

Decades ago, in the kingdom of Sedona, men ruled over the females, suppressing and taking claim of their properties.

Children were enslaved, young girls raped, women beaten and slaughtered. Anyone who dared question their authorities would have to face the penalty of death.

It was a state of turmoil for the women as they had no power or Say in their own lands. They were forced to marry men whom they had little or no affection for. Servants were made out of them, and so it went on for years, not until a maiden rose, saving the tribe. The only one who dared challenge the men, Saidra.

She grew to form an alliance with others, starving for days, learning how to combat the evil which rested amongst them. It was kept a secret as they formed a plan on how to rid their village of the suffering they faced.

Joining heads together, the women fought to the death, chasing the men out of the Kingdom, killing some in the process while others were lucky to escape.

The kingdom of Sedona was soon back to knowing peace, which called for a large celebration, crowning Saidra as the new ruler of Sedona.

She was highly respected for her Courage and fearlessness.

And so it was, peace prevailed in the kingdom of Sedona, a fine kingdom being ruled by the fearless Saidra.


"Why are there no men anywhere in sight" Aiden whispered to Pavlos.

They were being led straight to Queen Saidra, while conversing in low voices.

"That's because they are amazons. It is known that only women reside in Sedona. There's not one man here, other than us" He responded.

"Then how do they increase in number?" Aiden questioned

A light chuckle escaped the lips of Pavlos immediately, turning his gaze fully on him.

"Well, that's a question for another day" He answered.

They had finally gotten to Sedona after days on empty stomachs and surviving the terrors of the night.

Some women who had spears in their hands, moved over to them, halting them all in their tracks, while being interrogated thoroughly, searched, and even questioned as to what their visit was.

The cause of all this, was because men weren't highly welcome in the tribe of Sedona, due to its terrifying past of men brutalizing the village women.


The women who had forced themselves into Amazons, taking up fighting and survival in the wild, were now the residents of the great kingdom.

Hence, men were feared being in sight, or anywhere around Sedona.

As the group made their way through the Kingdom, they received stares and mumblings from a lot of people, some kids even ran away at the sight of them, mainly because of Orion, Aiden and Pavlos. The only men who were now presently in the tribe.

Despite the weapons in the hands of the female guards, the group were welcomed warmly, and then led to the throne room of Queen Saidra.

Holding the children hand in hand, whom they rescued from Alvina and Rowan, they proceeded into the large hut which served as the throne room of the ruler of the tribe of Sedona, Queen Saidra.

She was sat on a high chair covered with animal skin and horns. A crown of feathers and stones rested on her head, with a smile which was just perfect for her face.

Two female guards were stood next to her, shiny spears in hands. Their eyes rested on the queen at each second that passed, ensuring her safety, and keeping any harm away from her, making sure to protect her, till the day they dropped.

"We've long awaited your arrival" Saidra uttered with a smile on her face.

"What can we offer you all?" She asked.

"Much thanks to you, but we're here for a reason. And that, we have to get to immediately" Orion spoke.

"Of course. The most important thing right now" She replied.

Her eyes immediately turned to the children who were with the group, and at the sight of them, confusion appeared on her face.

"I was informed by Zephyra that Sedona would be receiving visitors. But she never mentioned a word about kids" Saidra uttered, her eyes shifting to the children who appeared helpless in front of her.

"Well, yes. That's because we rescued them on our way here" Orion responded immediately

"From what" Saidra asked.

"It's a long story"

"We brought them here so you could tend to them. They've got little life left" He spoke to her, while stepping closer to the kids.


"Orion" Saidra began.

She placed her palms together, while looking him squarely in the eyes.

"You know it's in the codes of Sedona not to have men in the kingdom. I can only accept the girls. As for the boys, I regret to say this, but they have to go elsewhere"

"Please!!" Bellona stepped forward, raising her Palms together to her chest.

"They've got nowhere else to go. Would you rather have them sent to the wild, where they could get harmed, if not killed?" She uttered.

"You're their only hope"

For once, since their encounter, Orion and Bellona agreed on one thing, speaking together.

The eyes of Orion connected with hers as soon as she spoke, and in a moment, he looked away.

The contact was very brief, yet they could feel the tension which passed through them.

It might be the last they get to agree on the same thing without feeling the need to conform to their own wishes. So they thought.

"It's not in my will to do this, I'm truly sorry" Saidra said to Bellona, while holding her tender hands in hers, in a bid of showing how sympathetic she was.

Her face was coated with pain and regret, as she spoke about rejecting the boys, but there was nothing she could do. It was engraved in the first code of Sedona, after winning battles they fought in the past times, trying to get their lands back from scavengers who took them.

"You can bend this law of yours, Saidra" Orion spoke out, his eyes resting in hers.

"I already feel bad saying no to you, Orion. Do not make me feel more guilty" Saidra responded in a calm voice.

"The power doesn't lie in me alone, it lies in the people. They've made it clear that no men are accepted in the tribe. What will they say, when I start raising these boys. They'll call me a traitor. A bad leader."

"I'm doing this for my people, and for them alone. It's my duty to serve them, till the day my ashes sail with the calm of the winds" She said to them.

"If you send these kids away, they'll get killed. You believe in heaven. In purity. Do you think heaven would want that"

"That's just as killing them yourself, not just by your hands"

"Whatever has happened in the past, you shouldn't let these kids bear the sins"

"They know nothing of it"

The children who overheard all that was being said were too weak to react or even oblige.

Nerida's hands were rested on a little girl who she held close to her arm, keeping her warm while she coughed uncontrollably.

"If you can accept me in Sedona, then these boys shouldn't get a different treatment all because of my heritage"

"Do not let your light get tainted with darkness all because of this, please do this for the heart these kids bear" Orion pleaded.

Saidra fell silent, looking away. Pondering on what to do.

Where would she start from in explaining to the tribe. For years the code of Sedona had stayed the same. What would happen now?

All eyes rested on her, waiting for her to speak, and pass her verdict.

A sigh escaped her lips as she stared back at the children.

"I'll see what I can do" She finally said.

"Mother?!" A voice erupted.

Sima who was stood next to the queen, exclaimed, her eyes widening instantly, dumbfounded by the shocking decision she took.

"My word stands" Saidra uttered while staring back at her.

"As soon as they are past their tender years, they get to leave Sedona immediately"

"The girls can remain if they choose to, but the boys would have to exit the tribe" Saidra said immediately to Orion.

"Thank you" He breathed.

He turned to the kids, bending low and then bringing them forward towards the Queen.

Saidra had a bright smile on her face, staring at the kids, there was pity in her expression the moment she touched the young boy stood in front of her.

"Come" she whispered to him.

"Get them attended to immediately" Saidra commanded to the lady guards.

They stepped forward, holding the kids and then leading them into a larger hut, where some Sedonian maidens were.

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