

"Villagers of Damerel!

I welcome you all to this blissful ceremony joining Elaine Woodsworth, and Michael Herman in union"

A short chubby priest was stood on the mounted wooden platform which had been raised specifically for the marriage feast of the pair, Elaine and Michael.

The priest had a long scroll in his hands, alongside two garlands of roses.

Beside him was a little boy who held in his hands, the rings to be exchanged.

At every word he said, his eyes rested on the villagers patiently waiting for the official binding of the two.

The whole village had gathered for the long awaited marriage ceremony, despite how small in number its people were, the town square was now filled with a crowd, every person looking up towards the platform listening carefully to the addresser.


"We're at Damerel" Pavlos muttered to himself staring at the worn out engraved sign which was pushed deep down the grounds of the town they were approaching.

They were all riding towards the large crowd, with confusion in their eyes, wondering what was going on.


Aiden called out to an old man, who was pushing forth a cart of vegetables and grain through the square.

The man spun around immediately, a bit intimidated at the sight of six people sat on horses watching him with a piercing gaze.

"I plead with you to tell us what's going on" Aiden uttered to him.

"Uh ealles nought' serious. The whole village ees gather'd here tuh'day to witness the union of two of our most loven villagers" The man spoke in a strong Damerel dialect.

He gave a curt nod, and then walked away.

"Farewell" Aiden called after him, with a wave of his hands.

"Don't you think we should join them and take part in the joy?" Pavlos uttered immediately to Aiden as soon as the man was far out of sight.

"I would love that" He responded, while nodding his head.

"So would I" Sonora added.

She grabbed the reins of her horse ready to ride further into Damerel, but stopped at the sound of Aiden's voice.


"Orion?" Aiden called, waiting for him to say a word.

There was a brief silence for just a moment, and then Orion finally spoke.

"I needed to take a rest anyways" He uttered, while shifting his gaze away.

Observing the large crowd in front him, and watching as people hassled around, he jumped down from his horse, grabbing the reins and then pulling it aside.

"The horses need to take a stop here" He said to the rest of them.

"If we ride in with 'em, it would be much of a commotion" He added.

Agreeing to that, they all descended from each of their horses, taking them next to a tree, and then proceeding further into Damerel on foot.

They joined the large crowd, each one of them going separate ways to have a good feel of the ongoing feast.

It was agreed for them all to return back to the centre of the square to continue their journey, which they all intended on doing.

Aiden shifted towards a corner where soup and porridge was served. Grabbing a bowl and a wooden spoon from a young child, he collected enough food for himself and then began munching immediately, feeding his growling belly.

The poor boy whom he hijacked the bowl and spoon from, suddenly ran away crying at the top of his voice while Aiden winked, and bade him goodbye.

"It takes a lot to survive" He muttered to himself, while filling his mouth with hot porridge.

He yelped out loud, the instant the porridge touched his tongue.

"That's hot!" He stated in a numb tone, while letting air into his mouth.

Orion moved through the crowd slowly, keeping his sword right by his side and pressing it tightly to himself.

He wasn't familiar with Damerel, not a bit. Hence, he knew not what happened in the village and how strangers were accepted.

He stopped right in the midst of some people, placing his focus on the bride and groom who were now being joined together, by the words of the priest, and some rings.


His face remained expressionless, staring on. Neither a frown, nor a smile appeared on his calm face.


"I can't wait for you to grow up and have a bride by your side" a voice echoed in his head.

"one who would love and protect you, seeing to your happiness" King Lucas spoke in a soft voice, his eyes resting on the little boy who was stood in front of him.

The boy had a stick in his hands, swinging at air, and playing in the large throne room.

"It's admirable how beautiful you've grown, Orion. So strong, filled with wits and never lying instincts"

"You will rule one day, Orion Brennan. You will be loved, cheered for and will be known triumphant"

"You are an exceptional young boy, son" Lucas muttered, his eyes resting in that of Orion.

"Father?" A young Orion called, staring at the face of Lucas Brennan.

"Yes, son"

"Why don't the villagers like me?" He asked immediately.

A light gasp escaped Lucas' lips staring intently into his eyes, seeing the pain which rested there.

"Because you're different from them" Lucas was quick to respond.

"They're finding it hard to believe that one day, soon to come you will rule over them"

"Jealousy runs in the household and citizens of Brilthor, boy. That's one thing to note. They fear your powers, what you're capable of doing, and that which you wouldn't" King Lucas said.

He knew the major reason why Citizens of Brilthor refused to accept Orion as a son of their king. The secret was deep down buried in him, but come one day, it would be poured out for everyone to see.

The villagers couldn't bear seeing an outcast ruling over them. And Lucas knew of this, yet, he raised Orion as his son. It was everywhere that the king had picked Orion up from a small town, after finding a baby Orion out in the open, being drenched under the rain in a wild weather.

For centuries, Brilthor had been ruled by Kings and their offsprings. People who were worthy of taking the throne. People trusted by the villagers. The crown was passed on from lineage to lineage. Whoever was to take the crown from Lucas had to be his blood. But seeing as to how his own son, Kyle, betrayed him, he couldn't hand the future of his people into the hands of a man he barely trusted. Kyle had betrayed him, betrayed the people of Brilthor, lost his loyalty and everything that came with that.

The only person he believed in, whom he placed his trust in. The one man he saw a great future in, was Orion. And he would be glad seeing Brilthor led by a man of great feats regardless of him not being his true blood.

Lucas coughed lightly as he remembered everything, staring at the sun which peered in from outside.

"But!" He began.

"No matter what happens, NEVER, EVER, turn on your people, for they have the power to make or break you"

"It is your duty to serve and protect them. And that you shall. Do whatever it takes to set things right. For after the Storm, comes the calm"

"I don't even care about being King" A young Orion chuckled, his hair swaying with the wind that sailed in from the windows. A wide smile grew on his face as he ran around the throne room with the stick in his hands.

"I just wanna be happy" He called.

Orion was soon broken out of his thoughts by the noisy crowd who were now cheering for the newly-wedded couple. His eyes moved around as flowers were thrown in the air, celebrating the union of the two people. He reluctantly clapped his hands together, as people around him did so, while his eyes rested on the entertainments being displayed in front of him.

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