《EUDEMONIA;; ie orion.》28


feat. hiroto realizing he woke up for

“wake up... hey, wake up...”

you shook the male gently. you watched with a frown as he groaned and hid himself under his covers.

you sighed and put a hand on your hip, “hiroto, wake up. don't keep everyone waiting.” you lightly scolded as you began to shook hiroto again. you clicked your tongue when he mumbled a “five more minutes”.

you shook your head and snapped your fingers, beginning to get irritated. hiroto gasped and immediately sat up, shivering from the sudden absence of his blanket's warmth (“what the f*ck–”).

“good morning, breakfast is ready.” (trans: “get your fucking ass up and go downstairs bc we. are. fucking. h u n g r y”)

you gave him a sweet (not ;-;) smile as he sighed and nodded, begrudgingly leaving the warmth of his bed and heading to his comfort room to wash up. you only breathed with a smile before leaving his room, going downstairs to the dining room (dining hall, it's actually a dining hall ;-;).

“where's hiroto?” kazemaru asked as you smiled, “he's on his way, just washing up.” tatsuya gave a chuckle, “i still don't get how you can get him to wake up in just minutes, it usually takes an hour to successfully wake him up.”

“well, he can't do that when it's manager who's doing it, he knows he might actually sleep forever if he doesn't wake up.” goujin mumbled as mansaku silently agreed.

“and you should also know that you might sleep forever if you keep blabbering around.” you replied as goujin gulped (‘why do i always get threatened first thing in the morning...’).

“aah, you're finally here.” all of you turned to see hiroto slumping his way over to his seat, now sobered up. you immediately had your prayers and began to eat.


you looked over to nosaka, “aah, right. nosaka, i bought you sweet watermelons and sweetened milk. you can eat them later.” nosaka flashed you a small smile, “thank you, manager.” you only nodded, but looked slightly disturbed: “aah, and nosaka,” he raised a brow at you (“yes, manager?”).

“sit properly.” you smiled as nosaka blinked before looking down at himself. “oh.” was what he said before putting himself down and actually sitting properly.

“i'm going to drop by the mall and buy groceries later, does anyone want me to buy them anything?” you asked as you scanned the boys.

“gouenji, do you want me to buy you your gel?” you asked as gouenji gave you a smile, “sure, i was just about to run out of gel anyways. thanks, y/n.” he nodded at you as you smiled.

“ichihoshi, do you want me to buy you wristbands? jerseys? aah, what about shoes? adid*s? n*ke? or both?” the male only shook his head furiously, “manager, please minimize the amount of money you spend everyday, i'm begging you.” he gave you a frown. (“gouenji (san) how can you ask manager to buy you ax* without a second thought..!” “well, she offered first and who doesn't love free things?”)

you sighed, staring at ichihoshi, before giving up. “what about you, endou? i noticed you've begun loving the sleep wears i bought you. do you want me to buy you more? aah, i heard b*ss introduced a new set of men's sleepwear...” you trailed off as endou shook his head, “oh, no thanks, y/n...”

ichihoshi brightened, “finally, someone who doesn't indulge in luxuries–”

“i prefer g*cci.” (*cue ichihoshi dubbing this as top ten anime betrayals ;-;) you clapped your hands with a giggle, “ooh, you're turning a little bit more like me, that's terrific.” endou only gave you a thumbs up.


“manager, you shouldn't spoil endou (san) very much...” sakanoue mumbled as ichihoshi nodded in agreement. “aah well, at least endou's starting to live a clean life. see? he doesn't wear his gross sweaty jerseys to sleep anymore.”* you pointed with a satisfied nod, “an improvement– no, a major character development, i must say.”

endou only grinned as the guys sighed. “aah, i noticed you always wear that bandanna all the time, do you want me to buy you a special detergent so it smells good all the time?” you offered as endou blinked, “oh, no need,”

you only sighed, smiling with a satisfied look, “aah, of course, you must already have–”

“– i don't launder my bandanna, after all.”

everyone froze. you dropped your fork, stopping out of horror: “you... don't— ..?”

endou gave you a large grin, oblivious to everyone's reaction. “yup! after all, i never take it off unless i sleep, so technically, it's already being washed whenever i take a bath!”

everyone gasped in horror (“if that's so then– then how does it smell now..?” “no, i really don't wanna imagine that...”).

“endou...” you mumbled, still avoiding endou's gaze. “hmm?” he hummed, still grinning. (“captain, i think you should run?” “run, why?” “just– just run... manager is–”)

“in a count of three, you should already be out of my sight and is washing your bandanna with tid* and you won't stop until you've rid your bandanna of that gross smell– i don't give a single f*ck whether your skin peels off or something.”

endou narrowed his brows, tilting his head. “huh? sorry can you repeat that?” your brow twitched out of annoyance as the boys gulped: “.”

endou blinked, confusion in his eyes, “what? what's happening, why are–”


the captain flinched at your tone, he stood from his chair and raised his arms as if to say that he wad surrendering: “wait, wait, what am i supposed to do–”


you stood from your chair with a dark aura. the boys immediately avoided the two of you and gathered in the corner of the room. endou gulped, “hey, hey, y/n, wait–”

“aah, i think i can hear someone practically begging me to erase his vile and unnecessary existence so that there's one less disgusting person in the world who's lacking so much common sense that he doesn't even change his clothes whenever he sleeps and doesn't wash his bandanna by hanging him upside down and skinning him alive up in the sky for the whole world to see? hey, can you hear him as well?”

endou was gone in a blink of an eye. you look at the guys with a raised brow, “” they immediately shook their head as you blinked, “is that so? well, that's a shame...” they let out a sigh of relief before freezing once again:

“then... ?”

“no, ma'am.”

“ i thought so. then, i'll ask again. did you hear him?”

“perfectly, ma'am.”

— later

“i'm sorry...”

“sorry won't cut it, you dumbass. also, say sorry to yourself, not to me.” you scolded as you rolled your eyes (“imagine how horrible your body feels, they could feel betrayed, for all you know”).

“but i just thought that maybe i would help conserve water?”

“... for the sake of the betterment of the world, you should probably just shut your mouth, endou.”

* – refer to chapter one


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