Love you guys" "Love you too" he says and hungs up.

"She is working on something and I should be helping her but she kicked me out of the house" Jensen says and I chuckle.

I let the laptop on the bed and I continued my job. I gathered the things that I don't want in a big bag. I placed it next to the closet's door and I jumped on the bed.

Two days later, Jensen was home and moms were out. But he is working next week, so we are traveling back to Vancouver together, tomorrow. He doesn't want to leave me alone. And I don't really mind.

We are cuddling on the couch and none of us want to move. "I was thinking about the hormones and shots that the doctor was talking about" Jensen says breaking the silent "Me too" "Do you want to try? I mean it's up to you because it's your body and I don't want to push you" "I know. But it's a big maybe. You heard the possibilities" "I did. 20% of you getting pregnant again" "Exactly" "But do you want to try?" he asks.


"I do. But I don't know if I can do it. They said that it's going to be hard" I say "And that's why I'm here" he says and kisses my head. "I love you Jay" "I love you too" he says and pecks my lips. "I'll call dr. Robbins tomorrow, ok?" he said and I nod.

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